Table of Contents

[Pages 183-208]

Jewish Martyrs

(Hódmezővásárhely, Hungary)

Translated by András Hirschler

Edited by Judy Petersen


Surname Given
given name
maiden name
given name
Address Occupation Place
of birth
of birth
of deportation
ABONYI Klara Rakosi Jeno u. 6. 16 Jun 1944
ABONYI Gizella SCWARCZ Mor Rakosi Jeno u. 6. Mako 16 Jun 1944 Widow
ABONYI Regina Margit Mor SCHWARCZ Gizella Rakosi Jeno u. 6. (Lázár u. 24.) women's tailor and furrier Oroshaza 13 Apr 1903 16 Jun 1944
ALTWER Mrs. Gyula Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque
AMBRUS Dr. Endre Ilona BEREGI SINGER Eszter Szt. Antal u. 4. physician 03 Jan 1868 June 1944 Died en route to Germany, close to Strasshof
AMBRUS Ilona BEREGI Dr. Endre LACZKO Berta Szt. Antal u. 4. June 1944
AMIGO Iren DANIEL Gyula Aron Andor SCHILLINGER Julianna Dani u. 1. embroiderer Hodmezovasarhely 16 Sep 1896 Summer 1944 Last known address in Szeged. Declared dead 15 Jul 1944
AMIGO Gyula Izsak KOHN Fanni shop manager Petrozseny 02 Apr 1890
ANISZFELD Janos Anna KLEIN Zsigmond KONIG Janka Ferenc u. 2. company director Hodmezovasarhely 18 Feb 1903 23 Apr 1944 Deported to the Ebensee lager. Hospitalised due to serious injuries, but died of erysipelas on 16 or 17 October.
ANISZFELD Laszlo Zsigmond KONIG Janka Hodmezovasarhely 22 May 1905 Called up to forced labour service in 1942. His company taken to combat zone in Russia; lost in action on 18 Jan 1943.
ANISZFELD Mrs. Laszlo Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque
ANISZFELD Zsigmond Maria FELDMANN SINGER Ernesztin Szeremlei u. 16. enterpreneur 20 Sep 1869 16 Jun 1944
ANISZFELD Maria FELDMANN Zsigmond KUN Berta Szeremlei u. 16. 16 Jun 1944
ANISZFELD Zsuzsi Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque
ARANY / AUSPITZ Janos Eugenia SZENDE Hermann ROSENTHAL Johanna Ronay u. 5. retired auditor Mezokovacshaza 18 Jul 1871 18 Jun 1944 Deported via Szeged transit camp. Died en route to Germany due to serious illness. Declared dead Jun 1944
ARANY / AUSPITZ Eugenia SZENDE Janos Adolf KOHN Vera Ronay u. 5. Szeged 22 Jun 1874 18 Jun 1944 Deported via Szeged transit camp to Auschwitz. Declared dead 15 Jul 1944
ARANY Judit Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque
ARANY Klara Janos SZENDE Eugenia Ronay u. 5. Hodmezovasarhely 08 Apr 1908 Unmarried. Deported via Szeged transit camp to Auschwitz. Declared dead 15 Jul 1944
AUSLANDER Regina JAKAB Gyula MANDLER Roza Csaky Albin u. 1/a 17 Jul 1880 16 Jun 1944 widow
BALASSA Dr. Ferenc Livia BANETH Jozsef WEISZ Ilona Petofi u. 4. dentist Hodmezovasarhely 04 Jul 1902 As conscript of 31/II machine-gun company Ferenc was wounded in action at the Don River in mid October 1942. In spring 1943 he was drafted to Beregszasz Hospital. Deported to Auschwitz on 23 May 1944 and transferred to Krakau-Plaszow, where he worked in a medical division. Last seen by a fellow doctor on 03 Aug 1944. Declared dead 15 Sep 1944
BALASSA Gyorgy Magdolna SZEMZO Jozsef WEISZ Ilona Szt. Imre herceg u. 4. merchant Hodmezovasarhely 22 Feb 1908 Called up to forced labour service on 04 Jun 1944. Died of typhus in the Wels Hospital 24 May 1945.
BALASSA Dr. Istvan Gyorgyi KELETI József SZILASI Irma Andrassy u. 12. (Werboczy u. 5.) clerk Szeged 26 Oct 1911 Called up to forced labour service on 28 Apr 1942 in Szeged. Transferred to Russia war area in Special Labour Squadron VII of Miskolc. Last letter dated 06 Dec 1942. Declared dead 15 Jan 1943.
BALASSA Gyorgyi KELETI Istvan Imre BEIDL Aliz Szeged 16 Dec 1922 03 Dec 1944 Deported to Auschwitz. May have died of typhus in May 1945, in Theresienstadt. Declared dead 15 Jun 1945.
BAND Janka Anna LAUFER Lajos Karoly ROSENTHAL Sarolta Puszta 889/a, Vereskutas Hodmezovasarhely 10 Dec 1888 23 Jun 1944 Deported via Szeged transit camp to Auschwitz. Declared dead 15 Jul 1944
BARANYAI Mihaly Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque
BARANY Dr. Andras Bela KLEIN Cecilia Petofi u. 16. Hodmezovasarhely 23 Apr 1912 Called up for forced labour service in 1943. Disappeared in Russian war area.
BARANY Bela Cecilia KLEIN Endre FOGEL Fani Petofi u. 16. forwarder Battonya 20 May 1872 Father's surname BARON. Called up for forced labour service in 1943.
BARANY Janos Mihaly Bela KLEIN Cecilia Hodmezovasarhely 13 Sep 1902 Disappeared while in forced labour service. Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque
BARDOS Dalma Samu AUSLANDER Jolan Arpad u. 21. ladies' outfitter 05 Sep 1903 June 1944
BARDOS Jolan AUSLANDER Samu / Soma Andrassy u. 5. ladies' tailor 02 Oct 1876 June 1944 widow
BARON Eugenia BECK Markus about 1858 Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque
BARON Sandor Mihaly WEINBERGER Roza Hodmezovasarhely 23 Apr 1912 Called up to non-combatant service in Hodmezovasarhely. While serving in labour company Nr. 105/7 he disappeared on the eastern front in January 1943. Presumably became a POW.
BASCH Imre Jozsef SCHAFFER Irma Hodmezovasarhely 19 Feb 1904 Called up to labour service in V non-combatant battalion. Disappeared in Russian war area in January 1943.
BAUER Blanka LANG Gyula Vilmos LACZKO Johanna Kallay u. 48 Hodmezovasarhely 24 Apr 1866 23 Jun 1944 Deported via Szeged transit camp to Auschwitz. Declared dead 15 Jul 1944.
BAUER Dr. Laszlo Gyula LANG Blanka Kallay u. 48 clerk Hodmezovasarhely 02 Feb 1894 Divorced. Deported via Szeged transit camp to Auschwitz. Declared dead 15 Jul 1944
BECK Berta FISCHER Mor WILHELM Regina Ferenc Jozsef sgt. 122. June 1944
BEREZVAI Julianna NAVAI Antal Ignac FLEISZIG Cecilia Kiralyszek u. 44. hairdresser Hodmezovasarhely 16 Mar 1902 16 Jun 1944 widow.
BERGER Istvan Vilmos SCHLESINGER Rozalia Deak Ferenc u. 9. (Ferenc Jozsef sgt. 18.) electrician Hodmezovasarhely 29 Oct 1923 Unmarried. Called up to forced labour service in May 1944. Served first in Nagykata, then Budapest. In October, transferred to Germany. Declared dead 15 Nov 1944.
BERGER Maria FREUND Jozsef Jozsef WEISZ Janka Jokai u. 50-52 Hodmezovasarhely 28 Aug 1884 Divorced. Deported via Szeged transit camp to Auschwitz in June 1944. Declared dead 15 Jul 1944
BERGER Laszlo Vilmos SCHLESINGER Rozalia Ferenc Jozsef sgt. 18. car mechanic Hodmezovasarhely 15 Sep 1919 Unmarried. From V non-combatant labour battalion he was transferred to the Russian front. According to Red Cross records, he disappeared at Ostrogozhsk on 17 Jan 1943. Other sources claim he died in a Soviet prison as POW on 06 Mar 1943. Declared dead 15 Feb 1943.
BERGER Vilmos Rozalia SCHLESINGER Jozsef FILLINGER Fani Ferenc Jozsef sgt. 18. merchant and electrician Rakospalota 07 Jan 1890 On 10 Nov 1943, he and his wife were taken into custody for "profiteering". Interned first in a Budapest detention camp, then the Sarvar transit camp. From here he was transported to Dachau, where he died of fatal weakening between 18 and 22 March, 1945. Declared dead 22 Mar 1945.
BINDER Andor Ilona FUCHS Elias PASKESZ Roza Kiralyszek u. 72 merchant Mako 20 Nov 1882 June 1944 He and several other inmates were killed by the SS at the Gostling Ybbs lager on 13 Apr 1945, according to official German records.
BINDER Ilona FUCHS Andor Samuel KOHN Rozalia Kiralyszek u. 72 Devavanya 09 Sep 1893 June 1944 She and several other inmates were killed by the SS at the Gostling Ybbs lager on 13 Apr 1945, according to official German records.
BIZAM Jozsa REINIGER Zsigmond BIZAM SCHWARCZ Regina Kinizsi u. 6. Hodmezovasarhely 06 Mar 1869 16 Jun 1944 widow.
BLANTZ Dr. Bela Klara GROAK Mor STEINER Hermina Andrássy u. 1. bank clerk Elek 01 Aug 1896 Called up to the V labour service battalion in Hodmezovasarhely on 10 Apr 1944. Last field post received in November. Presumed to be killed en route between Gyor and Komarom. Declared dead 15 Dec 1944.
BLANTZ Rozsa SPITZER Mor CZUKOR Borbala Kinizsi u. 10/a 17 Jun 1944 widow.
BLEYER Emma LOWENTHAL Mor Illes CELL Hanna Kolcsey u. 1. 18 Oct 1895 16 Jun 1944 widow.
BLEYER Maria LINDENFELD Pal Albert CSERNAI Erzsebet New York, USA 11 May 1911 Deported via Szeged to Auschwitz in June 1944. Declared dead 15 Jul 1944.
BLUM Adolf Franciska LEIPNIK Markus SZEKULESZ Franci Ferenc u. 10. butcher Vadkert 10 Nov 1867 In June 1944 he and wife were deported via Szeged to Strasshof. They were transported further, presumably to Auschwitz. Declared dead 15 Jul 1944.
BLUM Franciska Adolf David IRITZ Netti Ferenc u. 10. Hodmezovasarhely 03 Mar 1872 In June 1944 she and husband were deported via Szeged to Strasshof. They were transported further, presumably to Auschwitz. Declared dead 15 Jul 1944.
BOER Mrs. Antal Szentesi u. 52. June 1944 widow
BOHM Gyula Jozsef SCHWITZER Roza Budapest VI. Csengery u. 66. road builder Hodmezovasarhely 08 Jun 1883 Declared dead 15 Aug 1944
BOHM Pal shop helper Called up to forced labour service.
BRAUN Bela Endre SCHWARCZ Lili Vorosmarty u. 17/a student Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque
BRULL Sandor Horthy Miklos u. 14 Died en route during deportation.
BURGER Anna MULLER Bela Mor Szeged, Feketesas u. 22. co-owner of "Arany Csillag" Pharmacy, Hodmezovasarhely Declared dead. Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque.
BURGER Peter Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque
BURGER Zsuzsa Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque
BUCHLER Gyula Rebeka KLEIN ASZOD Sali Szeremlei u. 3. Rabbi 16 Jun 1944 Deported with his wife. Presumably both died of typhus.
BUCHLER Rebeka KLEIN Gyula UNGAR Jozefa Szeremlei u. 3. see entry for Gyula BUCHLER
BUCHLER Dr. Denes Gyula KLEIN Rebeka Szeremlei u. 3. tailor's helper Mindszent 17 Mar 1912 Called up to forced labour service on 15 Jan 1943. Presumably died of typhus.
CZINNER Pal about 1924 1944
CZINNER Johanna Janka WEISZ Zsigmond CZINNER Abraham Gabor REICHLINGER Roza Jokai u. 50-52 Hodmezovasarhely 01 Jan 1858 Widow of Zs. Czinner, previously married to Jozsef FREUND. Though seriously ill, she was taken to the Szeged transit camp in mid-June, 1944. Presumably, she died here before deportation. Declared dead 15 Jul 1944.
CZUKOR Laszlo Ella KELETI Marton DEESI Helen Andrássy u. 29. landowner Hodmezovasarhely 28 Mar 1878 Committed suicide shortly before the deportation of local Jewry. Died on 20 Apr 1944.
CZUKOR Miklos Lili ROTH Laszlo KELETI Ella Andrássy u. 29. engineer Hodmezovasarhely 30 Dec 1909 Called up to non-combatant labour service on 4 Jun 1942. As a conscript of 113/VII special labour unit, he was transferred shortly to the Ukrainian village, Lirkovo. Last field post sent mid-January 1943. He is believed to have been killed after the Voronezh offensive. Declared dead 15 Feb 1943.
CZUKOR Lili ROTH Miklos MITTELMANN Szeren Horthy Miklos u. 14. (Andrassy u. 29.) June 1944 Died of typhus.
DANIEL Dr. Jeno Eva GASSENFEIT Hermann WILHEIM Zsofia Madach u. 15. (Andrassy u. 3.) lawyer Hodmezovasarhely 29 Aug 1881 As an internee, he worked at a plant in Gmund (Austria). During an air raid on 24 Mar 1944 he was fatally wounded. Buried with other victims in a common grave. His body was marked to help future identification. Declared dead 24 Mar 1944.
DAVID Rudolf Rozalia WEISZ Ignac TEMMER Betti Balassa u. 13. horse trader Magyarcsernye 16 Dec 1878 23 Jun 1944 Deported to Auschwitz via the Szeged transit camp on 23 Jun 1944. Declared dead 15 Jul 1944.
