[Page 443]
Altstein [Altsztajn], Hershl and family Altstein, Leib and family Altstein, Shimon and family Offenbach, Yaakov and wife, perished Orbach, Mendel. A grandson was rescued. He lives in America. Altstein, Yaakov and family. A son lives in Argentina. Ordau, Esther and children Eizik, Hersh and family. A daughter lives in Israel. Eizik, Kasriel. Died in Israel. Eizik (Eshel), Yehoshua. Died in Israel. Eisenberg, Nisan Wolf and wife. Eisenberg, Chaim Leib and family, perished. Altman and family Alterowicz, Elya Leib and family. 3 sons in America. Arnob, Binyamin Aharon Arfa, Binyamin and family Arfa, Kalman and family, perished. Arfa, Shimon. Blumenthal and family. Brana, Moshe Mendel and wife. Brana, Mordechai and family. Brana, Akiva and family Berkman, Meir, wife and sons perished. 2 daughters and 1 son live in Israel. Blechner, Yitzchok and wife Balaban and family. A son lives in America. Bielawski, Fishel and family perished. Two daughters live in Israel. Burtke, Hersh Boruch and family perished. A son was rescued. He lives in Canada. |
[Page 444]
Britzman and family. Budziner, Shimon and family perished. Budziner, Moshe Chaim and wife. Died in America. 2 sons live in Detroit, America. Berman, Hersh Ber and family. Oldest daughter Chaya Shifra Bielawski died in Israel. Goldbrach, Levi Zalman and family. Gerlitz, Yosef Chaim. Goldman, Yosef and wife. Their sons Avrohom and Shimon Leib perished. Their daughter Esther died in Israel. Glitzenstein, Mendel and family. Gurfinkel, Yisroel and family. Gold, Zalman and family. Golomb, Wolf and family Gonsher, Yechezkel and family perished; a son was rescued. He lives in Israel. Greber, Michael (the kavran [undertaker or gravedigger]) and his wife. Greber, Avrohom and family Gutglas, Menashe and family, perished. Gutmorgen, Yechiel Meir and wife. Goldberg Shmuelik, wife and children perished; a son and a daughter live in Israel. Gorni, Mendel, wife and daughter perished; 2 sons died in America; 1 son, Yaakov, lives in America. Gotlieb, Avrohom and family. Part of the family perished. Gonsher, Yosef Binyomin and family Goldring, Nosson and family Geller, Shimon and family Groner, Shimon and family Dratwa, Yisroel and family Dobroszklanka, Shmuel and family Dobrochowski and family. Dzabete and family. Dobroszklanka, Zalman and family. Dobrzinski, Hershl and wife. |
[Page 445]
Dragan, Eliyohu and family Dragan, Moshe and family Dzaldow, Eliyohu and family perished. A son rescued. He lives in Germany. Dratwa, Yosef Yitzchok and family Digala, Leib, the cantor, and family Dratwa and family, perished. A son and a daughter were rescued. The son lives in Israel, the daughter in America. Dobrzynski, Itche Dibow, Yaakov and family Hertzke, Shlomo and wife Hertz, Leib and family, the dayan [ritual judge] Hartbrot, Mordechai and wife Hartbrot, Hersh, perished in France Holtz, Mendel and family Horowitz, Noach and family; the children live in America Horowitz, Itche Meir and family, perished; a daughter, Rivka, lives in Israel Hirsh and family Waldenberg, Yehoshua Meir, wife and children; two sons are alive, one in New York, the other in Canada Waldenberg, Yehuda Asher and family Waldenberg, Moshe Leib and family Weissmel, Mendel and family; two sons died in America, one lives in Chicago Weissmel, Yosef Eliyohu and family Weissmel, Yosef Chaim and family, perished Wuzszus, Moshe and family. A son, Yaakov, lives in Israel. Wuzszus, Avrohom and family. A daughter rescued. She lives in America. Wuzszus, Yechiel Meir and family. A son lives in Israel. Warshawski, Berish and wife Mindel Wiur, Mordechai and family Zelkowicz, Azriel and family Zilberman, Shmuel Yitzchok and family |
[Page 446]
