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Jewish Pupils in a Lithuanian Gymnasium (cont.)

With the Class Tutor and Inspector, 1932

Second row, right to left: Itale Charit, Batya Krom (today Smidt, in Paris), Rivka Shub between the Class Tutor and the Inspector, (-), (-)
Bottom: (-), Batya Treger, Rivka Resnik (Rabbi Eliyahu's daughter)

Rivka Shteinman (Shub): I was very angry with the Class Tutor and the Inspector who sat down between us. I learned that the Inspector was most active in the annihilation of the Jews in Lithuania.
Teachers and Students - Jews and Lithuanians

On the right:Picture of “Duke Vitautas the Great”


List of people identified:

1. Shatas [Lith. Teacher] 10. Rivka Resnik [Zarasai]
2. Gershon Ojinsky [in full Hashomer Hatzair uniform] 11. Vysculis [Lith. Teacher – Arithmetic, Álgebra]
3. Issar-Itzke Troib [Zarasai] 12. Buzalenie [Lith. Teacher – English, Book-keeping]
4. Shifra Stein [Zarasai] 13. Stepanowitz [Lith. Principal - German]
5. Musha Musel [Zarasai] 14. Arminas [Lith. Teacher – Nature]
6. Sarah Treger [Zarasai] 15. Kripaltis, Priest [Religion]
7. Reinke-Rina Levin [Antaliept] 16. Babarskis [Lith. Teacher – Commerce, Arithmetic]
8. Itale-Ida Charit [Dusiat] 17. Vitkus [Lith. Teacher – History, Sport, Culture]
9. Itzke-Yitzchak Shteinman [Zarasai]    


I remember that Itale and I once dressed up as old maids… On another occasion it was suggested that we walk about with an umbrella to conceal our faces. But how do you walk with an umbrella on a clear day?

Occasionally, our class tutor would show up at our ken (“cell”) of the youth movement, but the rumor of his arrival would spread fast and we would evade his critical eye.

Youth movement activities prevented us from complying with the teacher's request of participating in social activities outside of the movement.

This was perhaps to the teacher's disliking, but we ignored it. The movement was first and foremost in our thoughts because it served as a training house towards aliya (immigration) to Eretz Yisrael.

I studied at the gymnasia for only three years and then went on hachshara (training) because my goal was to immigrate to Eretz Yisrael. My father was very grieved that I did not continue my fourth year and did not graduate from high school.

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