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[Pages 233-237]

In the Field of Education

By Dov Caspi (Berl Zilber) [1]

Translated by Judy Grossman


David Silver-Zilber Son of Dov-Ber and Golda-Rivka Savannah, 16 April 1920 [To the young couple Ella and Chaim Slovo (in Yiddish)]: “My dear children, I wish you a good and happy future. May you be happy and satisfied in your life. Your aunt who wishes you happiness Michle Zilber” From right to left, top: Dov Zilber with his sister Lesl-Laska Poritz and their cousins Seated: Sons of Rochel-Leah Poritz (nee Zilber), Yitzchak, Aharon (Lesl's husband) and Israel


Dov-Berl Zilber and Golda-Rivka had eight children:

   - Yosef [m. Malka, from Dvinsk]
   - Dr. Rabbiner Yeshayahu
   - David [m. Michle Levitt]
   - Israel-Shaul [m. Rochel Levitt, Michle's sister]
   - Rochel-Leah [m. Shneor-Yaacov Poritz]
    - Itel [m. Naftali Shub]
    - Sheine [m. the melamed Avraham-Moshe Shmidt]
   - Tzirl [m. Hirshl Levitt]


I was born in the shtetl of Dusiat, in the Ezerenai [Zarasai] District, on July 17, 1907. As a child I received an Orthodox education and until I was fifteen years old I studied in a variety of small yeshivas. At the age of sixteen I entered the gymnasium [high school] in Ponevezh [Panevezys], but was forced to discontinue my studies because of a lack of funds. I was hired as a teacher in the shtetl of Ushpol [Uzpaliai] in the Utena District, and then I began working in the field of education.

In 1926 I was accepted as a student to the Higher School of Jewish Learning in Berlin, but because the German Police did not give me a resident's permit, I entered the University of Lithuania in Kovno [Kaunas], where I graduated from the Faculty of Theology-Philosophy.

For ten years I worked as a teacher and principal in various elementary Hebrew Schools in different shtetls, and for two years as a teacher in high schools.

I was active in the Yavne and Tiferet Bachurim organizations, and was one of the founders of the Orthodox Students' Union at the University of Lithuania. I was a member of the Executive Committee of the Yavne Teachers' Association.


Student's Record Book No. 35
September 1927


Student Card No. 259
November 7, 1931


* * *


  1. [15] Dov Caspi, Private Collection. Passages from his life story. Additional documents from the collection appear on pages 131, 156, 212 and 239. Return

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