Zilberman, Yechezkel and family Zissholtz, Yechiel and family Zelig, Shamash and wife Zaklikowski, Esther Malka Zaklikowski, Eliezer, perished Zaklikowski, Leibish and family Zaklikowski, Berish and family Zilberstein and family Zatok and family. The children live in Canada. Zilberstein and family Chaskel, Mordechai and family. The sons live in America Chaleva, Zeinvil Yom Tov and wife Chaleva, Meir Nata and family Teitelboim, Meir Henech, wife Chana Malka and family Turkewicz, Yehuda and family Tinski, Yaakov and family. A son Tuvya lives in France. Topol, Zalman and wife Topol, Henech and family Topol, Asher and family Topol, Hersh, Dr., died in France. Jendzejewicz, Avrohom and family, perished. Januar, Chaim and family. A daughter in Israel. Japuncik, Yaakov, the treger [porter], and family Juricze with her daughters Jospehachazzan [the cantor] in Goluband his family Lewinson, Shlomo and family Lurie, Eliezer and family Lipka, Wolff and family Lipka, Avrohom Yitzchok and family. A son Leib lives in Israel. Lipka, Moshe and family Lipka, Aharon and family Laks, Hersh Wolff and wife. A daughter lives in Israel. Lipshitz, Yechiel Meir and family Lipshitz, Shimshon and family Lipshitz, Aharon and family |
[Page 447]
Lipshitz, Leib and family Lipsztat, Leibl and family Levin, Lemel and family Lipski, Shlomo Yosef and family Lenet, Hershel and family Lichtenfeld, Yitzchok and wife Sarah Vechne Lipka, Yitzchok and family. A grandson is in Israel. Lenet, Mendel and family. Two sons were rescued. They live with their families in Israel. Lord, Yisroel and family. A son, Chaim, lives in Israel. Lipka, David and family, perished Lesznik, Yitzchok and family, perished Lipka, Moshe from France, perished; his wife Bayla and a son live in France. Lipka, Shimon and family Landsberg, Manus Melamed and famly Landsberg, Yosef, the son of Manus Melamed, perished with his entire familyhis wife and six children Lewinson the teacher and family, perished. Lidzbarski and family Lipka, Yosef and family Lipka, Mordechai and family Layzerowit, BatSheva the daughter, perished; a son lives in America Levin, Avrohom and family Levin, Zalusz and family Miller, Daniel and family Miller, Chashke and children Mishke, Shmuel and family Miller, Chaim Ber and family Makowski, David and family Maszkowicz, Hirsh Isaac and family Miller, Israel and family Memel, Yehoshua and family Manke, Nisan Mordechai and family |
[Page 448]
Mendelson, Chane the melamed [teacher of small children], and family Maluchna and family Memel, Itze and family Motil and family Munter, Salamon family Maszkewicz (Mishigye) and family Nagurski, Leib and wife; their son died in New York Neuman, Mendel and family. A son Shlomo died in Israel. Nusboym, Mendel and family. Their son Hersh was killed in an accident in Chicago. Nawolski, Binyomin Isser and family Nawolski, Perel Nawolski, Yehoshua and family Sawe, Pinchas and family Smuzszik, Hersh Leib and family Skop, Osher and family. A daughter lives in Israel. Smuzszik, Fishl Boruch and family. A son was rescued and lives in Israel. Smuzszik, Issachar and family Sapirstein, Zanvil and family Salamon, Abba Yosef and family Salamon, Mordechai and family Skurnik, Yochanan and family Suchedol the tailor and family Sawe, Shimon and family Sawe, Zalman and family Engler, Kalman and family, perished Freilich, Levi Yaakov and family. A daughter lives in Israel, a second daughter in Australia. Pieniek and family Freilich, Nachman Prum, Shmuel and wife. Three sons live in Mexico. Prum, Mendel and family, all perished. Fogel, Eliyohu and family. A son lives in America. Piechatka, Betzalel and family |
[Page 449]