DEMJEN Jozsef SPRINGER Rozalia Szeren Hodmezovasarhely 1901 Called up to 5th non-combatant labour battalion in Hodmezovasarhely, in 1942. As a conscript of labour squadron 101/7, he was taken to the Eastern Front. Disappeared in January 1943.
DEUTCHT Samuel FUX Amalia Gabor u. 8. Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque
DEUTSCH Mrs. Beno Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque
DEUTSCH Ignac Aranka GACS Benjamin WINTER Rozalia Eva u. 1/a printer's helper Temesvar 30 Sep 1903 June 1944 Last known to be alive as of April 1945. Declared dead 15 May 1945.
DOBOSI Maria FOGEL Rudolf POLLAK Leni Hodi Pal u.10. 16 Jun 1944 Died later the same year.
DOMINUSZ Anna Jeno SZEKELY Margit Horthy Miklos u. 14. Szeged 07 Sep 1925 June 1944 Unmarried. Mid-June 1944 deported to Szeged, and on 24 June, to Auschwitz. After arrival on 28 June she was immediately declared unfit for work due to her serious kidney disease. Declared dead 15 Jul 1944.
DOMINUSZ Margit SZEKELY Jeno Dezso FRIEDLANDER Terezia Horthy Miklos u. 14. Hodmezovasarhely 24 Apr 1903 June 1944 Mid-June 1944 deported to Auschwitz together with her daughter. Declared fit for work, she was transferred to lager B3. Evidence was given that later all inmates of lager B3 were killed by poison gas. Declared dead 15 Aug 1944.
DOMOTOR Terezia LOBL Zsigmond Salamon SPITZER Rozsi property owner Szabadka 17 Jun 1879 Summer 1944 Widow. Deported from Szabadka. Died in Auschwitz on 29 June 1944
DONATH Mrs. Adolf 16 Jun 1944 Presumably died in Auschwitz.
DOZSA Imre Jakab FODOR Eugenia Kistopart u. 16. chief engineer Budapest 1889 June 1944 Deported to Auschwitz.
EISLER Endre 16 Jun 1944 Presumed dead
EISLER Minka FRANKFURTER Mihaly FEIN Hani Buvar u. 46. June 1944
EISLER Dr. Sandor Ella SINGER Izidor SPRINGER Roza Zsoldos u.1. lawyer Hodmezovasarhely 15 Mar 1901 Called up to forced labour service, he joined the 105/7th auxiliary labour company in Zombor on 11 or 12 Jul 1942. Later transferred to Komarom. On 21 September the company was ordered to the combat zone in Russia. Last message from him on 02 Jan 1943. Declared dead 15 Feb 1943.
ELBOGEN Mor Izabella WEISZ FRIEDMANN Amalia Ferenc u. 3. cantor-teacher Mezokeresztes 1904 Called up to forced labour service and joined the 5th auxiliary labour battalion on 20 Jun 1942. Last field post sent from the Russian Front on 26 October. Serving in the force of the 105/11th field labour company, he died on 19 Dec 1942.
ELEK / EPSTEIN Andor Vera Regina STEINER Gyula FISCHER Szerena Andrássy u. 3. sales agent Hodmezovasarhely 12 Nov 1891 Interned in Sarvar on 24 Apr 1944. From there he was first transferred to Auschwitz, then to Mauthausen, finally to Ebensee. His physical and mental sufferings led to a complete breakdown. Presumably died while hospitalized, at the end of February 1945.
ELEK Pal Gyula Andor STEINER Vera Regina Lázár u. 6. (Andrássy u. 3.) clerk Hodmezovasarhely 08 Jul 1919 Unmarried. Called up to forced labour service and joined the 5th auxiliary labour battalion on 05 Oct 1942. Last news from him received in November, when he was transferred to Russia. Disappeared on 17 Jan 1943. Presumed dead 31 Dec 1944.
ELEKES Leontina STILLER Gusztav Nyizsnyai Gusztav u. 8. June 1944 Widow.
ELKAN Rudolf RITSCHER Nelli Hodmezovasarhely 1909 Conscripted in the 9th auxiliary labour battalion, he has transferred to the combat zone in Russia. Serving in the force of the 109/3rd field labour company, he died on 25 Oct 1942.
ENDRODI / GESCHMEY Erzsebet Jozsef HELLER Matild Ronai u.8. Hodmezovasarhely 04 Oct 1900 June 1944 Unmarried. Deported with her mother via Szeged transit camp to Strasshof. In July they were transferred first to Rosenau (Reichenau), then to the Kertsenbach labour camp. According to evidence given by fellow inmates, they disappeared between 12 and 15 Apr 1945. Declared dead 15 Apr 1945.
ENDRODI /GESCHMEY Matild HELLER Jozsef Simon MORGENSTERN Betti / Borbala Ronai u.8. hat shop owner Hodmezovasarhely 24 Jan 1868 June 1944 Widow. Deported with her daughter via Szeged transit camp to Strasshof. In July they were transferred first to Rosenau (Reichenau), then to the Kertsenbach labour camp. According to evidence given by fellow inmates, they disappeared between 12 and 15 Apr 1945. Declared dead 15 Apr 1945.
ENGEL Janka Anna WILHEIM Veron Hollo u. 34. June 1944
FAI / FEUER Franciska SCHONBERGER Armin Hermann FRANKL Terez Zrinyi u. 18. Szeged 09 Mar 1877 June 1944 Widow. Deported via the Szeged transit camp to Strasshof. From here she was transferred to Weissenbach. Presumably died here due to general physical exhaustion. Declared dead 15 Feb 1945.
FAI Dr. Endre Frida RUBINSTEIN Armin SCHONBERGER Franciska Szentesi u. 48. (Andrássy u. 43.) lawyer Szeged 05 Nov 1906 Father's surname FEUER. Called up to auxiliary labour service on 28 Apr 1942. Last letter dated 11 December. Serving in the 8th special labour company he disappeared on the Russian Front. Presumed dead 15 Jan 1943.
FALUS Julianna POLLAK Pal Sandor BERGER Julianna Kolozsvar Hodmezovasarhely 31 Aug 1892 May 1944 Deported from Transylvania. In December she and her son died in the Ravensbruck concentration camp. Presumed dead 31 Dec 1944.
FALUS Peter Pal POLLAK Julianna Kolozsvar University student Hodmezovasarhely 06 Jun 1923 Unmarried. Deported from Transylvania. In December he and his mother died in the Ravensbruck concentration camp. Presumed dead 31 Dec 1944.
FARAGO Andras Albert KOHN Maria Hodmezovasarhely 05 Feb 1902 Called up to non-combatant labour service and joined the 5th auxiliary labour battalion. On 21 Jan 1943 he was taken prisoner by the Russians.
FARAGO Istvan Albert KOHN Maria Hodmezovasarhely 12 Aug 1898 Called up to labour service in 1942. Serving in the 105/7th field labour Company (5th special labour battalion), he was transferred to the Eastern Front. Disappeared in the first quarter of 1943.
FARAGO Sandor Gizella TIHANYI Samuel KOHN Rozalia Andrassy u. 12./a. haberdasher Devavanya 18 Dec 1879 June 1944 Father's surname FUCHS. Deported to Theresienstadt where he fell ill and was hospitalised. Not seen after 15 May 1945. Declared dead 15 June 1945.
FARKAS Marika Laszlo RONAI Borbala Temporary: Damjanich u. 91. June 1944
FEIN Helen / Johanna LOWINGER Hermann Ignac NEU Terez Szt. Istvan u. 3. merchant 12 Feb 1869 June 1944 Widow. Deported via Strasshof to Bergen Belsen. Died in the concentration camp.
FEIN Karoly Terez HERMANN Hermann LOWINGER Helen / Johanna Kallay u. 28/a. (Mátyás u. 8.) shop helper Called up to 5th non-combatant labour battalion in Hodmezovasarhely, in December 1943. Presumably he and his brother, Laszlo were executed in Agfalva (Sopron county) in 1945.
FEIN Laszlo Olga ALTMANN Hermann LOWINGER Helen / Johanna Kallay u. 28/a. leather dealer Hodmezovasarhely 05 Feb 1902 Called up to labour service in the 452nd special labour company on 12 June 1942. Transferred to combat zone at the Don River. In January 1945, his unit was transferred to the Sopron transit camp. From here the Germans transported him and others to an unknown location. Other sources claim he was executed in Agfalva. Declared dead 15 Feb 1945.
FELDMANN Abraham / Adolf Lujza FRIEDMANN Henrik EISDORFER Johanna Wlassich u. 1. engine fitter Hodmezovasarhely 20 Sep 1883 June 1944 Not fit for work, yet he was deported via Szeged to Auschwitz in the first transport. Declared dead 15 Jul 1944.
FELDMANN Lujza FRIEDMANN Abraham / Adolf Farkas GROSZMANN Hanni Wlassich u. 1. Szikszo 17 Jul 1895 June 1944 Deported via Szeged to Auschwitz. Declared dead 15 Jul 1944.
FELDMANN Klara Abraham / Adolf FRIEDMANN Lujza Wlassich u. 1. Szikszo 24 Sep 1921 June 1944 Unmarried. Deported via Szeged to Auschwitz. Last seen in March 1945. Declared dead 15 April 1945.
FELDMANN Miklos Abraham / Adolf FRIEDMANN Lujza Wlassich u. 1. furrier's helper Szikszo 05 Jan 1926 Unmarried. Called up to the 185/344th auxiliary labour company on 05 Jul 1944. Early November, his unit was transferred to Dachau, then to Muhldorf. Presumably he died here. Last seen in December. Declared dead 15 January 1945.
FENAKEL Lajos Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque
FETTMANN Ferenc Eszter HOCHAUSER Marton KLEIN Minka Matyas u. 16. Jewish community attendant Nagyszollos 25 Mar 1896 June 1944 Deported via Szeged transit camp to Strasshof. Presumably died on 30 November due to frost injuries. Declared dead 15 Dec 1944.
FETTMANN Dr. Ferenc Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque
FETTMANN Dr. Matyas Ferenc lawyer about 1908 Called up to auxiliary labour service. Transferred to combat zone in Russia in 1942. Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque
FLEISMANN Erna E. Miksa BERGER Szali 24 Dec 1908 Mid-June 1944 Unmarried. Deported via Szeged to Auschwitz. Declared dead 15 July 1944.
FOLDES Dr. Bela Iren JAKABFI Albert KOHN Rozalia Kossuth ter 2. public notary Bratka 04 Jun 1879 June 1944 Father's surname FELDHEIM. Deported with his wife via Szeged to Auschwitz. Declared dead 15 July 1944.
FOLDES Iren JAKABFI Dr. Bela Lipot DEUTSCH Berta Kossuth ter 2. Elesd 31 Oct 1884 June 1944 Deported with her husband via Szeged to Auschwitz. Declared dead 15 July 1944.
FOLDES Jozsa / Pepi ENGEL Bela Gyula KLEINBART Lenke Szechenyi ter 20/a. wife of feather trader Hodmezovasarhely 16 Apr 1885 June 1944
FORSTNER Ilona Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque
FORSTNER Iren Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque
FORSTNER Sandor Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque
FRANK Mor ROTTMAN Sari Buvar u. 32. retired gendarme (policeman) 16 Jun 1944
FRANKL Andor Aranka BRAUN Sandor STRASSER Jolan Bekescsaba, Horthy Miklós ut 51. poultry buyer Mako 15 Nov 1894 Called up to labour service in Gyoma on 22 May 1944. He was killed by SS soldiers in Debrecen on 13 October. He was buried in a mass grave in Apafa. His wife, two children and mother were deported to Auschwitz in June 1944. Only his wife survived.
FREUND Istvan Simon POLLAK Sarolta Hodmezovasarhely 23 Jun 1910 Called up to auxiliary labour service in 1942. Died, while serving in 105/2nd field labour company (5th labour battalion), on 24 Sep 1942.
FRIED Klara HALASZ Imre Gyula, Wenkcheim u. 20. property owner 26 Jun 1944 In June 1944 she and her family were transferred from the Gyula ghetto to Bekescsaba. Deported to Auschwitz on 26 June. Killed by poison gas. Declared dead 29 Jun 1944.
FRIED Mrs. Jozsef Widow. Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque.
FRIED Laszlo Jeno HOLCZER Roza Gyula, Korvin u. 2. Gyula 11 Sep 1916 Unmarried. On 26 Apr 1944, he was taken first to Debrecen-Szentgyorgypuszta, then to a coffee factory in Vienna. Disappeared during a bomb raid on 04 Feb 1945. Declared dead 15 Mar 1945.
FRIEDMANN Jolan GRUNFELD Jakab WEISZ Amalia Matyas u. 1. Diosig 1889 June 1944 Died of colitis in the Wels hospital on 14 Apr 1945.
FRIEDMANN Sandor Geza HOROVITZ Hermina Balint u. 3. forwarder Hodmezovasarhely 26 Oct 1896 Called up to labour service on 05 Jun 1944.
FUCHS Kamilla KLEIN Gabor GROSZ Auguszta Andrassy u. 22. June 1944 Widow.
GACS Adel MAUTHINGER Roza Eva u. 1. June 1944
GEIGNER Ferenc GROSZ Aranka Ilka u. 6. Called up to labour service. Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque
GEMES Gyorgy Jozsef KOHN Adel Budapest VII. Garai u. 9. clerk Hodmezovasarhely 25 Feb 1905 Father's surname GROSZ. Called up to labour service in Obuda at the 1st auxiliary labour battalion. Taken to combat zone with the 101/5th field labour company. He disappeared on 17 Jan 1943. Declared dead 15 Feb 1943.
GENAT Jakab Szerena GOLD ENGEL Eszter Vorosmarty u. 20. 14 Jan 1870 June 1944 Died in St. Polten (labor camp Viehofnerau) on 05 Mar 1945.
