Memorial Book of the Community of Chorzel
(Chorzele, Poland)

53°16' / 20°54'

Translation of
Sefer zikaron le-kehilat Chorzel

Editors: L. Losh, Association of Former Residents of Chorzele

Published in Tel Aviv, 1967

Our sincere appreciation to Yad Vashem
for the submission of the necrology for placement on the JewishGen web site.

This is a translation of: Sefer zikaron le-kehilat Chorzel (Memorial Book of the Community of Chorzel),
Editors: L. Losh, Tel Aviv, Association of Former Residents of Chorzele, 1967 (272 pages; H, Y).

Purchase details for a printed copy of this translation can be found at http://www.jewishgen.org/yizkor/ybip/YBIP_Chorzele.html

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Foreword M. Carmi 7
Part One [Hebrew]
One Does Not Make a Monument to the Righteous…[1] HaRav Efraim Sokolower 11
An Image and an Essence that was Lost Z. K–N 13
In Memory of the Town and its Residents Moshe Carmi 20
The Legend of Chorzele… Simcha Adler 30
Events and Images that are Engraved in my Memory Yosef Nesher (Adler) 54
How Beautiful is our Heritage Aharon–Wolf Nafcha (Kowal) 65
The Branch of the Hechalutz Organization Yaakov Frenkel 70
Rabbi Chaim–Mordechai Bronroth, May the memory of the Righteous be a Blessing Shimon Rav Yerushalmi 80
The Town's Rabbi and his Community Avraham Sokolower of Tel Aviv 83
The Gabbai of the Synagogue and his Dream Avraham Sokolower of Afula 85
My Brother Fishel Dvora Lachower 86
F. Lachower – Lines about his Life and Personality Yaakov Fichman 93
The Legendary Sokolow[2] Fishel Lachower 100
About Dvora Lachower Y. Maimoni; S. Or; A. Kalisz 103
About one Association and Two Brothers Shmuel Lachower 108
My Husband Mordechai Eizenstadt Elisheva Eizenstadt (Lachower) 111
The Family of Grandfather and Father Yechiel Nizkin 113
My Dear Father Mordechai Biran (Przysusker) Naomi 114
My Grandfather's Image Dov Frenkel 115
The Community and the Individual in the Circles of Life Matityahu Pater 116
From my Drawer of Personal Memories Meir Ben–Yosef Bachrach 119
The History of One Family Yosef Shafran 122
A Visit to the Town on the Brink of its Doom Reuven Raz (Korzenik) 126
The One and Only Who Survived Auschwitz David Fiszring 129
My Home that was Destroyed Upon me Dov (Berele) Fater 135
The Blood Account of my Family Moshe–Chaim Rostoker 139
Yizkor… Bella Tykulsker (Walzer) 141
A Memorial Candle for my Revered Father Chaya Segal (Friedman) 142
About the Holocaust of my Family Penina Biran 145
I Saw the Town in its Destruction Henry Adler 147
Two Meetings with Chorzele in Israel Moshe Baharab 149
Part Two [Yiddish]
Chapters From the Past Moyshe Koval 153
Last Traces of Life and Death Gershon Sniadower 168
Two Libraries Before the First World War Shmuel Lakhower 189
My Annihilated Home Hagar Hertzog (Adler) 192
People and Events Menakhem Lanienter 200
Two Poems Chaim Dovid Kazhitski 203
The Dear Jews of Our Town Y.M. Niborski 209
The Summing Up of a Family Henye Niborski 211
Ways of Life and Memories From the Past Zelik Sniadower 217
I Remember! Nomi Kahan (Zisl Gershanovitsh) 235
An Encounter in Bukhara Malke Plishun (Bayshvayger) 236
Before My Eyes F. (B.) Malka 238
There Once Was a Home, a Town [3] Rokhl Nives (Tikulter) 239
Natives of Chorzele who Fell Fulfilling their Duty   240
Part Three [Yiddish]

Documents and Lists

Bulletin, The Hechalutz Hatzair[3] of Chorzele, in Chorzele (No. 1. The 25th November 1932) 243
Minutes of the Gemiles Khesed Fund[4] (22-23 January 1938) 252
A Letter to a Landsman [fellow townsman] (from the 3rd of March 1938) 256
List of Chorzele Martyrs 260
List of Deceased from Chorzele (From the State of Israel and in other countries) 264
List and Chorzele Natives in the World (1966) 265
Chorzele (Choszel) 272

  1. “We do not erect monuments for the righteous; their words are their memorial” (Jerusalem Talmud Shekalim 2:5) Return
  2. Nahum Sokolow - a Zionist leader, author and Hebrew journalist Return
  3. Pioneeer Youth Return
  4. Interest Free Loan Return

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