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Index of Names Mentioned in
The Jews of Czestochowa

Translated by Tamar Grizim

In the book The Jews of Czestochowa (which we the people from Czestochowa have published in the year 1947), for technical reasons, no index of all the names of the people mentioned in that important historical book was included. We consider it important to publish such an index now. The complete list of these names will no doubt be of great help to all historians, researchers and other readers of the book The Jews of Czestochowa.

On the same occasion we publish also herewith the index of names included in the book “Czestochowa”. All the names and lists concerning these books were established by MOTEL BERKOVITZ.

Bibliographic information:
Title: Tshenstokhov (Tshenstokhover Yidn or Czenstochover Yidn
Author(s): Mahler, Raphael, 1899-
Publication: New York: Aroysgegebn fun Yunaited Tshenstokhover relif komitet un Leydis okzileri in Nyu York, 1947

A. R. 95, 119
Abele Shochat 34
Abelman, Mina 148
Abramovitch 181
Abramovitch, Somek 224
Adam 380
Adler 346
Adler, Benny 90
Adler, Julius 90
Adler, Rose 286
Adler, Y.(B. Kovner) 289
Aichler 153
Ainhorn, David 78, 79
Aisenberg 347
Aisenberg 49, 81, 88
Aisenberg, Y. 249, 253
Aisenstatt, Baruch 148
Aisenstein 185
Aisenstein, Aharon 306, 307
Aisky 95, 96, 97
Aisner, Feigel 257
Aisner, Louis 303
Aisner, Louise 289
Aisner, Shmuel 117
Akerman, David 117, 323
Akser 183
Alevarde 227
Alexander, V 7, 33, 41, 127, 168
Alexandrovitch 392
Aliova 157
Allert-Bulle 107
Almor, Dzeshek 342
Alser 369
Alshevsky 299
Alshevsky, Joseph 380
Alster, Sh. 352
Alter, Esther 126
Alter, Michael 73, 74, 77, 112, 115, 117, 119, 120, 122, 261, 384, 390
Alter, Victor 126, 391, 392, 396
Alter, Zecha 61
Altman 182
Altman, Bezalel 57
Altman, Mordechai 117, 118, 257, 293
Amsterdam 346
Amsterdam, Y. 355
Andrejev, Leonid 183
Anijute 126
Ansel, Kate 309
Anski, Sch. 92
Appelstein, Chaskel 336
Arbishevska, Maria 385
Arbuzov 130, 153, 381, 382
Arenstein, Mark 81, 84, 89, 90, 91, 92
Arieli (Kaluzshinsky) 346, 347
Arkin, Ben 308
Arlesko, Miriam 90
Aronda 160
Aronovitch 81, 84, 118
Aronovitch, Joseph 62, 81, 83, 84, 91, 92, 97, 101, 119, 120, 131, 132, 133, 135, 143, 144, 155, 175, 396
Artman 358
Aryeh 29
Ash, Leib 102, 103, 184
Ash, Mendel 62, 97, 102 , 154
Ash, Moshe 104, 109, 186, 399
Ash, Motel 384
Ash, Nachum 30, 97, 104, 108, 109, 175, 184, 259, 266, 268, 269, 392, 399
Assorodovray 611, 62, 69, 78
Astor, Albert 304
Avarav 21
Avner 377
Avner 69, 84, 85, 101
Avraham, Wolf Yankels 41
Avram 117
Avramson, David 53
Avramson, Y. 84, 96, 97
Avremels, Rabi 340
Axelrod 42
B Index
Babe, Yachne 36
Badash, Joseph 104
Baf, Daniel 34
