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Jewish Martyrs of Ciechanowiec (cont'd)

Family # Surname First Name Maiden Name Relationship Submitter Comments
496ROGOVYYaacov HeadCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
496ROGOVYShmuel SonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland two children
496ROGOVYGolda Wife of Shmuel Ciechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland two children
496ROGOVYChaim Son of YaacovCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland family
496ROGOVYYeshaya Yehuda  Ciechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland family
497ROGOVSKYYehoshua HeadNaomi Rosen Vilkonsky of Israel, Mina Rosen Yisraeli of Israel, Rachel Rosen Vilkonsky of Israel, Yaacov Rosen of Israel, Chaim Rosen of Israel, Yitzhak Rosen of Israel, Chaya Etka Rosen of Israel 
497ROGOVSKYZiselROSENWifeNaomi Rosen Vilkonsky of Israel, Mina Rosen Yisraeli of Israel, Rachel Rosen Vilkonsky of Israel, Yaacov Rosen of Israel, Chaim Rosen of Israel, Yitzhak Rosen of Israel, Chaya Etka Rosen of Israel 
497ROGOVSKYPesia DaughterNaomi Rosen Vilkonsky of Israel, Mina Rosen Yisraeli of Israel, Rachel Rosen Vilkonsky of Israel, Yaacov Rosen of Israel, Chaim Rosen of Israel, Yitzhak Rosen of Israel, Chaya Etka Rosen of Israel 
497ROGOVSKYMiriam DaughterNaomi Rosen Vilkonsky of Israel, Mina Rosen Yisraeli of Israel, Rachel Rosen Vilkonsky of Israel, Yaacov Rosen of Israel, Chaim Rosen of Israel, Yitzhak Rosen of Israel, Chaya Etka Rosen of Israel 
497ROGOVSKYAviva DaughterNaomi Rosen Vilkonsky of Israel, Mina Rosen Yisraeli of Israel, Rachel Rosen Vilkonsky of Israel, Yaacov Rosen of Israel, Chaim Rosen of Israel, Yitzhak Rosen of Israel, Chaya Etka Rosen of Israel 
498ROGOVSKYLeibel UncleShprintze Kagan Rosen of Israel 
498ROGOVSKYRaizel Wife of LeibelShprintze Kagan Rosen of Israel 
498ROGOVSKYAharon Son of Leibel and RaizelShprintze Kagan Rosen of Israel 
498ROGOVSKYGlitza Daughter of Leibel and RaizelShprintze Kagan Rosen of Israel 
498ROGOVSKYGetzel Son of Leibel and RaizelShprintze Kagan Rosen of Israel 
498ROGOVSKYFeivel UncleShprintze Kagan Rosen of Israel 
498ROGOVSKYChanaROSCHETZKYWife of FeivelShprintze Kagan Rosen of Israel 
498ROGOVSKYBinyamin Son of Feivel and ChanaShprintze Kagan Rosen of Israel 
498ROGOVSKYTsirelJUSUM / YITOMGrandmotherShprintze Kagan Rosen of Israel 
498KAGANChayaROGOVSKYAuntShprintze Kagan Rosen of Israel 
499ROGATZIVSKYBrucha  Ciechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
499ROGATZIVSKYFrieda DaughterCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
499ROGATZIVSKYRashke DaughterCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
499ROGATZIVSKYDina DaughterCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
499ROGATZIVSKYShayna DaughterCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
499ROGATZIVSKYBinyamin SonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
499ROGATZIVSKYZelig SonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
500RUDIAlter FatherAvraham Rudi of France 
500RUDIPesia MotherAvraham Rudi of FranceFirst name not listed in original text. Added by Judy Baston
500RUDILeibel BrotherAvraham Rudi of France 
500RUDINehemiah BrotherAvraham Rudi of France 
