Officially the community was only founded around 1890. The reason for this late date is unknown either the authorities objected earlier or the Jews themselves were not interested till then.
Following the death of the tsadik, Rabbi Israel Leib Wahrman, no one in Buczacz was given the title "Rabbi" and no one was found worthy of this title till the beginning of the 20thcentury when R' Meir Arak, the rabbi of Yazlovits, was appointed as Buczacz's rabbi. During this long interim the Jews made do with the title Preceptor" [moreh hora'a]. Though a Tshortkov hasid, R' Arak was forbidden to pray in their chapel [kloyz].
The town's leaders tried, of course, to obtain from the authorities a military installation, a district court house, railroad lines (for the Buczacz-Horodenka and Buczacz-Podheytse routes), but to no avail. Tshortkov received the district court house and the above railroads were not built. Buczacz was awarded a magnificent high-school [gymnasium] building, the most beautiful high-school building in all Galicia.
Buczacz had no industry. There was only a carpet factory that was actually a workshop. Buczazc and its vicinity were agrarian, characterized by large estates. Their owners employed many agricultural workers who received minimum wages that covered only their basic needs. Buczacz, whose main income was from commerce, suffered from this situation. It traded in grains, spirits, textile; in several other areas there was even a certain amount of transit trade, as in agricultural machinery. In addition, there was export of poultry, eggs and butter. Some merchants employed Christian workers, especially female (in the selecting of beans and other kinds of pulses). The young lower-class Jewish women, mainly from the area, worked as underwear seamstresses, cheap-confection makers, cooks etc. Buczacz buckwheat was of fine quality and its buckwheat groats were renowned near and far. In Bukovina, they would say: a Jew of Buczacz on his return from synagogue on Saturday morning recites the blessing over wine and has buckwheat groats for dessert.
A source of income for Buczacz's small and large merchants was the fairs, of which there were three:
- the weekly fair, held on Thursdays. On that day peasants of the vicinity would gather in town to bring their goods to the three markets: the horse market, the pig market by the Strypa river, and the general market surrounding the town hall (Ratusz). In this market chickens, geese, ducks, eggs, vegetables, fruits etc. were sold. The peasants would buy and sell. They mostly bought salt and sugar.
- A group of small traders known as antloznikes(Entlassene) the released (from jail) would journey to the second fair in the market of Tlusta Ves' (Tovtse). These were shrewd and crafty people, well known for their cunning and thievish ways. There were even cases when they cheated each other. Many tales of their slyness and swindling were common. In order to avoid being caught, they would adopt different nicknames and call each other by them at the fairs.
- An important source of income was the annual fair held in the town of Lashkovits. This was a large fair that lasted 2-3 weeks. Merchants from many towns thronged to this fair, some even from abroad. Of course, it had its share of thieves. When someone appeared suspicious because of his external appearance, people would say, He has the face of a Lashkovits thief.
Buczacz had three large bakeries that supplied fresh bread and rolls three times a day. The small, domestic bakeries supplied backed goods only on Fridays all kinds of knishes or kashe pastries and, in the summer, pastries with green onions and cheese in them, etc. For the Sabbath, top-quality khales were provided, mainly by special order. This was an extra source of income during 2-3 days of the week. These domestic bakeries also prepared pastries for the fairs, especially for the annual fair that was associated with the Christian Shkapirna pilgrimage.
Poverty and unemployment caused many to emigrate, especially to America and Canada.
Buczacz had an excess of intellectuals. Buczacz Jews sent their children to high school (gymnasium) and later to the university. This led to unemployment in the liberal professions, and in many towns these professions were taken over by former residents of Buczacz.
Leaving Buczacz did not solve the problem of poverty or improve the situation. Many depended on the community's charity.
During the winter, the poor would receive a hot lunch at the soup kitchen for a symbolic fee and, in the morning, bread and tea for almost nothing. There were also the hidden poor, people who became impoverished and were ashamed to beg. These people received charity, collected in various ways and sent to their homes. One way of gathering charity was through the matan be-seter [anonymous giving] fund a collection box built into one of the pillars of the Great Synagogue. Bad housing conditions resulted from the deep poverty. The poor lived in decrepit houses at the side of the hill called baszty [tower; dungeon?], or in basements. No wonder that epidemics, quite common in Galicia, did not spare Buczacz despite the fame of its excellent water. Best remembered is the cholera epidemic of 1894 or 1895 that wrought havoc throughout Galicia, including Buczacz. In order to pacify the angel of death, a wedding sponsored by the community was held for a poor couple. The wedding ceremony was held at the cemetery and, after the ceremony, a procession headed by the young couple went through the streets of the town accompanied by musicians.