Balaban 5, 174
Balaban, Meir 31, 78, 79, 391
Balabanov 108
Baleslav 170
Balsam 15
Balsam, Ber 61
Balsam, Dusheikov 303
Balsamovsky 15
Balushkevitch 180
Baran, Stefan 177, 178, 179, 180, 182, 183
Baremherzig 147
Barondes, Joseph 266
Bashe 117
Bashke (Shapiro) 380, 383, 384
Bastomsky, Sh. 98, 389
Batavia, L. 26, 69, 82, 105, 106, 107, 108, 185, 364
Batori, Stefan 7
Baum, Saul 305, 318, 320, 322
Beck 175
Becker, Shimon 123
Beigele, Imanuel 36, 85, 92
Beigelman, Leizer 339
Beigelman, Moshe 57
Beile 42
Beilis 95, 96
Beiro, Shimon 303
Beiron 157
Beitner, N. 312
Beitom, Hershele 36
Bels 353
Ben Adir (Razin) 272
Bendet, Avraham 336
Bendet, Ch. 92
Benker, Henry 303
Benny, Harry 317
Bensman 84
Bensman, Matityahu 338
Bentkovska 374, 377, 379
Bentzlovitch 345
Ben-Yaakov 95
Benyamin 90, 379
Benyamin, Eliya 336
Berenson, Leon 182
Berg, Molly 181
Berger, Eva 302
Berger, Bella 302
Berger, Chaya 314
Berger, Izi 274, 280, 293, 295, 302, 313, 314, 315, 401
Berger, Rubin 293, 295, 297, 298, 302, 318, 323
Berger, Seidi 295, 298
Bergman Yecheskel 172, 177
Bergman, Adam 15, 22, 50, 108
Bergman, Charlotte 108
Bergman, Shimon 22, 108
Berish 279
Berkenstatt , Leizer 130
Berkentatt, Moshe 57, 76, 134, 136, 140, 142, 143, 144, 191, 207, 227, 275, 344, 391
Berkenstatt, Reizel 58, 61, 72, 87, 112, 142, 143, 144, 227, 228, 275, 390, 391
Berkovitch 103
Berkovitch, A. 146
Berkovitch, Dina 353, 354
Berkovitch, Genia 92, 184
Berkovitch, Leivish 74, 76, 122, 263
Berkovitch, Leizer 81, 347, 374 , 375, 376, 380, 381, 382
Berkovitch, Meir 173
Berkovitch, Shimshon 74, 76
Berkovitch, Fradele 74
Berkovitz, 315, 347
Berliner 79, 85
Berliner, Feigele 72, 344, 367, 368
Berliner, Maron 315
Berliner, Max 257
Berliner, Mendel 315
Berliner, Yossel 117, 257, 314, 315
Berman, Leveivetshke 125
Berman, Adolf 88, 150
Berman, Leivish 369
Berman, Moshe 63, 144
Berman, Y. 146
Bermanski , Yitzha-Leib 104
Bernholz, David 351, 352
Bernholz, M. 351, 352
Berson 153
Berzeshzshinsky, Willi 337
Berzezshinsky, Harry 289, 290, 303
Berzoshsovsky 4
Berzshhosky 182
Besser, Leizer 302
Besser, Louis 289
Besserglick, N. 349
Besterman, levy 342
Beverly 372
Bezvorodka, D. 111
Bezvorodka, Y. L. 49
Bialek 155, 181
Bialik, Ch. N. 216
Bialik, Gershon 303
Bibikov 9
Bieber 181
Bieber, Eliyahu 177
Bieber, Montesh 44
Biernatzky, Kostek 160
Bigansky, Wladislav 8, 9, 169
Bimka, P. 92, 95
Binder, Y. 103
Binele, Hoiker 329
Bira, Fella 302, 363
Bira, Shimon vi, 153, 302, 363
Birenzweig, Ch. 147
Birenzweig, Mechel 193
Birman, Helle 115, 117
Birnboim 380
Birnboim, Avraham-Ber 80, 82, 84, 108, 184, 216, 298
Birnboim, Helle 177
Birnboim, Leib 181
Birnboim, Shlomek 127
Birnholz 177, 249
Birnholz, A. 310, 311, 312, 326
Birnholz, H. 103