GENAT Szerena GOLD Jakab DEUTSCH Pepi Vorosmarty u. 20. Nagykaroly 1876 16 Jun 1944 Deported via the Szeged transit camp.
GOLDBERG Samuel Roza STEINER BUCHWALD Sarolta Budapest, VIII. Bérkocsis u. 31. bronze-smith's helper Soroki 14 Mar 1900 Called up to labour service on 15 May 1944.
GOLDMANN Dr. Bela Mor KARDOS Erzsebet Hodmezovasarhely 05 Apr 1910 Called up to the 5th auxiliary labour battalion in 1942. In January 1943, he was taken prisoner on the Russian Front.
GOLDMANN Sandor Agnes Ilona DOBOS Jozsef KAUDERS Emma Andrássy u. 18/a bank clerk Gyula 07 Apr 1903 Called up to auxiliary labour service in Nagykoros on 16 May 1942. From here, he was taken to the Russian Front on 21 June. Disappeared at the Russian village Ternovoje on 15 Jan 1943. Declared dead 15 Feb 1943.
GOTTLIEB Jozsef Flora HALASZ NEUMANN Eleonora Berkenye u. 14. sales agent June 1944
GOTTLIEB Flora HALASZ Jozsef WEISZ Jozefa Berkenye u. 14. June 1944
GOTTLER Jozsef Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque
GREIF Laszlo Jeno LOWI Jolan Nyizsnyai Gusztav u. 12. student Hodmezovasarhely 01 Aug 1921 Called up to labour service on 15 Jan (4 June) 1943. Died of typhus in Hidegseg (Sopron county) in the autumn of 1944. Declared dead 15 Dec 1944.
GROAK Lajos Eva LEVAI Lajos BEREGI Flora Teleki u. 2. merchant Hodmezovasarhely 26 Jan 1911 On 27 Dec 1944, he was unable to keep pace with the others in the march and was shot dead at the village Nagyparlag (Heves county).
GROB Juda Jeno Erzsebet WEISZ Mozes HAUZER Chaja Kinizsi u. 9/a poultry trader Poland 05 Aug 1892 In July 1941, as a foreign citizen, he, together with his family, was forced to leave Hungary for Poland. In August, they were still in a labour camp at Kamenec-Podolsk, but they disappeared after 26 August. Presumably they were among the victims of the Kamenec-Podolsk massacre. Declared dead 15 Sep 1941.
GROB Erzsebet WEISZ Juda Jeno Henrik POLICZER Fanni Hodmezovasarhely 27 Apr 1894 In July 1941, as wife of a foreign citizen, she, together with her family, was forced to leave Hungary for Poland. In August, the family was still in a labour camp at Kamenec-Podolsk, but they disappeared after 26 August. Presumably they were among the victims of the Kamenec-Podolsk massacre. Declared dead 15 Sep 1941.
GROB Magdolna Juda Jeno WEISZ Erzsebet student Hodmezovasarhely 17 Feb 1930 see GROB Juda Jeno
GROB Marta Judit / Ditta Juda Jeno WEISZ Erzsebet Hodmezovasarhely 13 Dec 1921 unmarried. see GROB Juda Jeno
GROB Tamas Henrik Juda Jeno WEISZ Erzsebet student 03 May 1927 see GROB Juda Jeno
GROSZ Bela Lenke KOHN Bernat POLLAK Etelka Budapest VII. Dembinszki u. 36. house painter Hodmezovasarhely 14 Mar 1904 Called up to labour service in Nagykata in 1942. With his unit (101/5th Field Labour Company, 1st Auxiliary Labour Battalion) he was transferred to a combat zone. Last news about him arrived in December. According to a Red Cross notification he disappeared on 16 Jan 1943. Declared dead 15 Feb 1943.
GROSZ Ferenc Jozsef GRUNSTEIN Terez Damjanich u. 91. student Mako 02 Jul 1925 Called up to labour service in Hodmezovasarhely on 05 Jun 1944. According to official records he died in Muhldorf, on 31 Mar 1945.
GROSZ Jozsef Terez GRUNSTEIN Zsigmond GROSZ Ilona Damjanich u. 91. farmer Komadi 21 Mar 1900 Called up to the army in Szeged on 05 Jun 1944. In September he volunteered as coachman at an army unit. Allegedly, the commander executed him and three others when it turned out they were Jews. Declared dead 15 Oct 1944.
GROSZ Anna KRAUSZ Jozsef KRAUSZ Maria Klauzal u. 10. June 1944
GROSZ Sara KLEIN Maria Kisfaludy u. 19. seamstress June 1944
GRUN Roza MESSINGER Pal FELSENBURG Maria Andrássy u. 22. June 1944 Widow.
GRUNBAUM Geza Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque
GRUNBAUM Sandor Margit DAVID GRUNBAUM Regina Arad u. 8. chimney sweep's helper Budapest 15 Apr 1900 Called up to labour service in Hodmezovasarhely in 1944. In mid-June his unit was transferred to Novi Sad. Declared dead 15 July 1944.
GRUNBAUM Margit DAVID Sandor Rudolf WEISZ Rozalia Arad u. 8. Mako 05 Feb 1905 23 Jun 1944 Deported via the Szeged transit camp to Auschwitz.
GRUNFELD Imre Died while in forced labour service.
GRUNFELD Mrs. Imre Died during deportation.
GRUNFELD Jakab Amalia WEISZ Salamon / Samuel STERNBERG Hanna / Hinde Matyas u. 1. master tinsmith Ersemjen 1860 June 1944 Fate unknown.
GRUNFELD Amalia WEISZ Jakab Deported in June. According to the testimony of witnesses, she was left behind from the march on 15 Apr 1945 on account of an accidental leg injury at the locality of Amstetten. They were on the way towards Mauthausen, but she could not continue any more on the road. Around the end of Apr she finally fell behind her daughter Mrs. Jolan FRIEDMAN nee GRUNFELD, who also died. Declared dead 15 May 1945.
GRUNWALD Eszter DRUCKER Adolf Jakab DRUCKER Helena Andrassy u. 14. 1862 16 Jun 1944 Widow. Deported to Strasshof. Presumably died of old age and exhaustion in July. Declared dead 15 Aug 1944.
GYARFAS Gyorgy LOWINGER Ilona Hodmezovasarhely 1909 Called up to the 5th labour battalion in Hodmezovasarhely in 1942. Disappeared in a combat zone in Russia in 1943.
HACSEK Erzsebet Jakab FLEISCHMANN Berta gr Bethlen Istvan u. 12. seamstress Hodmezovasarhely 28 Jul 1890 June 1944
HACSEK Ignac Margit KOHN Mor GRUNFELD Betti Szt. Laszlo u. 29/a shoemaker 22 Feb 1871 June 1944
HACSEK Margit KOHN Ignac EHRLICH Terez Szt. Laszlo u. 29/a June 1944
HACSEK Imre Roza KOHN Sandor EISLER Rozalia Kalvin ter (Palffy u. 21.) leather trader's helper Hodmezovasarhely 01 Jan 1910 Called up to auxiliary labour service in the 105/4th field labour company in Hodmezovasarhely on 15 Dec 1942. Later transferred to 109/6th labour company and sent to combat zone in Russia. In March 1944 he returned to Hungary. At the end of November, on duty at the Balassagyarmat railway station, he was carried off by two armed civilians and shot dead. Declared dead 10 Jan 1945.
HACSEK Berta FLEISCHMANN Jakab MESSINGER Marta gr Bethlen Istvan u. 12. 17 Jun 1944
HACSEK Margit Jakab FLEISCHMANN Berta gr Bethlen Istvan u. 12. Hodmezovasarhely 05 Jan 1925 June 1944
HACSEK Mihaly Margit KRISTO Ignac SPITZER Jolan Revai u. 16. feather trader Hodmezovasarhely Called up to the 5th auxiliary labour battalion in Hodmezovasarhely in 1942. Taken prisoner by the Russians in January 1943.
HACSEK Margit KRISTO Mihaly Zoltan SZUCS Julianna Revai u. 16. (Szerencse u. 5/a) Hodmezovasarhely 15 Jan 1905 mid-June 1944 Deported via the Szeged transit camp to Auschwitz.
HACSEK Olga Mihaly KRISTO Margit Revai u. 16. (Szerencse u. 5/a) Hodmezovasarhely 04 Feb 1938 mid-June 1944 Deported via the Szeged transit camp to Auschwitz.
HACSEK Sandor Rozalia EISLER Sandor LOW Eszter Buvar u. 46. feather trader Hodmezovasarhely 1897 Disappeared in Russia while in forced labour service.
HACSIK Magdolna Sandor GREIF Lenke Zrinyi u. 75. Hodmezovasarhely 12 Jun 1923 15 Jun 1944 Deported to Auschwitz. Declared dead 15 Jul 1944.
HACSIK Rozalia Sandor GREIF Lenke Zrinyi u. 75. hairdresser Hodmezovasarhely 25 Nov 1925 15 Jun 1944 Deported to Auschwitz. Declared dead 15 Jul 1944.
HACSIK Lenke GREIF Sandor Jakab PERLFASZTER Malvin seamstress Csongrad 25 Feb 1896 15 Jun 1944 Deported to Auschwitz. Declared dead 15 Jul 1944.
HAJDU Erzsebet MISKOLCZI Samuel Miksa MULLER Nina Zsoldos u. 38 Hodmezovasarhely 10 Sep 1893 June 1944
HALASZ Dr. Istvan Ibolya REISZ Lipot Pal WEISZ Jozefa physician Hodmezovasarhely 01 Dec 1895 May 1944 Father's surname FISCHER. In May 1944 appointed district doctor in Fejerd (Kolozs county). The same month he, with his wife and mother-in-law, was deported first to Warsaw, then to Dachau. Presumably he was killed by SS soldiers during the transport. Declared dead 15 Jul 1944.
HALASZ Ibolya REISZ Dr. Istvan FELDMOR Emilia Hodmezovasarhely 17 Jul 1901 June 1944 Deported to Auschwitz. Declared dead 15 Jul 1945.
HALASZ Erzsebet POPPER Dr. Mano Lipot REISINGER Emma Andrassy u. 34. Szeged 16 Aug 1890 June 1944 Widow; husband was a lawyer. Deported with her daughter (see MEER Emma) via the Szeged transit camp to Auschwitz. On 29 June both were picked out for annihilation. Declared dead 15 Jul 1944
HALPERN Dr. Alfred Kalman WOLF Gizella Deak Ferenc u. 17. egg trader Hodmezovasarhely 19 Feb 1907 Called up to labour service at the 105/2nd company in Nagykoros, in May, 1942. After 20 July he was transferred to Soviet territory. Last message from him on 10 Jan 1943. Declared dead 15 Feb 1943.
HALPERN Gizella WOLF Kalman Deak Ferenc u. 17. Nagykikinda 29 Jun 1876 17 Jun 1944 Widow. Sent first to the Szeged transit camp (Brick Factory), then deported to Auschwitz with the first transport. Declared dead 15 Jul 1944.
HAVAS Mor Gizella SCHILLINGER Adolf HERCZ Friderika Dani u. 1. 16 Jun 1944 Father's surname HOROVITZ. Deported to Auschwitz.
HAVAS Gizella SCHILLINGER Mor Simon KUNSTLER Roza Dani u. 1. grocer 13 Jan 1881 16 Jun 1944 Deported to Auschwitz.
HEGEDUS Erno Istvan ROSENBERG Regina Tuhutum u. 17 student Hodmezovasarhely 10 Mar 1936 June 1944 Deported with his mother and three minor sisters to Auschwitz. Disappeared after summer. Declared dead 15 Aug 1944.
HEGEDUS Gabriella Istvan ROSENBERG Regina Tuhutum u. 17 student Hodmezovasarhely 14 Jan 1928 June 1944 see HEGEDUS Erno
HEGEDUS Regina ROSENBERG Istvan Jakab ITZIG Ella Tuhutum u. 17 Pusztahidegkut 06 May 1901 June 1944 see HEGEDUS Erno
HEGEDUS Klara Istvan ROSENBERG Regina Tuhutum u. 17 student Hodmezovasarhely 16 Feb 1934 June 1944 see HEGEDUS Erno
HEGEDUS Magda Istvan ROSENBERG Regina Tuhutum u. 17 student Hodmezovasarhely 06 Apr 1932 June 1944 see HEGEDUS Erno
HELLER Ilonka FRIEDMANN Tibor STERN Hermina Temporarily: Arpad u. 1. June 1944
HELLER Zsuzsa Tibor FRIEDMANN Ilonka Temporarily: Arpad u. 1. June 1944
HERMANN Margit KELLERT Robert Miksa SINGER Janka Toldi u. 4. 1909 With her parents and brother committed suicide in her home, on 18 June 1944.
HERZFELD Jozsef Adel FLEISCHMANN Fulop HERZFELD Fani Andrassy u. 35. clerk Csorna 11 May 1894 Called up to labour service on 04 May 1944. On 17 December he fell out of the march and was shot dead in Nagypallag. Declared dead 27 Dec 1944.
HIDAS Erzsebet KALMAN Dr. Sandor Dezso RICHTZEIT Janka Budapest Hodmezovasarhely 12 Feb 1914 Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque. Complying with legal regulations, as a Jew she was obliged to register at the Obuda Brick Factory detention station. From here she was transported to Ravensbruck. Declared dead 08 May 1945.
HIRSCH Laszlo Hodmezovasarhely 10 Nov 1904 Called up to labour service.
