Memorial Book of Czortkow
(Chortkiv, Ukraine)

49°01' / 25°48'

Translation from
Sefer yizkor le-hantsahat kedoshei kehilat Czortkow

Editor: Dr. Yeshayahu Austri-Dunn


Project Coordinator

Sidney C. Gelb


This is a translation from: Sefer yizkor le-hantsahat kedoshei kehilat Czortkow (Memorial book of Czortkow),
Editors: Dr. Yeshayahu Austri-Dunn, Tel Aviv, Former residents of Czortkow in Israel, 1967 (H,Y,E, 471 pages)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Chortkiv (1967)

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English section
3 Foreword  
4 We Will Never Forget  
5 Document of Privileges Granted to the Jews of Czortkov by Graf Potocki in the year 1722 (Polish)  
7 History of the Jews of Czortkov Mordechay Silberg
15 The Destruction of Czortkov Dov (Berl) Seidenberg
21 The First "Action" in Czortkov Zonka Berkowitz (Pollak)
24 Marvelously I Escaped Death Gerta Hollaender
33 Supplement Yona Freiman
35 Impressions of a Visit Joseph Achselrod
Hebrew – Yiddish Section
7 List of Pictures
9 With the Creation of the Book. The Association Book Committee.
12 Introduction Yeshayahu Ostridan
19 Preface Yeshayahu Ostridan
23 A letter Meir Halevi Steinberg – Rabbi and ? Chortkov
History of Chortkov Rabbi Dr. Efraim Zonenshien
27 Introduction Dr. Meir Bolvan
31 Register of the Chortkov Community
The Rabinical Dynasty of Chortkov
55 The Rabbinical dynasty of Chortkov Mordecai Zilberg
61 Our Teacher Rabbi Israel of Chortkov of blessed memory Yaakov Katz
62 Crown Majesty A Shmuali
64 With Rabbi Reb Israel Friedman Rabbi Dr. Yaakov Mazah
65 The Chortkov Rabbi Nachum Meizel
66 Our teachers of Chortkov and its relation to “the return to Zion" Tzvi Cohen
69 The “court” of the Rabbi Dr. Eliezer Margolis
The Rabbi Yashaya-Meir Shapira
72 The personality and influence of Rabbi Yashaya-Meir Shapira Bernard Hoizner
73 The Gaon, Reb Yashaya-Meir Shapira Tzvi Aronstein
75 With G-d Help; An Appeal
76 Culture camp in Chortkov A. Fisher
80 Regulations of the Shapira synagogue
83 Chortkov: a cultural center Dr. A. Cohen-Shechter
The Zionist Movement in Chortkov
90 The Zionists in Chortkov Dr. Eliezer Margolis
94 "Zionist Youth” in Chortkov M. Zilberg
95 Ha Shomer Hatzair cell in Chortkov Shmuel Shachar ( Schwartz)
98 Ha Shomer Hatzair in Chortkov in the 30's Benjamin Stock
100 The way Ha Shomer Hatzair was in Chortkov Leah Halpern
103 Agriculture and training in Chortkov District Dov Zeidenberg
104 Beginnings of the Chalutz movement in Chortkov Yonah Oun (Bodinger)
106 The Chalutz movement and the Chalutz Youth movement in Chortkov Mocher Mozar
108 The first training in Chortkov Dov Hasheloni
109 The Zionist Youth movement in Chortkov Arye Shotkal
110 The Mizrachi movement in Chortkov Yaakov Dovivi
111 The training of the “Agudat Yisrael” in Chortkov B. M. Lakar-Druk
112 History of one journey Mordecai Rit
113 The “Poale-Tzion” organization in Chortkov Beryl Schwartzbach
122 “Confederation” in Chortkov
122 “Gordonia” in Chortkov
123 “Betar” in Chortkov Asher Halad (Meizelman)
125 The Organization “The daughters of Agudat Yisrael” in Chortkov Joseph Lokar
Culture and Society in Chortkov
126 The Libraries in Chortkov Y. Schechter
127 Report of Libraries B. Schwartboch
129 The Y. L. Pertz Club B. S.
133 Theater and Choir in Chortkov B. S.
137 Jewish Writers and Jewish Theater in Chortkov A. Trambavalski
