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Jewish Martyrs of Ciechanowiec (cont'd)

Family #SurnameFirst NameMaiden NameRelationshipSubmitterComments
227WRUBELYaacov Brother-in-lawMeir Kleine of Israel, Pesia Ukrainczyk Kleine  
227WRUBELRivkaUKRAINCZYKWife of YaacovMeir Kleine of Israel, Pesia Ukrainczyk Kleine  
227WRUBELChaim SonMeir Kleine of Israel, Pesia Ukrainczyk Kleine  
227WRUBELMoshe SonMeir Kleine of Israel, Pesia Ukrainczyk Kleine  
227WRUBELBinyamin SonMeir Kleine of Israel, Pesia Ukrainczyk Kleine  
228WRUBELAlte Rivka MotherAvraham Moshe Wrubel of Israel, Rivka Wrubel of Israel, Chaim Hershel Reuven of Cuba, Toba Reuven of Cuba 
228WRUBELYosef Son, BrotherAvraham Moshe Wrubel of Israel, Rivka Wrubel of Israel, Chaim Hershel Reuven of Cuba, Toba Reuven of Cubaand children
228WRUBEL? Wife of YosefAvraham Moshe Wrubel of Israel, Rivka Wrubel of Israel, Chaim Hershel Reuven of Cuba, Toba Reuven of Cubaand children
228WRUBELSimcha UncleAvraham Moshe Wrubel of Israel, Rivka Wrubel of Israel, Chaim Hershel Reuven of Cuba, Toba Reuven of Cuba 
228WRUBELBreine Wife of SimchaAvraham Moshe Wrubel of Israel, Rivka Wrubel of Israel, Chaim Hershel Reuven of Cuba, Toba Reuven of Cuba 
228LISChayaWRUBELDaughter of Simcha and BreineAvraham Moshe Wrubel of Israel, Rivka Wrubel of Israel, Chaim Hershel Reuven of Cuba, Toba Reuven of Cubaand family
228WRUBELHershel HaRav CousinAvraham Moshe Wrubel of Israel, Rivka Wrubel of Israel, Chaim Hershel Reuven of Cuba, Toba Reuven of Cubaand family
228WRUBELHenia Basha CousinAvraham Moshe Wrubel of Israel, Rivka Wrubel of Israel, Chaim Hershel Reuven of Cuba, Toba Reuven of Cubaand family
228TABAKGoldaWRUBEL Avraham Moshe Wrubel of Israel, Rivka Wrubel of Israel, Chaim Hershel Reuven of Cuba, Toba Reuven of Cubaand family
229WRUBELAvraham Brother-in-lawSimcha Lew of Israel, Gusha Mondri Lew of Israel 
229WRUBELMindelLEWSister of SimchaSimcha Lew of Israel, Gusha Mondri Lew of Israel 
229?Nachum Brother-in-lawSimcha Lew of Israel, Gusha Mondri Lew of Israel 
229?Etel LEWWife of Nachum, Sister of SimchaSimcha Lew of Israel, Gusha Mondri Lew of Israel 
230WRUBELLeibel Brother-in-lawShoshana Yarmus Avner of Israel 
230WRUBELYente Wife of Leibel, SisterShoshana Yarmus Avner of Israel 
230WRUBELShaike SonShoshana Yarmus Avner of Israel 
231WRONASimcha HeadCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland two sons
231WRONAShayna WifeCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland two sons
232VORTZINYosef HeadCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
232VORTZINFrieda WifeCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
232VORTZINLeibel SonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
232VORTZINFeivel SonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
232VORTZINHerschel SonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
232VORTZINFaiga DaughterCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
233ZABIELAAvraham FatherToba Zabiela Caspi of Israel 
233ZABIELASarahYAVKOVSKYMotherToba Zabiela Caspi of Israel 
233ZABIELAShlomo BrotherToba Zabiela Caspi of Israel 
233ZABIELAFaigelPLUTWife of ShlomoToba Zabiela Caspi of Israel 
233ZABIELAZvi Son of Shlomo and FaigelToba Zabiela Caspi of Israel 
233ZABIELAMunya BrotherToba Zabiela Caspi of Israel 
233ZABIELABeyla SisterToba Zabiela Caspi of Israel 