HOCHAUSER Aron Juli / Julianna RUHMANN Jakab SINGER Netti / Eszter Rez u. 3. house painter Hodmezovasarhely 23 May 1869 June 1944
HOCHAUSER Julianna RUHMANN Aron Ignac WEISZFELD Hani / Johanna Rez u. 3. Oroshaza 1871 June 1944
HOCHAUSER Ferenc Jozsef NAGY Rozalia Kistopart u. 11. Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque
HOCHAUSER Imre Hermina LUSTEINER Aron RUHMANN Juli / Julianna gr. Bethlen Istvan u. 1. driver Szeged 11 Mar 1897 Called up to labour service at the 4th specially skilled company in Mosonmagyarovar, in April 1944. Last message from him dated 10 January. Declared dead 15 Jul 1944.
HOCHAUSER Imre Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish martyrs Memorial Plaque
HOCHAUSER Lajos Maria CZEIZLER Lajos WOLF Roza Dr. Csaky Lajos u. 2. feather trader Budapest 07 Nov 1904 Called up to labour service on 10 Jun 1942. According to a Red Cross notification, he was taken prisoner by the Russians in January 1943.
HOCHAUSER Lajos Jozsef NAGY Rozalia Kistopart u. 11. Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque.
HOCHAUSER Sandor Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque.
HOIROVITZ Jozsef Mor MULLER Regina Lazar u. 14. enterpreneur Hodmezovasarhely 01 Aug 1898 Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque.
KALMAN Ferenc Dezso RICHTZEIT Janka Andrassy u. 3. (Szerencse u. 6.) merchant Hodmezovasarhely 30 Jun 1908 Called up to labour service on 10 Aug 1942. Taken to the Russian front with the 105/2nd field labour company in 1942. Died on 22 Nov 1942.
KALNAI Gyula Anna MOLNAR Adolf LOWINGER Marta Kaszap u. 12. civil servant Nagykallo 14 Feb 1894 Called up to labour service at the 5th obligatory labour battalion in Hodmezovasarhely, on 06 May 1944.
KARDOS Miklos Gyorgy Ignac ALTMANN Terez / Ida Jokai u. 55. stone carver Hodmezovasarhely 09 Jun 1921 Called up to military service on 01 Mar 1944. Declared dead 15 Apr 1944.
KARPATI Lipot / Laszlo Maria DENES Illes REICH Berta / Babett Kard u. 3. picture framer Szeged 19 Mar 1896 Called up to labour service in Hodmezovasarhely on 15 May 1944 and was sent to Mosonmagyorovar. Later served at the 102/206th "special skills" labour company in Nagyteteny. On 10 Jun 1945, his companion in the labor service brought the news that he died 4 May 1945 in Gunskirchen.
KAUFMANN Ferenc Rozalia OHRENSTEIN CIKK Rozalia Andrassy u. 39. enterpreneur Klenoc 05 May 1915 16 Jun 1944
KAUFMANN Laszlo Ferenc OHRENSTEIN Rozalia Andrassy u. 39. teacher (factory worker) Unmarried. Called up to auxiliary labour service on 13 Jun 1942. Disappeared at the Don River combat zone in mid-January 1943. Declared dead 15 Feb 1943.
KELEMEN Karoly Iren KLEIN WEISZ Roza Kallay u. 21. sales agent 16 Jun 1944
KELEMEN Iren KLEIN Karoly RUBINSTEIN Julianna Kallay u. 21. Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque.
KELETI Agnes Imre BIEDL Alice Andrassy u. 12. clerk Hodmezovasarhely 30 Apr 1925 1944 May have died of starvation in the last weeks of deportation. Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque.
KELLER Aniko FARAGO Dezso Deak Ferenc u. 7. Hodmezovasarhely 30 Jun 1908 June 1944 According to an authorised death certificate she and her two underage children were shot dead by SS soldiers in the Gostling concentration camp on 13 Apr 1945.
KELLER Janos Dezso FARAGO Aniko Deak Ferenc u. 7. student 01 Jul 1938 see KELLER Aniko
KELLER Lajos Ilona RUBINSTEIN Mark / Miksa GOLDBLATT Janka Kaszap u. 24/a. dental technician Hodmezovasarhely 02 Nov 1900 Called up to labour service in June 1942. Transferred to the Russian front with the 105/13rd field labour company, He died of a serious wound on 28 November near Stary Nicholskoye.
KELLER Markus / Miksa Janka GOLDBLATT Ede KLEIN Hani Deak Ferenc u. 7. accountant Oroshaza 13 Jan 1871 June 1944 In September he was treated in the Neukirchen hospital. A friend visited him there on Rosh Hashanah, but he was not found afterwards any more. Declared dead 15 Oct 1944.
KELLER Peter Dezso FARAGO Aniko Deak Ferenc u. 7. student Hodmezovasarhely 06 May 1935 see KELLER Aniko
KELLER Samuel Jehuda Lob / Gyula SPITZSTEIN Gizella Hodmezovasarhely 14 Jul 1914 Called up to auxiliary labour service at the 1st labour battalion in Obuda. Transferred to the Eastern Front in 1942. Disappeared on 15 Jan 1943.
KELLER Zoltan KLEIN Etel Hodmezovasarhely 1915 Called up to auxiliary labour service at the 8th labour battalion in Kassa. Serving at the 108//28th field labour company, he disappeared on the Eastern Front on 18 Jan 1943.
KELLERT Laszlo Miksa SINGER Janka Toldi u. 4. clerk Hodmezovasarhely 27 Sep 1910 With his parents and sister committed suicide, on 18 June 1944. See HERMANN Margit.
KELLERT Miksa Janka SINGER Edmund MISKOLCZI Fani Toldi u. 4. travelling salesman Pecs 1883 With his wife and children committed suicide on 18 June 1944. See HERMANN Margit.
KELLERT Janka SINGER Miksa Lipot UJHELYI Betti Toldi u. 4. Hodmezovasarhely 10 Jun 1884 With her husband and children committed suicide on 18 June 1944. See HERMANN, Margit.
KELLNER Janos Aranka ROTH Mor EHRMANN Netti Bocskai u. 8. photographer' s helper Bekes 21 Sep 1901 Called up to auxiliary labour service in Nagykata on 05 Oct 1942. Serving in the 101/19th field labour company, he disappeared in a combat zone in Russia on 16 Jan 1943. Declared dead 15 Feb 1943.
KEMENY Andor merchant June 1944 Unmarried. Declared dead 15 Jul 1944
KEMENY Gizella WACHTEL Lajos FEIN Nanette Andrassy u. 6. 16 Jun 1944
KEREKES Laszlo Miklos DESZBERG / DESPERT Erzsebet Szechenyi ter Called up to labour service.
KERTESZ Borbala Sandor FUCHS Margit Hodmezovasarhely 02 Mar 1911 1944 Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque.
KERTESZ Gyorgy 16 Jun 1944
KERTESZ Sandor Margit FUCHS Peter REISZ Berta Szentesi u. 52. clothes merchant Hodmezovasarhely 21 May 1883 16 Jun 1944 Father's surname KOHN. According to an authorised death certificate he and his wife were shot dead by SS soldiers in the Gostling concentration camp on 13 Apr 1945.
KERTESZ Margit FUCHS Sandor KOHN Rozalia Szentesi u. 52. Hodmezovasarhely 13 May 1883 According to an authorised death certificate she and her husband were shot dead by SS soldiers in the Gostling concentration camp on 13 Apr 1945.
KLEIN Antal Marton WEINBERGER Rozal Szechenyi ter 14. grocer Hodmezovasarhely 29 Nov 1868 June 1944
KLEIN David / Israel Roza WEISZ Vilmos PAUKER Sarolta Zsoldos u. 18. owner of wood plant Hodmezovasarhely 14 Feb 1886 16 Jun 1944 According to an official notification he died in the Gloggnitz lager on 21 October 1944.
KLEIN Roza WEISZ David David LOWENSTEIN Sarolta Zsoldos u. 18. Hodmezovasarhely 01 Feb 1885 16 Jun 1944 Last seen by acquaintances 10 Apr 1945 in the labor camp of Bergen Belsen, where she was in very poor physical condition. Declared dead 15 May 1945.
KLEIN Dezso Jusztina BODAI Jozsef SINGER Regina Revai u. 16. (Vajda u. 18; Futo Mihaly ter 5.) merchant (painter) Hodmezovasarhely 16 Nov 1909 Called up to labour service on 15 Jan 1943. Died of typhus in the Hodmezovasarhely hospital on 12 May 1945.
KLEIN Jusztina BODAI Dezso Sandor EGETO Julianna Revai u. 16 (Hajnal u. 37) Declared dead 15 Jul 1944
KLEIN Erzsebet VOGEL Odon Samuel SCHILLINGER Matild Budapest IV., Váci u. 11/b Hodmezovasarhely 18 May 1896 With husband (Odon KLEIN, merchant, b. Vienna 15 Dec 1892, father Izsak, mother HOFLICH Roza) she hid in Budapest with forged documents. In December they were captured and shot dead by Hungarian Nazis. Declared dead 15 Dec 1944.
KLEIN Eva Vilmos ROTH Fanny Kalvin ter 4. student Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque.
KLEIN Ferenc SCHONBERGER Amalia Oldalkosar u. 16. June 1944
KLEIN Gyula Szeren / Szerena KOHN Adolf STERN Maria Ferenc u. 2. chandler 17 Oct 1868 Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque.
KLEIN Janka STESSZER Katalin Konyves u. 1. seamstress June 1944
KLEIN Roza SINGER Jozsef SINGER Cecilia Vajda u. 18. June 1944
KLEIN Lajos Irma KLEIN FREIBERGER Szerena Vajda u. 18. tailor's helper Belenyes 1912 Called up to labour service in Tura on 15 Jan 1943.
KLEIN Irma KLEIN Lajos SINGER Roza Vajda u. 18. June 1944
KLEIN Dr. Laszlo Klara RICHTSEIT HIRN Ida Nyizsnyai Gusztav u. 9. lawyer Hodmezovasarhely 04 Jun 1895 Interned by Police in 1944 and, with fellow lawyer Dr. Imre SELTMANN, handed over to the Gestapo. Presumably both were killed in Auschwitz.
KLEIN Maria / Malvina Leopold HATSIK Leni / Eleonora Kisfaludy u. 38/a. merchant Hodmezovasarhely 30 Apr 1876 16 Jun 1944
KLEIN Marton Etelka GONDI Jozsef SINGER Regina Pálffy u. 2/a. forwarder Hodmezovasarhely 26 Nov 1901 Called up to auxiliary labour service at the 5th labour battalion in Topolya on 03 Jul 1942. His last letter was sent from the Eastern Front in December. According to a Red Cross notification he was taken prisoner in January 1943. Declared dead 15 Jan 1943.
KLEIN Szeren STESSZER Katalin Konyves u. 1. seamstress 16 Jun 1944
KLEIN Vera / Veronika Vilmos ROTH Fanny Kalvin ter 4. student Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque.
KLEIN Fanny ROTH Vilmos FISCHL Regina Kalvin ter 4. wife of cantor Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque.
KLOPFER Laszlo / Pal Fulop FRIEDMANN Matild Andrassy u. 4 merchant Hodmezovasarhely 18 Apr 1910 Unmarried. Called up to the 7th special labour company in Miskolc 27 Apr 1942. Disappeared between January and April 1943.
KLOPFER Pal Fulop FRIEDMANN Matild Kinizsi u. 17. merchant Hodmezovasarhely 18 Apr 1910 Serving in the 8th special labour company, he disappeared in a Russian combat zone. Declared dead 15 Mar 1943.
KOHN Dezso Katalin SZUCS Miksa WEISZ Gizella Szeged locksmith's helper Hodmezovasarhely 02 Nov 1907 Called up to the 5th labour battalion in Hodmezovasarhely in 1942. He was taken prisoner in a Russian combat zone in January 1943. Declared dead 15 Jan 1943.
KOHN Hermina KOHN Jeno Albert EHRLICH Terez Pálffy u. 21. seamstress Szegvar 1879 16 Jun 1944 Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque. Deported with her daughter to Auschwitz. On 28 July, the day of arrival, she was killed by poison gas.
KOHN Katinka Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque.
KOHN Maria Peter REISZ Berta Rarosi ut (Teleki u.4.) Hodmezovasarhely 26 Aug 1878 16 Jun 1944 Unmarried. She was hospitalised in Theresienstadt in May 1945 suffering from typhus. Declared dead 15 May 1945.
KOHN Simon Tibor Marton GROSZ Szeren / Szerena Buvar u. 23. women's tailor Korosszakal 26 Nov 1910 Unmarried. Called up to auxiliary labour service at the 5th special labour battalion in Topolya, on 11 Jul 1942. Disappeared in the Voronezh combat operations in mid January, 1943. Declared dead 15 Feb 1943.
KOHUT Mrs. Pal Rothermere u. 3. 15 Jun 1944
KOLTAI Etelka CZUKOR Matyas Marton DECSI Helen Budapest, V. Szt Istvan park 14. Hodmezovasarhely 17 Sep 1888 In the autumn of 1944 she and husband (Matyas KOLTAI clerk, b. Borosjeno 15 May 1876; father Herman KLEIN, mother Amalia SCHULHOF) were carried off to an unknown location by Hungarian Nazis. Declared dead 15 Dec 1944.
KOROSI Jozsef Fulop ROTH Lina clerk Hodmezovasarhely 20 Nov 1881 mid-June 1944 Divorced (ex-wife Ilona BURKA). Though seriously ill, he was deported via Szeged to Auschwitz.
KOVACS Daniel Terezia VARGA Miksa SPITZER Julianna Fuz u. 17. engineering official Ada 17 Jul 1905 Called up to auxiliary labour service at the 10/208th non-combatant labour company in Jaszbereny, on 01 Jun 1944. In the next months he served at various labour units in Csepel, Budapest and Vac. In December 1944 he was hospitalised in Mosonmagyarovar. According to an official notification he died in Siegendorf at the end of March. Declared dead 31 March 1945.
KOVACS Ferenc Laszlo SCHLOSSLER Hermina Delibab u. 28. student Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque.