501RUDEKDov Gedaliahu Father-in-lawAlter Pioreh of Israel 
501RUDEKMeir Son of Dov GedaliahuAlter Pioreh of Israel 
501RUDEKRivka Wife of MeirAlter Pioreh of Israel 
501RUDEK? Son of Meir and RivkaAlter Pioreh of Israel 
501RUDEKMiriam RelativeAlter Pioreh of Israel 
502ROSENBLOOMYaacov HeadCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
502ROSENBLOOMChana WifeCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
502ROSENBLOOMShalom SonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
502ROSENBLOOMPinchas SonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
502ROSENBLOOMFaigale DaughterCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
502ROSENBLOOMMoshe SonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
502ROSENBLOOMYisrael SonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
502ROSENBLOOMGedaliahu SonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
503ROSENBLOOMYitzhak Brother-in-lawTamar Lichtenberg Shamir of Israel 
503ROSENBLOOMYache Wife of Yitzhak, SisterTamar Lichtenberg Shamir of Israel 
503ROSENBLOOMLeah Daughter of Yitzhak and YacheTamar Lichtenberg Shamir of Israel 
503ROSENBLOOMNaftali Son of Yitzhak and YacheTamar Lichtenberg Shamir of Israel 
503ROSENBLOOMYaacov HeadTamar Lichtenberg Shamir of Israel 
503ROSENBLOOMChana Wife of YaacovTamar Lichtenberg Shamir of Israel 
503ROSENBLOOMMoshe Son of Yaacov and ChanaTamar Lichtenberg Shamir of Israel 
503ROSENBLOOMMenachem  Son of Yaacov and ChanaTamar Lichtenberg Shamir of Israel 
503ROSENBLOOMShalom Son of Yaacov and ChanaTamar Lichtenberg Shamir of Israel 
503ROSENBLOOMFaiga Daughter of Yaacov and ChanaTamar Lichtenberg Shamir of Israel 
504ROSENBLOOMShmuel Brother-in-lawChana Etkes Glickman of Israel 
504ROSENBLOOMPerlETKESWife of Shmuel, SisterChana Etkes Glickman of Israel 
505ROSENBLOOMMichel  Ciechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland family
506ROTHSCHILDDavid UncleAryeh Lebendez of Israel, Fishel Lebendez of Argentina 
506ROTHSCHILDRachelLEBENDEZAuntAryeh Lebendez of Israel, Fishel Lebendez of Argentina 
506ROTHSCHILDPerl DaughterAryeh Lebendez of Israel, Fishel Lebendez of Argentina 
506ROTHSCHILDYesheyahu SonAryeh Lebendez of Israel, Fishel Lebendez of Argentina 
506ROTHSCHILDLiebe DaughterAryeh Lebendez of Israel, Fishel Lebendez of Argentina 
507ROLNIKYitzhak UncleRabbi Avraham Sokolowsky of Israel 
507ROLNIKBreine Daughter of UncleRabbi Avraham Sokolowsky of Israel 
507ROLNIKFrieda Daughter of UncleRabbi Avraham Sokolowsky of Israel 
507ROLNIKSarah Daughter of UncleRabbi Avraham Sokolowsky of Israel 
508ROSOCHATZKYMoshe Brother-in-lawSimcha Strossman of Israel 
508ROSOCHATZKYGoldaSTROSSMANWife of MosheSimcha Strossman of Israel 
509ROSOCHATZKYBetzalel Hersch  Nataniel Pioreh of Israeland family
509ROSOCHATZKYShmuel David Grandson of Betzalel HerschNataniel Pioreh of Israel 
509ROSOCHATZKYMichaele Granddaughter of Betzalel HerschNataniel Pioreh of Israel 
509ROSOCHATZKYChaim Grandson of Betzalel HerschNataniel Pioreh of Israel 
510RIDELWITZDavid UncleYaacov Farber of Israel, Golda Yisraelit Farber of Israel, Ahuva Farber Liptzer of Israel 
510RIDELWITZYacheLIFSCHITZAuntYaacov Farber of Israel, Golda Yisraelit Farber of Israel, Ahuva Farber Liptzer of Israel 
511RAIZELESFishel HeadCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
