Map #1
Legend translated by Pamela Russ
Legend |
1 |
Town hall |
2 |
slaughter house |
3 |
Bierzewice Forest |
4 |
Gostynin (with compass points beneath the city name: north, south, east west) |
5 |
Plock Forest |
6 |
Gombiner Forest |
7 |
Railway Road |
8 |
train station |
9 |
sawmill |
10 |
Polish church |
11 |
city bathhouse |
12 |
Gemillas Chesed Institution |
13 |
hotel |
14 |
mikva street |
15 |
Gombiner Street |
16 |
Mikve, shul, Bais Medrash (House of Learning) |
17 |
theater, next to the fire station |
18 |
tailor street |
19 |
Plock Street |
20 |
Bierzewice Street |
Map #2
Legend translated by Pamela Russ
Legend |
1 |
church |
2 |
river |
3 |
bridge |
4 |
electricity station |
5 |
women's gymnasium |
6 |
police |
7 |
city hall |
8 |
Bundist Center |
9 |
post office |
10 |
cemetery |
11 |
Kutno Forest |
12 |
grave |
13 |
Kutno Road |
14 |
Kutno Street |
15 |
fire hydrant |
16 |
magistrate |
17 |
local government house |
18 |
men's gymnasium |
19 |
Poalei Tzion Center |
20 |
leisure gardens |
21 |
elementary government schools |
22 |
Russian workers' center |
23 |
huts |
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Gostynin, Poland
Yizkor Book Project
JewishGen Home Page
Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
This web page created by Lance Ackerfeld
Copyright © 1999-2025 by JewishGen, Inc.
Updated 16 May 2016 by JH