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[Pages 190-192]

People of Dusiat Who Went
to Eretz Yisrael and Returned

Translated by Judy Grossman

Yitzchak Toker: A schism took place in the Gedud Ha'avodah[1] in 1926 or 1927, and approximately eighty members got up and left for Russia. They asked me to join them but I refused and said: “I don't lack for anything here either.” There was a woman with them called Chana Gordon from Dusiat. Her brother [Yehuda-Leib] wrote me asking me to try and convince her not to leave. I spoke to her and warned her, but she insisted on leaving for Russia to build the communism…

Reuven Milun: Chana Gordon was my mother's sister. Chana married Abramowitz and they had three children. Letters from her had reached us in South Africa after World War II, and the last one came from Kiev in 1947.

Her brother Yehuda-Leib Gordon and his friend Dov-Berl Levitt also left Eretz Yisrael and the two of them immigrated to South Africa. Dov managed a grocery store, and Leib was the gabbai of the Great Synagogue in Johannesburg. They both had visited Israel.

Liebke Friedman (from Obelai) made aliya in 1926, on the ship “Sinai” together with Yitzchak Orez (Aires) from Dusiat. Liebke worked for a while in Emek Yizre'el [Jezreel Valley], together with his friend Avraham Slep, but he couldn't hold out and immigrated to South Africa.

In his later years Liebke returned to Israel, following his daughters, Musha and Leahke. At first he and his wife Elka settled in Hadera (“in memory of the days of kadachat [malaria]” – said his daughter Musha). They presently live in Jerusalem, and are awaiting additional family members who are making aliya to Israel.

Yehuda-Leib Gordon among his friends (on the right)
The same photo was sent to Yosef Yavnai (Slep) and to the Milun family
“A memento of friendship to my friend Yosef Yavnai”
Yehuda [Gordon], “Kibbush Paldnogi”,
15 Iyar B, 1922
A memento to my little nieces and nephews: Rivka, Reuven, Yaacov and Chaya [Milun]
Yehuda Gordon, Dusiat
14 Nissan, April 12, 1922


“Chana insisted on leaving for Russia to build communism…”
Right to left: Feivish Milun, Yehuda-Leib Gordon and his sister Chana
Chana Abramowitz's (Gordon) three children
This photo was sent with the last letter from Kiev, April 1947.

Batya Yardeni (Milun): In a chance meeting with one of her grandchildren who made aliya in 1989/1990 we've learnt that Chana never told her children that she lived in Eretz Yisrael once upon a time…



  1. Gedud Ha'avoda V'Hahagana [Labor Brigade] was named in honor of the hero Yosef Trumpeldor. The driving force behind this organization was Yehuda Kopelewitz (Almog). Return


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