KOVACS Laszlo Hermin SCHLOSSLER Miksa SPITZER Juli / Julianna Delibab u. 28. coppersmith Ada 10 Jan 1910 Called up to auxiliary labour service at the 5th special labour battalion. Disappeared in Russian combat zone, in January 1943.
KOVACS Hermin SCHLOSSLER Laszlo KOHN Amalia Delibab u. 28. Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque.
KOVACS Juli / Julianna SPITZER Mihaly Hermann HAJDUSKA Emma Delibab u. 28. Ada 30 Aug 1880 June 1944 Widow. Declared dead 15 Jul 1944.
KRAUSZ Eva Mor SCHNITZER Berta student Szeged 24 Sep 1935 June 1944 Deported via the Szeged transit camp to Auschwitz. According to an official notification she, her mother and grandmother and several other people were executed in Mikulov.
KRAUSZ Ilona FEHER Henrik ROTH Janka Karolyi u. 23. Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque.
KRAUSZ Margit SPRINGER Jozsef WEISZ Jozefa Kisfaludy u. 19. (Moved to Mezokovacshaza on 30 Apr 1944) 1903 Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque.
KRAUSZ Mrs. Miklos Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque.
KRAUSZ Berta SCHNITZER Mor Zsigmond / Selig KOHN Fani Hodmezovasarhely 15 Mar 1906 see KRAUSZ Eva
KRAUSZ Regina STOSZL Maria Zsigmond u. 5. June 1944
KRON Imre Almasi u. 18. baker's helper Szekesfehervar 07 Mar 1900 1944
LAMPEL Endre Terezia FRANCZIA KISS Lipot BRETTNER Cecil gr. Bethlen Istvan u. 13. (Halasz u. 9; Kinizsi u. 9.) tinsmith Hodmezovasarhely 04 Jun 1893 Called up to labour service at the 252/1st special labour company in Abony, on 17 Apr 1944. Last letter received in June.
LAMPEL Erzsebet Mor WEISZ Roza Kinizsi u. 12. photographer Hodmezovasarhely 29 Jul 1896 June 1944 Declared dead 15 Apr 1945.
LAMPEL Jakab Karolina FLEISZIG Leopold MULLER Johanna Ferenc u. 4. butcher (tinsmith) Hodmezovasarhely 20 Feb 1861 June 1944 Deported while he was seriously ill. Declared dead 15 Jul 1944.
LAMPEL Karolin / Karolina FLEISZIG Jakab Bernat WEISZ Kati Ferenc u. 4. Szentes 18 Apr 1886 June 1944
LAMPEL Janka Mor WEISZ Roza Kinizsi u. 12. photographer Hodmezovasarhely 29 Sep 1892 June 1944 Declared dead 15 Apr 1945.
LAMPEL Roza WEISZ Mor Mor BARON Vera Kinizsi u. 12. Hodmezovasarhely 06 Mar 1873 June 1944 Widow. Deported to Auschwitz while seriously ill. Declared dead 15 Jul 1944.
LAMPEL Pal Kinizsi u. 16 Jun 1944
LAMPEL Samuel Sarolta FURTOS Leopold MULLER Johanna Matyas u. 2/a tinsmith Hodmezovasarhely 24 Apr 1874 June 1944
LAMPEL Sarolta FURTOS Samuel GEIRINGER Maria Matyas u. 2/a June 1944
LAMPEL Sarolta / Sara Mor WEISZ Roza Kinizsi u. 12. Hodmezovasarhely 28 Feb 1906 16 Jun 1944 Unmarried. Declared dead 15 Apr 1945.
LAMPEL Vera Mor WEISZ Roza Kinizsi u. 12. Hodmezovasarhely 29 Sep 1892 16 Jun 1944 Unmarried. Declared dead 15 Jul 1945.
LANGER Laszlo Sandor GOLDFINGER Laura Csillag u. 2. Hodmezovasarhely 20 Jun 1914 Called up to labour service. Serving in the 105/7th field labour company (5th special labour battalion) he disappeared in a Russian combat zone in January 1943.
LANGER Laura GOLDFINGER Sandor RICHTSEIT Maria Csillag u. 2. 15 Jun 1944
LANGFELDER Riza NEUMANN Artur Jozsef KOHN Rozalia Andrassy u. 43 owner of "Corso" cinema Hodmezovasarhely 03 Sep 1871 Widow. Deceased husband was a medical doctor, killed in action of World War I. She was hospitalised in Budapest due to serious illness on 14 June 1944. From here she was transferred to an internment camp. Last address in death certificate Bad Voslau Judenlager. Declared dead 12 Jul 1944.
LANTOS Iren POLGAR Ferenc Armin SEHR Maria Ronay u. 5. Slatina 27 Sep 1881 mid-June 1944 Widow. Deported via Szeged transit camp to Strasshof. From there she was transferred to an unknown location, presumably to Auschwitz. Declared dead 15 Aug 1944.
LASZLO Antal Eva FRENKEL SPITZER Rozalia Kalvin ter 3. merchant 15 Jun 1944
LASZLO Eva FRENKEL Antal FRIEDMANN Maria Kalvin ter 3. June 1944
LASZLO / KLEIN Ida Antal STERN Karolina Szechenyi ter 14. pharmacist Hodmezovasarhely 13 Apr 1901 17 Jun 1944
LASZLO Dr. Jeno Margit ZUSZ Marton WEINBERGER Roza gr. Bethlen Istvan u. 17/a lawyer Hodmezovasarhely 20 Mar 1879 June 1944 Father's surname KLEIN. Deported to Vienna. Died of dysentery on 14 Feb 1945.
LASZLO Margit ZUSZ Dr. Jeno ERDENSOHN Iren gr. Bethlen Istvan u. 17/a June 1944
LAUFER Karoly Sarolta / Lora / Szali ROSENTHAL Mihaly FISCHER Johanna / Jolan Vereskutas merchant and restauranter Hodmezovasarhely 20 Oct 1858 Summer 1944
LAUFER Sarolta / Lora / Szali ROSENTHAL Karoly Vereskutas Summer 1944
LEVAI Geza Simon LANG Nina Hodmezovasarhely 14 Jan 1887 Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque.
LEVAI Pal Zoltan KALMANCZI Sara gr. Bethlen Istvan u. 12. worker Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque.
LIEBERMANN Irma GOLDMANN Soma / Samuel Ignac WEISZ Terez Szegfu u. 10. Hodmezovasarhely 12 May 1893 16 Jun 1944 Widow. According to death register issued by the Bad Voslau authorities, she drowned on 02 Feb 1945, when the bunker of the local hospital collapsed.
LINDENFELD Albert Erzsebet CSERNAI Zsigmond HOLD Maria Kinizsi u. 17/a. tinsmith Hodmezovasarhely 30 Aug 1883 mid-June 1944 Deported via Szeged to Auschwitz. Declared dead 15 Jul 1944.
LINDENFELD Erzsebet CSERNAI Albert CSERNAI Rozalia Kinizsi u. 17/a. Hodmezovasarhely 21 Nov 1886 mid-June 1944 Deported via Szeged to Auschwitz. Declared dead 15 Jul 1944.
LINDENFELD Lívia FLESCH Albert Oszkar KLEIN Maria Csongrad 27 Mar 1924 mid-June 1944 Deported via Szeged to Auschwitz. Declared dead 15 Jul 1944.
LINDENFELD Mrs. Dr. Bela CZINNER Ilona gr. Bethlen Istvan u. 23. wife of physician Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque.
LINDENFELD Emil / Emanuel Eszter ERDEI Zsigmond HOLD Maria Karolyi u. 25. tinsmith Ermihalyfalva 31 Jan 1882 Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque.
LINDENFELD Mark Regina KAUFMANN gr. Bethlen Istvan u. 23. Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque.
LORANT Gyorgy Miklos Gyula Nyizsnyai Gusztav u. 8. Pecs 10 Apr 1921 Seen in Szeged in labour service among non-Jews. (His mother was Jewish.)
LOWI Andor Janka DEUTSCH Jozsef STERN Zsofia Ferenc Jozsef sgt. 122. haberdasher Hodmezovasarhely 21 Apr 1918 16 Jun 1944
LOWI Jeno Maria ROBICSEK Jozsef STERN Zsofia Bercsenyi u. 31. shop helper Hodmezovasarhely 15 Aug 1905 16 Jun 1944 Declared dead 31 Dec 1944.
LOWI Pal Jeno ROBICSEK Maria Bercsenyi u. 31. student Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque.
LUSTEINER Ferenc Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque.
LUSTEINER Jakab Jozsef SPITZER Sarolta Volgy u. 4. Hodmezovasarhely 19 Feb 1903 Called up to labour service. Serving in the 105/7th field labour company (5th special labour battalion) he disappeared in a Russian combat zone in January 1943.
LUSTEINER Rozsi Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque.
MAHLER Jozsef Terez KLEIN Aron GAMS / GANTS Nina Andrassy u. 25. hosiery manufacturer Nagyszalonta 11 Jul 1889 June 1944 father's surname MULLER. Deported via the Szeged transit camp to Auschwitz. Early December he and his wife, both seriously ill, were hospitalised in Kertschenbach. Declared dead 15 Jan 1945.
MAHLER Terez KLEIN Jozsef Miksa SELINGER Roza Andrassy u. 25. June 1944 Deported via the Szeged transit camp to Auschwitz. Early December she and her husband, both seriously ill, were hospitalised in Kertschenbach. Declared dead 15 Jan 1945.
MAHLER Sandor Jozsef KLEIN Terez Andrassy u. 25. clerk Hodmezovasarhely 09 Oct 1917 Called up to auxiliary labour service. Worked in several places including the Bor copper mines. In December 1944 he was deported to Buchenwald. He died on 26 Jan 1945.
MAKAI Ede Paula KELLNER Sandor BRILL Klotild Budapest XI-II Vaci út 4. silversmith Hodmezovasarhely 14 Jun 1886 Father's surname STEINER. Left home on 20 Oct 1944. No further information about his whereabouts. Declared dead 15 Jan 1945.
MANDEL Melania STEINER Ignac Vilmos BOHM Etelka / Eszti Kallai u. 26 Hodmezovasarhely 04 May 1860 16 Jun 1944 Widow. Taken in to the Szeged Brick Factory ghetto. A few days later she was carried off to Germany, but died before reaching the Hungarian border. Declared dead 15 Jul 1944.
MANDL Izidor Szerena WESZELY Bernat BRAUER / BREIER Betti / Anna Szt. Antal u. 11. leather trader Szekesfehervar 29 Sep 1876 16 Jun 1944 Died of diabetes in Strasshof, on 05 Apr 1945.
MANDL Szerena WESZELY Izidor Moric MANDL Roza Szt. Antal u. 11. Kajaszoszentpeter 12 Jun 1882 16 Jun 1944 Died of diabetes in "Ostmark Werke" factory on 15 Nov 1944.
MANNHEIMER Jeno Mihaly MEISEL Rozalia Ferenc u. 3/a waiter Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque.
MANNHEIMER Dr. Laszlo Mihaly MEISEL Rozalia Ferenc u. 3/a lawyer Hodmezovasarhely 08 Dec 1900 Called up to labour service in Hodmezovasarhely in 1942. In 1943, disappeared on the Eastern Front while serving in the 105/13rd field labour company.
MANNHEIMER Mihaly Rozalia MEISEL KLAUSENSTOK Jetti Ferenc u. 3/a retired cantor June 1944
MANKOVITS Ignac Amalia EICHLER Bernat SCHWARTZ Zsofia Szabadság tér 54. sales agent Sumeg 03 Feb 1900 Called up to labour service in Hodmezovasarhely in 1942. In 1943, disappeared on the Eastern Front while serving in the 105/13rd field labour company.
MEER Dr. Anna HALASZ Dr. Pal Mano POPPER Erzsebet literature hostorian Hodmezovasarhely 23 Mar 1919 June 1944 Deported via the Szeged transit camp to Auschwitz. Classified as fit to work. Declared dead 15 Aug 1944.
MESSINGER Mrs. Ferenc Bocskai u. 11. 16 June 1944 Died later in 1944.
MESSINGER Roza LAMPEL Mor Cecil gr. Bethlen István u. 13. (Jewish Old Age Home) Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque.
MOLNAR Dr. Gyorgy Lajos BLUM Hani / Evelin Hodmezovasarhely 04 May 1901 Called up to auxiliary labour service. As a conscript of the 1st non-combatant labour battalion he was transferred to the Eastern Front. He disappeared in January or February, 1943.
MOLNAR Jozsef Magda TARJAN Mihaly FREUND Etelka Szt. Istvan ter 15. book and paper dealer Hodmezovasarhely 05 Mar 1905 Called up to auxiliary labour service in 1942. Presumably died in Koszeg, February 1945. Declared dead 15 Mar 1945.
MOLNAR Magda TARJAN Jozsef STEINER Matild Szt. Istvan ter 15. Budapest 15 Mar 1906 June 1944 Deported with her daughter via Szeged to Strasshof. Transferred to Theresienstadt. The camp was liberated in April 1945. Died of tuberculosis in Budapest on 15 Mar 1946.
MOSKOVITS Andor Edit SPRINGER Menyhert LEFKOVITS Gizella Buvar u. 22. driver Abara 28 Feb 1919 Called up to obligatory labour service in Szeged on 20 Oct 1942. Disappeared after June 1944.
MOSKOVITS Vilmos Menyhert LEFKOVITS Gizella Werbőczy u. 14. driver 1916 Called up to obligatory labour service on 24 Sep 1942. Disappeared in a Russian combat zone on 17 Jan 1943.
MULLER Anna GLODBLATT Eliz Nador u. 42. pharmacist 16 Jun 1944
MULLER Armin Ida FISCHER Jakab / Daniel GOLDARBEITER Betti / Borbala Horthy Miklós út 14. grocer Szabadka 17 May 1871 16 Jun 1944 Deported to Strasshof. Declared dead 15 Jul 1944.
