49°49' / 24°31'
From Khurbn Glinyane
Edited by: the New York, Emergency Relief Committee for Gliniany and Vicinity
Published in New York, 1946
Project Coordinator
Translations from the Yiddish by David Goldman
Translation funded by Samuel Halpern
JewishGen, Inc. makes no representations regarding the accuracy of
the translation. The reader may wish to refer to the original material
for verification.
JewishGen is not responsible for inaccuracies or omissions in the original work and cannot rewrite or edit the text to correct inaccuracies and/or omissions.
Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited.
Note: The original yizkor book is printed in both Yiddish and English. The book is not paginated, but consists of 52 pages of text, plus the title pages, and front and back covers. It is bound so the English and Yiddish portions each end in the center of the book. Of the pages of text, there are 14 pages in English, and 38 pages in Yiddish. A table of contents has been created for submitting this material to the Yizkor Book Project; the pages were numbered sequentially starting with the pages in English. Included in the pages printed in English is a list of town residents known as of December 1945 to have survived the Holocaust, and eight abridged letters from some of those survivors. Most of these letters are also printed unabridged in the Yiddish pages of the book, where there are several additional letters printed only in Yiddish. The material presented here consists of a complete transcription of all the pages in English, and translations from the Yiddish, by David Goldman, of the introductory pages, all the unabridged letters from survivors, and some additional sections of the book, including names of town residents. Names of people and places in the translated portion of the book are spelled as they are in the pages printed in English, followed in brackets by the translator's spelling. At a future date the remaining Yiddish text will be translated and submitted to this Web site.
(created for the Web site; not in the original book)
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