Most of those who attended the general schools gave up Talmud studies and only the gifted few stayed on during the winter evenings between 8 and 9. In the summer they made do with a lesson at dusk after the rest of the pupils had left, but most of these talmud studies were held while the general schools were closed for holiday. A Talmud kheder [kheder gemara] of the second kind did not accept pupils from the general schools. It had two streams: the Talmudic in which the Talmud (including the Mishnah) [Shas] and commentaries [Poskim (text has psukim 'Biblical passages' apparently an error] were taught, and the maskilic in which maskilic "melamdim" ['progressive teachers'] taught their pupils Shas and Poskim, and in addition Bible, especially the Latter Prophets, grammar and letter-writing in Hebrew and in Yiddish. In both streams together in these kheders the number of pupils was small usually no more than 7-8. Instruction here was indeed given individually. Most distinguished among the heads of the 1st stream was Yaane-Melamed (Yaakov Roykher) and among those of the 2nd stream was Pessi-Melamed (Pessakh Biller), a maskil knowledgeable in the Hebrew language and its grammar and translator of several poems from Yiddish to Hebrew.
One) The kheder dardaki [yopung child's elementary school] for 3-5 year-old boys and girls together, with five levels. They would start with the first portion of Leviticus, and sometimes they would prepare the children to interpret [lidrosh] a portion, and would hold a feast [seuda] at the child-interpreter's home. Two) The kheder irbuvia [jumble kheder], one level higher than the previous one. Here the children would study khumash [Pentateuch], a bit of Rashi and the Early Prophets. The name irbuvia did not change even though only boys studied in that kheder. Girls did not continue their studies after graduating the kheder dardaki. Nor did they study the Five Books of Moses [khumash]. For the girls, reading Hebrew and the stylized archaic Yiddish of sacred texts [ivre-taytsh] was sufficient. Winters in this kheder irbuvia and in the higher levels, the pupils studied until 8 PM in the evening by oil lamps or candlelight. Each child shared in the lighting expenses 1-2 kreutzers a week. The boys would return home, torches in hand, singing songs. Evening studies would end a few days before Passover, and this event would be celebrated with a feast at the kheder. Each child participated in the expenses. Wine was bought and the rabbi's wife would prepare fritters [levivot] filled with potatoes or buckwheat groats. Three) From the "jumble" [irbuvia] kheder, a 7-8 year old boy would proceed to the Talmud teacher. Talmud kheders were on two levels from ages 7-8 till 12-13, and from 12-13 onwards. On the first level Talmud was mostly taught before noon. In the afternoon, for 4-5 hours, pupils were taught the Latter Prophets and Writings [Ktuvim]. In the winter after evening prayers, or in the summer just before evening, they would be taught Pentateuch with Rashi's commentary according to the portion of the week. Besides the above, they also studied (in the "jumble" kheder) seasonally appropriate texts: Sukkot they studied Ecclesiastes, before Purim the book of Esther, before Passover the Song of Songs and the Haggadah, before Shavuot the book of Ruth and Akdamut [Aramaic poem read on Shavuot], and before the Ninth of Ab the book of Lamentations.
In the young child's kheder [kheder dardaki] thereysh dukna [teacher's helper], familiarly known by the Yiddish term belfer[< bahelfer 'helper'], held an important role. The belfers were also of two kinds: a) reysh dukna, the melamed's assistant in teaching to read the Pentateuch, who held a special title: oyber-belfer ['head assistant']. b) the regular assistants, who actually helped the parents. They would go from house to house in the morning and wash the children's hands and faces; they would recite with them the modeh ani prayer and would escort them to the kheder (during the winter months on their shoulders). Then in the summer they would set out to collect the second breakfast (podvaremes) or in the winter varemes (lunch). In the afternoon they would bring the children their late afternoon meal. These assistants would watch over the children as they played in the yard during recess. They were adored by the children and in most cases by the parents. They were practically family members, compensated for their efforts with meals at the children's homes, each day with a different family [known in Yiddish as "esn teg"]. On Fridays they would shine the household's shoes and would receive payment for doing so. They also made toys for the children: flags for Simkhat Torah, lead tops for Khanuka, rattlers for Purim, bows and arrows for Lag BaOmer [33rd day of the Counting of the Omer], and "rifles" for the Ninth of Ab. Before sunset they would align all the children in the yard in a strict and orderly fashion, after which the rebbe or the reysh dukna would instruct them in the rules of proper behavior and good manners. The assistants would then take the children home. The assistants had an additional responsibility: when a boy was born to one of the pupils' parents they would take the pupils to the house of the woman who gave birth, read the shma prayer with the children, give each child a drop of wine, a small cake filled with honey and another in the shape of an 8. The children would leave the house cheerfully, happily bidding the mother and the newborn baby good night.
On the Sabbath all rested in the young child's kheder the rebbe, his assistants and the pupils. Not so in the other kheders. On Sabbath afternoons pupils would come to those kheders for 2-3 hours. They would play outside till the rebbe would awake from his nap and call them inside in order to teach them Borkhi Nafshi ['bless God, o my soul!'; Psalms 103-4 were recited before minkha on the Sabbath] in the winter and Pirkey Avot ['Ethics of the Fathers', a tractate in the Mishna] during the summer. On Shabbat Khazon [the Sabbath before Tisha B'av] the rebbe would read the story of Kamtsa and Bar-Kamtsa [according to the Talmudic legend in Giten 55] and other legends of the Destruction of the Temple [khurban]. Pupils were also examined on the Sabbath. In the winter before noon and in the summer before sunset, the rebbe would come to the parents' homes (each Sabbath to one or two houses) or to the pupil's relatives, test the pupil and receive refreshments. Outstanding pupils did not require the presence of the rebbe and would be tested by their father or by relatives.