MULLER Ida FISCHER Armin Gabor SCHEIBEL Rozal Horthy Miklós út 14. Kecskemet 10 May 1869 16 Jun 1944 Deported to Strasshof. Declared dead 15 Jul 1944.
MULLER Gabor see MULLER Dr. Laszlo
MULLER Dr. Laszlo Agota Szidonia / Agnes RADO Dr. Ferenc MANDL Margit Kallay u. 26. lawyer candidate Hodmezovasarhely 30 Jan 1916 Called up to labour service several times. In summer 1944, his unit (104/302 obligatory labour company) was handed over to the Germans. Presumably his unit was liquidated in Buchenwald on 22 Mar 1945, he was also shot dead. Declared dead 15 Apr 1945. His pregnant wife was deported to Austria in summer 1944, Their child Gabor died of starvation in Vienna.
MULLER Eliz GOLDBLATT Mor Jakab WEISZ Hermina Nador u. 42. Mateszalka 08 Mar 1899 28 Jun 1944 Widow. Deported from the Szeged transit camp to Auschwitz. Declared dead 15 Jul 1944.
NEMET Mrs. Dezso Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque.
NEUMANN Janos Magda LOWINGER Zsigmond KLUBER Malvin Damjanich u. 114/b. clerk Mako 12 Feb 1902 Called up to auxiliary labour service at the 5th obligatory labour battalion in Hodmezovasarhely, in June 1942. His unit was transferred to Russia. According to a Red Cross notification he was treated for 2nd grade frost injuries in a field hospital. He was taken prisoner in January 1943. Declared dead 15 Feb 1943.
NOVAK Andras Klara BOER Jozsef WEISZ Paula Szeremlei u. 9. merchant Hodmezovasarhely 20 Oct 1902 Called up to labour service at the 5th auxiliary labour battalion in 1941. Transferred to a combat zone. Died on 24 Dec 1942.
NOVAK Boriska Jozsef WEISZ Paula Kinizsi u. 2. Hodmezovasarhely 08 Apr 1892 Divorced. With her parents she was carried off to the Szeged transit camp. Deported to Strasshof. Her father died of cancer, she and her mother were carried by railway to Auschwitz. Declared dead 15 Aug 1944.
NOVAK Jozsef Paula WEISZ Adolf STEPPINGER Roza Kinizsi u. 2. merchant Mor 24 May 1862 see NOVAK Boriska
NOVAK Paula WEISZ Jozsef Jozsef WEISZ Berta Kinizsi u. 2. Pacser 1872 see NOVAK Boriska
PALFI Dezso Ilona SEBOK S. Zsigmond FUCHS Vilma Pal u. 2. draper Ocsod 29 Dec 1897 17 Jun 1944 Deported with his family via Szeged to Auschwitz. Wheelchair-bound, crippled Dezso and his under-age child disappeared in June, his wife in July "under life-threatening conditions". Declared dead 15 Jul 1944.
PALFI Ilona SEBOK Dezso Adolf Aron SCHWARCZ Maria Pal u. 2. Szegvar 01 Sep 1900 Declared dead 15 Aug 1945.
PALFI Gyorgy Janos Dezso SEBOK Ilona Pal u. 2. student Ocsod 10 Jan 1930 see PALFI Dezso
PALLOS Laszlo Zseni FENAKEL Szt. Istvan ter 16. Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque.
PAPAI Olga Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque.
PAPAI Mrs. Zsigmond Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque.
PARTOS Agnes Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque.
PARTOS Mrs. Endre Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque.
PARTOS Jenny ABELESZ Izso Szt. Imre herceg u. 4. Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque.
PASKESZ Henrik Ilona ALTHEIM RICHTER Regina Kallay u. 21. 16 Jun 1944
PATZAUER Terez WEISZ Miksa REICHLINGER Rozal Szt. Istvan ter 9. 1868 June 1944 Widow. Died of old age and exhaustion on 25 Apr 1945.
PIUKOVICS Piroska KOHN Antal / Ferenc Albert ERLICH Terez Botond u.7. Szegvar 23 Dec 1893 17 Jun 1944 Presumably deported to Auschwitz.
PLOHN A. Jozsef Fani HIRN Illes KUGLER Amalia Andrássy u. 10. photographer Mako 07 Jul 1869 16 Jun 1944 Deported via Szeged.- Died en route in the railway carriage.
POLITZER Emil Jeno KUNETZ Kornelia Andrássy u. 10. sales agent Mako 1917 Called up to labour service on 16 May 1942. Serving in the 5th obligatory labour company he disappeared in a combat zone in Russia on 15 Jan 1943.
POLITZER Gyorgy Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque.
PORJESZ Klara Andrassy u. 22. June 1944
POROSZ Sarolta HALPERN Dr. Ambrus Kalman WOLF Gizella Deak Ferenc u. 17. Szeged 24 Jul 1905 17 June 1944 Deported via the Szeged ghetto, with the first transport to Auschwitz. Declared dead 15 Jul 1944.
POROSZ Gyorgy Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque.
POROSZ Kalman Istvan Ambrus HALPERN Sarolta student Budapest 03 Sep 1936 17 June 1944 Deported via the Szeged ghetto, with the first transport to Auschwitz. Declared legally dead as of 15 Jul 1944.
RATKAI Gyorgy Jozsef Laszlo BERGER Etelka Jokai u. 50-52. student Hodmezovasarhely 19 Mar 1935 16 Jun 1944 Father's surname REISNER. Deported with his mother via Szeged to Auschwitz. Declared dead 15 Jul 1944.
RATKAI / REISNER Etelka BERGER Laszlo Jozsef FREUND Maria Jokai u. 50-52. Hodmezovasarhely 28 Aug 1908 16 Jun 1944 Deported with her son via Szeged to Auschwitz. Declared dead 15 Jul 1944.
RECHER Maria SCHLESINGER Sandor Hermann BRESZLAUER Maria Berzsenyi u. 4. Kula 1857 16 Jun 1944 Widow. Deported via the Szeged transit camp to an unknown location. Declared dead 15 Jul 1944.
REISINGER Berta SINGER Gyula Lajos KLEIN Fani Kinizsi u. 17. baker Hodmezovasarhely 11 Jan 1879 June 1944 Widow.
REISZ Dezso Julianna IMRE Izidor HELLER Roza Bocskai u. 6. glasier Hodmezovasarhely 14 Jul 1896 Called up to the 5th "public interest" labour battalion in Hodmezovasarhely on 02 May 1944. Sent to the Sarvar internment camp on 29 Apr 1944. Declared dead 15 May 1944.
REISZ Dezso Olga FAI Abraham SCHON Leonora Zrinyi u. 18. sales agent Szeged 27 May 1901 Interned by the Police in April 1944. First sent to Budapest, then to Sarvar. Deported from there to Auschwitz in June.
REISZ Olga FAI Dezso Armin SCHONBERGER Franciska Zrinyi u. 18. Szeged 17 Feb 1901 June 1944 Deported with her underage son via Szeged to Strasshof and, later, to Weissenbach. Disappeared early 1945. Declared dead 15 May 1945.
REISZ Matild FEINER Gyula Hermann SCHWARTZ Kati Bekescsaba, Corvin u. 1. Hodmezovasarhely 04 Jan 1874 26 Jun 1944 Widow. Deported to Auschwitz. Declared dead 26 Jun 1944.
REISZ Emilia FELDMOR Izso / Izidor Izso / Izidor MEER Julia Ferenc Jozsef sgt. 24 Baja 20 Jan 1874 June 1944 Widow. Taken to the ghetto from Fejerd (Kolozs county) where her son worked as district doctor. (see at HALASZ Istvan). Deported to Auschwitz. Declared dead 15 Jul 1944.
REISZ Jozsef Fani KOHN Jakab KOHN Juli Cukor u. 1. Szentes 1862 16 Jun 1944
REISZ Peter Endre Dezso FAI Olga student Hodmezovasarhely 14 Jan 1933 see REISZ Olga
REJTO / RECHER Rozsa Sandor SCHLESINGER Maria Berzsenyi u. 4. teacher Zenta 03 Sep 1886 16 Jun 1944 Unmarried. Deported via the Szeged transit camp to an unknown location. Declared dead 15 Jul 1944. See RECHER Maria.
RENDES / REICHFELD Emil Maria DEUTSCH Jakab KURZ Betti Teleki u. 16. grocer Hosszufalu 30 Aug 1884 16 Jun 1944 According to a death certificate issued by the Terezin Jewish Community he died in Theresienstadt, on 04 Jun 1945.
RENDES / REICHFELD Imre Emil DEUTSCH Maria Teleki u. 16. baker's helper Hodmezovasarhely 12 Oct 1919 Unmarried. Called up to the 5/5th auxiliary labour company in Hodmezovasarhely on 28 Aug 1942. Sent to combat zone in Russia in September. According to a Red Cross notification he disappeared at Nikolaievka on 17 Jan 1943. Declared dead 15 Feb 1943.
REX Dr. Erno Veronika BALASSA Izso SZOBODKA Gizella physician Szeged 08 Jan 1894 June 1944 Deported with his wife and underage child to Strasshof. From here they were transported to an unknown location. By now he was seriously ill. Declared dead 15 Aug 1944.
REX Veronika BALASSA Dr. Erno Jozsef SZILASI Irma Hodmezovasarhely 18 Apr 1910 June 1944 Deported with her husband and underage child to Strasshof. From here they were transported to an unknown location. Declared dead 15 Aug 1944.
REX Tamas Erno BALASSA Veronika student Szeged 22 Feb 1930 June 1944 see REX Erno
ROBICSEK Artur Fatime STERN FISCHER Emilia gr. Berncsenyi u. 31. June 1944
ROBICSEK Fatime STERN Artur gr. Berncsenyi u. 31. June 1944
ROBICSEK / ROBITSCHEK Jozsef Juliska GISHOHER ROTH Antonia Arpad u. 1. 16 Jun 1944
RONAI Ilona Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque.
ROSENFELD Roza SZECHENER Sandor Galamb u. 18 June 1944 Widow. Deported to Austria. Presumably died of typhus in spring 1945.
ROSENZWEIG Gyorgy Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque.
ROTH Dezso Margit ROTH Noe GOLDBERGER Katalin trade assistant Szeged 25 Aug 1898 23 Jun 1944 Deported via the Szeged transit camp to Auschwitz. Declared dead 15 Jul 1944.
ROTH Margit ROTH Dezso Ignac ROSENBLUTH Regina Hodmezovasarhely 10 Nov 1902 23 Jun 1944 Deported via the Szeged transit camp to Auschwitz. Declared dead 15 Jul 1944.
ROTH Ignac Regina ROSENBLUTH Moric WEISZ Pepi Matyas u. 44. shoemaker Hodmezovasarhely 21 Jul 1873 23 Jun 1944 Widower. Deported via the Szeged transit camp to Auschwitz. Declared dead 15 Jul 1944.
ROTH Ilona Ignac ROSENBLUTH Regina Matyas u. 44. Hodmezovasarhely 12 Jun 1908 23 Jun 1944 Deported via the Szeged transit camp to Auschwitz. Declared dead 15 Jul 1944.
ROTTMANN Tibor Margit BRAUN Mor JUNG Ida Wlassich u. 6. corn trader Pesterzsebet 17 Mar 1906 Called up to labour service in Kiskoros on 01 Jul 1942. Disappeared at the Don River in January 1943. Last seen on 12 Jan at Ternovoie. Declared dead 15 Feb 1943.
SAFRAN Grete Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque.
SAFRAN Vera Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque.
SANDOR Ilona SCHLESINGER Ferenc Hermann SCHON Adel Galamb u. 18. Hodmezovasarhely 23 Jan 1907 June 1944 Died of typhus in Horsching (Austria) on 30 June 1944.
SANDOR Frigyes Ferenc SCHLESINGER Ilona Galamb u. 18. disabled, unemployed Hodmezovasarhely 21 Apr 1936 June 1944 Died of exhaustion in Strasshof on 30 June 1944.
SANDOR Laszlo Dr. Jeno LOBL Lenke Lehel u. 4. student Hodmezovasarhely 08 Mar 1925 Called up to auxiliary labour service in 1943. On 16 Oct 1944, while his team moved to another location in Budapest, they were taken custody by an SS commando and, presumably shot dead. Declared dead 15 Nov 1944.
SCHEER Laszlo Salamon BARON Roza photographer's helper Hodmezovasarhely 19 Jan 1920 Unmarried. Called up to labour service in Hodmezovasarhely on 13 Oct 1943. Last seen in Spring 1944. Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque.
SCHEER Salamon Roza BARON KAUFMANN Regina Andrassy u. 39. worker 1883 Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque.
SCHEER Roza BARON Salamon BECK Zseni Andrassy u. 39. 1879 Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque.
SCHIFF Anna Samuel SCHWIMMER Eva Adel Csomorkanyi u. 47. seamstress Hodmezovasarhely 12 Nov 1915 17 Jun 1944 Unmarried. Deported first to Vienna, then, with her father, to an unknown location. Declared dead 15 Oct 1944.
SCHIFF Samuel Eva Adel SCHWIMMER Jakab SCHONBERGER Amalia Csomorkanyi u. 47. grocer Ecska 07 Apr 1896 17 Jun 1944 Deported first to Vienna, then, with his daughter, to an unknown location. Declared dead 15 Oct 1944.
SCHILLINGER Amalia KUNSTLER Roza Dani u. 1. Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque.
SCHILLINGER Ferenc Teleki u. 46.
SCHILLINGER Illes Julianna BEER Matyas KOHN Fani Szentesi u. 18. merchant Magyarkanizsa 23 Oct 1871 Having returned from deportation he died of typhus in the Hodmezovasarhely hospital on 13 May 1945.
SCHLUSSLER Maria KOHN Izidor Jozsef POLLAK Rozalia Palffy u. 23 (Revai u. 1/a.) grocer Gyulavari 24 Jul 1888 16 Jun 1944
SCHMOLKA Izidor Hermina GROSZ ERNST Johanna gr. Bethlen Istvan u. 13 (Jewish Old Age Home) Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque.
