[Page 384]
Why do they not hang these ugly German killers? The gentiles respond that it does not involve them. Of course not, because these victims were Jews, and maybe the gentiles are right. Why should the gentiles seek punishment when we Jews do not get involved?
I am speaking about the aforementioned Jewish communities, but I have in mind the Jews of all massacred communities. In our case, we have evidence, a document from the murderers themselves describing what they did to the Jews in that area. We know their names and who they are!
These are the murderers of the 11th and 15th German police regiments! Everyone from the top officer to the lowest soldier is guilty for killing our Jews! We appeal to our fellow émigrés and émigré organizations from Pinsk, Motele, Yanova, Drohitchin, Khomsk, Antopolia, Horodetz-Kobrin, Zhabinka and Brisk who live everywhere! And we turn not only to those mentioned here, but to all redeemers of blood (of all murdered Jewish families, and especially to those who feel their own pulse and who still feel a responsibility to the dead).
Redeemers of blood, you have a sacred duty! If you want to be worthy to be considered the heirs of the martyrs, then fulfill the will and testament of your families who before their deaths called for revenge for their blood!
The redeemers of blood must bring the killers of their families to justice! The murderers must be hanged!
[above photo:]
This is the end of our Drohitchin. It is also The End of the Yizkor Book in memory of our tormented parents and siblings from whom there remains only ash and bones spread out everywhere without having a proper Jewish burial. We tried to look for the bones of our martyrs, and after years of unceasing and difficult work we succeeded, thank G-d, to find those memories of the martyrs. We reattached one bone to another, joined one limb to the next, put a garment of fiery letters on them, and we resurrected Drohitchin and its Jews in writing and in photographs. We see a town with its streets and houses. We see people, parents and children. It's as if they speak to us, but we hear no voices, no sound. They were silenced forever. This is all that remains for us: an eternal memorial for a dead community. The Germans, may their names be obliterated, squeezed out the last drop of blood from that town. I am sure, however, that G-d's punishment of Germany will come on time. But it will come eventually. It will be a bitter and frightful punishment. First month of Adar 5717, February 1957. Dov Warshavsky.
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Drogichin, Belarus
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