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[Page 471]

Families From Zhetl

Translated by Janie Respitz

Over six hundred families lived in Zhetl. We will perpetuate the memory of many of them in these photographs.
Take a good look at them and remember Zhetl! Remember the martyrs, do not forget the survivors!


The Rabinovitch family with their sons, daughters, sons in law,
daughters in law and grandchildren

First row: Mirele and Sorele Epshteyn, Rabinovitch: Izyele, Khanele, Rokhele and Nyanye
Second row: Efraim Rabinovitch, Yitzkhak Epshteyn, Rozeh Daykhovsky, Hirshl and Rivka Rabinovitch
Third row: Feygl Epshteyn, Frume Simeh and Berte Rabinovitch, Khaim Ganuzovitch
Last row: Soreh Rabinovitch, Mayrim Epshteyn, Rabinovitch: Feygl, Leyb, Lazar, Mikhl, Khashke
In the background: Three cousins


First row: Nosn, Arl and Khayele Lirsky, Rokhele Kaplan, Leyb Ivenitsky, Yisreol Kovensky, Avreyml Kaplan, Arl Kovensky, Poliya Kaplinsky, Ruven Katz, Henyele Shalkovitch
Second row: Herzl Ivenitsky, Tuviya and Shmuel Kovensky, Soreh Ivenitsky, Meir, Khane and Khaye Yudis Kovensky, Sahyne and Avrom Busel, Khienke Bielitsky, Rokhl Shalkovitch
Third row: Nakhman and Libke Lidsky, Yakov and Leah Kaplan, Shaul Kaplinsky, Khaim Aryev Shalvovitch. Fourth row: Miriam Ivenitsky, Eli Busel, Leybl Kovensky, Zviya Kovensky, Rokhl Ivenitsky, Leah Busel, Khienke Ivenitsky, Sonieh Shalkovitch
Fifth row: Rivka Ivenitsky, Tzaliye and Motke Bielitzky, Kalman Busel

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Savitsky family
Seated: Yehoshua, Esther, Khaim
Standing: Yakov Shimen, Feygl, Babl, Herzl
Kaplinsky family, Hirshl and Khatye
Ganuzovitch family
Seated: Khaye Leah, Yisreol
Standing: Rokhl, Moishe, Khaim, Feygl
Khatke and Leah Kaplan,
Libe Khane Benyaminovitch
Shalkovitch family
Seated: Itke Bayle, Yitzkhak, Henyie, Rokhl, Hillel
Standing: Esther, Shmuel, Frume, Moishe, Mikhliye
Shefshelevitch family: Avrom and Frayde

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Epshteyn family
Khaim Meir, Basieh, Dvoyre
Kaplinsky family
First row: Rokhl, Libke and Leah Shvedsky, Hertz Leyb Kaplinsky, Soreh, Esther and Berl Ivenitsky
Second row: Gdalye Shvedsky, Itche Yosl Eynshteyn, Avrom Invenitsky
Kovensky family
Yisreol, Leybl, Aron
Kravietz family
Seated: Minye Kravietz, Kantorovitch, Avrom Moishe Kravietz
Standing: Fraydl, Hirshl, Shimen and Manke Kaplinsky, Veveh,
Yosl and Shloyme Kravietz, Yehoshua, Soniye, Asher and Yisroel Shushan
Rozovsky family
Lizeh and Berl Moishe
Zelikovitch family
From right: Yakov, Dovid, Leyb and Shayneh Khane


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