Translator's note. In many cases, the photos were translated into English
already in the text. However, usually the English translation was not complete.
In some cases, it was not an exact accurate translation of the Hebrew or
Yiddish. I augmented the translation of these captions to reflect the Hebrew
or Yiddish. I include here all of the photo captions, even if they were
already translated completely in English, so that the reader can get a complete
overview of all of the photo captions.
For captions describing title pages of books, I often augmented the caption
with information from the title page itself when not included in the caption
(such as date and place of publication, main topic, etc.). I did not include a
full translation of such title pages.
There are two page numbers to each page of text in the book, as each of the two
columns on a page has its own page number (i.e. the numbers are really column
numbers rather than page numbers). In the list below, when a picture spanned
an entire page in width, I mentioned both page numbers. However, in the index,
it is only listed with the first page number.
The index of names below is not part of the text, but was rather compiled by
myself as I translated the captions.
Map of Grodno translation of legend of this map is included in the text
translation at its appropriate page.
Remnants of the ancient Jewish Quarter: the Shulhof (Synagogue
Yard) Ghetto. Photographed from the vantage point of the river in the late
1940s. Above the slope, to the left is the area of the old Jewish cemetery.
Grodno in the 16th
century, a gravure from 1568.
The Great Synagogue, named for the Levush
The 'Ratusz' (Old Town Hall). A view of its southern side on the Sabbath day,
when the stores are closed.
Title page of the Sefer Haradni {A Kabbalistic work on the Book of
Ruth, published in Lemberg in 1884}.
Excerpts from the Statutes of the Chevrat Mishnayot Ve'Alshich in
the Parbar suburb across the river, 1767.
Title page of Rabbi Alexander Susskind's Testament.
Excerpts from the annals of the Bikkur Cholim Society (Society for
Visiting of the Sick) of Grodno from 5579 1819.
Title page of the first Hebrew book printed in Grodno, 1778. The book is
called Zera Yaakov (The Seed of Jacob).
Title page of Pirke Rabbi Eliezer (Chapters of Rabbi Eliezer)
printed in Grodno by Baruch Mas (Romm) in 1797.
Title page of the annals of Chevra Shas (The Society of Talmudic
Study), from the suburb. This is from the year 5590 1830.
Title page of the book Nezer Aharon (Crown of Aaron) by Rabbi
Aharon Miadler. A wonderful commentary on the book of Kohelet (Ecclesiastes),
published in Piotrkov, 5674 1914.
Rabbi Alexander Moshe Lapidot
Title page of the book Toldot Menachem on the life of Reb
Nochemke. Published by Aryeh Leib Miller in Piotrikov, 5673 (1913).
The poet Yissachar (Dov) Ber Hurwitz
{middle of page} The writer Menachem Mendel Davidson
{bottom of page} the writer Avraham Shalom Friedberg
Th poet Abba Konstantin Shapira
Title page of the book Ir Giborim (The City of the Mighty) by
Shimon Friedenstein, the first historian of the Grodno Jewish community.
Published in Vilna by Yehuda Leib the son of Eliezer Lipman Metz, 5640 (1880).
The writer Yisrael David Miller.
Reb Fishel Lapin
Rabbi Moshe Yehoshua Yehuda Leib Diskin
A letter from the year 5640 (1880) from the Yishuv Eretz Yisrael
Society of Grodno to Reb Yechiel Michel Pines of Jerusalem, regarding the
purchase of a plot of land in Petach Tikva.
Reb Mordechai Diskin, one of the first settlers of Petach Tikva.
Members of the Vilbushevicz family (1883). Standing on right is Izak
Vilbushevicz, who immigrated to the land of Israel in 1882 and worked there
with Biluim. Standing on the left is his nephew Dr. Yosef Chazanovitch.
Sitting on the left is his sister Chana Vilbushevicz, in the center is his
mother Sara (nee Rosenzweig).
{center} Yisrael Shochat
Rivka Pozniak
{top} Eliezer Shochat
{center} Chana Maisel
Noach Bas, Yosef Sprincak (the Speaker of the first Knesset of Israel), and
the Hebrew writer A. A. Kabak, in Grodno, 1905.
Naftali Hertz Dreier, an activist of the Jewish Self Defense of Grodno.
The tobacco factory of Shereshevski and partners.
Yurzike (ancient Jewish Ghetto) in winter.
Dr. Shmaryahu Lewin, Zionist leader, orator and writer, the government
rabbi of Grodno.
Rabbi Eliakim Shlomo Shapira
Rabbi Zeev Wolf Margaliot (Reb Velvel)
Rabbi Moshe Yehuda Rabinowicz
Michael Uriahson, delegate to the First Zionist Congress.
