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Translated by Jerrold Landau
Pictures extracted by Larry Gaum
Paczurkes, a village near Kazan. The Reichel family stands near their mill.
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Public school, from Postavy, 1922 |
Dramatic club of the Zionist organization in Postavy |
[Page 406]
Chapter of Haoved of Postavy parting from a Postavy family on the occasion of their aliya to the Land of Israel |
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The Postav teacher Kocikowicz with a group of students and friends, 1935 |
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Chapter of Haoved of Postavy parting from a Postavy family on the occasion of their aliya to the Land of Israel |
Luskier Folks School near Szarkowszczyzna |
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Avraham Yitzchak, Gershon Bunimowicz's grandfather, from Postavy |
A Jew of Postavy with his granddaughter |
[Page 410]
The tailor Norodcki from Dunilowicz. He was killed in Dunilowicz |
The child Herzl Icler of blessed memory. Child of Kopel Icler of Kazan. Died on July 26 in Buenos Aires at the age of 8. |
Avraham Feigel from Kazan |
[Page 411]
Yisrael Shpunt of blessed memory, died in New York at the age of 78 on January 2, 1949. Rachel Leah Shpunt of blessed memory, born in Dvinsk, lived all the years in Glubokie, then she traveled to her husband Yisrael Shpunt in America. She lived there for four years. In 1936, she went to her children Reuven and Yentl Shpunt in Argentina. She died in Buenos Aires at the age of 94 on November 12, 1955. Both are from Glubokie. A large crowd came to her funeral.
Translator's note: The dates here do not seem to present an accurate timeline |
Yekutiel Rivkind teacher from Postavy |
[Page 412]
Sonia Chazan from Szarkowszczyzna. She was killed. |
David Icler and Chieb Icler from Postavy. They were killed.
Translator's note, I suspect the name is Chaim, and there is a typo |
[Page 413]
Moshe Paikin. Husband of Sonia Szmuszkowicz from Szarkowszczyzna. Killed in the Glubokie Ghetto. |
Sara Devora Entin, born in 1913 in Lozowka. Lived in Druja. She was a Yiddish-Hebrew teacher in the towns of Horodziej and Lozszki. It is surmised that the peasants with whom she lived killed her. |
[Page 414]
Zalke Gordon of blessed memory. Born on July 31, 1908 in Szarkowszczyzna. Died in Buenos Aires on the eve of Rosh Hashanah, September 27, 1954. |
Professor of botany, a cousin of Sonia Kacowicz, born in Vilna. Lives in Poland. |
[Page 415]
Motel Kacowicz. Nephew of Noach.
A partisan. Lives in Postavy. |
Kopel Icler's brother from Postavy. Perished. |
David Dorf, Shimon and Itshe Tiles, Cashe Tiles, Malka Tiles, and the children of Yisrael and Leizer of Glubokie. All perished. |
[Page 416]
Moshe Paikin's mother and brother from Szarkowszczyzna. Perished. |
Rachel-Lea Szulkin of blessed memory from Szarkowszczyzna. Died at age 65. |
Kopel Icler's mother from Postavy |
Shlomo Szulkin. 14 years old. Perished. |
[Page 417]
A gravestone from the Druja cemetery. Our dear father, a pure, upright man. Kalman Uri Teitz the son of Reb Aharon Chaim of blessed memory. Died 13 Cheshvan 5637 (1936). May his soul be bound in the bonds of eternal life. |
Avraham Entin. Born in Druja, 1914. Served in the Polish Army. Underwent hachsharah in Beitar. Died fighting against the Germans. |
Yehoshua Teitz. A partisan. Lives in Druja. |
[Page 418]
Yoel Pinia Swirsky with his wife, children and grandchildren from Dunilowicz. All perished, aside from Noachke, who lives in Buenos Aires. |
[Page 419]
Beilka Chadasz from Szarkowszczyzna with her friends after the liberation. The story of their experiences is included in the chapter The Destruction of Szarkowszczyzna. |
Leib Baum. A partisan from Kazan. |
[Page 420]
At a celebration of the L'L organization. Shmerke Koczerginski of blessed memory is in the center. |
Youth of Glubokie at a celebration in 1934 |
[Page 421]
Yentel Reichel de Povodofsky z'l
Yentel Reichel was the daughter of Yitzhak Reichel. Her mother was Laia-Reizel. Yentel was born in 1897 in Postov. She was orphaned very young and was raised by relatives. At a young age she left for Vilna where she worked in a bakery. Later, after the second World War, she returned to Michalishok. She was married in Postov to Yedida Povodofsky who came from Ozorkov, near Lodz. Yedida served in the Polish army, after the war ended he remained in Postov. In 1929 Yentel arrived in Argentina. She made her home in the Jewish quarter, Wisha Krespa. Here Yentel became the motherof all the Landsleit that came from all the shtetls around Postov. Her home was the meeting place for all the expatriots. We felt the warmth radiating from our old home. Her death, November 24, 1955, left a hole in our hearts. Her friendship will always be remembered. Her funeral drew a large crowd. Her eulogy was read by Ruben Lewin.
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Updated 25 Sep 2020 by LA