Bitshner, Meir 35, 36, 38
Bitter, Tillie 309, 310
Blader, Nachman 329
Blatshinsky 49
Blatt 88
Blaustein, H. 103
Blechstein 347, 367
Blitz, M. 285
Blum 346, 349, 358
Blum, Avraham 140, 141
Blum, M. 63
Blume Die Piptern 369
Blumenfeld 195
Blumenfeld, Diana 90
Bochenek 347
Boem 85
Boem, Alexander 154, 175
Boem, Gotshe 83, 91
Boem, Yakov 101, 110
Boim 387, 392
Boim, L. 249
Boimof, Itshe-Meir 336
Boms, Wolf 35, 41, 43
Bontshek, Wladislav 208
Bornstein 15, 83, 184, 347
Bornstein, Alke 329
Bornstein, Ania 117, 118
Bornstein, Gutek 117, 118
Bornstein, Moshe 88, 184, 289
Bornstein, Sheftel 336
Borochov, Ber 147
Borushikovsky, David 315, 384
Botshan, Berl 94, 96, 98, 99, 184, 185
Bottner 155
Botvin, Naphtali 159, 160
Bovrovsky 38
Bovrovsky, Rose 302
Bozshikovsky, David 80, 81, 144
Bozshikovsky, M. 132
Bozshikovsky, P. 353
Brader, M. 342
Bram 85
Bram, A. 65, 98, 154, 183, 184, 365,
Brand, Haim 148
Brandeis 275
Brandeis, Aharon 242, 243
Brantziki 22
Bratt, Avraham 74, 75, 77, 79, 122, 134, 185, 261, 263
Bratt, Fradel 117, 257
Bratt, Malka 72, 77
Bratt, Yechiel 297, 302, 303
Bratt, Yoshke 303
Brattman, Berta 280
Brattman, Berl 282, 284, 303
Braun, M. 63
Braver 78
Breiter 154
Breitler, Avraham 181
Brekler 181
Brenner, Itta 253
Brenner, Lieber 111, 77, iv 86, 138, 144, 186, 190, 205, 223, 224, 226
Brezinsky, Yaakov 332, 333, 334
Brikner, Alexander 5
Brill 48, 49, 347, 379
Brill, Adolf 379
Brill, R. 103
Brish, Shimon 78
Broder, Anna 286, 288
Broder, Isralke 268, 278, 282, 303
Broderson, Moshe 90, 103, 184
Brodsky, Ch. 294, 295, 297
Brodsky, Louis 298
Brodsky, Yona 159
Broide 184
Broin, Mendel 124, 155
Broin, Y. M. 96
Broiner, David 185
Brokazsh, Vigdar 34, 39
Brokmaan, Aharon 104
Brokman, Avraham 342
Brokman, Baruch 154
Brokman, Leizer 172, 342
Brokman, Max 303
Brokman, Moshe 172, 176, 177, 185
Brokman, Shlomo 172, 177
Brom, Avraham 147, 185
Brom, Max 61, 101, 132
Broniatovsky 108, 109, 365
Broniatovsky, Yecheskel 50
Broniatovsky, Arthur 62, 366
Broniatovsky, Joseph 137
Broniatovsky, Mietshislav 165
Bsheshinsky, Yecheskel 111
Bshezinsky 249
Buchalter, Haim 130
Buchenheim, Helmund 345
Buchman 65, 346
Buchman, A. 111
Buchner, Karl 283, 285, 318
Buchner, Morris 302
Buchner, Moshe 173
Buchner, Shlomo 130
Buchner, Sophie 302
Buchner, Willi 303
Buchner, William 284
Bugeisky 384
Buksboim, N. 148
Burjikovsky 349
Burkan 349
Burstein 165
Burstein, Pesahke 186
Burstin, Avigdor 148
Burstin, Yizchak (Bortshinsky) 16, 19, 20, 21, 23
Buxhorn, Pinie 121, 338, 389
C Index
Camelgarn 358
Camelhaar, Israel 177
Chamorner, Joseph 99
Chana 199
Chana Zvi Haim 347
Chanele 44
Chemelnitzky 6
Chenstochovska, Shoshana 77, 346
"Chesed Leavraham" 339
Chestochovsky, Avrahamtshe 184