Mordechai Janowski
Shlomo Pasmanik, one of the first Labor Zionists of Grodno
{top} Leading figures of Poale Zion in Grodno (1904-1908). The committee:
from right: Feitshe Starodob, Avraham Rebeikov, Avraham Krinitzi, Binyamin
Eisenberg, Rivka Pozniak.
{lower right} Active Poale Zion workers among the ranks of the Russian army.
From right: B. Eisenberg, Sh. Janowski.
{lower left} Binyamin Weller
The Cheder Metukan, 5669 (1909). Grade 9 on Lag Baomer. Middle row from the
right: the teachers and members of the supervisory committee: Zaltmanovitch,
Klaczkowski, Berta Isakovna, Yehoshua Lewin, Rif, Betzalel Jaffe, Dufelberg,
Chazan, the music teacher. In the continuation of the row, the administrator
The teaching staff of the Cheder Metukan, 5672 (1912). From right:
Chazan, Yehoshua Lewin, Bloch, Zeltzmanovitch, A. D. Minkin, Eliahu Diskin,
Reuven Vigdorovitch, Aharon Kahanshtam the principal of the cheder and of the
pedagogic courses.
Title page of Bein Or Lachoshech (Between Day and Night), by A.
Miller, Vilna 5661 [1901].
{bottom} The first group to be trained as Hebrew teachers in Grodno. Sitting
second from right: the group's teacher Yavnin, Josefson, A. L. Semiatizki.
The first graduating class of the Hebrew pedagogic courses, with the teachers
and the members of the supervisory committee. Sitting from right, in the first
(bottom) row, fourth person: A. Karon. Second row, Y. Dopelberg, Ch. A.
Chazan, Moshe Taraschanski, A. Kahanshtam, Tzvi (Grigory) Katznelson, Moshe
Gildin (music teacher), L. Rif, Shmuel Lewin. Third row standing, second from
left A. A. Zalmanovitch. Top row, first from left Avraham
{183 - 184}
The Hebrew poet Shaul Tchernichovski on a visit with the Hebrew Pedagogic
Courses during their third session in 5669 (1909). Seated, from the right, in
the first (lowest) row: 7) Gad Shklarski; second row: 4) A. Kahanshtam, 5)
the poet Shaul Tchernikovski, 6) Dr. Sh. Y. Tsharno, 7) the poet Yaakov
Lerner, 8) A. A. Zeltzmanovitch. Third row: 2) Gershom Muradow, 4)
Yitzchak Spivak; Fourth row: 3) Y. Wermel, 6) Yechezkel Han, 7) A. Diskin;
Sixth row: 6) A. D. Minkin.
Reuven Yosef Paikovitz (father of Yigal Alon, general and minister in the Israeli Government).
The Vilbushevicz family (1920). From right: Nachum, Manya Shochet, Tzila (nee
Broda), Moshe, Gedalia.
Eliezer Prudovski
People from Grodno who made Aliya to the Land of Israel during the Second Aliya
{upper right} Yehuda and Feiga Riva Tankus
{upper left} Yisrael Shochat (in the center) among the members of
Hashomer Mascha-Kfar Tavor, 5669 (1909)
{center right} Betzalel Jaffe
{center left} Meir Shochat
{lower right} Rachel Maisel
{lower middle} Necha Neiman
{lower left} Tovia Matus
Distribution of daily food portions at the Jewish Children's Home. On the
right is the nurse Sonia Starodob.
Leaders of the Yiddishe Kunst Society. From right: Noach Bas,
Dr. Mordechai Boroditzki, Avraham Zak, Leib Neidus, and Baruch Kasin.
The Kibbutz (Yeshiva) Shaarei Torah, in the year 5678 (1928).
Sitting in the second row from the bottom, from the right: 2) Moshe Salman 4)
The teacher Yakir Landa, 5) Yitzchak Wasilishki, 7) Reb Y. M. Zak, 9) The
Rabbi of the German army Dr. Erich Winter, 10) the head of the Yeshiva Rabbi
Moshe Wolfson, 11) Reb Yosef Leib Nandik, the spiritual overseer of the
Yeshiva, 12) Luwitz, one of the trustees (gabbaim), 13) The founder of the
Yeshiva Reb Reuven Soloveitchik. In the lowest row, fifth from left
Peretz Sandler. In the third row from the bottom, standing sixths from the
right Moshe Betzalel Shapira, later a minister in the government of
{217} Public announcement of the Temporary Municipal Committee concerning
distribution of ration cards.
Seal of the District Magistrates Court, January 1919.