Furgacz, Avrohom and family Furgarcz, Pinchos and family Pieniek, Tuvya Wolff and wife Pieniek, David and family Pilat, Shlomo and family Platniarz, Asher and family Platniarz, Yechiel Meir and family; one daughter lives in Israel and the other in New York. Frenkel, Leib and family Friedman, Sina and family, perished Fuks, Wolff and family Freilich, Zalman Leib and family Pozmanter, Shlomo and family Pozmanter, Moshe and family. A daughter lives in America. Postolski, Yosef and family Fisher and family Pincewski, Henech and family Plansker, Avrohom and wife Prager, Shaul and family Prager, Nachum, died in Germany. Fuleder, Sandel and wife Friedman, Shmuel Yitzchok and family Plocker [Plotzker], Aharon and family Poznonski, Simcha and family Pszuk, Chana and daughter Dina Carnabroda [Tzarnabroda], Efraim and wife Carnabroda, Aharon and family Carnabroda, Eliyohu and family Cudkewicz [Tzudkewicz], Avrohom Hersh and family Tzarna, Chana and family Tzarna, Yechiel Yosef and family Tzarna, Ozer and family Cala [Tzala], Yoel Michel and family. A son lives in America. Cirklarz [Tzirklazh], Feivel and family Kadish the teacher, and family |
[Page 450]
Kanicer [Kanitzer] and family Kahn, Ozer and family Krajanek, Rephael and family Kahn, Rachel Leah and children Kristal and family Kadecki [Kadetzki], Yitzchok and family Kive, Parnes and family Kahn, Aharoncigarette factory in Golub Kadecki, Yaakov and family Kadecki, Simcha and family Kahn, Daniel Itzes and family. 2 sons and a daughter live in America. Kahn, Yosef and wife Kszeczanowski, Chaim and family Kszeczanowski, Aharon and family Kszeczanowski, Meir and family Kszeczanowski, Itcze and family Kahn, Daniel and family Klein, Leib and family Kahn, Moshe Yaakov, his wife and three sons Kristal, Gershon and wife Kristal, Ber and family Kristal, Yaakov and family Kuzak, Shmuel Gavriel and wife Krajanek, Reuven and family Krajanek, Yisroel and family Kutner, Nisan the melamed [teacher of small children] and family Kufeld, Kalman and family Kufeld, Mendel and family Kufeld, Boruch and family, perished Kufeld, Shimon and family, perished Kozak, Bunem and family, perished Krantz, Yitzchok and family Kahn, Zalman Shaya and wife. Their son Ozer Ber perished in an automobile accident in Israel. |
[Page 451]
Keller and family, perished; one son lives in Israel and another in America Kirstein and family, perished Kukawka and family, perished Kahn, Meir and wife, the parents of Mendel and Avrohom Hirsh Kahn, Yitzchok and family Kive, M.A. and family Kufeld, Yaakov Yehoshua and family from Zaremba Kowalski, Fishl and family, perished; two daughters in Israel Kaczer, Chaim Yitzchok and family Karpa, Yisroel Shimon Melamed and family Karpa, Mendel and family Karpa, Yosef and family Rebe, Zelig and family Ruina, Shmuel Moshe and family Ruda, Yosef Chaim and family Rapaport, Wolff and family Rusak, Yitzchok and wife Sonya Ruine, Hillel and family Ragenstein, Lipman and family Ragenstein, Nicha Ragenstein, Shaya and family Rukman and family Rapaport, Yedidya and wife Ruina Yosef Chaim and family Rebe, David and family Ryz, Kalman and family; two sonsLeib and Yitzchokrecently died in America; two sonsAvrohom Moshe and Yaakovlive in America Ryz, Yisroel Asher and family Rosen, Nachum and family. Two daughters live in America. A son Avraham passed away in Israel. Rapaport, Avrohom Shlomo, his wife and children with their families live in Israel. |
[Page 452]
Riesenfeld and family Rirzow, Chaim and family perished; a daughter lives in Israel Rosenman and family Rapocki and family (the soninlaw of the tailor Groner) Szlachter and family, a son Moshe Szlachter Shmuel and familygrain merchant of Golub Shilski and family Szajnbart, Yisroel Yaakov and family Szlachter, Moshe Aharon and family Szlachter, Yosef Mendel and family Szlachter, Meir and family Szlachter, Shimon and family Szlachter, Moshe and family Szlachter, Leib and family Szmiga, Moshe Hirsh and wife Szmiga, Yitzchok Yaakov, perished Szmiga, David and family Sova, Zalman and family; a son lives in Israel Stolzman and family. A son lives in America Sova, Henich perished Shurek, Lazel. Two daughters live in America Szajnbart, Chananya and family, perished Shlomo, Zalman (Shochet) and family Szimanski and family Szajnbart, Yitzchok and family Sperling, Chaim Yoel and family Sperling, Moshe and family Sperling, Binyomin and family Sperling, Yosef and family Stencel, Avrohom Chaim and family Szmiga, Zelig and family Szlachter, Avrohom Mendel and family |