233ETKESRivkaZABIELASisterToba Zabiela Caspi of Israel 
234ZOVERKAIsaac HeadCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
234ZOVERKAChaya WifeCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
234ZOVERKAMoshe SonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
234ZOVERKA? Daughter of Isaac and ChayaCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
235ZULEVSender UncleYosef Zarembsky of Israel 
235ZULEVEtka AuntYosef Zarembsky of Israel 
235ZULEVShmuel CousinYosef Zarembsky of Israel 
235ZULEVPesach CousinYosef Zarembsky of Israel 
235ZULEVPeschke CousinYosef Zarembsky of Israel 
235ZULEVMikaleh CousinYosef Zarembsky of Israel 
235ZULEVBasha CousinYosef Zarembsky of Israel 
235ZULEVLeah CousinYosef Zarembsky of Israel 
236ZOLONDEZPinchas FatherSarah Zolondez Tana of Israel 
236ZOLONDEZEsther Mindel MotherSarah Zolondez Tana of Israel 
236ZOLONDEZYisrael BrotherSarah Zolondez Tana of Israel 
236ZOLONDEZHadassahFARBEROWITZWife of YisraelSarah Zolondez Tana of Israel 
236ZOLONDEZYaacov Son of Yisrael and HadassahSarah Zolondez Tana of Israel 
236BLUMSTEINChanaZOLONDEZSisterSarah Zolondez Tana of Israel 
237?Zeidel  Ciechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland family; described with the word "Shtzorp"
238ZILBERBLATChaim Yitzhak Son of UncleAlter Pioreh of Israel 
238ZILBERBLATRachel Wife of Chaim YitzhakAlter Pioreh of Israel 
238ZILBERBLAT? Son of Chaim Yitzhak and RachelAlter Pioreh of Israel 
238ZILBERBLAT? Daughter of Chaim Yitzhak and RachelAlter Pioreh of Israel 
239ZISMAN?  Ciechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland family
240ZLOTOLOWChaim HeadCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
240ZLOTOLOW? Wife of ChaimCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
240ZLOTOLOWMoshe Hersch SonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
240ZLOTOLOWLiebe DaughterCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
240ZLOTOLOW? SonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
240ZLOTOLOW? DaughterCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
241ZLOTOLOWMoshe HeadCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland two children
241ZLOTOLOWBrucha WifeCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland two children
242ZLOTOLOWYitzhak FatherMoshe Zlotolow of Israel 
242ZLOTOLOWSarah RivkaSEGALMotherMoshe Zlotolow of Israel 
242ZLOTOLOWYaacov BrotherMoshe Zlotolow of Israel 
242ZLOTOLOWYehuditDANOWITZWife of YaacovMoshe Zlotolow of Israel 
242ZLOTOLOWEsther Daughter of Yaacov and YehuditMoshe Zlotolow of Israel 
242ZLOTOLOWFraidel SisterMoshe Zlotolow of Israel 
242ZLOTOLOWYache AuntMoshe Zlotolow of Israel 
242ZLOTOLOWBaruch UncleMoshe Zlotolow of Israel 
242ZLOTOLOWSashe Wife of BaruchMoshe Zlotolow of Israel 
242ZLOTOLOWYaacov Son of Baruch and SasheMoshe Zlotolow of Israel 
242ZLOTOLOWGittel Daughter of Baruch and SasheMoshe Zlotolow of Israel 
242ZLOTOLOWShaindel Daughter of Baruch and SasheMoshe Zlotolow of Israel 
242ZLOTOLOWMalka Daughter of Baruch and SasheMoshe Zlotolow of Israel 
242ZLOTOLOWYesheyahu Son of Baruch and SasheMoshe Zlotolow of Israel 
242ZLOTOLOWDina Daughter of Baruch and SasheMoshe Zlotolow of Israel 
242LEWRashkeZLOTOLOWSisterMoshe Zlotolow of Israel 
242GRODKEPeshkeZLOTOLOWSisterMoshe Zlotolow of Israel 
243ZELIZERBerl HeadCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