SCHMOLKA Tibor Ilona LEPAGE Tibor Izidor GROSZ Hermina Kinizsi u. 20. (Rakoczi u. 3.) trade assistant Called up to labour service. Last seen in Spring 1944. Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque.
SCHNITZER Dezso Selig / Zsigmond KOHN Fani tailor's helper Hodmezovasarhely 25 Sep 1907 Unmarried. Called up to labour service at the 5th labour service battalion in Hodmezovasarhely, on 20 April 1942. Taken POW in January 1943. Declared dead 15 Dec 1943.
SCHNITZER Lajos Kalman GRUN LIna Andrassy u. 18. photographer Kecskemet 04 Dec 1902 Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque.
SCHNITZER Lajos Aliz SCHWACZ Selig / Zsigmond KOHN Fani Rothermere u. 3. (Szentesi u. 24.) tailor's helper Hodmezovasarhely 07 Jul 1904 Called up to auxiliary labour service on 24 Feb 1944. Declared disabled and exempted from service due to tuberculosis on 20 Jul 1944. Died before 1950.
SCHNITZER Zsigmond / Selig Fani KOHN Leizer FREIER / FREUER Chaja / Hanna Szentesi u. 24. tailor's helper Radautz 9 Jan 1874 See Mrs. Mor KRAUSZ
SCHNITZER Fani KOHN Selig / Zsigmond KOHN Terez Szentesi u. 24. Szentes 07 Jul 1882 Jun 1944 Deported via Szeged to Auschwitz. Hospitalised in Felsberg hospital due to serious illness in November. Declared dead 15 Dec 1944.
SCHWARCZ Ignac FLEISZIG Eva Horthy Miklós út 58 16 Jun 1944
SCHWARCZ Erzsebet GOLDMANN Lajos WEISZ Terez Ilona u. 16. (Szegfu u. 10.) 16 Jun 1944 Widow.
SCHWARCZ Laszlo Ilona HERMANN Hermann / Armin MESSINGER Ilona / Matild Matyas u. 46. poultry trader Hodmezovasarhely 09 Jul 1902 Called up to auxiliary labour service in Nagykoros on 20 May 1942. His company (105/a field labour company, 5th labour battalion) was sent to the Russian Front. Last field post dated 30 Nov 1942. In January 1943 he was taken POW. Declared dead 15 Feb 1943.
SCHWARCZENBERG Ferenc WALDNER Jetti Zsoldos u. 18. carpenter's helper Okanizsa 1881 Interned by the Police for communist agitation in April 1944. Deported to Auschwitz. Presumably died in 1944.
SCHWEIGER Blanka NIEDELANDER Mor Samuel KLEIN Betti Hodmezovasarhely 21 Sep 1874 16 Jun 1944 Widow. Seriously ill, when deported via the Szeged transit camp to Auschwitz. Declared dead 15 Jul 1944.
SCHWIMMER Ferenc Hedvig BLEYER Lipot GRUNWALD Maria Budapest (uncertain) merchant Hodmezovasarhely 07 Feb 1904 Called up to auxiliary labour service. Two fellow inmates gave evidence in 1946 that Ferenc had died of exhaustion in Fertorakos (Sopron county) on 28 Feb 1945.
SELTMANN Roza BURGER Dezso Ezsaias CZITRON Lina Werboczy u. 5/a Nagyvarad 26 Dec 1870 17 Jun 1944 Widow. Deported with the first transport via Szeged transit camp to Auschwitz.
SELTMANN Dr. Imre Regina Zsuzsanna VAJDA Lajos KRANOVITZ Henriette gr. Csáky Albin u. 2. lawyer Hodmezovasarhely 24 Oct 1887 Interned by Police for "political unreliability" in April 1944. Sent to Budapest, Sarvar and, on 07 July, deported to Auschwitz. Declared dead 15 Aug 1944.
SELTMANN Regina Zsuzsanna VAJDA Dr. Imre Imre DORNER Sara gr. Csáky Albin u. 2. Szeged 26 Mar 1903 June 1944 Deported with two underage children via Szeged to Strasshof and, later, to Weissenbach. After a German extermination unit passed through the village in April, all deportees disappeared. Declared dead 15 May 1945.
SELTMANN Mirjam Maria Rachel Imre VAJDA Regina Zsuzsanna gr. Csáky Albin u. 2. Szeged 27 Jan 1927 June 1944 See SELTMANN Regina Zsuzsanna
SELTMANN Rafael Rezso Sandor Imre VAJDA Regina Zsuzsanna gr. Csáky Albin u. 2. Hodmezovasarhely 23 Jan 1931 June 1944 See SELTMANN Regina Zsuzsanna
SINGER Arnold Kati EISLER Miksa KOPER(L) Fani Szt. Istvan u. 2. (Andrassy u. 8.) jeweller Jaszbereny 28 Mar 1868 16 Jun 1944 Died on 04 Feb 1945.
SINGER Iren WEISZ Ferenc VOGEL Eleonora 16 Jun 1944 Widow.
SINGER Istvan Ferenc WEISZ Iren Zrinyi u. 53. trade employee Hodmezovasarhely 28 Jul 1918 Called up to labour service. Sent to the Eastern Front with the 105/1st field labour company (5th battalion). Disappeared on 15 Jan 1943.
SIPOS Etelka SCHWARCZ Bela Ferenc u. 1/a June 1944
SOMLO Dr. Gyorgy Dr. Soos Istvan u. 2/b Szeged 14 Feb 1904 16 June 1944
S. PAUKER Ibolya Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque.
SPITZER Arpad Ignac NAGY Maria gr. Bethlen Istvan u. 28. Hodmezovasarhely 14 Sep 1919 Called up to auxiliary labour service at the 5th labour company in Hodmezovasarhely on 02 Apr 1942. Disappeared in Russia on 18 Jan 1943.
SPITZER Gyorgy Miklos MAHLER Margit Andrassy u. 25. student Hodmezovasarhely 19 Jan 1935 June 1944 Deported with his mother via Szeged to Auschwitz. On 13 Apr 1945, while being carried from Kertschenbach to Randegg, they were captured by the SS and disappeared. Declared dead 15 May 1945.
SPITZER Lajos Rozsa JUHASZ Mor SCHWAB / SVAB Jozefa Eszak u. 83/b odd-jobber Called up to auxiliary labour service in Hodmezovasarhely on 18 Apr 1943. Last field post dated 26 April. Declared dead 15 May 1943.
SPITZER Margit MAHLER Miklos Jozsef KLEIN Terez Andrassy u. 25. Nagyszalonta 25 Jul 1912 June 1944 Deported with her son via Szeged to Auschwitz. On 13 Apr 1945, while being carried from Kertschenbach to Randegg, they were captured by the SS and disappeared. Declared dead 15 May 1945.
SPITZER Ottilia CZUKOR Borbala Zsoldos u. 7. retired post office controller 15 Jun 1944
SPRINGER Zsofia GROSZ Aron Samuel POLLAK Fani Konyves u. 25/a Hodmezovasarhely 26 Aug 1869 23 Jun 1944 Widow. Sent to the Szeged transit camp on 16 June. On 23 June, as an old and sick person, she was deported with the first transport to Auschwitz. Declared dead 15 Jul 1944.
SPRINGER Imre Klara KRAMMER Mor SPITZER Cecilia gr. Csaky Albin u. 5. upholsterer Hodmezovasarhely 10 Feb 1897 Called up to the 107/321st labour company in Hatvan on 15 May 1944. His unit was sent to Sopron in Jan 1945. He was hospitalised due to serious frost injuries. Declared dead 15 Apr 1945.
SPRINGER Cecilia SPITZER Mihaly HOLLANDER Roza Andrassy u. 43. 16 June 1944
SPRINGER Terez Imre KRAUMMER Klara gr. Csaky Albin u. 5. dental technician's apprentice Hodmezovasarhely 24 Dec 1927 June 1944 Unmarried. Deported with her mother to Auschwitz. After a month she became ill and was transferred to another lager. Declared dead 15 Jul 1944.
STEINER David Eszter BALOGH Leopold IRITZ Cecilia Szerencse u. 31/a driver Lugos 27 Nov 1887 June 1944 Deported first to Szeged, then, with the first transport, to Auschwitz. Declared dead Jul 1944.
STEINER Flora Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque.
STEINER Gyula DEUTSCH Fanni Kutasi ut 25. June 1944 Died in 1944.
STEINER Anna ROBICSEK Gyula STERN Fatime Kutasi ut 25. June 1944
STEINER Klara Rakoczi u. 21. June 1944
STOLCZ Dezso Margit BOROS Ferenc BERLINER Julia Damjanich u. 47. (Csillag u. 4.) baker 19 Apr 1900 Called up to auxiliary labour service in Hodmezovasarhely in 1942. His unit (105/13rd field labour company) was sent to the Russian combat zone. He disappeared during January-February 1943.
STOLCZ Ferenc KOROSI Katalin Bethlen Istvan u. 13. (Jewish Old Age Home) Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque.
STOLCZ Szilveszter Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque.
STRAUSZ Aladar Roza MESZAROS Adolf HARADEK Anna Kard u. 4. civil servant Hodmezovasarhely 10 Jul 1898 Former reserve officer. Called up to labour service in Ujvidek on 10 May 1944. Last message received from him from Kunmadaras, on 15 Sep. Declared dead 15 Oct 1944.
STRASSER Roza WEISZ Ede Gabor KOHN Maria Andrassy u. 28. Hodmezovasarhely 23 Oct 1860 June 1944 Widow.
SURANYI Sandor Hermann SURANYI Jolan Hodmezovasarhely 21 Jul 1909 Called up to labour service. His unit (402nd special labour company) was sent to the Eastern Front. Disappeared during January-February 1943.
SZABO Dr. Andor Irma BRAUN Simon GROSZMAN Rozal Petőfi u. 21. candidate of law, photographer's helper Budapest 31 Dec 1895 Called up to labour service in Hodmezovasarhely on 24 May 1944. Sent with his unit to Ujvidek. According to the account of fellow inmates he was shot dead in Hungarian Nazis between Gyor and Komarom. Declared dead 15 Feb 1945.
SZABO Tamas Dr. Andor BRAUN Irma Petőfi u. 21. student Hodmezovasarhely 18 Oct 1926 Unmarried. Called up to labour service in Hodmezovasarhely on 06 Jun 1944. Deported to Dachau. Last seen in April 1945. Declared dead 15 May 1945.
SZANTO Gyorgy Bela STRASSER Etelka Matyas u. 55. brush maker Hodmezovasarhely 27 Mar 1919 Unmarried. Called up to labour service in Hodmezovasarhely in 1942. Last message received from Orgovany in March 1942. Served in the 5/5th labour service company (5th battalion). Died on 05 Jan 1943.
SZANTO Jozsef Miksa FRIEDMANN Janka Horthy Miklos út 8. clerk Hodmezovasarhely 07 Oct 1901 Called up to the 105/302nd labour service company in Ujvidek on 4 May 1944. Last field post dated 16 August. Declared dead 15 Sep 1944.
SZANTO Miksa Janka FRIEDMANN Adolf KLEIN Johanna Horthy Miklos út 8. (Werboczy u. 5.) merchant Hodmezovasarhely 31 May 1869 16 June 1944 Father's surname STERN. Declared dead 15 Aug 1944.
SZASZ Jozsef Iren SAROLTA Janos BEREGI Alexandra Budapest II. Kandó Kálmán u. 2/b. banking clerk Hodmezovasarhely 21 Apr 1894 Declared dead 15 Jan 1945.
SZEKELY Imre KLEIN Jozefa Szt. Antal u. clerk Called up to labour service on 01 Jun 1942. Disappeared on the Russian Front in January 1943
SZEKELY Imre Erzsebet MOSKOVICS Dezso VOGEL Blanka Nagyvarad (owner of property in Hodmezovasarhely) wood trader Hodmezovasarhely 02 Apr 1890 28 April 1944 Father's surname SELTMANN. Taken in to the Nagyvarad ghetto in April 1944. Deported to Auschwitz. Declared dead 15 Jun 1944.
SZEKELY Dr. Istvan Marta DER Dezso BURGER Roza Andrassy u. 9. lawyer Hodmezovasarhely 02 Oct 1901 Father's surname SELTMANN. Called up to labour service in Hodmezovasarhely in May 1943. Transferred to war zone in Russia. Last message from him received in December 1944, when he was in custody as a POW. Declared dead 15 Jan 1945.
SZEKELY Marta DER Dr. Istvan Miksa POLITZER Ilona Andrassy u. 9. Oroshaza 14 Jun 1909 17 Jun 1944 Deported via the Szeged transit camp to Auschwitz. Declared dead 15 Jul 1944.
SZEKELY Istvan Dr. Istvan DER Marta Andrassy u. 9. student Hodmezovasarhely 12 Jan 1933 17 Jun 1944 Deported via the Szeged transit camp to Auschwitz. Declared dead 15 Jul 1944.
SZEKELY Dr. Marton / Mor Erzsebet ZUCKERMANN Karoly KLEIN Jozefa / Pepi Szeremlei u. 6. physician Magyarbanhegyes 03 Jul 1887 June 1944 Father's surname STEINER. Deported with his wife and mother-in-law to Vienna, where they had to work for a cable factory. As news of the approaching Russian army spread, they left for an unknown location. Presumably they were caught by German soldiers later. Declared dead 15 May 1945.
SZEKELY Erzsebet ZUCKERMANN Dr. Marton / Mor Izidor SINGER Hermina Szeremlei u. 6. Medgyeshaza 18 Dec 1894 June 1944 see SZEKELY Marton
SZELESTEI Mor / Moric Rozalia SCHONFELD Rudolf FOGEL Rozalia Konyves u. 19. shop assistant Hodmezovasarhely 17 Aug 1874 June 1944 Father's surname STERN. Died in the Bergen-Belsen lager on 28 Apr 1945. Declared dead 15 May 1945.
