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[Page 26]

Scenes from the Past (cont.)

Dusiat Elementary School - Second and Third Grade Classes
July 18, 1921

Back row, right to left:
Iser Levitt (son of Moshe), (-), Itzke Aires (son of Avraham), Dovid-Leib Aires (son of Haykl), Binyamin Adelman, Yosef Blacher, Davidke Aires (son of Yudel), Binyamin, Efraim Zeligson, (-), Elyuke (Eliyahu) Pores, Baruch Krut

Second row: Yitzchak Pores, Noah Poritz, David Aires (son of Avraham), (-), Aharon Schmidt, Berke, (-) Berl (Dov) Shub, (-), Reuven Scop, Tzipora Zeligson, Chanka Zeif

Third row:
Chaya-Rivka Yudelowitz, Batya Shub, Elke Slep (daughter of Emanuel); teachers: Yudel (Yehuda) Slep (son of Emanuel), Hillel Schwartz and Hirshke (Zvi) Hammer; Pesya Kagan, Rivka Orlin, Tzivya Blacher, Rachel Glussak

Fourth row:
Rachel (daughter of Shiye-Velvel) Blacher, Rachel (daughter of Hirshel) Blacher, Gershon Der Badchen, Shmuel Levitt (son of Moshe), Yitzchak Shteinman (son of Sore-Leah), Honke Glick, Micha Slep (son of Emanuel), Yoel Zeif, (-) Krut, Shaul Levitt (son of Moshe), Elke (Eliyahu) Barron

Fifth row:
Nechamke Glussak, Rivka Melamed, Henya Slep (daughter of Emanuel), Rasya Glussak, Slova Segal, Goldke Slovo

Front row:
Itale Charit, Rasya Kagan, Miryam Slep (daughter of Emanuel), Chava Shub, Rivka Levitt (daughter of Moshe), Rivka Milun, Tzirke Kagan, Ella-Reizke Krut


Jewish Scouts Organization
Hashomer Hatzair in Lithuania - Dusiat Branch (June 8, 1927

Standing, from right to left:
Noah Poritz, Berl (Dov) Shub, Honke Glick, Dora Levitt (daughter of Moshe), Yoel Zeif, Ella-Reizke Krut, Etka Shneiderman, Rivka Melamed

Freidke Slep (daughter of David-Mordechai), Miryam Slep (daughter of Emanuel), Chava Shub, Itale Orlin, Rasya Kagan, Rasya Glick, Slovka (Slova) Segal, Zeldke Charit

Tzirka Kagan, Sarka Melamed

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