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[Page 281]

Letters from the Diaspora (1935 - 1939) cont.

Sonia Slovo to her friend Hene-Bailke in South Africa

Dusiat, Pesach [Passover] 1938

Dear Heninka,

… I arrived home for Passover and plan to stay here all summer. It was quite hard for me until I completed my studies…

Life at home is financially hard. We've installed electricity and the desolate streets of Dusiat are already lit. Truly, nobody has remained, but no one interests me now. I have bought a sewing machine and work at that, and that gives me satisfaction.

Rachel [Slovo], after wasting four years on hachshara, began to study nursing in the winter. It's not an easy profession, because such hard work leaves her feeling completely worn out…

I am waiting for you to write me about yourself and about everything. Don't think that I've forgotten you. I don't think I will ever forget how we were here, in a way that two sisters can't even live together. But those days are gone, and who knows if they will ever return…

Yes, you are better off than I am. You live in the wide world…

Rachel told me about your boyfriend. When she was on hachshara in Yanishok [Joniskis], he was still young, but very likeable and developed. It makes me very happy, and I would like to at least see a photograph of him…

Do you encounter the Africans? They are really 'pigs'. They didn't leave us a thing.

Regards to you from everyone and regards to Beinish and Nechama Yudelewitz.

Regards to you from Itale [Slovo]. She will write you again.

Keep well.

Your faithful friend, Sonia


Sonia's Signature


Naftali Shub Dusiat to his Daughters in Eretz Yisrael

Tuesday, July 19, 1938 Dusiat

Dear children, Rachel, Yaacov [Vitkin] and Rivkale,

We were delighted to receive your letter and gift, a photograph of you, last week. I kissed and hugged each one of you in the depths of my heart, because I miss you so much, my dear ones.

I opened your letter and discovered your radiant faces. I have probably already looked at your beautiful picture a hundred times… We sent your letter with the picture to Batya a few days ago. And Batya will send it to Tzila, and Tzila to Berl, and Berl will send it back to us.

We would have answered you immediately, but last week we were so astounded by the terrible bloodshed that took place in Haifa and Jerusalem and in other places. Yesterday, thank the Lord, the newspaper was good, that is without Jewish victims.

I only ask, my children, that you send us postcards every week, with a short sentence: “We are all fine, thank the Lord.” Each one should write in his/her own writing and sign his/her name… until the terror dies down. It will most probably come to an end. In the meantime England cannot find a solution for this, how to quench the thirst of the bloodthirsty terrorists and their leaders.

How long will God be patient, look on and keep silent, at the satanic and wild actions of the wild beasts? No, no, God will surely not keep silent and will quickly turn them into dust. He will annihilate all the enemies from first to last and will bring you pleasure, peace and tranquility.

We are presently awaiting the arrival of our guest Yeshayahu [Zilber]. He will probably read your letter, as he was in Memel [Klaipeda], in Batya's kibbutz.

At present he is in Krakinova [Krekenava], at Israel's [Poritz]. Almost the whole family is there: Rachel-Leah and Batya, Aharon and the family, Israel and his wife.

I end my letter with warmest regards, my dear children.

Your father who misses you, Naftali


Naftali's Signature


Postcard from Batya Shub to Ella Slep
March 18, 1924

In eternal memory of my friend Ella Slep

From her friend, Batya Shub

Pearls will be placed around your neck

And you will be the best student in your school

You will receive a prize for excellence

And also a book for your diligence.


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