511RAIZELES? Wife of FishelCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
511RAIZELESHerschel SonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
512REINOWITZYoel Gershon FatherRachel Reinowitz Karpik of Israel 
512REINOWITZRikel MotherRachel Reinowitz Karpik of Israel 
512REINOWITZChaim BrotherRachel Reinowitz Karpik of Israel 
512REINOWITZMushaORLINSKYWife of ChaimRachel Reinowitz Karpik of Israel 
512REINOWITZSarah Daughter of Chaim and MushaRachel Reinowitz Karpik of Israel 
512REINOWITZChana Daughter of Chaim and MushaRachel Reinowitz Karpik of Israel 
512REINOWITZGlika Daughter of Chaim and MushaRachel Reinowitz Karpik of Israel 
512REINOWITZEsther Daughter of Chaim and MushaRachel Reinowitz Karpik of Israel 
512REINOWITZZevulon BrotherRachel Reinowitz Karpik of Israel 
512REINOWITZYoel  Son of ZevulonRachel Reinowitz Karpik of Israel 
513RINKWITZDavid Brother-in-lawMashe Yisraelit London of Israel, Golda Yisraelit Farber of Israel, Moshe Yisraelit of Israel, Zvi Yisraelit of Israel, Yaacov Yisraelit of Israel 
513RINKWITZLeahYISRAELITSisterMashe Yisraelit London of Israel, Golda Yisraelit Farber of Israel, Moshe Yisraelit of Israel, Zvi Yisraelit of Israel, Yaacov Yisraelit of Israel 
513RINKWITZShayntsche Daughter of David and LeahMashe Yisraelit London of Israel, Golda Yisraelit Farber of Israel, Moshe Yisraelit of Israel, Zvi Yisraelit of Israel, Yaacov Yisraelit of Israel 
513RINKWITZChaya Sarah Daughter of David and LeahMashe Yisraelit London of Israel, Golda Yisraelit Farber of Israel, Moshe Yisraelit of Israel, Zvi Yisraelit of Israel, Yaacov Yisraelit of Israel 
513RINKWITZYaacov Son of David and LeahMashe Yisraelit London of Israel, Golda Yisraelit Farber of Israel, Moshe Yisraelit of Israel, Zvi Yisraelit of Israel, Yaacov Yisraelit of Israel 
513RINKWITZDov Son of David and LeahMashe Yisraelit London of Israel, Golda Yisraelit Farber of Israel, Moshe Yisraelit of Israel, Zvi Yisraelit of Israel, Yaacov Yisraelit of Israel 
514RYDZChayaKREPLEKMotherYehuda Rydz of Israel, Fishel Rydz of United States 
514RYDZFaigaPLISKYWife of YehudaYehuda Rydz of Israel, Fishel Rydz of United States 
514SKORARivkaRYDZSisterYehuda Rydz of Israel, Fishel Rydz of United States 
515RATZIMORAYaacov FatherAsher Ben-Yaacov (Ratzimora) of Israel, Eliyahu Feldman of Cuba, Mishel Feldman (Ratzimora) of Cuba  
515RATZIMORAMiriamMUSICANTMotherAsher Ben-Yaacov (Ratzimore) of Israel, Eliyahu Feldman of Cuba, Mishel Feldman (Ratzimora) of Cuba  
515RATZIMORAMalka DaughterAsher Ben-Yaacov (Ratzimora) of Israel, Eliyahu Feldman of Cuba, Mishel Feldman (Ratzimora) of Cuba  
515RATZIMORAMiriam SisterAsher Ben-Yaacov (Ratzimora) of Israel, Eliyahu Feldman of Cuba, Mishel Feldman (Ratzimora) of Cuba  
515SEMIATITSKYShaindelRATZIMORADaughterAsher Ben-Yaacov (Ratzimora) of Israel, Eliyahu Feldman of Cuba, Mishel Feldman (Ratzimora) of Cuba  
516SHASKESAlter HeadDvora Peretz Blumenkrantz of Israel, Tuvia Peretz of Israeland son
516SHASKESBeyla WifeDvora Peretz Blumenkrantz of Israel, Tuvia Peretz of Israeland son
517SHEDLITZKYHenoch Brother-in-lawAlter Pioreh of Israel 
517SHEDLITZKYDvoraKOPITOWSKYSister-in-lawAlter Pioreh of Israel 
517SHEDLITZKYSarah DaughterAlter Pioreh of Israel 