139 The "Bund" in Chortkov B. S.
140 The sport-organization in Chortkov B. S.
The Hebrew Movement in Chortkov
142 The Hebrew movement in Chortkov Dr. Eliezer Margaliot
144 Memories from the days of my Childhood Leah Margaliot-Pevzner
145 The Hebrew High School (Gimnasia) in Chortkov Gizler Fridzia
147 The Girl's School “Beit Yaakov” B. M. Lokar
Chortkov – A Musical City
149 The Chasan Chaim Manish-Lahis of Chortkov A. S. Achilah
151 Chortkov a City of Hasidic music Y. S.
152 Reb Manish and his choir – choral songwriter
154 Chortkov and Jewish music Tzvi Orenstein
156 The Orphanage in Chortkov Klara Grosser
157 Charity Funds in Chortkov Clara Grosser
158 Anniversary of the Charity Fund 1928-1938 Monish Blum
159 On the ethical value of Kagach Hersh Halperin
160 Cemeteries in Czortkow Tvi Cohen
166 Old age homes in Chortkov Miriam Porer
167 Citizens committee on burial interests through “Chevra Kadisha” Tvi Zivner
168 The Vishnitzer Kloyz [small synagogue] Dov Hoshiloni
169 The Great Synagogue Tzvi Ben Ben-Zion
171 Bet Midrash of Rabbi Hershele Zotsil Tsvi Ben Ben-Zion
171 The Startin Chasidic Shtiebel Tsvi Ben Ben-Zion
172 Torah Study Society (6 orders of the Talmud and Mishna) B. M. Lokar-Druk
174 The economy of Chortkov Yitzchak Schechter
177 Jewish livelyhood in Chortkov B. S.
179 The Professional Association in Chortkov Grosar Chaim and Michel Yishiahu.
180 The annual market (fair) in Chortkov Baruch Mair Lokar-Druk
182 Jewish life in Chrotkov under the independent Polish Rule Tsvi Cohen
186 The Agricultural Association in Chortkov Dr. S. Tapuach
189 Living conditions in Chortkov M. Tsvi Cohen.
190 Chortkov Jewish Aid for the area of Snetein
192 Sarah Noftalis sfarim-gevelvel Israel Hoizner
199 The “Silent” Israel Hoizer
203 My Memories of the “Shotek” (the “Silent”) Shabtai (Shefsel) Axelrod
205 Images from the Shtibel of the Startin Chassids Tzvi Geezler
207 Memoirs of my father Simcha Fish
208 Two “Revolts” Mordechai Mozer
209 Chortkov the small but very famous town Nathan Kleengar
212 Memoirs of the First World War period Israel Hoyzer
213 The appearance of Chortkov Pesia Schechter
214 A private culture carrier? A. Trambavalski
215 Life of the youth of Chortkov Tzvi Cohen
220 Kindergarten in Chortkov in the year 1935 G. Finkelman
220 Childhood and maturity in Chortkov Y. Dovivi
221 The Red Army in Chortkov Beryl Schvartzbach
Those who died prior to the Holocaust
226 Karl Emil Frantzaz Beryl Zeidenberg
228 Dr. Stokal Tzvi Orenstein
230 Rabbi the Gaon, Reb Yakov Landow – Chortkov Baruch Mayer Lokar-Druk
231 Rav. Yahoshua Farmingar ha cohen Dr. Eliezer Margolis
231 Yitzchak Shomar Dr. Eliezer Margolis
232 Dr. Efraim Zonenshein Dr. Eliezer Margolis
232 Aaron Schwartz Dr. Eliezer Margolis
232 Shmuel Leib Shur Dr. Eliezer Margolis
233 Yoska Goldberg Y. S.
234 Benjamin (Baer Shmoin) Dovovi Jacob Dovovi
235 Mayer Holarbach Y. S.
236 The Margolis family in Chortkov Leah Margolis-Povozner
236 Rabbi Yashehu Kligar the family
237 Mati Shur Y. S.
238 Dr. Yitzchak Shapira Y. S.
Those who were killed in the Holocaust
239 Hershel Blee Y. S.
239 Tzvi Boymar Miriam Ford
240 Israel Birghofer Jacob Vartenfeld
240 Manish Bloom Jacob Vartenfeld
240 Dr. David Goldstein M. Z.
240 Leibish Wasserman M. Z.
241 Joseph Weintraub M. Z.
241 Peretz (Puti) Cohen Jacob Vartenfeld
241 Menochim Silverman M. Z.
