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Mein Kind (cont.)


Reb Yitzchak and Hene-Aidel Sarver[6]


Aliza: If not for his crooked legs my grandfather could have been taller!

“These are the legs of a cavalier,” my father explained to me.

Aliza and Ahuva: There is a wonderful “love story” in the Sarver's family.

Once upon a time, on Sabbath Eve, a young fellow with a curled moustache, in cavalier's uniform, knocked at the door of a Jewish family. A very young girl, slender in body and bashful, opened it. The young man who looked like a Gentile, asked in Yiddish to stay for the Sabbath. When the Sabbath was over, before leaving, the young man said to the young girl: “Wait for me and the next year I'll come back to take you to be my wife.” Time passed by, and the young man came back to fulfill his promise, and married the young girl…

This is the love story of our grandparents Yitzchak Sarver and Hene-Aidel.

Grandfather died before WWII.


Naftali and Slovka come to say goodbye before aliya to Eretz Yisrael
A picnic in the forest near Rokishki. Naftali Sarver with his parents and his young brothers: Dovidl and Yankale (right). Slovka is on the left.


Aliza: This picture made an impression on me, and I was curious to see what my Grandmother was doing. Using a magnifying glass, I discovered that she was holding trousers, a needle and thread, probably sewing …A diligent wife doesn't sit idle!

Ahuva: Grandfather used to say that Hene-Aidel doesn't know how to give birth to girls. They were eight sons in the Sarver family. Four of them made aliya before WWII: Nahum-Ber Dov, Naftali, Moshe and Yudke. Zorech survived and made aliya after the war. Avremale, Yankale, Dovidl and their mother (our grandmother) perished in the Holocaust.



  1. Reuven Milon reproduced these pictures from Naftali's original glass plates. Return


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