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They All Stand Before My Eyes (cont.)


Tzirka (top, right) and Rasya (top) among their
close friends and relatives: Itale Orlin
(front right)
and the sisters Henia and Miryam Slep (front left)
Tzirka, Itale and Henia perished in the Holocaust


My sister Tzirka [Tzirl]. In the movement they called her Tzeira [Hebrew for “young girl”]. We were very close in age and we were really good friends. She was the most beautiful of the girls! We both knew how to laugh a long, long laugh. When we couldn't stop laughing, Father used to chase us away in anger, and we never argued with him. Our parents were always right…

Before my aliya to Eretz Yisrael, I worked as a bookkeeper in Rokiskis, and so did Tzirka. Like me, she was also a member of Hashomer Hatzair, and I remember that Moshele Zeif, who was studying in a yeshiva at the time and living in the same house as us in Rokiskis, used to call us shkotzim [rascals]. He is now a member of Kibbutz. Masada [in the Jordan Valley]. Tzirka loved to dance, left the movement and became part of a regular social circle.


A special sensation … Tzirka (second from the right),
Kehat Slep and his sister Henia (on the left)
Rokiskis 1935
All of them perished in the Holocaust


Right to left: Noah Poritz , Tzirka Kagan, Zeldka Charit
None of them survived the Holocaust


I learned that in the Kovno Ghetto Tzirka married a man who was also called Kagan. Rachel Rabinowitz (Slovo) told me that she saw Tzirka for the last time in the Kovno Ghetto peeking out of a malina [hiding place].

And out of my large family – no one survived.

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