The committee of Shaarei Zion. From right: Yosef
Eisenstein-Barzilai, Alexander Kasin, Isser Kulik, Chaim
Pasmanik, Dov Rabin, Yisrael Shipers, Yehuda Stolarski-Sneh, Shlomo Wolikow,
may G-d avenge his blood.
The Local Zionist Committee in 1919, at a farewell party for Leib Jaffe as he
was about to make Aliya to the Land of Israel. From right, sitting on the
floor: Moshe Zandman, Dov Rabin; Sitting in first row: P. Matus, Yehoshua
Lewin, Wishniak, Dr. M. Boroditzki, Leib Jaffe, Hillel Isser Janowski, Tzvi
Soloveitchik, Eliahu Hurwitz, Mordechai Rebiakov; Standing: Meir Belko,
Hillel Panowka, Abba Brustin, A. Tarlovski, A. Goldshmid-Gad, Yitzchak
Yezerski, Y. Lewinstein, Yehoshua Pomerantz, the artist Marc Lev, I. Kulik,
Tovia Zamkow, Yaakov Shereshevski, Rabinowicz.
Active members of the Zionist youth organization Cherut-u-Techiya
{on right} Yeshayahu Fainsod
{on left} At the conference in Grodno, December 31, 1919. Seated from right,
in the first row from the bottom: 1) Aharon Goldshmid, 2) Itzkowitz; Second
row: 4), Tzvi Belko, 6) Shlomo Jokowski, 7) Mordechai Tzafnat, 8) Yaakov
Janowski; Standing in the third row: 1) Shapira, 3) Topolanski, 4) Moshe
Marder, 6) Elimelech Gornitzki-Goren, 7) Zbar, 8) Adin, 9) Peretz
Sandler, 11) Kimhi, 12) Chaim Jablonik (Jablokof); Fourth row: 2)
Lutenberg, 3) S. Weinstein 5) Etrog, 6) Yosef Zandman, 7) Shlomo Kimhi,
8) Novak.
Members and friends of Hechalutz visiting the Hachshara
at the tobacco plantation in Pocubiyaty in 1919.
Seated from right: first row from the bottom: 1) Yehuda Janowski, 2) V.
Soloveitchik-Zamir. Second row: 1) Meir Yezerski, 4) Efraim Payes, Yaakov
Shereshevski, 7) Alexander Kasin, 8) Aharon Zachari, 9) Avraham Stariski,
11) Elenhorn. Third row: 1) Tova Alexandrovitch (Torenheim), 3) Anders,
4) Avraham Tzadok Koloditzki, 5) Ch. Pasmanik, 6) Rachel Kaplan-Payes (Ben
Ami), 7) Zeev Dov Drozdowski, 8) Y. Lewinstein, 9) Mrs. Soloveitchik,
10) Abba Tarlovski, 11) Tzvi Soloveitchik, 12) Y. Kuczkowski, 13) Mrs.
Fis, 14) Mina Cohen-Amami, 15) Mata Kaplan Ben-Yosef, 15) Eliezerovitch.
Standing from left in fourth row: 1) Hillel Panowka, 2) Goldberg, 3)
Blodworska, 4) Yocheved Janowski (Aharonowski), 5) Sara Janowski, 6)
Dina Bas-Gan. Fifth row: 1) Binyamin Dashut-Nachmuni, 2) Dov Rabin, 3)
Yitzchak Wasilishski, 5) Yitzchak Gan, 6) Akiva Shklarski, 7) David Payes,
11) Yedidya Janowski, 12) David Rubin, 13) Yitzchak Nofech, 15) M.
Manasewitz. Sixth row: 1) Shmuel Horowitz, 2) Asher Pochter, 3) Shaul
Kalko-Barkli, 4) Mordechai (Marc) Lifshitz, 5) Avraham-Bar Paikowski, 6)
Tzvi Klempner-Kafri, 7) Malka Rozovski, 8) Roza Klempner, 9) Yehuda
Lubowski, 10) Nachman Milishkovski, 12) Matus, 13) Y.
Eisenstein-Barzilai. Top row : 1) Eisenstein, 3) Yehoshua Pomerantz, 4)
Aryeh Fis Ben-Ami, 6) Sara Gilula, 7) Sh. Welikow, 8) Yehuda
Stolarski-Sneh, 9) D. Manasewitz, 10) Stolarskit.
Hechalutz members on Hachshara in the Slobodka garden plot on June
29, 1919, after the visit of the American delegation headed by Henry Morgenthau.
Sitting from right: 1) A. Shklarski, 2) Eliezerovitch, 3) Yehoshua
Pomerantz, 4) Shoshka Yellin, 5) Rachel Kaplan-Payes, 6) V.