Chestochovsky, Mordechai 176
Chestochovsky, Yoseph 181
Choleva 184
Cincinatus 272
Cincinatus, B. 144
Cincinatus, B. 351
Cincinatus, Siese 138, 144
Cincinatus, Siser 57
Coheen, Yaakov-Yehoshua 367
Cohen 346, 347
Cohen, Louis 303
Cohen, Mordechai 31
Cohen, R. 284
Cohen, Shalom 282
Congrezki 79, 346
D Index
Dalman, A 351
Dankelman 6
Dankovitch, Max 115
Dankovitch, Shimon 17, 18, 50
Danziger, Malka 79
Danziger, Y. 349
Danziger, Yankele 389
Dashinsky, Ignatz 119, 384
Davidovitch 218, 347, 357
Davidovitch Berish 83, 91
Davidovitch, Adam 157, 161, 164
Davidovitch, Haim 80, 81, 82, 102
Davidovitch, Jankel 379, 382
Davidovitch, Moshe 173
Davidson 315
David-Yitzchak 28
Davis, Harris 303
Davshinsky, D. 184
De Los Rias 158
Degenhart 192, 195, 197, 205, 209, 210, 211, 244
Delof 107
Dembal 154
Dembitzer 391
Demsy 335
Denenberg, H. 354
Deninsov, Vassili 95, 153, 383
Deres, Naphtali 63, 184
Despinas R. 157, 312
Diaval, Shimshe 32, 34, 116
Dickerman, Dzshek 342
Dickerman, Louis 342
Dickerman, Max 317
Dickerman, Sam 342
Dickerman, Sol 317
Dickes, M. 103
Diemant 184
Diener, Shlomo 384
Dilevsky 379
Dilevsky, Herzke 181
Dilevsky, Leibish 130
Dina 392
Dinenson 70
Ditman, Heiman 317
Dlugonoga, Yaakov 130
Dluzshevsky 153
Dobzshinsky 67
Doch 177
Doctor 379
Doman 357
Domansky, Anthony 121, 155, 380
Domansky, Joseph 384
Dombrovsky 154
Dombrovsky 154
Dombrovsky, Jan 1182
Dombrovsky, Jaroslav 158, 163, 164
Don 117
Dorfgang, Aharon 233, 252
Dorfman 32
Doroshenko 222
Dostojevsky 84
Dranov 91
Dreisner, G. 130
Dreksler, Mordechai 38
Dressler, David 337
Drevniak 35, 36, 41
Dreyfus 42
Drovner, Boleslav 98, 121, 122 133, 391
Dukat, Itshe-Mendel 172
Duratsh 154
Dzadosh 180
Dzekan, Welvele 36
Dzialovsky 184, 379
Dzialovsky , Avraham 63, 392
Dzialovsky, Hershel 176
Dzialovsky, Moshe 172
Dzigan 90, 185
Dzshaloshinsky, Shlomo 69
Dzshashova, Joseph 176
Dzshashovas 50
Dzshashovas, Simcha 104
Dzsheikobs, Max 280, 283, 284, 285
Dzsheikobs, Al 283, 285, 310
Dzsheikobs, Cilla 286, 287, 288
Dzsheikobs, Dzesh 270, 275, 280, 283, 284, 285, 318
Dzsheikobs, Gossy 286
Dzsheikobs, Joseph 401
Dzshekson, Katy 286, 288
Dzsherozshinsky, Felix (Joseph) 379, 384
Dzshialovitch, Daniel 185
E Index
Ebelman, Mina 148
Eberman, Yudel 303
Eckstein 79
Eckstein, Haim 303
Edelis 59
Edelist 83
Edelist, N. 252
Edelist, Pinchas 185
Edelman, M. 252
Eidelman 366
Eidelman, Michael 63
Eiger 121, 389
Elboim 159
Elchana 38
Elenberg, Karl 342
Elenberg, Lea 342
Elkon, Haim 161
Eltester, Moshe 61
Emile Zola 42
Engel, Yehuda 366
Englender, Shmuel 177
Ensel, Shmuel 130
Entelis, M. 263
Epelboim 49
Epelboim, A. 97
Epelboim, Mordechai 173
Ephraim 347
Epstein 59, 182, 365
Epstein Zygmunt 99, 257, 271, 272, 391
Epstein, Alter 125
Epstein, B. 103, 303
