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Translation of chapter
“Czudyn” from Volume II:

Geschichte der Juden in der Bukowina

Edited by: Hugo Gold

As told by: Max Rendel, Caracas Venezuela

Published in Tel Aviv, 1962

Translated by:

Jerome Silverbush z”l

This is a translation of the chapter “Czudyn”, Geschichte der Juden in der Bukowina
{History of the Jews in the Bukovina} Edited by: Dr. Hugo Gold,
As told by: Max Rendel, Caracas Venezuela, Published in Tel Aviv, 1962

Under Austrian rule, the approximately 500 Jews who lived in the town of Czudyn enjoyed a harmonious and secure existence. They administered their own community and lived in peace with their mostly Ruthene neighbors. Jewish interests were represented by the Kultusvorsteher 1 Mendl Gottesmann and Pinkas Scheuer. Moses Schwitz acted as deputy. Respected members of the community leadership were: Abraham Srul Knauer, Chaim Laufer, Moses Gruenberg, Dr. J. Ruhdoerfer, Moses Schuler, Chaim Singer, Josef Leib Herschmann, Mordko Weisselberg, Benjamin Druckmann, Schloime Schaerf, Salomon Singer, S. Druckmann, Juda Leib Stettner, and Seide Koffler. The rabbis were Josef Sch.Babad and Mordko Horowitz. There was a Bikur Cholim 2 organization (chairman, Srul Knauer), the Esrat Israel ( leader: E. Rudich) and a Talmud Torah association (president: David Grabscheid).

The Jewish doctors, Dr. Sandberg and Dr. Menezel cared for the sick.

This idyllic peace ended with the events of the First World War, but the Jewish population tried to accommodate themselves to the new situation and continued their usual activities under the Romanian regime as far as this was permitted. The Russian occupation in 1941 and later the wave of destruction under the influence of Nazi Germany in 1941 brought the sad end. In Czudyn occurred as we reported for other places the most horrible crimes. The Romanian “Soldateska” together with the farmers, from the evening of July 4 through July 5, 1941 with unparalleled cruelty destroyed all Jewish life.

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1) The Jewish community in a town was know as the “Kultusgemeinde.” I simply use the term “community.” in my translations. The Austrian regime required that the communities be self governing using a prescribed form of organization including a president, vice president, a secretary and several committees. One of the committees was the “Kultusvorstand.”

2) The “Bikur Cholim” is an organization whose members visit the sick.

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