517SHEDLITZKYChava DaughterAlter Pioreh of Israel 
518SHEDLITZKYTaube  Ciechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
518SHEDLITZKYSarah DaughterCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
518SHEDLITZKYHenoch SonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
519SHEDLITZKYPeshke MotherPinchas Ben Yair (Shedlitzky) of Israel 
519SHEDLITZKYSimcha BrotherPinchas Ben Yair (Shedlitzky) of Israel 
520SCHWARTZHenoch UncleRachel Konopiaty of Israel, Ephraim Konopiaty of Israel 
520SCHWARTZCharnaVINGROVSKYAuntRachel Konopiaty of Israel, Ephraim Konopiaty of Israel 
521SCHWARTZChaim Yosef UncleMoshe Vinkelstein of Israel 
521SCHWARTZEstherYISRAELSKIAuntMoshe Vinkelstein of Israel 
521SCHWARTZTsirel Daughter of Chaim Yosef and EstherMoshe Vinkelstein of Israel 
521SCHWARTZNuta Meir Son of Chaim Yosef and Esther Moshe Vinkelstein of Israel 
522SCHWARTZSimcha  Ciechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland family
523SCHWARTZSarah SisterDvora Schwartz Lewin of Israel 
524SCHWARTZBARTKalman HeadYaffa Cheshes Pioreh of Israel 
524SCHWARTZBARTBreintsche Daughter of UncleYaffa Cheshes Pioreh of Israel 
524SCHWARTZBARTZelig SonYaffa Cheshes Pioreh of Israel 
524SCHWARTZBARTMoshe SonYaffa Cheshes Pioreh of Israel 
524SCHWARTZBARTDavid SonYaffa Cheshes Pioreh of Israel 
525SCHWEIDERYosef FatherTziporah Schweider Mondri of Israel 
525SCHWEIDERBreine MotherTziporah Schweider Mondri of Israel 
525SCHWEIDERZeidel BrotherTziporah Schweider Mondri of Israel 
525SCHWEIDERPerlETKESWife of ZeidelTziporah Schweider Mondri of Israel 
525SCHWEIDERRivka Daughter of Zeidel and PerlTziporah Schweider Mondri of Israel 
525SCHWEIDERChana Daughter of Zeidel and PerlTziporah Schweider Mondri of Israel 
525DAPHNERachelSCHWEIDERSisterTziporah Schweider Mondri of Israel 
526SHOTLENDERChaim Son of UncleYospe Spitalny Ben Morosh of Israel, Miriam Spitalny Peretzky of Israel 
526SHOTLENDERYaacov Son of UncleYospe Spitalny Ben Morosh of Israel, Miriam Spitalny Peretzky of Israel 
526SHOTLENDERRivka Daughter of AuntYospe Spitalny Ben Morosh of Israel, Miriam Spitalny Peretzky of Israel 
527SCHUSTERMoshe HeadCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
527SCHUSTERAlter WifeCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
527SCHUSTERShimon SonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
528STEINBERGDavid HeadCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland other children
528STEINBERGRivka WifeCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland other children
528STEINBERGIsaac SonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
529STEINBERGMoshe FatherSima Steinberg Tendler of Israel, Chaya Steinberg Mondri of Israel, Yisrael Steinberg of Cuba 
529STEINBERGChavaSKOWRONEKMotherSima Steinberg Tendler of Israel, Chaya Steinberg Mondri of Israel, Yisrael Steinberg of Cuba 
529STEINBERGPerl SisterSima Steinberg Tendler of Israel, Chaya Steinberg Mondri of Israel, Yisrael Steinberg of Cuba 
529STEINBERGItka SisterSima Steinberg Tendler of Israel, Chaya Steinberg Mondri of Israel, Yisrael Steinberg of Cuba 
529STEINBERGNeche SisterSima Steinberg Tendler of Israel, Chaya Steinberg Mondri of Israel, Yisrael Steinberg of Cuba 
