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A Warning from History
Robin O'Neil
All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2011 Robin O'Neil
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Biography of the Author | |
Other Publications by the author | v |
In Memory | ix |
Acknowledgements | xv |
Note by the Author | xvii |
Photographs Acknowledgements | xxiii |
Note on Language | xxv |
Geographic Aspects | xxvii |
Introduction | xxxi |
Chapter 1: The Nazi State and Blueprint of the Security Services Historical Background; The Police state; Evolving Security Apparatus: Sipo-SD; Functions of the SD; Genocidal Policies; Architects, Planners, Perpetrators; Security Amalgamations; Police in German Society; Ideological Differences; Idiosyncratic Language of the SS. |
1 |
Chapter 2: Soviet-German Occupation Emerging Conflict and Collusion: Ukrainian Auxiliaries and Helpers! |
17 |
Chapter 3: The Sipo SD School and Gestapo Security Services; Nowy Targ Actions |
26 |
Chapter 4: Barbarossa: East Galicia Part 1 Soviet-German Occupation; Poland is sliced in Half; Operation Barbarossa 22nd June 1941; Rabka Four Join the Hunting Party; Women and Children – Gender Killing Policy? Jews for Labour |
32 |
Chapter 5: Murder of the Lvov Professors Background to Events; The Leadership of zbV; Ominous beginnings; Entry into Lvov; Eye Witness Accounts; Persons Murdered on 4th July; Wulecki Hills; Courtyard Murders Hostel Ambramowicze; Murders 12th July; Murders 26th July; Dr Schoengarth's Shooting Seminar; Hans Krueger moves to Stanislawow. |
41 |
Chapter 6: The Leadership Return to the School General Administration; Rabka SD School 1942; Organisation Academic Chart; The Soap Rumour; Domestic Arrangements; Construction of the Shooting Range; Accommodation for Jews; Appearance of Rosenbaum; Conduct towards subordinates; Training Students; Grave Sites in the School; Methodology for Murder; Supply and Demand; Further Actions; Nowy Sacz Action 1.; Nowy Sacz Action 2.; Nowy Sacz Action 3.; Actions Against 'Picked Up Jews' (1); Murder by Appointment; Eye Witnesses; Picked Up Jews (2).; Picked Up Jews (3).; Shooting of Family Rosenbaum; Simon Wiesenthal Report; Jews of Jordanow. |
64 |
Chapter 7: Hans Krueger in Stanislawow, Kolomyja and District Hans Krueger Establishes Sipo-SD in Stanislawow; Emergence of Genocide; Galicia as 5th Distrikt; Mass Killings Emerge as a Solution; Jews Drafted into War; Auxiliary Security Forces; Bloody Sunday and After; Belzec Resettlement: Rudolf Mill; Mass Hangings in Stanislawow; Clearing Operations; Destruction of the Ghetto; The Katzmann Report. |
105 |
Chapter 8: Enter ‘the Dutchman’ Pieter Menten General Background; Unfolding Story; the Dutchman Visit Old Friends; None Jewish Residents; Jewish Victims; Fact Finding Mission by Hans Knoop; the Dutchman Runs! Capture! |
122 |
Chapter 9: Himmler Purges the Rabka Four… and their demise Rosenbaum Profile; Appeal and End Game; Downfall of Hans Krueger; The Dutchman, Pieter Menten Protected by the Reichsfuehrer SS; and Arrives in Holland; Trial and Surprise Witnesses. |
151 |
Chapter 10: The Menten Murder Trial Surprise Witnesses; More Surprises! The Menten Verdict; Trial - Time Line |
165 |
Chapter 11: The Murder of Lt Americo S. Galle: Dr. Schoengarth's Final Contribution Preparation for Defeat; War Crimes Investigation; The Mission 21st November 1944; The Facts on that Day; The Crime Unravels; Prosecution Witnesses; Post War Investigations Continue; Summary; General Conclusions; Charges < Against the Accused; Cross Examination of Accused; Findings and Sentencing; Pieter Menten Re- Surfaces; The One that Got Away |
175 |
Appendices: | |
1. The Werner Oder and Mark Goldfinger Meeting | 212 |
2. Wilhelm Rosenbaum is let out on bail to public dismay | 216 |
3. Rabka Zdroj – Cemetery | 217 |
4. The Menten Case | 219 |
5. Rudolf Reder's Bełzec | 229 |
Bibliography | 251 |
Glossary | 255 |
End Notes | 259 |
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