49°10' / 25°43'
Translation of
Sefer Budzanow
Edited by staff members
with the participation of I. Siegelman
Published by the Former residents of Budzanow in Israel, Haifa 1968
Project Coordinator
Florence Rodman Klevit z"l
Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Budaniv
JewishGen, Inc. makes no representations regarding the accuracy of
the translation. The reader may wish to refer to the original material
for verification.
JewishGen is not responsible for inaccuracies or omissions in the original work and cannot rewrite or edit the text to correct inaccuracies and/or omissions.
Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited.
Title | Author | Page |
Once there was a Shtetl | ||
A monument to our town | 7 | |
Our town: a memorial [Y] | 8 | |
Ask those burning in fire | Dov Hendel | 11 |
Budanov, as it was [Y] | Israel Morgenstern-Schiffman | 13 |
In the Shadow of a Rose Bush (poem) | Shimshon Melzer | 26 |
A historical questionnaire [Y] | 32 | |
Yizkor | M. Dvorzhetzki | 36 |
Generations of the Past | ||
The Rav David Shlomo Eibschitz | Shraga Guttmacher | 40 |
Memories and episodes from Budanov | I. Neufeld | 43 |
The Budanov Community Register [Pinkas] [Y] | Shimon Feilich | 48 |
My town Budanov | Israel Morgenstern Schiffman | 61 |
A young boy in Budanov | Moshe Felner | 73 |
The Budanov Rabbis | Rav Yakov Yitzhak Weissblum | 77 |
Between the Two Worls Wars | ||
Childhood (from the poem Meir the Klezmer) | Shimshon Melzer | 89 |
The Galicia land | 90 | |
The story of Budanov | Dov Hendel | 91 |
The melamed R'Dudi Kamuels | Shimshon Melzer | 107 |
My little town | Muni Epstein | 111 |
A visit in Budanov [Y] | Nachman Blumenthal | 116 |
The Gordonia Organization | Yona Goren | 121 |
At home | Tzipora Hendel | 126 |
Family | Eliyahu Schitzer | 132 |
Correspondence about Budanov | 134 | |
Jews in the Warbowitz village | Muni Epstein | 136 |
My Shtetl Yanov | Imanuel Eschenberg | 139 |
Where we lived | 147 | |
A Poem | Shimshon Melzer | 152 |
Destruction and annihilation | ||
The destruction of Budanov | S. Glaser | 156 |
Survivors from Trembowla tell their stories | 186 | |
From The Minyan in my town | Shimshon Melzer | 191 |
In the Holocaust | Avraham Buchholz | 192 |
On the road of torment [Y] | Shaye G. | 209 |
A young girl in the storm | Bronia Levinsohn-Fleischhaker | 219 |
Childhood in the time of destruction | Arie Tzart | 231 |
The destruction of Yanov | Yakov Balaban | 238 |
The road of torment | Ester Datzker | 244 |
My wanderings in the days of fury | Muni Epstein | 249 |
After the liberation [Y] | S. Glaser | 250 |
The Righteous Among the Nations | 252 | |
Dates in the Holocaust | 253 | |
Eternal disgrace | 254 | |
Yizkor | Rachel Auerbach | 256 |
List of the Martyrs | 257 | |
Pages of remembrance | 281 | |
In memory of our townspeople who died in Israel | 294 | |
In Israel | ||
In Israel after the Holocaust | 300 | |
A letter from Canada after a visit to Israel | Aharon Weinfeld | 306 |
Budanov today | 307 | |
Citation and Acknowledgment | 308 | |
English Section | ||
List of articles | 311 | |
From Song of my People (poem) | T. R. Nathan | 312 |
The Budzanov Memorial Volume | Dov Hendel | 315 |
Taking Jewish property | Abraham C. Weinfeld | 317 |
We will never forget | 318 | |
Foreword | The Budzanov Book Committee in Israel | 319 |
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