Dratwa, Yitzchok Moshe Dratwa, Rose Harris, Bayla Harris, Sholom Weissmel, Leib Weissmel, Yakir Weissmel, Nisan Mordechai Weissmel, Asher Weinshenker, Oscar Weinshenker, Penny Waldenberg, Avrohom Waldenberg, Yosef Waldenberg, Max Silberstein, Moshe Hersh Silberstein, Elke Silberstein, Meir Silberstein, Joseph Jordan, Itzi Meir Jordan, Chana Landsberg, Moshe David Luster, Max Luks, Avrohom Luks, Shmuel Luks, David Lichtenfeld, Beinish Lichtenfeld, Chana Lefkowitz, Ike Lefkowitz, Feige Lefkowitz, Freddy Lefkowitz, Julius Lipka, Shmuel Yitzchok Lipka, Taltze Levinson, Chune Miller, Shlomo Laks, Mordechai Laks, Tzipora Nusbaum, Avrohom Nusbaum, Beila Nusbaum, Hersh Surgal, Aharon Surgal, Sheine Surgal, Avrohom Moshe Solomon, Avrohom Solomon, Yetta Fuks, Wolff Fuks, Feige Fogel, Boruch Fogel, Penny Fogel, Chaim Fogel, Asher Leib Pierce, Deborah Pierce, Wolff Fisher, Luzer Fisher, Feige Paczecha, Phillip Kahn, Anshel Kahn, Bertha Kahn, Avrohom Kahn, Ike Kahn, Manny Kirshenbaum, Moshe Aharon Kirshenbaum, Hudes Kirshbaum, Alye Kirshbaum, Meir Klein, Shmuel Zeinwil Kantor, Avrohom Kantor, Freida Kesler, Taltze Frantz, Efraim Frantz, Rela Frantz, Alex Rapaport, Moshe Rapaport, Benjamin Rapaport, Yitzchok Rapaport, Meir Rosen, Yehoshua Rosen, Lipshe Ruina, Alye Shlesinger, Avrohom Boruch Shlesinger, Hinda Rivka Shlesinger, Chaim Yakir Shlesinger, Simcha Bunem Cohen, Hanchye Freida, Gorny |
Offenbach, Braina OffenbachVinkor, Shoshana Isaac, Katriel Eshel (Isaac), Yehoshua Bilewski, Chaya Shifra Berkman, Chana Berkman, Yaakov Berman, Mira Plotniarz Goldberg, Mordechai Granat, Ephraim EliezerRimon Granat, EstherChana Rimon Granat, Yosef Tzvi Rimon Granat, Yechiel Bunem Rimon Dobrzinski, Asher Dobroszklanka, Yeshayahu Dobrechowski, Ham Dobrechowski, Hans Hartbrot, Shlomo Vizelberg, EstherGoldman Yalowski, Dov Yeshiwitz, Dov Fogel, Nisan Zudkewitz, Tzadok Czernobrody, Chana Czernobrody, M. Rosen, Chaya Rosenwaks, Yitzhak Rosenwaks, Chana Rosen, Avraham Ruskfrom Kfar Shmaryahu Ryz, Shmuel Hersh Shivak, Tova nee Lipka Sperling, Yehuda Cohen, Fogel Cohen, Avraham Hirsh Cohen, Ozer Bar Minski, Yehoshua Chaim Minski, Chaya Leah Minski, Yechiel Shimon Chana and Gronem Lichtenstein |
Prager, Nahum, in Germany Gottlieb, Hirsh Asherk in England Lichtenfeld , Azriel Alye, in England |
Platniarz, Yaakov Leib |
[Page 455]
Platniarz, Tina |
brothers and relatives who perished in the Holocaust:
Dratwa, Lipman and wife Shoshanaour parents |
Parents: |
[Page 456]
Yerachmiel and Rosa Katcher |
Daniel KahnItches and his wife Feige Leah; |
Sova, Zalman and Bilhah |
as my sisters and brothers who perished in the Holocaust:
Azriel and Rivka Dobroszklanka |
[Page 457]
the virtuous martyrs who died and perished in the Holocaust. Their burial place is unknown:
Our parents: Zalman Rosenwaks (Zalman Hassid) and his wife Tzipora, who died in Dobrzyn. |
Avraham Rothman and his wife Adele |
who passed away and perished in the Holocaust:
Zaklikowski, Meir and his wife Esther Malkaour parents who passed away. |
[Page 458]
Sheinberg, Mindel, nee Zaklikowski, her husband Meir and their three daughters. |
and sisters who perished in the Holocaust:
Shmuel and Masha Goldbergparents |
Rebe, Isser, his wife and two children |
[Page 459]
Rebe, Frimet, with her husband D. Rothman and two children |
Yosef Alterowicz (father) |
Names of members that are no more with us. May they rest in peace![5]
New York
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