SZELESTEI Sandor Mor SCHONFELD Rozalia Konyves u. 19. 06 Dec 1913 Called up to labour service in Hajmasker. No news of him after 10 June 1944.
SZEMZO Erzsebet VAJTA Dr. Miklos Dr. Jeno FONYO Piroska Horthy Miklos út Szeged 06 Nov 1901 16 Jun 1944 Deported via Szeged to Auschwitz. Last seen in July. Declared dead 15 Aug 1944.
SZOBOTKA Istvan Erzsebet PRINCZ Adolf GLASSER Maria GT 827 farmer, leaseholder Pusztaszer 05 Apr 1887 June 1944 Deported with his wife via Szeged to Auschwitz. Declared dead 15 Sep 1944.
SZOBOTKA Erzsebet PRINCZ Istvan Karoly DEUTSCH Irma GT 827 Szeged 05 Nov 1895 June 1944 Deported with her husband via Szeged to Auschwitz. Declared dead 15 Sep 1944.
SZOBOTKA Pal Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque. *May refer to the same person as Istvan SZOBOTKA.*
SZOBOTKA Mrs. Pal Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque. *May refer to the same person as Erzsebet SZOBOTKA.*
SZOLLOS Margit HALASZ Karoly WEISZ Jozefa Berkenye u. 14 17 Jun 1944
SZONYI Gyorgy Lajos KEMENY Erzsebet Andrassy u. 6. locksmith and electrician Hodmezovasarhely 12 Sep 1916 Unmarried. Called up to auxiliary labour service in Hodmezovasarhely at the 5th labour battalion on 15 Dec 1942.
TACHAUER Eva Vilmos LAKATOS Sara Arpad u. 8. student Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque.
TACHAUER Vilmos Sara LAKATOS HACKER Berta Werboczy u. 14. (Arpad u. 8.) dental technician Ada 20 Sep 1909 Called up to labour service at the 5th labour battalion in 1942. Disappeared in January 1943.
TAGANYI Artur Ilona TEPRANSZKI / TEMPLASZKY Max WEISZ Juli / Julia Petofi u. 1. pharmacist Bekescsaba 04 Feb 1877 16 Jun 1944 Father's surname TAUB. Deported via Szeged to Gmund in Lower-Austria. In October he fell sick with pneumonia and erysipelas. Died on 21 Nov 1944. Buried in the local Catholic cemetery.
TEVAN Antal Janetta KELLER David GROSZ Katalin Kinizsi u. 10. (gr. Bethlen Istvan u. 24.) house painter 20 Dec 1873 16 Jun 1944
TEVAN Simon Sara / Zali WEISZFELD David WEISZ Terez gr. Bethlen Istvan u. 1/a house painter, sign maker Hodmezovasarhely 20 Apr 1882 16 Jun 1944 Deported with his wife via Szeged to Auschwitz. Died of typhus in Horsching in April. Declared dead 30 Apr 1945.
TEVAN Sara / Zali WEISZFELD Simon Jakab WEISZ Malvin gr. Bethlen Istvan u. 1/a Oroshaza 01 Dec 1882 16 Jun 1944 Deported with her husband via Szeged to Auschwitz. Died of typhus in Horsching in April. Declared dead 30 Apr 1945.
TOFFLER Janos Sari SZILASI Istvan SCHWIMMER Hermina Oroshaza, Rakoczi út 1. merchant Hodmezovasarhely 15 Jul 1898 10 May 1944 Carried off from his home in Oroshaza by the Gestapo, and taken to Germany. Presumably died in the Horsching military hospital after the Mauthausen lager had been liberated by the Allies. Declared dead 31 Dec 1945.
TOFFLER Jozsef Anna NAGY Fulop WEISZ Zseni Ferenc Jozsef sgt. 25. Hodmezovasarhely 29 Jan 1920 Called up to labour service in Hodmezovasarhely on 10 Jul 1942. Transferred to Russian combat zone with 7th special labour company. Last field mail sent in December 1942. Declared dead 15 February 1943.
TOFFLER Malvin / Mini TOLCSVAI Marton Emanuel KOHN Kati Szentesi u. 25. Hodmezovasarhely 16 Aug 1873 Spring 1944 Widow. Deported to Zlabings and, later, to Theresienstadt. Died of serious illness on 02 May 1945. Body cremated.
TRAUB Laszlo TRAUB Dora Arpad u. 8. apprentice Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque.
VADASZ Miklos Roza RICHTSEIT Ignac STEINER Jolan Szentkiraly u. 6. chemist Nagykoros 28 Jan 1895 Father's surname WERKNER. On 20 April 1944, interned by Police for keeping his shop open longer than permitted to Jews. He was first taken to Budapest, from here to Sarvar, finally, Szombathely. On 19 May he was deported to Auschwitz-Birkenau. Due to an arm injury which he had sustained in the Great War, he was classified as unfit to work.
VAJDA Sara DORNER Imre SCHWARTZ Regina Csáky Albin u. 2. June 1944 Widow.
VAJDA Zsuzsanna Csáky Albin u. 2. June 1944
VARADI Eva Dr. Miklos KERTESZ Iren Szeged, Mars ter 17. Szeged 17 Oct 1940 June 1944 According to death certificate issued in Gaming she was shot dead by SS soldiers in the Gostling lager on 13 April 1945.
VARADI Dr. Miklos Iren KERTESZ Szeged, Mars ter 17. physician Szeged 27 Jan 1906 June 1944 According to death certificate issued in Gaming he was shot dead by SS soldiers in the Gostling lager on 13 April 1945.
VARADI Iren KERTESZ Dr. Miklos Szeged, Mars ter 17. Hodmezovasarhely 21 Jan 1913 June 1944 According to death certificate issued in Gaming she was shot dead by SS soldiers in the Gostling lager on 13 April 1945.
VARKONYI / WENGER Judit Olga Miklos ARANY Ilona Hodmezovasarhely 22 Feb 1927 18 Jun 1944 unmarried. Deported via Szeged to Auschwitz with the first transport. Declared dead 15 Jul 1944.
VESZI Dr. Arthur Ignac BLAU Ida Kinizsi u. 7/a lawyer 16 Jun 1944 Unmarried. Father's surname WEISZ. Deported to Austria.
VIDA Dr. Marton / Mor Mihaly KEIGLER Gizella Budapest VI - II, Stahly u. 5. physician Hodmezovasarhely 1896 Father's surname WEISZ. Declared dead 15 Jun 1945.
WALLFISCH Dr. Gyula Anna ARANY Soma LAMPEL Blanka Dr. Csaky Lajos u. 34. lawyer Oroshaza 08 Nov 1905 Called up to auxiliary labour service In Hodmezovasarhely on 23 Jul 1942. He was taken prisoner at Voronezh in mid January 1943. Seen last in a very poor condition on 15 Mar 1945.* Declared dead 15 April 1943. *Date possibly in error; should be 15 Mar 1943?
WALLFISCH Soma Blanka LAMPEL Ignac BRULL Jozefa Ferenc u. 1. master carpenter Szarvas 15 Sep (or Oct) 1875 June 1944 Declared dead 15 July 1944.
WALLFISCH Blanka LAMPEL Soma Leopold MULLER Johanna Ferenc u. 1. Hodmezovasarhely 02 Nov 1877 June 1944 Declared dead 15 July 1944.
WEINBERGER Mrs. Mozes Agyag u. 4 16 Jun 1944 Survived deportation.
WEISZ Margit KEMENY Adolf HARTMANN Antonia Kallay u. 35/a 1890 16 Jun 1944 Widow. Declared dead 15 July 1945.
WEISZ Anna KLEIN Cecilia gr. Bethlen Istvan u. 13. (Jewish Old Age Home) June 1944
WEISZ Etel Henrik POLITZER Fanni Kinizsi u. 9/a dental technician Hodmezovasarhely 30 Sep 1891 16 Jun 1944 Deported via Szeged to Auschwitz. Declared dead 15 Jul 1944.
WEISZ Gyorgy Ignac BLAU Ida Hodmezovasarhely 21 Jul 1893 Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque.
WEISZ Gyorgy Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque.
WEISZ Laszlo Ida BILEK Hermann VOGEL Leonora Ronay u. 12. book and paper dealer Hodmezovasarhely 16 Nov 1890 mid June 1944 Deported via Szeged first to Strasshof and later to the Gmund labour camp. During an Allies air raid in March 1945, he was fatally wounded and died the same day. Declared dead 23 Mar 1945.
WEISZ Cecilia SPITZER Mihaly UNGAR Johanna gr. Bercsenyi Miklos u. 28. ceramics trader 06 Nov 1878 Widow. Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque.
WEISZ Margit BAUER Miklos LANG Blanka Andrassy u. 20. Hodmezovasarhely 20 Aug 1884 16 June 1944 Widow. According to the death certificate issued in Terezin she died on 31 May 1943.
WEISZ Rudolf Mate Mihaly SPITZER Cecilia Ujpest, Virag u. 33. Hodmezovasarhely 08 Aug 1905 Unmarried. Called up to labour service in February 1944. Declared dead 31 Mar 1944.
WEISZ Szidonia KLEIN Cecilia gr. Bethlen Istvan u. 13. (Jewish Old Age Home) Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque.
WEISZFELD Sandor Lipot STRASSER Gizella Andrassy u. 28. leather trader's helper Hodmezovasarhely 22 Mar 1912 Unmarried. Enlisted to military service in the army on 01 Jul 1940. Later transferred to labour service and sent to the Russian war zone M455in 1942. Here he served in the 105/4th field labour company. In Spring 1945 he became ill of typhus. Declared dead 15 Apr 1945. (Other reports claim he was shot dead when he was unable to keep pace with the unit due to a leg injury.)
WEISZFELLER Laszlo Eszter KAFFKA Moric SINGER Fani Budapest, Ipoly u. 7/c clerk Hodmezovasarhely 29 Feb 1908 Called up to labour service on 17 May 1944. Last field mail dated 25 July. With other inmates he was transferred to the Bor ( Serbia) labour camp. Declared dead 15 Aug 1944.
WENGER Ilona ARANY Miklos Janos SZENDE Eugenia Ronay u. 5. Hodmezovasarhely 03 Oct 1897 18 Jun 1944 Father's surname AUSPITZ. See VARKONYI / WENGER Judit Olga.
W. GRUBER Janka Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque.
WILHEIM Andor Jozsa POPPER Mor HOCHENBERG Jetti Zrinyi u. 47. sales agent Hodmezovasarhely 02 Jun 1886 Jun 1944 Deported to Austria. In April 1945 he was transferred to Theresienstadt. Here he became ill and died on 10 June 1945.
WILHEIM Frigyes Mor RABENSTEIN Rozalia Hodmezovasarhely 06 Sep 1900 Called up to auxiliary labour service. Served in the 105/1st field labour company (5th battalion). His unit was sent to the Russian war zone. He died here on 12 Nov 1942.
WILHEIM Dr. Sandor Maria DIETRICHSTEIN Mor HOCHENBERG Jetti gr. Bethlen Istvan u. 13. candidate of law 28 June 1944
WILHEIM Maria DIETRICHSTEIN Dr. Sandor GOLDSTEIN Eleonora gr. Bethlen Istvan u. 13. Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque.
WINKLER Mrs. Sandor Fuz u. 25. company owner June 1944 Widow.
WINTERSTEIN Aladar Maria TOTH David GLOSZ Cecilia Nyar u. 64. Szerbkeresztur 29 May 1903 Called up to labour service in Hodmezovasarhely in 1942. As a labour service inmate he was sent to the Russian Front. Serving in the 105/t0th field labour company, he died in Russian war zone on 11 Dec 1942.
WOHLSTEIN Mrs. Andor Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque.
WOLF Janka Vilmos OBLATT Rozalia Andrassy u. 7. shop assistant Hodmezovasarhely 19 Jan 1877 mid June 1944 Deported via the Szeged transit camp to Strasshof. In March 1945 she became ill and was hospitalised in Theresienstadt. Declared dead 15 Apr 1945.
WOLF Jozsef Katalin SCHWARCZ Ignac ROSENTHAL Karolina Makoi orszagut 3. Szentes 20 Nov 1904 Called up to auxiliary labour service at the 5th labour battalion on 13 Jul 1942. According to a Red Cross notification he was taken prisoner at Stary Nikolskoje in January 1943. Declared dead 15 Feb 1943.
WOLF Laszlo Jolan ROBITSCHEK Vilmos OBLATT Rozalia Arpad u. 1. (Rothermere u. 1, Kinizsi u. 11) glazier Hodmezovasarhely 24 Dec 1882 16 June 1944 Deported to Austria, then to Neudorfl. Last mail dated 02 September. Declared dead 15 Oct 1944.
WOLF Jolan ROBITSCHEK Laszlo Sandor ROTH Antonia Arpad u. 1. (Kinizsi u. 11.) Gerendaspuszta 27 Jan 1885 16 June 1944 Deported to Austria, then to Neudorfl. Declared dead 15 Oct 1944.
WOLF Mor Maria KOPORNYIK Vilmos OBLATT Rozalia Horthy Miklós út 16. glazier Hodmezovasarhely 19 Dec 1879 mid-June 1944 Deported via Szeged to Strasshof. Died in January 1945, presumably due to starvation. Declared dead 15 Feb 1945.
ZALAI Mrs. Bela Name on Hodmezovasarhely Jewish Martyrs Memorial Plaque.
ZUCKERMANN Hermina SINGER Izidor Leopold UJHELYI Betti Hodmezovasarhely 10 Feb 1870 Jun 1944 Widow. Deported with her daughter and son-in-law via Szeged to Vienna. As news of the approaching Russian army spread, they left for an unknown location. Presumably they were caught by German soldiers and shot dead. Declared dead 15 May 1945.


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