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The Jews Excelled In Valor (cont.)


“I left the 'good time' behind and made aliya to Israel…”


Shmuel Levitt in his Clinic


Shmuel with his sister Batya Aviel (Levitt)
“I owe a lot to my sisters Rivka and Batya, who helped me so much during my bitter days…”


Of course I'm happy to be here. From our early childhood we were taught to love the Jewish people, to love Eretz Yisrael. It was like in the fable. In Dusiat, everyone was devoted to Eretz Yisrael. The education at school and in the movement directed the youth to building up Eretz Yisrael and not to leave it. We have had enough of the Diaspora!


Shmuel Levitt (left) Receiving a Certificate of Merit for his Contribution to the IDF


I've received a few certificates of merit. But I must confess, that my contribution to the IDF gave zest to my life…

I remember those days of childhood when I used to draw coins out of the charity boxes, but I never dared to take anything out of the “blue box”! This was sacred money for building up Eretz Yisrael…


Shmuel Levitt Participates in the Reunion of the Dusiaters
Beth Lohamei Haghetaot, August 22, 1982

From left to right: Shalom Gilinsky and his grandchild Oren Goldstein, (-), Shmuel Levitt, Goldi Falach and her father Reuven-Ruvke Milun, (hidden behind him his wife Nancy nee Shwepsi), Rachel Friedman, Raya Krut (Gilinsky), Feige Krom (Adelman), Batya Aviel (Levitt), Riva Yavnai (Weinrib)
Standing: Slep Sisters Sara Weiss and Dvora Guttmacher


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