Memorial book of Dobromil
(Dobromil, Ukraine)

49°34' / 22°47'

Translation of
Sefer zikaron le-zekher Dobromil

Editor: Mendel Gelbart

Published in Tel Aviv, 1964

Our sincere appreciation to Yad Vashem
for the submission of the necrology for placement on the JewishGen web site.

Our sincere appreciation to Genia Hollander
for typing up the English text to facilitate its addition to this project.

This is a translation of: Sefer zikaron le-zekher Dobromil (Memorial book of Dobromil),
Editors: Mendel Gelbart, the Dobromiler Society in New York and the Dobromiler Organization in Israel, Tel Aviv 1964 (527 pages; H, Y, E).

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Translated by Yocheved Klausner

Details from various sources on the history of the Shtetl   17–25
The religious life in town Z. Stein 26–41
Dobromil during WWI Efraim Mishov (Rosenfeld) 42–50
Dobromil at the turn of our century Dobromiler 51–60
The Rabbi from Sadigura visits Dobromil Moshe Vilner 61–65
Rabbi Menachem Hager Rabbi Eliezer Hager 66–69
Landscapes and daily life in Dobromil Shaul Miller 70–76
Synagogues [lit. “small temples”] Elisha Rotter 77–102
The Shul Melech Hirsch 103–121
Memories Yona Tzifer 122–128
Going home to the town of my birth Sol Tzifer 129–135
Social life in Dobromil Yakov Hornik 136–146
My childhood years in Dobromil Yosef Rosenblatt 147–157
My old home town Shalom Hammel 158–165
A visit in Dobromil Rabbi Yehuda Melber 166–168
Beyond the curtain of blood Menachem Metzger 169–171
The “Ring” Elisha Rotter 172
My shtetl Dobromil Hersch Felsen 176–184
Memories from my family and home town Alex Miller 183–186
The ruined Chanuka–party Giza Rotter z"l 187–188
Sins of youth Motye Hirsch 189–192
Saturday eve [Erev Shabat] in Dobromil Zev Nussboim 193–194
Memories Shimon Chanales 195–196
Figures and types Z. Stein 199–229
R'Yankele Stein Shaul Miller 230–238
The great rabbi Shmuel Shapira z”l Israel Shapira 239–242
Rav Naftali the shamash [synagogue attendant] A Dobromiler 243–245
R'Yakov Shiye Melamed Chaim Brander 246–247
R'Shimon Deutch ztz”l Y. Hornik 249–249
Pious and innocents who died for the santification of the Name [al kidush Hashem] Shimon Chanales 250–252
Destruction and Ruin
In memory of our brother z”l Shaul Rotter 257–261
My experiences in the Nazi hell [Y] Efraim Greidinger 262–286
Under the rule of the Germans in Czechoslovakia Yosef Rosenblatt 287–297
Echoes from the ruins of Dobromil Walter Artzt 298–311
My experiences during the War [Y] Shalom Hammel 312–318
The destruction of Dobromil Berish Kraemer 319–323
Before and during the two World Wars Moshe Drucker 324–327
From Maz Gleich and Moshe Gorfin Testimonies 328–329
The Nazi invasion of our town Dobromil Yakov 331–332
In Dobromil right after the destruction Max Springer 333–334
The Dobromil Organization in Israel Yakov Hornik 339–340
The Dobromil Association in America [Y] Phillip Frucht 341–346
Dobromil Jews in Israel and America [Y] Dobromiler 347–356
In memory of the martyrs, the fallen and the deceased   357–423
Historic Dobrombil
Dobromil at the turn of the Century A. Dobromiler 17
Appearance and Life in Dobromil Saul Miller 27
And Poverty was their Lot Alexander S. Miller 37
My Return to Dobromil Sol Ziffer 46
Adapted from “The Deserted Village” Oliver Goldsmith 46
M'fur't zum Zug Dobromiler 53
Types and Personalities Aul Miller 65
I Remember Igmund Stein 75
Dobromiler Grandparents Dela Kramer 80
Destruction of Dobromil
In the Agony of the Nightmare Walter Artzt 85
The Destruction of Dobromil Berish Kremer 101
My Experience in the Nazi Hell Ephraim Greidinger 107
Our People All Over The World
The Dobromiller in America A. Dobromiler 119
Some of our Prominent Brothers " 128
The Dobromiler in Israel " 133
Pictorial Supplement   139
Photos from Dobromil in 1929

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