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[Page 76]

(Dzhurin, Ukraine)

48°41' / 28°18'

Translation of chapter
“Djurin” from Volume II:

Geschichte der Juden in der Bukowina

Edited by: Hugo Gold

As told by: Martin Hass (Tel-Aviv)

Published in Tel Aviv, 1962

Translated by:

Jerome Silverbush z”l

This is a translation of the chapter “Djurin”, Geschichte der Juden in der Bukowina
{History of the Jews in the Bukovina} Edited by: Dr. Hugo Gold,
As told by: Martin Hass, Published in Tel Aviv, 1962


As told by: Martin Hass

About 2000 deportees from Radauti, Siret, Campulung Moldovenese, Suceava, Czernowitz and other cities were brought to Djurin. Even in the time of the Tsar, there was a Jewish settlement in the village which the Communists left undisturbed. There was a cooperative, a kitchen and a Jewish militia. The percentage of poor people was smaller than in other cities of Transnistrien. At the end of 1942, a captain from the construction company Todt had brought a Jewish family to Djurin. At the same time, he brought money from Bucharest from various charitable organizations and private individuals. That helped to improve the situation of the deportees. There was only 30% mortality.

There was also a bakery in the village. The deportees lived by selling the possessions they had brought with them and worked occasionally for the Ukrainian farmers, although, they were supposed to remain in the village even though paying work beckoned from outside the village borders. Leaving the camp was punishable by death.

When the Russians occupied Djurin they found stores of clothing provided by the charity Joint [Joint Distribution Committee]. The Russians distributed the clothing to their people while hundreds of deportees ran around covered by sacks and without shoes. To protect the children from becoming delinquents, a school was created. Rabbi Baruch Hager from Siret provided worthy service there. Among those who died were Rabbi Hornik from Siret, the physicians Dr. Sabath and Dr. Greif from Radauti and the lawyers Dr. Walter Horowitz-Rohrlilch and Dr. Emanuel Scherzer from Suceava.

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