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In the Field of Education (cont.)

Confirmation from the Supervisory Department of the Education Ministry in Lithuania that Berl Zilber [in 1931] is a teacher in Zezmer [Ziezmariai]


Letterhead of Rabbi Israel Shlomo Rozenson
[One of the leaders of “The Mizrachi” in Lithuania]


Our distinguished and highly exalted friend is now making aliya to Eretz Yisrael.

Our friend is famous here as a person with superior abilities with a quick writer's pen in many languages and a comrade devoted to the idea of building Eretz Yisrael according to the Torah.

Comrade Dov Zilber is known and famous in Lithuania as an author, teacher and a person engaged in culture according to the spirit of Mizrachi.

The above Dov Caspi-Zilber excels in good qualities and sages have pronounced him to be an outstanding scholar in everything, and he will certainly be recognized and given a good position suited to his talents, based on his work here in Lithuania.

I set my hand to this, Thursday, the third day of Nissan, 1936, Kovno.

(-) Rabbi Israel Shlomo Rozenson


The Rabbi's Signature


Paid One Sela[6] for “Mizrachi”


Even after the abolition of the Jewish national autonomy in Lithuania, two Jewish assets of utmost importance continued to exist and develop and to play a major role in the life of the Jews – until the last day of a sovereign Lithuania (June 1940).

One was the large network of government elementary schools and about 15 high schools and gymnasiums, in which all but one of them (for a short time, in two of them) the language of instruction was Hebrew, despite the trend for the “Lithuanization” of the schools belonging to the national minorities, which grew worse from year to year.

The second asset was a widespread network of about 85 Jewish folk banks (credit cooperatives), headed by two central institutions – the Central Bank for Assistance to Jewish Cooperation, and the Union of Folk Banks – that played an extremely important role in the economic life of the Jews of Lithuania.[7]


Letterhead of the Jewish National Fund


The Jewish National Fund
The Main Office in Lithuania

File 901/c January 15, 1936

To the office in Eretz Yisrael

Dear Comrade,

We hereby confirm that on our part there is no hindrance or obstacle to granting Dov Caspi and his wife Tzipora Butchkemski-Caspi from Balbieriskis permission to immigrate to Eretz Yisrael.

Sincerely and in the hope for the redemption of Eretz Yisrael.

* * *


  1. An ancient coin, equivalent to two shekels. Return
  2. [16] Garfunkel, Leib. The Struggle of Lithuanian Jewry for Rights of Independence, in Yahadut Lita, Vol. 2, Tel Aviv, 1972, pp.35-72 in p.68. Return

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