529STEINBERGChana SisterSima Steinberg Tendler of Israel, Chaya Steinberg Mondri of Israel, Yisrael Steinberg of Cuba 
529STEINBERGBasha SisterSima Steinberg Tendler of Israel, Chaya Steinberg Mondri of Israel, Yisrael Steinberg of Cuba 
529STEINBERGYente SisterSima Steinberg Tendler of Israel, Chaya Steinberg Mondri of Israel, Yisrael Steinberg of Cuba 
530STEINBERGMoshekeh HeadCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland eleven children
530STEINBERGChaya WifeCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland eleven children
531STEINBERGMordecai Father, RabbiLeah Steinberg Mozeh of Israel 
531STEINBERGChana MotherLeah Steinberg Mozeh of Israel 
531STEINBERGChaim BrotherLeah Steinberg Mozeh of Israel 
532STEINBERGYitzhak FatherShoshana Steinberg Bar Natan of Israel, Shifra Steinberg Vishniwitz of Israel, Zvi Steinberg of Israel 
533STEINBERGShmuel HeadCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland other children
533STEINBERGBeyla WifeCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland other children
533STEINBERGFeivel SonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
533STEINBERGLeibel SonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
534SHTANDERYitzhak Moshe  Aryeh Weisbord of Israel, Yisrael Weisbord of Poland 
534SHTANDERBruchaWEISBORDWife of Yitzhak MosheAryeh Weisbord of Israel, Yisrael Weisbord of Poland 
534SHTANDERYaacov Brother-in-lawAryeh Weisbord of Israel, Yisrael Weisbord of Poland 
534SHTANDEREsther Sister-in-lawAryeh Weisbord of Israel, Yisrael Weisbord of Poland 
535STROSSMANYaacov FatherSimcha Strossman of Israel 
535STROSSMANBrucha MotherSimcha Strossman of Israel 
535STROSSMANMoshe BrotherSimcha Strossman of Israel 
535STROSSMANSarah Wife of MosheSimcha Strossman of Israel 
535STROSSMANShmuel BrotherSimcha Strossman of Israel 
535STROSSMANMendel BrotherSimcha Strossman of Israel 
535STROSSMANMicheleh SisterSimcha Strossman of Israel 
535STROSSMANDvora SisterSimcha Strossman of Israel 
535STROSSMANYehudis SisterSimcha Strossman of Israel 
536?Chono HeadCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland other son; described as "the Knitter"
536?? Wife of ChonoCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland other son
536?Simcha Son of ChonoCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
537SHANUSDov Brother-in-lawRachel Ptashek Scholzinger of Israel 
537SHANUSBeylaPTASHEKSisterRachel Ptashek Scholzinger of Israel 
537SHANUSChava Daughter of Dov and BeylaRachel Ptashek Scholzinger of Israel 
537SHANUSReuven Son of Dov and BeylaRachel Ptashek Scholzinger of Israel 
537SHANUSAharaon Son of Dov and BeylaRachel Ptashek Scholzinger of Israel 
537SHANUSEsther Daughter of Dov and BeylaRachel Ptashek Scholzinger of Israel 
537SHANUSHenia Daughter of Dov and BeylaRachel Ptashek Scholzinger of Israel 
538SHANUSYitzhak  Ciechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland family
539SHENKERYohanan HeadCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
539SHENKERTaubeBURSTEINWifeCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of IsraelFirst and maiden names not listed in original text. Added by Judy Baston
539SHENKERLiebe DaughterCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
539SHENKERCharna DaughterCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