243ZELIZER? Wife of BerlCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
243ZELIZERYitzhak  SonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
243ZELIZERSarah Breine DaughterCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland family
244ZELIZERChana  Avraham Moshe Wrubel of Israel, Rivka Wrubel of Israel, Chaim Hershel Reuven of Cuba, Toba Reuven of Cubaand family
245ZALTZBERGLevi  Ciechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland family
246ZALTZBERGShalom Hersch Brother-in-lawYitzhak Soloveitchik of Israel, David Goldstein (Soloveitchik) of Cuba 
246ZALTZBERGLeahSOLOVEITCHIKSisterYitzhak Soloveitchik of Israel, David Goldstein (Soloveitchik) of Cuba 
247ZALTZBERGShlomo UncleYaffa Cheshes Pioreh of Israel 
247ZALTZBERGShayntscheCHESHESAuntYaffa Cheshes Pioreh of Israel 
247ZALTZBERGMordecai Son of Shlomo and ShayntscheYaffa Cheshes Pioreh of Israeland children
247ZALTZBERG? Wife of MordecaiYaffa Cheshes Pioreh of Israeland children
247ZALTZBERGDavid Son of Shlomo and ShayntscheYaffa Cheshes Pioreh of Israeland children
247ZALTZBERGMalka Wife of DavidYaffa Cheshes Pioreh of Israeland children
247ZALTZBERGLeibel Son of ShlomoYaffa Cheshes Pioreh of Israeland children
247ZALTZBERGTsippaKOZAKWife of Leibel Yaffa Cheshes Pioreh of Israeland children
247ZALTZBERGAvraham Son of ShlomoYaffa Cheshes Pioreh of Israel 
248ZELENITZZelig HeadBen Zion Yablonki of Israel 
248ZELENITZGila WifeBen Zion Yablonki of Israel 
248ZELENITZAlter SonBen Zion Yablonki of Israel 
248ZELENITZYisrael SonBen Zion Yablonki of Israel 
248ZELENITZPerl DaughterBen Zion Yablonki of Israel 
248GURTZINChaya SuraZELENITZDaughterBen Zion Yablonki of IsraelFirst name not listed in original text. Added by Judy Baston
249ZIPKOMoshe Brother-in-lawGusha Mondri Lew of Israel, Simcha Lew of Israel 
249ZIPKOLeahMONDRIWife of MosheGusha Mondri Lew of Israel, Simcha Lew of Israel 
250ZELENDEZ?  Tziporah Schweider Mondri of IsraelRelated family
251MALINOWITZSarahZAREMBSKYSisterYosef Zarembsky of Israel 
251ZAREMBSKIChaim BrotherYosef Zarembsky of Israel 
251ZAREMBSKIAvraham BrotherYosef Zarembsky of Israel 
251ZAREMBSKITzivia Sister-in-lawYosef Zarembsky of Israel 
251ZAREMBSKITzisia Sister-in-lawYosef Zarembsky of Israel 
251PLOSKINSimaZAREMBSKYSisterYosef Zarembsky of Israel 
252CHESHESMoshe FatherYaffa Cheshes Pioreh of Israel 
252CHESHESRachel Wife of MosheYaffa Cheshes Pioreh of Israel 
252CHESHESDavid Son of Moshe and RachelYaffa Cheshes Pioreh of Israel 
252CHESHESAlteSMOLARCZYKWife of DavidYaffa Cheshes Pioreh of Israel 
252CHESHESBinyamin Son of David and AlteYaffa Cheshes Pioreh of Israel 
252CHESHES? Daughter of David and AlteYaffa Cheshes Pioreh of Israel 
252CHESHESChaya Daughter of MosheYaffa Cheshes Pioreh of Israel 
252CHESHESShmuel Son of Moshe Yaffa Cheshes Pioreh of Israel 
252CHESHESSarah Daughter of MosheYaffa Cheshes Pioreh of Israel 
252CHESHESLeah Daughter of MosheYaffa Cheshes Pioreh of Israel 
252CHESHESYekutiel Son of MosheYaffa Cheshes Pioreh of Israel 
252CHESHESFrieda Daughter of MosheYaffa Cheshes Pioreh of Israel 
253CHESHESLeibel UncleYaffa Cheshes Pioreh of Israel 
253CHESHESMaitshe Wife of LeibelYaffa Cheshes Pioreh of Israel 
253CHESHESFraidel Daughter of Leibel and MaitsheYaffa Cheshes Pioreh of Israel 
253CHESHESChaim Son of Leibel and MaitsheYaffa Cheshes Pioreh of Israeland children