Soloveitchik-Zamir, 7) Goldberg, 8) Sh. Wolikow.
Standing, first row from the bottom, from the left: 1) E. Fis, 2. Tz. D.
Drozodowski, 3) Y. Eisenstein-Barzilai, 4) Dov Rabin, 5) Ch. Pasmanik,
6) Shoshana Yellin, 7) Payes (in the white shirt); Second row, from the
left: 1) Abba Tarlovski, 2) Binyamin Kreinowitz, 3) M. Y. Krikstanski,
4) Wishniak, 5) Yakir Lande, 6) Avraham Kaplan, 7) Aryeh Goldshmid-Gad,
8) Tzvi Soloveitchik, 9) Efraim Neimark, 10) Binyamin Dashut-Nachmuni, 11)
Y. Moarman, 12) Y. Shereshevski. 13 (the gardening instructor), 14) Yehoshua
Belitzki. Top row, from left: 1) Belodworski, 2) Tzvi Klempner-Kfari, 3)
Shmuel Zaionce, 4) Y. Stolarski-Sneh, 5) Zecharia Kimhi, 6) Aryeh
Title page of Hechalutz song book Shirei Zion (Songs of Zion).
Published by Sh. Gan, Grodno.
The medic Jonas administers first aid to the pogrom victim Yisrael Berezovski,
Shavuot 1935.
Aharon Yezerski
The masthead of the Grodnoer Zeitung newspaper.
Board of directors of the Folks-Bank, 1925. Sitting from right, bottom row:
1) Yosef Marmer, 2) Kaplan, 3) Asher Zszurawski, 4) Yosef Rubinroit
chairman of the board of directors, 5) A. Chomul, 6) David Lewin,
7) Noach Bas. Second row: 2) Moshe Adin-Lipnik, 3) David Widricki, 4)
Yaakov Burda, 5) Yosef Slip, 6) Orman, 8) Nisan Fein director.
Standing in top row: 1) Limoni, 2) Zelig Mifleb-Mifali, 3) Rivka Marmer,
4) David Manski, 5) Pinia Kaplan, 6) Manski, 7) Kobrinski, 8) Moshe
ORT branch committee in Grodno, 1920. Sitting from right: 1) Sh.
Birger, 2) Yosef Yashunski, 3) Y. Shereshevski, 4) Tzvi Soloveitchik, 5)
Abba Brustin. Standing: 1) David Berman Ben-Dov, 2) Yehuda Karon, 3)
Mordechai (Marcus) Feder, 4) Yitzchak Gozanski chairman, 5) Yehoshua
Workers of the Shereshevski tobacco factory, 1923.
Members of the Hachshara at work in the Kron vegetable garden. In
the center is Avigail Kron.
Members of the Hachshara of Hashomer Hatzair in 1934 near their
headquarters, with Leib Jaffe.
Active volunteers for medical and social aid. Sitting from right: 1) Dr. A.
Lipnik, 2) Mrs. Chazan, 3) Olga Bulkovstein, 4) Sh. Ostrinski, 5) Dr.
Rachel Gershuni, 6) Noach Bas, 7) Dr. M. Boroditzki. Standing: 1) Sara
Iberski, 2) Sh. Garber, 3) Slip, 4) Mrs. Soloveitchik, 5) B. Abramowitz,
6) Y. Suchovlanski, 8) Dr. Gitis.
Yaakov Tarlovski, Last Chairman of the Jewish Community Council.
Rabbi Shimon Shkop
Interior of the ancient wooden synagogue of the suburb.
Rabbi Avraham Gelbord (Grodno Chief Rabbi) toward the end of his life.
Rabbi Aharon Rubinson (Rabbi of "Slobodka" area)
Cantor Baruch Kamenetzki
The Great Synagogue choir with the cantor and the choir director, Berezowski.
Keren Hayesod Committee and key workers. Sitting from right, first row:
Mesdames Becker, Berman, Brustin, Shmulevitch, Alperstein, Berman, Mr.
Koshvenik, Breina Dreier-Berger, Y. Kosowski. Second row: A. Shulkes, Y.
Dufelberg, Mesdames Margoliot and Kosowski, Asher Kosowski, Leib Jaffe, Dr.