539SHENKERChava DaughterCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
539SHENKERMoshe SonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
539SHENKERShalom SonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
540SHLIVEKEH? HeadCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeldescribed as "the Scribe"
540SHLIVEKEH? WifeCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
540SHLIVEKEHLeah DaughterCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
540SHLIVEKEHMendel SonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
541SCHLECTERHenia Daughter of AuntGittel PIANKO Shprecher of Israel 
541SCHLECTERMiriam AuntGittel PIANKO Shprecher of Israel 
542SCHLECTERYosef FatherShimon Schlechter of Israel 
542SCHLECTERSarahGREENBERGMotherShimon Schlechter of Israel 
542SCHLECTERZvi BrotherShimon Schlechter of Israel 
542SCHLECTERHenia SisterShimon Schlechter of Israel 
542SCHLECTERBeyla SisterShimon Schlechter of Israel 
542SCHLECTEREsther SisterShimon Schlechter of Israel 
543SCHLECTERShimon HeadBen Zion Yablonki of Israel 
543SCHLECTER? DaughterBen Zion Yablonki of Israel 
543SCHLECTERYehezkiel  Ben Zion Yablonki of Israeland his son and his son's wife
544SHMEKOWSKYAlter Brother-in-lawMoshe Barznik (Plonsky) of Israel, Dvora Plonsky Eisenberg of Israel, Chava Plonsky Migdal of Israel, Leah Plonsky Gutman of New Zealand 
544SHMEKOWSKYRivkaPLONSKYWife of Alter Moshe Barznik (Plonsky) of Israel, Dvora Plonsky Eisenberg of Israel, Chava Plonsky Migdal of Israel, Leah Plonsky Gutman of New Zealand 
544SHMEKOWSKYGlicka Daughter of SisterMoshe Barznik (Plonsky) of Israel, Dvora Plonsky Eisenberg of Israel, Chava Plonsky Migdal of Israel, Leah Plonsky Gutman of New Zealand 
544SHMEKOWSKYChana Daughter of SisterMoshe Barznik (Plonsky) of Israel, Dvora Plonsky Eisenberg of Israel, Chava Plonsky Migdal of Israel, Leah Plonsky Gutman of New Zealand 
544SHMEKOWSKYMindel Daughter of SisterMoshe Barznik (Plonsky) of Israel, Dvora Plonsky Eisenberg of Israel, Chava Plonsky Migdal of Israel, Leah Plonsky Gutman of New Zealand 
544SHMEKOWSKYShulamit Daughter of SisterMoshe Barznik (Plonsky) of Israel, Dvora Plonsky Eisenberg of Israel, Chava Plonsky Migdal of Israel, Leah Plonsky Gutman of New Zealand 
545?Shmuel  Ciechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeldescribed as "the Talmudist"
546?ShmuelYitzhak (Itche)  Ciechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland family
547SHNELLERLeibel HeadCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
547SHNELLERSarah WifeCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
548SPITALNYRivka SisterYospe Spitalny Ben Morosh of Israel, Miriam Spitalny Peretzky of Israel 
548KALAMARZLeahSPITALNYSisterYospe Spitalny Ben Morosh of Israel, Miriam Spitalny Peretzky of Israel 
548SPITALNYMatityahu UncleYospe Spitalny Ben Morosh of Israel, Miriam Spitalny Peretzky of Israel 
548SPITALNYYosef Son of UncleYospe Spitalny Ben Morosh of Israel, Miriam Spitalny Peretzky of Israel 
548SPITALNYYoel  Son of UncleYospe Spitalny Ben Morosh of Israel, Miriam Spitalny Peretzky of Israel 
548SPITALNYMordecai Son of UncleYospe Spitalny Ben Morosh of Israel, Miriam Spitalny Peretzky of Israel 
548SPITALNYRachel Daughter of AuntYospe Spitalny Ben Morosh of Israel, Miriam Spitalny Peretzky of Israel 