253CHESHESGittel Wife of ChaimYaffa Cheshes Pioreh of Israeland children
253CHESHESAlter Son of Leibel Yaffa Cheshes Pioreh of Israeland children
253CHESHESChava  Wife of AlterYaffa Cheshes Pioreh of Israeland children
253CHESHESYoel Son of LeibelYaffa Cheshes Pioreh of Israeland children
253CHESHESAlte Wife of YoelYaffa Cheshes Pioreh of Israeland children
254CHAZAN? MotherCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
254CHAZANShabtai SonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
255?Chaim HeadCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland four daughters; described as "Der Sipnik"
255?? Wife of ChaimCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland four daughters
256?Chaim "Aizshve" HeadCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
256?Mirel WifeCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
256?Bendit SonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland two "Benothim"
257CHAITYesheyahu GrandfatherMatl Chait Kashtan of Israel 
257CHAITChaya Esther GrandmotherMatl Chait Kashtan of Israel 
257CHAITZiske FatherMatl Chait Kashtan of Israel 
257CHAITChaya Sarah MotherMatl Chait Kashtan of Israel 
257CHAITRachel SisterMatl Chait Kashtan of Israel 
257CHAITDvoshe AuntMatl Chait Kashtan of Israel 
258?Chaimke  Ciechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland family; described as "the Shoemaker"
259TABAKTsirelLUKOVSKAMotherRachel Tabak Zlotolow of Israel 
259TABAKYisrael BrotherRachel Tabak Zlotolow of Israel 
259TABAKSarahLIFSCHITZWife of YisraelRachel Tabak Zlotolow of Israel 
259TABAKYehudit Daughter of Yisrael and SarahRachel Tabak Zlotolow of Israel 
259TABAKGolda Daughter of Yisrael and SarahRachel Tabak Zlotolow of Israel 
259TABAKKalman Son of Yisrael and GoldaRachel Tabak Zlotolow of Israel 
259TABAKZiske BrotherRachel Tabak Zlotolow of Israel 
259TABAKManya Sister-in-lawRachel Tabak Zlotolow of Israel 
260TABAKPerlFROIKES Ciechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
261"TANDE"Hertzke  Ciechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland family; described as "second-hand wagoneer"
262TUCHMANYishai BrotherEsther Tuchman Shapiro of Israel 
262TUCHMANYosef BrotherEsther Tuchman Shapiro of Israel 
263TURINSKYAlter FatherChana Turinsky Lieberman of Israel 
263TURINSKYChaya Sarah MotherChana Turinsky Lieberman of Israel 
263TURINSKYEliezer BrotherChana Turinsky Lieberman of Israel 
263TURINSKYHindePTASHEKWife of EliezerChana Turinsky Lieberman of Israel 
263TURINSKYGolda Daughter of Eliezer and HindeChana Turinsky Lieberman of Israel 
263TURINSKYRuth Daughter of Eliezer and HindeChana Turinsky Lieberman of Israel 
263TURINSKYYisrael Son of Eliezer and HindeChana Turinsky Lieberman of Israel 
264TIKOTSKYHinde MotherBihah Tikotsky Farhudnik of Israel 
264TIKOTSKYAvraham BrotherBihah Tikotsky Farhudnik of Israel 
264TIKOTSKYAnya Wife of AvrahamBihah Tikotsky Farhudnik of Israel 
264TIKOTSKYAnshel Son of Avraham and AnyaBihah Tikotsky Farhudnik of Israel 
264TIKOTSKYShimon Son of Avraham and AnyaBihah Tikotsky Farhudnik of Israel 
265TOPOL? UncleAliza Kashtan Fuchs of Israel, Moshe Kashtan of Israel, Matl Chait Kashtan of Israel, Yisrael Fuchs of Israel 
265TOPOLChaya Itka AuntAliza Kashtan Fuchs of Israel, Moshe Kashtan of Israel, Matl Chait Kashtan of Israel, Yisrael Fuchs of Israel 