Epstein, Ch. 92
Epstein, David-Yossel 366
Epstein, Dorothy 336, 337
Epstein, G. 103
Epstein, Hershel 313, 314, 315, 333, 334, 384
Epstein, Izi 332, 333, 334
Epstein, M. 184
Epstein, Nachman 130
Epstein, Sam 342
Erlich, Berel 297
Erlich, Henrik 41, 42, 391, 392, 395, 396
Erlich, Hershele 241, 343
Erlich, Itshe-Meir 80, 82
Erner 182
Estreich (Oestreich?) 182
Ettinger 108
F Index
Faks, Gertrude 310, 327
Faks, Haim-Yehuda 337
Faktor, M. 173, 177
Falk 226, 227
Fankovsky 358
Farberg, Kaller 181
Farbstein, Heshel 338
Fasersky 20
Faucht, David 289
Feder, D 342
Federman 304
Federman, David 34, 39, 374, 387, 388, 389
Federman, Freidel 374
Federman, Haya-Sarale 392, 394
Federman, Hinde 374, 376, 386
Federman, R. 310
Federman, Raphael-Hille iii, iv, vi, 56, 57, 60, 61, 70, 73, 74, 80, 81, 82, 86, 89, 91, 92, 94, 97, 98, 99, 100, 109, 112, 114, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 133, 134, 136, 139, 140, 144, 154, 155, 174, 175, 227, 257, 261, 263, 270, 271, 272, 273, 275, 276, 279, 292, 307, 308, 311, 313, 318, 320, 323, 324, 325, 326, 327, 344, 352, 353, 354, 374, 375, 377, 390, 299, 400, 401, 402
Federman, Reisel 310
Federman, Shalom 388
Federman, Yeshayahu 374, 383
Federman, Zalman 61, 374, 376, 377, 383, 384, 385, 386, 387, 388, 390
Federman, Zesha (Zirel-Alte) 92, 109, 375, 377, 386, 388, 390, 394
Feffer 118
Feffer, A. 310
Feffer, Henech 57, 143, 144, 177
Feffer, Yaakov 345
Feier 185
Feierman 313, 339
Feierman, Aharon 173
Feierman, Haim 185
Feierstein 269, 383
Feierstein, Fanny 286, 287, 401
Feierstein, Frieda 336
Feierstein, Hanna 286
Feierstein, Harry 270, 272, 274, 279, 280, 303, 320, 323, 332, 333, 400
Feierstein, Hershel 303
Feierstein, Reuven 289
Feierston, Friede 337
Feiertag 35
Feiertag, Gadel 323, 346
Feiertag, P. 310, 313
Feiertag, Reisel 70, 72, 121
Feiertag, Yehuda-Hersh 303, 330, 332, 333
Feige 50
Feige, Wolf 75, 112, 122, 134, 261, 263
Feige, Y. 102, 103
Feige, Yankel 230
Feigelovitch 48
Feigenblatt 31, 184
Feigenblatt, Romek 224
Feigenblatt, Terenya 71, 389
Feigenblatt, Yitzchak 16
Feigenboim, Leon 389
Fein, M. 311
Feiner 229
Feiner, M. 290, 292, 318, 323, 401
Feiner, Meir 270, 280, 303
Feiner, Y. 195, 222, 224, 248
Feiner, Z. 103
Feinkind, David 117
Feinkind, Moshe 101
Feinman 347
Feinreich, Meir iii, 81, 91, 110, 115, 118, 346, 349, 386
Feinreich, Rivka 347, 349
Feinreich, S. iii
Feinreich, Sh. 53
Feinreich-Biro, Fella 88
Feitel, Feivel 57
Feivel, Avigdor 374, 375, 376
Feivlovitch 178
Feivlovitch, Efraim-Shmuel 347
Feivlovitch, Hershele iii, 53, 62, 81, 91, 94, 95, 96, 97
Feldman, Ch. 199
Feldman, Henech 130
Feldman, Robinko 199
Feldman, Shlemele 159
Feldstein 67
Felsenstein, M. 53
Feltin, Shimon 29
Fensterbloi 227
