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The Capmaker of the Armed Forces (cont.)

Feivish Milun and Chasya [Zimmerman] and their sons
Reuven and Yaacov (second from left)


Reuven Milon (Milun): My father Feivish-Shraga wrote the following letter at the height of the War of Independence, when my brother Yaacov and I were prisoners of war in Transjordan.

My father was a cap maker by profession and the work mentioned in the letter is sewing hats for the soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces, which had just been established.

My father had also sewn hats in the past, for ghaffirs[1] and for the various military corps that were then in Eretz Yisrael. It is likely that thanks to this profession he was granted a certificate and made aliya to Eretz Yisrael (arrived December 3, 1925 on the ship Cornelia).


Jerusalem, June 20, 1948

To my dear brother Zeev, long may you live, and to your family,

I am trying to write a letter and perhaps it will reach you. I can't write about many of the things that happened to us, but thank the Lord, we are alive and well.

The only thing is that Reuven and Yaacov are prisoners of war in Transjordan. They were in Gush Etzion. Thank the Lord that they are alive and well. We received a letter from them yesterday via the Red Cross. A few words, that they are in a POW camp and that they are well.

We sent them a letter and perhaps we will be able to send them something else.

I am sending you this letter via America, because our mail service is not yet organized to send mail directly to you. Let's hope that things are sorted out soon and that you will also be able to send us mail directly.

The British are no longer here. We suffered enough because of them and from them…

Let's hope that things will finally be good, and that the war will end soon and we will be able to live in Eretz Yisrael as a Jewish state.

I will not go into detail about how we live. When everything is over, I'll write.

Today we need to be healthy. We have enough to eat, even though it is a time of war. And if we lack something, we have to accept it, but usually there is nothing lacking. I had a little bit of work for the army.

The Lord will not abandon us. May we only be lucky enough to have the children return home soon, and already be able to live in peace.

How are you?

You will most likely find a way to write. Try and write via America.

Warm regards from Chasya, and also in the name of Reuven and Yaacov, to all of you.

Be well and all the best to you.

Regards from your brother and uncle,


In the POW camp in Transjordan, 1948

Yaacov Milon (Milun)
: I have no problem recognizing my brother Reuven (top row, to the left of a guy in a hat) and myself (kneeling in front of him), especially after my father marked us…
1 Reuven Milon, 2 Yaacov Milon, 3 Avraham-Abrasha Tamir (Traynin),
4 Shlomo Abadi,
5 Elimelech Braun, 6 Zecharia Barak (Finger),
7 Yitzchak Kopp, 8 Benyamin Duvshany,
9 Moshe Kamara, 10 Yehuda Aharon



  1. From the Arabic word meaning “watchman” Return


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