Shmuel Chazan, Yehuda Margalit, Mesdames Bronerwein and Lapin, L. Rip,
Shaliota. Standing in third row: Poliak, Wilin, Karasik, Sawitzki,
Yitzchak Soloveitchik, Avraham Pomerantz, Eliezer Gelgor, Noach Bas,
Avigail Kron, Mrs. Polak, Bielchik, Mrs. Feingold, Gutkin, Tovia Zamkow,
David Dunski. Fourth row: Bzozowitz, A. Brustin, Ber Belko, Maichik,
Lapidot, Lewin, Tz. Finkel, Shmuel Draznin, Beiram, Wolberg, Dlugach,
Lipski, Avraham Faibuchewitch. Fifth row: Mishkin, Nachman Tankus, Yaakov
Wolstein, Pinchas Wein, Eliezer Palnitzki, Zalishanski, Geretz. Top row:
Woroshilski, Pozbaski, L. Zonshein, Z. Lubitch, Chaim Shaskin, Yitzchak
Pozniak, Moshe Dreier, Pesach Sreiski, Avraham Babun.
A group of members of the Akiva movement. Sitting from the lower right: Moshe
Alperstein, Rachel Neiman, Mordechai Soloway, Miriam Kaplan. Second row:
1) Shevka Drebianski, 3) the counselor Ben Yaakov, 4) Ada Rubinstein, 5)
the counselor Jaffe, 6) Paula Kimhi, 7) Yitzchak Lev. Standing: Pesia
Klempner, Fania Brodowitz, Michael Bas, Etka Kaplan, Isser Lewin, Yaakov
Avraham Kimhi
Hachshara of Hapoel Mizrachi in Karolinka.
Farewell party at Poale Zion, 1934. Seated at the table from the right: 3)
Avraham Broida, 4) Yisrael Sas, 5) Eliezer Palnitzki, 6) Y. Walstein, 7)
Eliahu Janowski. Standing in the center: Meir Belko, next to him on the right
is Chaya Feder (nee Polachek), and on the left Pinchas Steinwachs.
Exhibition at the Brener Library. (library named after Y. Ch. Brener)
The Hachalutz Hatzair committee in 1925. Seated from the right: Zelig
Mifalew-Mifali, Etka Chaiut, Zigelnitzki, Eliezer Graievski, Batya Broida,
Chaikel Zalishanski may G-d avenge her blood, Mordechai Pomerantz, R.
Founders of Hashomer Hatzair, Grodno, 1923. Seated in the center: Yehuda
Janowski, to his right is Misha Dashavski and to his left is Izak Hurwitz.
Members of Zionist Pioneer youth movements, with Leib Jaffe, 1925.
From the bottom in the first row, from right: 6) Rivka Brestowitzki, 7) Lea
Elkes, last) Shmuel Diament. Second row: Y. Pozniak, P. Wein, N. Tankus,
Shmuelevitch, Leib Jaffe, B. Dreier-Birger, P Sreiski, Herzel Marcus, Yosef
Pomerantz, L. Zonshein. Standing in third row: 1) Ch. Gafni, 2) A Babun,
4) Michael Wolgel, 5) Ch. Shaskin, 7) Zerach Lubitz, 8) Daniel
Stanetzki, 9) Yaakov Shore, 10) Yaakov Hurwitz, 11) Chana Shuruk, 14)
Stanetzki. Fourth row: 2) Aharon Braverman, 3) M. Dreier, 4) V.
Soloveitchik-Zamir, 5) Chaim Ziman, 7) Yosef Maayani, 8) Misha Gelgor, 9)
Leib Kazlatzik, 10) Moshe Maltz. Fifth row: 1) Avraham Shure, 3) Abba
First Hachshara of Hashomer Hatzair of Grodno in Wasileibitz's estate near
Sopotzkin, 1925. Seated on the bottom: Reuben Ben-Shem, the regional leader
and founder of the farm. Next to him is Feibish Bendarski-Ben-Dori of the
Chalutz Council.
Commanders of Betar in Grodno, 1935, with Menachem Begin. From right: R.
Yellin, Aryeh Lifshitz-Lapid, Maniewitz, Y. Sawitzki, Menachem Begin,
Sorin, Bialostotzki, Notess, Noach Zaruches-Zarchi.
Reb Zeev Wolf Berman (Chairman of Agudat Israel and member of municipal council)
The masthead of the weekly Grodner Shtime, 26 September, 1930.
Preparing an exhibition of Jews in Poland at the Zisho school. The
teacher Leib Shifres in the center. Date on photo is 1938-1939.
Breakfast at the Talmud Torah school.
Tarbut secondary school, 1923. Sitting from the right in the center: the
teachers Reuven Vigdorovitch, Dr. Sh. Gutman (principal), Shmuel Lubovski and
beside him his son Asher Lubovski. Second row from the top: third from the
right Esther Berman (Kopelowitz), second from left Rachel
Lifschitz (Winkler). Third row from the top: first from the left: Chaim
Rabin. Fifth row from the top: fifth from the right Yitzchak
Golnitzki-Golani. Sixth row from the top: second from right: Dov (Borka)
Epstein (later a doctor), and fourth Akiva Skidelski-Skidel.