Ferdinand 7
Ferenger, Avraham 130
Ferens 103
Ferleger 48
Ferleger, A. 358
Fersht, Moshe 130
Fiedelavsky 329
Finkelstein 172, 364
Finkelstein, Avraham-Henech 173
Finkelstein, Yushek 72, 117, 119, 120
Finkler, David 303
Firstenfeld 357
Fischer, Dzshadsh 305
Fish , Yaakov 63
Fishel 216
Fishel 50
Fishlevitch, Mendel 195, 211, 222, 224, 229, 248
Fishman 182
Fishman 366
Fishman, Harry 342
Fishman, Victor 389
Flasher, Oril 379
Foist 60
Foist, H. 108
Foist, S. 286
Fontesh, Aharon 336
Fordon 316
Fradel 71
Fradelsky, M. 310, 326, 327
Frank 59
Frank, Groinem 84
Frank, Hans 247
Frank, Itshe-Meir 375
Frank, Shmuel 84, 88, 92, 98, 99, 103, 109, 122, 184, 185, 186, 338 344, 375
Frank, Yaakov 9
Frank, Yoseph 375
Franka xi
Franka, Franciska 157, 158, 163, 165
Franke 236, 237, 238
Frankenberg 365
Frankfurter, Shlomo 94
Freid, Isidor 107
Freid, Y. 271
Freiermoier 270, 280, 326
Freiermoier, H. 63
Freiermoier, R. 401
Freiermoier, Reile 287, 326
Freiermoier, Y. 352
Freiermoier, Yehuda 130
Freilech, Abe 302
Freilech, Sam 302
Freilech, Sophie 302
Freilich 293, 294, 295, 298
Freiman 293
Freiman, Harry 289
Freiman, Hershel 63, 131, 143, 144, 195, 224, 229, 302, 303
Freiman, Itzik 31
Freiman, Leah 302
Freiman, Shmuel 173
Freimark 34
Freitag 347
Freitag, G. vi, 146
Freitag, Godel 345, 347, 348, 402,
Frenkel 69, 299
Frenkel, M. 26
Friedlender, Leon 289
Friedman 48, 346
Friedman, Avraham 57, 62, 130, 132, 144, 269, 280, 298, 303
Friedman, Avraham-Nathan 35
Friedman, David 280, 303
Friedman, Feigel 130
Friedman, Helen 286
Friedman, Malka 286, 288
Friedman, Manye 73, 390
Friedman, Nahum-Yankel 34, 36, 45, 90
Friedman, Paula 73, 390
Friedman, S. A. 318, 320, 335
Friedrich, Zalman 138
Frish, P. 342
Frishman 121, 178
Fruemorgen, Leosha 83
Frug 181
Frugish 320
Fuks, Esther 70, 86, 390
Fuks, haimi 334
Fuks, Mattes 386
Funtovitch, Peretz 130
Futkammer 7
Futterhendler, David 130
G Index
Galiezianer, A. 131
Galinsky 60
Galster 181, 182, 210, 211
Gans, Ivan 323
Garbarsky 38
Garbinsky, Leibel 43, 120
Garelik, Henia 126
Garfinkel, Wolf 185
Garibaldi 158
Gates 389
Gavendzi 153
Geisler, Isidor 108, 109, 184,
Geizler, D. 281, 282
Geizler, Hypolite 62, 63, 64, 102 154, 365
Geizler, Lutek 83
Gelbar, Michal 337
Gelbar, Moshe 330
Gelbar, Yeckel 172
Gelbard, Aharon 232
Gelbard, Avraham-Shimon 172
Gelbard, Gossi 287, 288, 326
Gelbard, Yitzik 130
Gelber, David 353
Gelber, Kalman 130
Gelber, Morris 63, 270, 280, 283, 285, 401
Gelber, Moyervin 314, 326
Gelber, Neiten 353
Gelber, Siskind 185
Geliebter, Aby 303
Genaslav, Yehuda-Leibish 329
Gene 42
Genendelman, Leizer 377
Gerbovsky, P. vi, 366
Gerichter 348
Gerichter, Abe 302
Gerichter, D. 121, 384
Gerichter, Karl 293, 302, 303
Gerichter, Koppel 117, 118, 123