548SPITALNYZlotePLONSKY Yospe Spitalny Ben Morosh of Israel, Miriam Spitalny Peretzky of Israel 
549SPIELMANShaynaFELDMAN Dr. Avraham Spielman of Israeldescribed as "Wife of Orchestra Leader"
549SPIELMANAryeh Leib (Elianek) Son of ShaynaDr. Avraham Spielman of Israel 
549SPIELMANTsipe Daughter of ShaynaDr. Avraham Spielman of Israel 
550SHAPIRO?  Ciechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland family; described as "the Blind One"
551SHAPIRO?  Ciechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland family: described as "the Doctor"
552SHAPIROAvraham Yaacov  Ciechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeldescribed as "Owner of the Medicine Warehouse"
552SHAPIRODavid Son of Avraham YaakovCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
553SHAPIROMeir HeadCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
553SHAPIROSuraKONWife of MeirCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of IsraelFirst and maiden names not listed in original text. Added by Judy Baston
553SHAPIROMoshe SonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
553SHAPIROBen Zion SonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
553SHAPIROAsnat DaughterCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
553SHAPIROFaigel DaughterCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
554SHAPIROYitzhak UncleZvi Elyashar Kamenkowski of Israel, Chaim Elyashar Kamenkowski of Israel 
554SHAPIROMalka Wife of YitzhakZvi Elyashar Kamenkowski of Israel, Chaim Elyashar Kamenkowski of Israel 
554SHAPIROFishel SonZvi Elyashar Kamenkowski of Israel, Chaim Elyashar Kamenkowski of Israel 
554SHAPIROYaacov SonZvi Elyashar Kamenkowski of Israel, Chaim Elyashar Kamenkowski of Israel 
554SHAPIROAharon SonZvi Elyashar Kamenkowski of Israel, Chaim Elyashar Kamenkowski of Israel 
555SHAPIROSarah  Tuvia Peretz of Israel 
555SHAPIROKayla  Tuvia Peretz of Israel 
555SHAPIRO? Brother of Sarah and KaylaTuvia Peretz of Israel 
556STIEGELLeibel  ?Described as "The Shearer"
557SHAPIROMenachem Mendel GrandfatherDan Shapiro of Israel 
557SHAPIROBaruch Aharon FatherDan Shapiro of Israel 
557SHAPIROShayna RaizelBURSTEINMotherDan Shapiro of Israel 
557SHAPIROShalom BrotherDan Shapiro of Israel 
557ETKESFaigelSHAPIROSisterDan Shapiro of Israel 
557SHAPIROYaacov BrotherDan Shapiro of Israel 
557SHAPIROEsther SisterDan Shapiro of Israel 
557SHAPIROPerl SisterDan Shapiro of Israel 
557SHAPIROLeah SisterDan Shapiro of Israel 
557SHAPIROZvi brotherDan Shapiro of Israel 
558?Sarah  Ciechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeldescribed as "Sarah Sprintze the Cupping Glass (Bonkes) Lady"
559TAMARivka LeahPERLSTEINMotherSarah Tama Arton of Israel 
559TAMADvora SisterSarah Tama Arton of Israel 
559TAMAChaya SisterSarah Tama Arton of Israel 
559TAMANechama SisterSarah Tama Arton of Israel 
559TAMAFaigel SisterSarah Tama Arton of Israel 
559TAMABrucha SisterSarah Tama Arton of Israel 
559TAMALeibel BrotherSarah Tama Arton of Israel 
559TAMANehemiah BrotherSarah Tama Arton of Israel 
559TAMASarahOKRANGLYWife of NehemiahSarah Tama Arton of Israel 
559TAMAChana Daughter of Nehemiah and Sarah Sarah Tama Arton of Israel 

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