266TREIBATSHNechamaMILSTEINMotherDvora Schwartz Levine of Israel 
266TREIBATSHDavid Step-fatherDvora Schwartz Levine of Israel 
266TREIBATSHSarah SisterDvora Schwartz Levine of Israel 
266TREIBATSHYitzhak BrotherDvora Schwartz Levine of Israel 
266TREIBATSHBerl BrotherDvora Schwartz Levine of Israel 
266TREIBATSHMoshe BrotherDvora Schwartz Levine of Israel 
267TENTZERDvoraLEWAuntShimon Schlecter of Israel 
267TENTZER? Son of DvoraShimon Schlecter of Israel 
267TENTZER? Son of DvoraShimon Schlecter of Israel 
268YABLONKAYechiel FatherBen Zion Yablonki of Israel 
268YABLONKAEstherBURSTEINMotherBen Zion Yablonki of Israel 
268YABLONKARachel SisterBen Zion Yablonki of Israel 
268YABLONKAMiriam SisterBen Zion Yablonki of Israel 
268YABLONKAChana SisterBen Zion Yablonki of Israel 
268YABLONKALeah SisterBen Zion Yablonki of Israel 
268YABLONKAMenucha SisterBen Zion Yablonki of Israel 
268YABLONKAAvraham David BrotherBen Zion Yablonki of Israel 
268YABLONKAMoshe Mordecai BrotherBen Zion Yablonki of Israel 
268HERTZSarahYABLONKASisterBen Zion Yablonki of Israel 
269YARMUSYosef FatherShoshana Yarmus Avner of Israel 
269YARMUSGolda MotherShoshana Yarmus Avner of Israel 
269YARMUSYente SisterShoshana Yarmus Avner of Israel 
269YARMUSShlomke BrotherShoshana Yarmus Avner of Israel 
269YARMUSShaindel SisterShoshana Yarmus Avner of Israel 
269SOLOVEITCHIKSarahYARMUSSisterShoshana Yarmus Avner of Israel 
269YARMUSLeibel BrotherShoshana Yarmus Avner of Israel 
269YARMUSChana Beyla Sister-in-lawShoshana Yarmus Avner of Israel 
270YABLONKAYaacov Brother-in-lawChana Turinsky Lieberman of Israel 
270YABLONKABruchaTURINSKYSisterChana Turinsky Lieberman of Israel 
270YABLONKAToibe Daughter of Yaacov and BruchaChana Turinsky Lieberman of Israel 
270YABLONKABeltze Daughter of Yaacov and BruchaChana Turinsky Lieberman of Israel 
270YABLONKAChana Daughter of Yaacov and BruchaChana Turinsky Lieberman of Israel 
271YAVKOVSKYNechama MotherYosef Geboli (Yavkovsky) of Israel and Shmuel Yavkovsky of Israel 
271YAVKOVSKYYitzhak BrotherYosef Geboli (Yavkovsky) of Israel and Shmuel Yavkovsky of Israel 
271YAVKOVSKYZvi BrotherYosef Geboli (Yavkovsky) of Israel and Shmuel Yavkovsky of Israel 
271YAVKOVSKYPinchas BrotherYosef Geboli (Yavkovsky) of Israel and Shmuel Yavkovsky of Israel 
272JEGERIssur HeadCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
272JEGERMatl Wife of IssurCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
272JEGERAvraham Abba SonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
272JEGERMoshe SonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
272JEGER? Daughter of Issur and MatlCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
273JEGERVelvel HeadCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland three children
273JEGERGittelSKORNIKWife of VelvelCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland three children: first and maiden names not listed in original text -- added by Judy Baston
274JEGERFaiga  Ciechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
275JEGERMenashe HeadCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland children
275JEGER? Wife of MenasheCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland children
276JEGEREliyahu HeadCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland three children
276JEGERAidel Wife Ciechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland three children