Gerichter, Koppel 257, 262, 269, 278,
Gerichter, Nathan 116
Gerichter, Willi 303
Gerichter, Y. 184
Gerioter, Regina 302
Gershonovitch 184
Gershonovitch, Avraham 366
Gershonovitch, David-Leib 303
Gerter 399
Gevirtig 184
Gewirtzman 346
Gewirtzman 69, 224
Gibrik, A. 310
Gilbert, Mendel 346
Gilinsky, Ssh. 121, 389, 392
Ginsberg Yitzchak 16
Ginsberg, David 185
Ginsberg, Eizik-Shimon 31, 33, 36, 37, 104
Ginsberg, S. 185
Ginsburg, Herman 107
Gion 78
Gitel, Esterel 35
Giterman 396
Gitler, Yiremiyahu 151, 152, 231
Gitler, A 184
Glanz 287
Glanz, R. 224, 231
Glatter 365
Glatter, Max 303
Glavatzky 32
Glazek, H. 108
Glazer 48
Glazer, Sidney 289
Glazer, Stella 325
Glevitzky, Sh. 184
Glezer, Shaya 36
Glick, Avraham 117
Glick, David 177
Glick, Moshe-Leib 177
Glick, Sh. 281
Glick, Yaakel 177
Glickerman Rosa 309, 310
Glicklich, Leitshe 92, 109
Glicksman 79
Glicksman, Aharon 342
Glicksman, Avraham 104
Glicksman, Chana 257, 270, 278, 293, 297, 298, 302, 303, 401
Glicksman, Elezer 312
Glicksman, Fradel 295, 302, 310
Glicksman, Isidor 318. 320, 322, 323, 326, 327
Glicksman, Jossel 303
Glicksman, Meir 374
Glicksman, Sara 298, 302
Glicksman, Wolf Hille iii, iv, vi, 276, 280, 401, 402
Glicksman, Y. iv, 298, 310, 311, 313,
Glicksohn, Itzik 31
Glickson 8, 175
Glickson, Maria 8, 31, 95
Glickson, Max 285
Glickson, Mendel 303
Glisman, Fisher 339
Gnazlov, Yehuda-Leivjush 329
Godett 157
Godik 90
Goebbels 240
Goering 240
Gold, Hanna 199
Gold, Harry 332
Gold, Moshe 332, 334, 37
Gold, Rei 336, 337
Goldberg 146, 177, 184, 185, 303 318
Goldberg Y. 63, 64, 233, 249
Goldberg, A. 355
Goldberg, Aharon 37
Goldberg, Aharon-David 173
Goldberg, Daniel 130
Goldberg, Enni 294, 295, 302
Goldberg, Feitel 303
Goldberg, H 351
Goldberg, Hanina 49
Goldberg, Harry 322, 323
Goldberg, Hershel 351, 352
Goldberg, Isser 389
Goldberg, Joseph 276
Goldberg, Kuba 115, 117
Goldberg, Leon 80, 82
Goldberg, Louis 295, 297, 298, 302
Goldberg, Ludwig 62
Goldberg, Marcus 44
Goldberg, Moshe 65, 82, 177, 252
Goldberg, Rose 286
Goldberg, Sam 257, 282, 284, 285, 303
Goldberg, Sh. 282
Goldberg, Yehiel 351, 352
Goldboim, Lippe 36, 43
Goldboim, Lippe 36, 43
Goldboim, Motel 88
Golde 39, 117, 379
Golde, Alexander 126
Golde, Dibbuk 39
Golde, Julius 359
Goldfaden 36, 42, 183
Goldfarb 349
Goldfinger, A. 290
Goldman 374
Goldman, L. 103, 365
Goldman, Louis 289
Goldman, Max 342
Goldsheider, Leibish 61, 62, 101
Goldstein 44 , 90, 220, 311, 346
Goldstein, Avraham 12
Goldstein, H. 103
Goldstein, H. 351
Goldstein, Jakov 115, 117
Goldstein, M. 184
Goldstein, Shmuel 49, 97, 106, 109, 154, 175, 392
Goldstein, Y. 351
Goldwirt, Bella vl, 367
Gollach, Meir 130
Golodstein, H. 103
Gomolinsky 345, 348
Gonshorowitch, A. 85, 101
