28 |
Remainder of an ancient destroyed castle in Ciechanow |
29 |
Local government building |
39 |
Harav Yitzhak Yehuda Trunk, rebbe in Ciechanow from 1907-1912 |
41 |
Drawing of the old House of Study by Yehoshua Grossbard |
45 | The beloved last Rov, Rov Chaim Mordecai Bronrot |
47 |
Community workers and rabbonim, present at the Museum in Tel-Aviv,
at the
announcement of the declaration of the establishment of the State of Israel. |
59 |
Kindergarten of the Bais-Yaacov School with the teacher, Freedman |
63 |
The Maskilim in Ciechanow |
71-73 |
Sport organizations in Ciechanow - Hapoel |
73 |
Maccabee (sport) and the Hebrew language.
A rich library that was
not a Party one was established at the sport club |
74 |
The private school of teacher Flam |
83 |
The People's Kitchen in Ciechanow, during WWI |
87 |
Young people during WWI wearing wooden shoes. |
93 |
Hebrew evening class with the teacher Chenitz |
100 |
Kibbutz Hachshara at Berl Agradnik's |
101 [upper] |
The Zionist members of Ciechanow. The committee of the Zionist Organization |
101 [lower] |
Executive Committee of Keren Hayesod |
103 |
A tag-day for Keren Kayemet (JNF) in Ciechanow |
105 [upper] |
Members of the Zionist Organization |
105 [lower] |
Executive of Keren Kayemet. President, Yichezkl Trombka |
113 [upper] |
Group of Right Poele Tzion |
113 [lower] |
Hechalutz Hatzair's first group |
115 |
Second group of Hechalutz Hatzair |
116 |
Founders of Hashomeir Hatzair |
117 [upper] |
One of the first groups of Hashomeir Hatzair, many of whom live in Israel |
117 [lower] |
Dvora Neuman with her group of Hashomeir Hatzair |
119 |
One of the last groups of Hashomeir Hatzair before the outbreak of World War II |
121 |
Chaverim of the Beitar Organization |
123 |
The Committee of Beitar |
126 |
The very active Reb Avraham Aaron Kalman |
127 |
Rebbe Shlomo Zalman |
129 |
The Talmud Torah building, the teachers and the principal |
132 |
The completion of a Sefer Torah in memory of the honored Rebbe |
135 |
The committee of Tzirei Agudat Yisroel in Ciechanow |
136 |
Torah and Culture Group |
137 |
Bais Yaacov School in Ciechanow |
139 |
Organization of B'not Agudat Yisroel |
141 [upper] |
A farewell party of Tzirei Agudat Yisroel.
Shmuel Leventhal (fourth from right) leaves for the Land of Israel |
141 [lower] |
Tzaduck Ostry (fourth from right), leaves for the Land of Israel |
Yitzhak Yagada one of the leaders of Poale Agudat Yisroel in Ciechanow |
Branch of the Poale Agudat Yisroel