242 Ben Zion Kahan (Cohen) T. H.
243 Moshe Pohorila Jacob Vartenfeld
243 Yitzchak Finkelman M. Z.
244 David Frankel M. Z.
244 Baruch (Bunya) Kupferman and Abush Treestar M. Z.
245 Shaul Rozenzweig I. S.
245 Ben Zion Roychberg I. S.
246 Chaim Reich M. Z.
246 Dr. Yeshayahu Mayer Ben Yakov Rappaport
247 Hersh Schwartz M. Z.
247 Tzvi Shachar (Schwartz) M. Z.
247 A note about our father's family, Eliezer the Ritual Slaughterer Deborah Dag, Yitzchak Shechter, and David Schechter
249 Reb Mordechai the Ritual Slaughterer Tzvi Cohen
Those who died in Israel
251 Asher Anshel Beterman ha cohen Natan Handel (Biterman)
252 Baruch Fish (Dag)
252 Hilel Hoyzner M. Zilberg
253 Dr. Dov Hozner Dr. Eliezer Margolis
254 Dr. Nachum Vaharman Esther Bar Lev
256 Tzvi Waldman Dov Hashiloni
256 Shlomah Zohar (Finkel) Shtok Benjamin
257 Dov Ziedenberg M. Zilberg
258 Michael ben Yehoshua Treestar D. H.
259 Kmiel Lichtenholz D.
259 Menachim (Munin) Fogel Jacob Vartenfeld
260 Chaim Feirberg Jacob Vartenfeld
260 Dr. Aaron Kohn-Schachter Benu Mordachai
260 Dr. Jonah Rosenzveig I. S.
261 Shmuel Stockman M. Z.
261 Shoshanah Stockman Brachah Axelrod
261 Rav. Israel Shimon Shapira of blessed memory
262 Tzion Lanofshut Yakrout M. Z.
Holocaust & Heroism
263 Remembering “Am Yisrael”
265 The destruction of Chortkov Dov Zeidenberg
279 Murders - Destruction of the Chortkov community Amnoel Brand
281 Nazi trials Nathan Rosenberg
282 How I survived in the last "Action" Gerta Hollander
287 The Nazi conquest Nachma Maitzel
289 Chortkov in the period of the German conquest Dr. Emil Rosenzeig
299 Remembrance of the Holocaust period Feivel Kessler
304 The Nazis in Chortkov Jonah Freeman
311 Remembering the destruction Yitzchak Starnshus
315 Events in the time of the Nazi conquest The Vortenfeld family
316 In the Chortkov ghetto Bomuk Morgenstern
318 Excerpts of Shmuel Veisengans testimony
320 Testimony of Ayger Joel
322 The extermination camp from Kmienka Yitzchak Miller
323 Excerpts of testimony Arnastina Sharff
323 The destruction of Rosachatsh Grose Mundizia Chaim
325 Jews who had ? in the ghetto B. S.
329 The underground “Betar” in the Chortkov Ghetto I. Jacobi
330 Dead heros in the Wasserman Partisans Dr. Israel Shuv.
330 Memorial Zashka Nadlar Zishmivaska
340 Rememberance of the refugees in the Soviet Union Avitalya
343 Purim holiday Magar Andarman
344 The story of a visit to Chortkov Joseph Axelrod
Lights out of the darkness…
347 Mrs. Uhryńska Frida Gaysler nee Bart
348 Mrs. Anna Akseńczuk Shoshana Carmi
349 Wiktor Kotowicz David Shveyger
Homage and Praise for the Heroes
350 The Jews of Chortkov who died in the war of liberation
352 The Jews of Chortkov that faught bravely against the Nazis in diffrent fields of combat - Registry Tzvi Cohen
358 Our townsmen in Israel
Jews of our city in Israel and in the Diaspora
360 Organizations from Chortkov in Haifa
363 Organizations from Chortkov in Tel Aviv
365 American Help
367 Chortkov landsmanshaft in America
370 To eternal memory
373 Sanctified Registry of Chortkov
391 Eternal Page


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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
Emerita Yizkor Book Project Manager, Joyce Field z”l
Contact person for this translation Sidney C. Gelb
This web page created by Moshe M. Shavit

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