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In the Field of Education (cont.)


Letterhead of the Credit Bank


Kaunas - Lithuania October 2, 1935


We hereby confirm that Mr. Dov Zilber (Caspi), was the manager of our bank from April 24, 1934 until September 1, 1935 and reliably carried out his duties.

We wish him all the best in the future.


Seal of the Credit Bank


Letterhead of the Lithuanian Consulate-General in Palestine


April 16, 1936

Consulate-General of Lithuania in Palestine

To the Management of the Anglo-Palestine Bank

Tel Aviv


The below-mentioned Mr. Dov Caspi (Zilber), holder of an academic degree, was known in Lithuania as a highly talented communal worker with a lot of energy, creativity and initiative.

For a certain period he was also the manager of the United Jewish Agrarian Bank:

Vereiningte Kreditgesellschaft fuer Juedische Landwirtschaft in Litauen and was successful at his job in this bank.

I hereby recommend him, and guarantee that if he is given any position in the bank, he will carry out any duty with responsibility and understanding, to the satisfaction of the bank.


Dr. Nahman Rahmilewitz

Chief Consul of Lithuania


Dr. Rahmilewitz's Signature


Hagana Membership Card


The Organization of the Members of the Hagana in Israel

Gush Dan [Dan Area]

The owner of this card, Caspi Dov, who lives in Nachlat Yitzchak, served as a member of the Jewish Hagana in Eretz Yisrael from 1936 until 1948.

He is authorized to wear the symbol of the Organization of the Members of the Hagana, the Dan Area.


Elka Slovo (Melamed): My cousin Dov Caspi wrote to his mother [my mother's sister] that he had purchased an icebox in Eretz Yisrael.

What an innovation that was! The letter went from one person to another in the shtetl, and we were all enchanted. An ice box!


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