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Translation of chapter
“Putila” from Volume II:

Geschichte der Juden in der Bukowina

Edited by: Hugo Gold

As told by: Eugen Rosner, Petach-Tikwa, Israel

Published in Tel Aviv, 1962

Translated by:

Jerome Silverbush z”l

This is a translation of the chapter “Putila”, Geschichte der Juden in der Bukowina
{History of the Jews in the Bukovina} Edited by: Dr. Hugo Gold,
As told by: Eugen Rosner, Petach-Tikwa, Israel, Published in Tel Aviv, 1962

The town of Putila had a Kultusgemeinde1 to which the villages of Ploska, Serghie, Foschka, Zibena Toraki, Chiselita, Dichternitz, Gura-Putilei and Jablonitza belonged, in total, 1400 souls. This community couldn't afford a rabbi, so they used the services of the rabbi of Wiznitz. Rabbi Hager was the last rabbi to have this honor. In Putila there was a community synagogue and a prayer house. The surrounding villages each had a prayer house.

The industrious Jewish population lived in quiet harmony and untroubled understanding with their neighbors. This peace found a sad end with the occupation of the land by the Russians in 1940. In the following catastrophic years the majority of the Jews suffered a wretched end. There were at most, 200 survivors.

Previously, there was a remarkably Zionist activity. In the Zionist organization, there was a comprehensive library. With the support of the community president and deputy mayor, the pharmacist Max Rosner, a Hebrew kindergarten was opened in 1933. For many years the Zionist revisionist ladies organization was lead by Mrs. Anna Beer.

In the years of Russian occupation, (1940/1941) significant changes took place. The community president of many years fled with his family to Zastawna. Of those remaining in the town, the Zionist leaders and land owners were sent to Siberia, to name some the lawyer Dr. Winkler, the doctors, Dr. Josef Badian and Dr. Gerhard Winkler, the general Zionist Dr. Joachim Greif, the vice president of the community, Fritz Reichmann.

After the German-Romanian army groups entered Bukovina in 1941, the synagogue and all Jewish houses were burned to the ground. The Jewish population was driven into death. The majority lost their lives in the Jedinetz concentration camp, some on the way to Atachi and the rest in Transnistrien (Obodowka, Schargorod, Moghilew and the surroundings). The former community secretary Hermann Winkler, an 84 year old man collapsed on the road and was buried alive before the eyes of his daughter. Other victims were the doctor, Dr. Sami Schaechter, pharmacist Max Rosner who died in Obodowka (1879-1941) along with his wife and daughter and many others who came to a gruesome end.

Some of the survivors who live in Israel are: Mrs Anna Beer, Mrs. Paula Schaechter, Mrs Gina Sekler, Mr. Winkler, pharmacist Eugen Rosner and Martin Sekler.

As told by pharmacist Eugen Rosner, Petach-Tikwa, Israel

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1) The Jewish community in a town was know as the “Kultusgemeinde.” I simply use the term “community.” The Austrian regime required that the communities be self governing using a prescribed form of organization including a president, vice president, a secretary and several committees. These officers were elected by the Jews of the community. Villages which were not large enough to support such an organization would belong to the community of the nearest large town.

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