Founders and teachers of the Tarbut schools, 1929. Sitting from left: Noach
Bas, Dr. Sara Soloveitchik (the school's nurse), R. Vigdorovitch, David Braver
(principal), Sh. Lubovski, Miria Cimand-Reiskind, Yedidya Dopelberg. Standing
in the middle row: Zeev Yekel, Lea Shtutz, Dr. Tzvi Belko, Mrs. Berkman,
Shabtai Kaplan, Dr. Shmuel Amarant, Simcha Rubinstein. In the upper row:
Zeligman, Yisrael Landa, Y. Safrin, Adam Dam, Karo.
Excerpt from the opening page of Negohot, published by the students of the
Tarbut schools of Grodno, March 25, 1929 (first year).
The Tushia school. Gornitzki's Cheder). In the row of teachers, from right:
first Shlomo Zhukovski, in the center Reb Chaim Gornitzki.
Teachers and Melamdim. From right, sitting: Balun, Reb Shlomo
Burinski, Shmaryahu Badilkes, Reb Ezriel the melamed. Standing: 2) Yosef
the son of Reb Ezriel the melamed, 3) Reb Eliahu Olshnik, 4) Baruch Wolgel,
5) M. Leizerovitch.
Group of Bnot Yaakov. In the center is the counselor Esther Weinstein.
A class from the Yavneh School, 5689 (1929). Sitting in the second row, from
right: the teachers: Chaim Melamed, N. Reizel, A. Feldman, Dr. Levi
Memtzovitch. In the bottom row: Chaim Rubin.
Shimon Finkel in one of his first plays in Grodno..
Maccabi Sportsmen, 1925. Sitting in the center, from right: Yeshayahu Firnik,
the instructor. Tovia Zamkow.
The Jewish hospital..
The Jewish orphanage.
The Old Age home.
The Folkovnik (folk ?) doctor, Colonel Boris Vilbushevich.
The first group of Hechalutz Olim from Grodno with the regional Aliya
committee, May 1920. From the right, on the bottom: Aryeh Payes, Zecharya
Kimhi. Sitting Efraim Payes, Yedidya Janowski, Leibel Goldshmid (from the Aliya
committee), Isser Kulik, Gershon Hepner. Standing: Tzvi Klempner, David
Payes, Binyamin Dashut, Yitzchak Lewinstein (of the Aliya Committee), Aryeh
Geshri-Mostowski, Dov Rabin (of the Aliya Committee), Chaim Pasmanik.
In the Hechalutz Hachshara plot near Pohulanka, 1920. From left: 1) Yehuda
Stolarski, 2) Boiarskit, 3) Shmuel Zaionc, 5) Yosef Eisenstein, 7)
Yehoshua Shulkes, 9) Yaakov Shereshevski, 12) Leib Rubinov (the gardner).
First from right: Yehoshua Belitzki.
Second group of Hechalutz Olim from Grodno, with other Chalutzim, July 1920.
From left, bottom, the group who is making Aliya: 1) A. Tz. Koloditzki, 2)
Sh. Adin, 3) Mulia Hurwitz, 4) Gittel Luski-Avi-Raziel Meseini, 5) Moshe
Buxbaum (of Bialystok), 6) Sara Janowski (later made Aliya), 7) Dov Rabin,
8) Aryeh Goldshmid, 9) Yitzchak Gan, 10) Sara Prudovski-Avi-Aryeh, 11)
Eliahu Goldshmid, 12) Yechezkel Charlap (didn't make Aliya, today in
Canada). Seated: 1) Leib Rubinov, 2) Sara Kulik, 3) Yehoshua Shulkes,
4) Yocheved Janowski, 5) Yitzchak Lewinstein, 6) Rivka Babun, 7) Yitzchak
Nofech, 8) Tovia Zamkow, 9) David Berman-Ben-Dov, 10) Meir Belko, 11)
Nachman Milishkovski, 12) Yehuda Stolarski. Standing in third row: 1) Yosef
Eisenstein, 2) Avraham Golub, 5) Reisner, 7) Shoshka Yellin, 8) Chaya
Domblanski, 9) Dov Gofman, 10) Boiarskit, 11) Yatzblon, 12) Yaakov
Walstein, 13) Reisner, 14) Shmaltzvia, 15) Leib Reisner. Standing in top
row: 1) Elenhorn, 4) Dina Bas, 5) Matus, 6) Alexander Kasin, 7)
Eisenstein, 8) Tovia Lutenberg.
