Memorial Book Grabowitz
(Grabowiec, Poland)

50°50' / 23°34'

Translation of
Sefer zikaron le-kehilat Grabowiec

Edited by Shimon Kanc

Published Tel Aviv 1975




Our sincere appreciation to Genia Hollander for her assistance
in typing up the English text to facilitate its addition to this project.


This is a translation from Sefer zikaron le-kehilat Grabowiec (Memorial book Grabowitz)
Shimon Kanc, Tel Aviv 1975 (463 pages H,Y,E)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Grabowiec

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Translated by Yocheved Klausner

We Shall Remember   5
At the beginning   8
This is how we began D. Ehrlich, I. Hostik, M. Wald 13
Introduction S. Kantz 18
History of the Town
Early history and memories Avraham Eshkol 33
Our town Garbowiec in its full splendor and its decline Leibush Golomb 36
On Tzadikim and Chasidim Leibush Golomb 50
Jewish Education
Friends and Melamdim Shmuel Hitter 80
Early days Mordechai Fink 83
My parents, my home Mordechai Fink 89
Parties, Organizations and Institutions
The beginnings of the Zionist Movement Mordechai Fink 94
Chalutz (pioneer) Youth Organizations Yosef Gofer 96
The history of the town and its pioneers I. Gilbo'a 99
Moshke M. Fink 117
The Mizrahi, its establishment and development in town Moshe Wald 119
The students of the Hebrew School Shlomo Ofir 123
The Aliya song Yosef Boim 126
BEITAR [Y] David Ehrlich 127
The BUND [Y] Chaia Tzigel–Lehrer 132
The Library and the Drama Club [Y] M––h Scheck 135
Charity accomodation – Linat Tzedek [Y] Ita Starker 137
A Torah Scroll in the Shtibl [Chassidic prayer–house] [Y] Clara Reichman–Trug 140
Simple and amiable Jews [Y] Yakov Reichman 141
Alleys, houses and people [Y] Yosef Nudel 146
Unforgettable years [Y] Yeshaya Hitter 152
The tranquil ways of fathers and grandfathers [Y] Moshe Scheck 154
On Friday evenings [Y] Esther Steinberg 157
People who are near to us [Y] Sara Zatz 160
A terrible story [Y] Fishel Beinishers 162
Jewish life [Y] Tuvia Kreitman 164
Fairs [Y] David Ehrlich 168
Episodes from the Past
The Grabowiec saga Chaim Pinchas Blaff 174
The town Chana Silberzweig 178
In the mirror of a guest Yitzhak Nery–Lichtash 184
The people of Grabowiec G. Yosef 187
In the ways of youth Lisa Hurwitz 191
The spirit of idealism Yosef Nudel 192
Figures and Ways of Life
It was only yesterday Eliezer Eniss 195
The world of our past Eliezer Eniss 218
My years in Grabowiec Efraim Lerner 224
Crystal–clear figures Chaim Pinchas Blaff 234
A past life Israel Hastik 250
Grabowiec, my dear town Israel Hastik 262
In those distant years Yosef Boim 263
People and personalities Efraim Zalman – Sam Krattman 267
A song of many generations Avish Goldfarb 278
The years of the First World War Chaia Lerner 281
My father's home (my home) Yosef Nadel 285
My mother's heart Moshe Wald 288
The dispute Avraham Starker 291
Weekdays and Sabbath Zelde Miller–Dobzhinski 293
The experience of electing a new Rabbi Avraham Nadel 295
Jewish represetatives in Poland authorities Mania Haus–Wielder 297
Chaya'le Lerner Ch. P. Blaff 302
The Horrors of Holocaust and Destruction
The ruined world The Editorial Board 304
Under the bloody rulers Ben–Zion Fink 305
Days, years of pain and destruction [Y] Ita Kaplan–Schitler 317
Horrible days and nights [Y] Sara Rosenfeld–Boim 325
Over bleeding roads [Y] Moshe Silberzweig 330
The War [Y] Zelde Miller–Dobzhinski 347
Documents from the Jewish Historical Institute [Y]   349
Wandering Tuvia Kreitman 351
In the Soviet Concentration Camp [Y] Leibush Glomb 354
This was how we prayed [Y] Leibush Glomb 358
With my Grabowiec clothes [Y] Leibush Glomb 360
The Heroic Struggle
In Blood and Fire [Bedam Va'esh] The Editor 364
The struggle with the enemy [Y] David Ehrlich 365
With weapons in hand [Y] Shifra Fischman–Schiessler 375
Grabowiec fighters in the forest and on the battlefield [Y] Israel Hastik 379
Years od horror and heroism in front of abyss and ruin Chana silberzweig 382
* *
Former Grabowiec residents in America Ch. P. Blaff 390
* *
List of Martyrs (necrology)   398
Obituaries   411
Book Committee   2
Grabowitz – My “Shtedtl” Chaim Pinhas Blaff 3
On Tsadikim and Hassidim Leibush Glomb 7
The Lustre and Decline of Grabowitch Leibush Glomb 12
Under Bloodthirsty Rule Ben Zion Fink 16
My Testimony at the Trials of the Hangmen of the Harobishov Area   23
The Activities of the Association of Immigrants from Grabowitz in Israel   25


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