277JEGERChono HeadCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland children
277JEGERFrieda WifeCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland children
278JEGERYosef FatherDoba JEGER Altman 
278JEGERAlte MotherDoba JEGER Altman 
278JEGERShaindel SisterDoba JEGER Altman 
278JEGERBatya SisterDoba JEGER Altman 
278JEGERShimon BrotherDoba JEGER Altman 
278JEGERIssur UncleDoba JEGER Altman 
278JEGERYesheyahu UncleDoba JEGER Altman 
278JEGERYisrael  Doba JEGER Altman 
279?Yehoshua (Shia)  Ciechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland family; described as "the Carpenter"
280?Yudel (Kooker) HeadCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel described as "the Builder"
280?? Wife of YudelCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
280?Moshe Son of YudelCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
280?Sarah Daughter of YudelCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
280?David Son of YudelCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
281YELINEliezer GrandfatherDan Giladi of Israel 
281YELINRachel GrandmotherDan Giladi of Israel 
281PELCHOWITZGolda RaizelYELINDaughter of Eliezer and RachelDan Giladi of Israel 
281YELINFrume Daughter of Eliezer and RachelDan Giladi of Israel 
282YELINTuvia HeadCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeldescribed as "the Shoemaker"
282YELINDvora WifeCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
282YELINYaacov SonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
282YELINMattis SonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
282YELINIsaac SonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
282YELINPesche DaughterCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
283YELINYoel  Ciechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland family
284YELINYitzhak FatherChaim Yelin of Israel, Shlomo Yelin of Cuba 
284YELINShaynaKOTSHINSKYMotherChaim Yelin of Israel, Shlomo Yelin of Cuba 
284YELINTzivia SisterChaim Yelin of Israel, Shlomo Yelin of Cubaand children
284?Yudel Husband of TziviaChaim Yelin of Israel, Shlomo Yelin of Cubaand children
285YELINMoshe Brother-in-lawAliza Kashtan Fuchs of Israel, Moshe Kashtan of Israel, Matl Chait Kashtan of Israel, Yisrael Fuchs of Israel 
285YELINFrumeKASHTANWife of MosheAliza Kashtan Fuchs of Israel, Moshe Kashtan of Israel, Matl Chait Kashtan of Israel, Yisrael Fuchs of Israel 
285YELINShlomo Son of Moshe and FrumeAliza Kashtan Fuchs of Israel, Moshe Kashtan of Israel, Matl Chait Kashtan of Israel, Yisrael Fuchs of Israel 
285YELINNahum Son of Moshe and FrumeAliza Kashtan Fuchs of Israel, Moshe Kashtan of Israel, Matl Chait Kashtan of Israel, Yisrael Fuchs of Israel 
285YELINDavid Son of Moshe and FrumeAliza Kashtan Fuchs of Israel, Moshe Kashtan of Israel, Matl Chait Kashtan of Israel, Yisrael Fuchs of Israel 
286YASKOLKALeibel HeadCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeldescribed as "the Smith"
286YASKOLKAEsther WifeCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
286YASKOLKAHerschel Brother of LeibelCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
286YASKOLKA? Wife of HerschelCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
286YASKOLKAGedaliahu Son of HerschelCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 

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