Grodno before the Nazi holocaust.
Top: General view.
Bottom: The ancient wooden synagogue in the suburb.
On the day of the entrance into the ghetto, on Shloss Gas.
Top: At the ghetto gate (where the arrow is), at the Yatka Gesl corner. The
central building is the judenrat headquarters.
Bottom: Waiting in line to enter the ghetto.
Grodno Jews on the way to the ghetto.
Top: the Nazis search entering Jews.
Bottom: After the search, on the right, marked with an X is Yehudit Lapin.
Young rebels of Hashomer Hatzair. Standing first from right is Gedalia
Brovarski. Sitting in the center (marked with an X) is Shayka Matus. Third
from left is Miriam Pupko.
Young fighters against the Nazi murderers (of the Hakarmel corps of Hashomer
From right to left in the first row at the bottom, sitting: 2) Tzila
Shachnes, 3) Miriam Pupko, 6) Sara Shabchowitz. Second row: 2) Chasia
Belitzki, 5) Eliahu Tankus, 6) Lonchik Pinchanski. Third row standing: 4)
Fania Lipkus. Eighth from right in top row Eliahu Yezerski, the last one:
David (Dodik) Rozovski.
Forged Aryan certificate of Bronia Vinitzki, with the name Jadwiga Szkibel.
Kvutzat Grodno (Grodno group) in Ramle, 1922, building the British governor's
residence with Arab stone-dresser companions. From right, in the bottom
center: 1) David Toviahu, later the mayor of Beer Sheva. Sitting in the
first row: 1) Chaim Pasmanik, 2) Aryeh Yatom (From Amdur), 3) Aryeh Payes, 4)
Rachel Kaplan-Payes, 5) Dina Bas-Gan, 7) Chaya Domblanski-Visovati, 8-10) B.
Binyamini, A. Visovati and Nechemia Gutman (all three from Bialystok). Second
row: 1) Y. Lewinstein, 3) P. Zarmi, 4) Yosef Eisenstein, 5) Lerman (the
government inspector), 6) Tzvi Rothbord (of Krynki), 8) the engineer, 9-11)
Shema Zak, Izak Ostrinski, Rothbord-Carmeli (all of Krynki). Standing: 4)
Stolarski, 5) Isser Kulik, 8) Shoshana Yellin, 11) Shlomo Kluk (of
Bialystok), 15) Aryeh Roitenstein, 16) Ch. Binyamini (of Bialystok), 17)
Ibrahim Mukhtar (teacher of stone-cutting), 18) Helmer, 19) Yitzchak Gan,
20) Dov Rabin, 21) Mulia Hurwitz, 23) Handelsman-Cnaani.
Reb Moshe Chaim Shapira, the interior minister of Israel.
Avraham Krinitzi of blessed memory, a builder and fighter, the mayor of Ramat
Gan for 45 years.
Reb Nachumka
Grodno printer's union. First from right: Isser Mas.
Grodno artisan's school for girls. Standing (from left to right: Beilka
Alpert, Gershuni, Breinka Cheshes, Mattel Weisman-Mas, Yehudit Margaliot,
Tzirel Groshkowski, Bluma Novak, Mirke. Sitting (second row): Henia
Zdnavitch, Rebeikov (steward), Esther Yacheles (teacher), the engineer
Gordon (teacher), Margalina (teacher), Chaim Rubin (sport teacher), Lea
Pomerantz. Third row: Tzipa Shereshevski, Chaya Teper (Amdor), Heshke
Turianski, Shereshevski (Skidel), Mirele Cheshes. Bottom row: Beilke
Kleinvart, Lehka Klempner.
The house of Eliza Ozszeszko in Grodno. She was a famous Polish writer who was
known for her friendship with Jews.
The professional school in Grodno. A lesson in the second grade. In the center:
the director engineer M. Gozanski and teacher Diament. On the right: Berl
Kreditor. Sitting in the second row on the left: Markl Kulkin.
The Fire Brigade of Grodno. Among the many I recognize
the following: Meir Rubinstein, the editor of the Yiddish newspaper in Mexico;
Yaakov Bendetson, an activist in the New York United Grodner
Relief; Motke Tzeskin. Sent by Y. Bendetson of New York.
Betar in Grodno in 1932. First row: Mordechai Shulkes, Daniel and David
Pinski. Third row: Tabalski, Liponski, Shoshana Yellin. Forth row: Nathan
Yellin-Mar, Mordechai Kulkin, Yitzchak Kulik, Dina Binder, Tzvia Meirov.