Gonshorowitch, H. 102
Gonswa 57
Goodman-Malarsky, Djeshi (Zelik) 373
Gordin 81
Gordin, Yaakov 88, 185
Gordin, Yitzchak 121, 389
Gorfinkel 108
Gostinskt, Wolf 61, 62, 101
Gotteiner 306
Gotteiner, Avraham 117
Gotteiner, B. 284
Gotteiner, Hershel 92, 109, 115, 119 120, 121, 344, 383
Gotteiner, Lia 305
Gotteiner, Rena 309
Gotteiner, Shimon iii
Gotteiner, Zelig 3-4, 305
Gotteiner, Heimi 289, 303
Gottenberg, Leon 14, 19
Gottfried 88
Gottheiner, L. 282
Gottlieb 347
Gottlieb, Avraham iii, 65, 110, 146, 345, 347, 348
Gottlieb, David 303
Gottlieb, David 293, 302
Gottlieb, Haya (Richter) 345
Gottlieb, Malli 286, 290, 292, 302
Gottlieb, Nehemia 172, 176
Gottlieb, Pinchas 289, 293, 302, 303
Gottlieb, Yaakov 146, 345, 347, 348
Grabovsky, Stanislav 12
Gradan 118, 119
Gradon, S. 91
Gradstein 37, 41, 50
Gradstein, Markus 107
Graf, Joseph 30
Granach, Alexander 90
Granak 182
Granak, Avraham 130
Granak, Leibush 303, 332
Granak, Moshe 332
Granak, Sh. 252
Granak, Yeshayhu 62, 63
Granik, Yeshayahu 233
Grass, Kalman 280
Grass, Louis 305, 318
Grauman, Harry 313, 314, 315, 322
Grauman, May 315
Graviansky, Ludwik 57
Graviner 80, 83
Gray, Jette 145
Green 77, 185, 366
Green, Samiel 303
Green, William 289, 397
Greiza 184
Greizer 124
Greizer 298
Greizer, Avraham 63, 233
Greizer, Joseph Hersh 36, 43, 46
Grenetz, M. 62, 63
Grey, Jette 313
Griboshinsky 155
Grielak 49, 181, 272
Grielak, Jetshe 257, 258
Grielak, Simcha 257
Grienbaum 232, 155
Grienberg 347
Grienberg, Moshe 130, 173
Grienberg, Sol 303, 341, 342
Grienblatt, Haim 130
Grienboim, Moritz 116, 155, 257, 271, 272
Grienboim, Yitzchak 84, 97, 152
Grilak, B. 184
Grill, Lieber 281
Grindman 79
Grinspan , Avraham 185
Grinstein 249
Grodjensky , R. 401
Groiman, H. iv
Groiman, Harry 303
Groiman, Irwing 302
Groiman, Sam 302
Groinem 42
Groisberg, Mendel 303
Groman 372
Gross, Kalman 380
Gross, Louis 305
Grossbard, Herz 90
Grossberg, A. 310
Grossberg, Aharon 314, 315
Grossberg, Avraham 293, 297, 302
Grossberg, Esther 314, 315
Grossberg, H. 298
Grossberg, Hershel 293
Grossberg, Max 310
Grossberg, Mendel 314, 315
Grossberg, Phillip 314, 315
Grosser, Bronislav 129, 130
Grossman 32, 49, 50, 51, 66
Grossman, Jan 108
Grossman, Lazarus-Rosalie 108
Grossman, Stephan 26, 33
Grunt, Shlomo 354
Grunwald 365
Grushka 347
Grushka, David 347
Gursky, Yitzchak iii, 115, 116, 257, 272, 323, 386, 401
Gutengott, Shlomo-David 18
Guterman, David 117, 257, 384, 401
Guterman, Henek 157, 161, 162, 163
Guterman, P. 53
Guterman, Y. 185
Gutfreind, Heshke 94
Gutfreind, Yisrael 130
Gutherz 88
Gutman 177
Gutman 358, 365
Gutman, Berl 11, 121, 385, 389, 391
Gutman, Leon 110
Gutman, Yonatan 130
Gutshe, Rachel 90
Gutshechter 95

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