Chaim Staver, Yaakov Leizerovitch, Miriam Yellin, Aryeh Bilov (Bialostotzki), Noach Zarchi, Zalman Nanievitch, Y. Kreingel, M. Goldberg.
Fifth row: Carmela Buzman, Leibel and Beilka Sarin, Chaya Etkes, Chava
Kravetz. Last row: Reuven Yellin, Avraham Kulkin, Leibel Falak, Prof.
Natan Grasovitch, Moshe Notess, Eliezer Gordon, Izak Bernstein.
A group of Maccabi sportsmen. Rotkin, Chaim Rubin, Yudel and Labondz.
Military training. A group of Betar members undergoing military training with
instructors from the Polish army. From right to left: Mendel Rivkind,
Avraham Kulkin, Reuven Yellin, Zalman Maniewitz, Sh. Zaruches, Chaim Naor,
Eliezer Gordon, Braver.
Active members of the Grodno Organization in Israel, 1949. Sitting from left
to right: Aharon Borda, ?, Dr. Shimshon Chertok, Reb Mendel Pozevitch, Yosef
Kagan, of Chicago, Moshe Reisner and his wife, Pnina Rebeikov, Miriam Yellin.
Standing: Berta Burde, Eliezer Palnitzki, Dvora Livni, Chaim Pasmanik,
Yitzchak Livni, Meir Donski, Yitzchak Keidan and wife, Freda and Yosef
Arkin, Moshe Alperstein, Reb Mordechai Rebeikov, Aharon Zachari, Yitzchak
Dr. Shimshon Chertok of blessed memory, the chairman of the Grodno organization
of Israel for 20 years.
The committee of the Organization of Grodno Emigres in Israel. Sitting from
right to left: Shimon Mas, Chaim Pasmanik, Yitzchak Yellin, Aharon Zachari,
Shmuel Diament. Standing: Mordechai Kostin, Moshe Notess, Moshe
Alperstein, Freda Gershuni, David Menaker, Chaim Naor. Sitting third from
left is Eliezer Palnitzki.
Administration of the Grodner Relief in New York: Abe Shultz, Jack Bendetson,
Leo Garbolski, Morris Leon, Samuel Shneider, Jack Kahn, Willy Stein.
{top} A memorial gathering of the Grodner society in New York.
{bottom} The Grodner aid organization of the United States and Canada. Sitting
from left to right: Mrs. Stoirn, Isadore Stoirn, Sam Babitzki
president, Tzvi Polak vice-president, Dr. Shimon Chertok of Israel.
Standing: Herman Jablekof honorary president, Nechemia Gilmovski
director of UJA in America, Jack Kahn general secretary.
The general secretary of the Grodner Relief of New York, Jack Kahn with his
wife Helen at the memorial monument in the Har Chevron cemetery in Brooklyn.
William Stein
Phillip Karabel
Avraham Menes
Memorial gathering in New York, organized by the Yizkor committee of the
Grodner club of New York in 1965. On the dais: Professor Karabel, Yitzchak
Rivkind, Rabbi Moshe Grazalski.
Directors of the Organization of Grodno and vicinity of Buenos Aires, 1971.
Standing: Chana Wolinski, Shalom Palanski, Reznikovski, Varbeitchik,
Yehuda Wolberg, Leibel Mowshovitch, Leibel Talkovski, Shmuel Kleinvert.
Sitting: Yehuda Atlas, Izak Novak, Avraham Zak, Fanny Zak, Shmuel
Wolfovitch, Hersh Wasserman, Nissan Burak, Shlomo Zlatnik, Zeidel Lev.
Avraham Zak and Leib Neidus in Grodno (1917)
{top} Mincha (the afternoon prayer) after the memorial gathering
on Mount Zion in Jerusalem. Standing from right: Chazan, Stanetzki, Chaim
Naor, Yitzchak Yellin, Isser Kulik of blessed memory, Moshe Notess, Shmuel
{bottom} On the eve of the catastrophe. Grodner young men in their thirties.
Shlomo Zshzakovski, Avraham Berger, Aharon Yellin, Moshe Alexandrovitch,
Lewin, Ch. Berger, Zbar. Standing: Avraham Shereshevski, Moshe Rosen.
Memorial plaque for the Grodno community in the Holocaust cellar on Mount Zion
in Jerusalem. Text of plaque is as follows: In memory of the community of
Grodno, may G-d avenge its blood, which was destroyed during the Holocaust.
Memorial day is the 8thof Adar. May their souls be bound in the bonds of everlasting life.
Perpetuated by the Grodno emigres of Israel and the Diaspora.
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Grodno, Belarus
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