During Lag BaOmer the official excursion for all the kheders was held. The pupils would receive several kinds of pastries, especially cakes dipped in honey ("krafen") [fritters] and, instructors leading the way, set out for the country and its fresh air. They would visit the Pedor, the Bashtim or the fortress. There were also instructors who would prepare a big flag and the prize student was given the honor of carrying it behind the musicians who lead the procession. Some instructors would take the pupils for a dip in the river and it should be noted in their praise that not a single case of drowning occurred.
We should also mention the negative side of this educational system: the punishments. In the lower grades, the rebbe would sit at the head of the table, kantshik [cat-of-nine-tails] in hand, and at times would wield it (this depended on the teacher's nature and the pupil's character). Also known in the young child's kheder was the "kuneh" (not the genuine article). In this method of punishment, a shabby turban with feathers was put on the sinner's head, after which he had to stand on top of a table and be made a fool of in front of the other children.
The religious education of poor pupils was funded by the public. Householders would donate to the Talmud Torah fund that for many years was headed by Avrahamtsi Ginsburg. These poor pupils attended various kheders and their teachers would be payed from the above fund.
The kheder was not the final stage in Jewish education. Many continued with their studies. A considerable number frequented the study houses [batey midrash], especially the Old Study House. But many turned to commerce and crafts, studying Talmud and Midrash in the synagogues in spare moments ["between minkha and maariv," i.e. briefly]; and, more leisurely, on Saturdays and holidays. Some studied alone while others studied under one of the instructors. There were also societies for the study of Talmud and Poskim. These were mainly in the study houses of the mitnagdim and operated voluntarily.
On Sabbath eve, the town's sexton [shamash] would herald the start of the Sabbath: "In shul arayn!" ['To the synagogue!'] Every morning at dawn he would walk through the streets waking up everyone with the tapping of his cane, three taps at each gate (two taps if someone had passed away during the night). During the penitential days [slikhot], the sexton would wake up the townspeople at 3 AM. He would loudly declare in a melodious fashion: Awake, awake Israel, holy people, awake to worship the Lord. [kumu, kumu yisrael am kedoshim, kumu la-avodat habore'.]
The sexton would also announce the funerals in the town, calling out "met mitsva" [Megila 3: "talmud tora umet mitsva met mitsva adif" 'honoring the dead at a funeral takes precedence over studying the Torah'].
The penitential days were days of prayers and pleas, but also days of fun and mischief for the youth. The boys would wake up together with or before their parents. On their way to the synagogue they would pass by the Strypa River and float wooden boards covered with lit candles at that moment the river was a truly magnificent sight. It is no wonder that the youth sought relief in such a way. Playgrounds in Buczacz as well as in other towns were scarce. The Strypa River thus became a place for recreation: during the summer, bathing or rowing; in the winter. skating over the ice that covered the river during most of the winter. The summer supplied the town with occasional attractions such as a wandering circus, a zoo, and a panorama [primitive cinema] that would stay in Buczacz for a few weeks. Sometimes a professional athlete would arrive and run around the town hall or display his rope-walking skills. Or a gramophone player, a magician and juggler would come by. Gimpel's Jewish Theater from Lvov would also visit Buczacz for a few weeks during the summer and erect its stage in a barn by the bank of the Strypa River.
Before Passover the young male hasidim would be busy in their chapel [kloyz] baking matsa shmura [unleavened bread prepared in the strictest manner]. It was a pleasant task albeit a serious one. In contrast to them, the idle youth and pranksters would get ready for Shabat haGadol ['the great Sabbath', the Sabbath before Passover].
The ordinary young people arranged processions on the Great Sabbath. At the head walked a boy carrying a stuffed image (pants and a coat stuffed with straw), while several others beat on tin drums and everyone sang:
Halelu, halelu min ha-shamayimWhen they arrived at the house of someone with scabies [Yiddish parkhes], they came to a standstill and sang "their song" [see the ten plagues of the haggada].
Kol ha-parkhes le-mitsrayim!
Praise, praise! The Heavens will drive
All the scurfs to Egypt!
Relationships between people were graced by lovely customs. For a circumcision people would send sugar, conserves, etc.
At the synagogue when a bridegroom read from the Torah, women from the women's section [ezrat nashim] threw raisins, almonds and candy at him. On Simkhat Torah the khatan-tora [the person honored to read the last portion of the Torah] and the khatan-bereyshit [the person honored to read the first portion of the Torah] treated the congregation to cake and brandy in the synagogues and in the homes of the elders.
Buczacz had many characters and it is impossible to write about them all. I will mention a few that were especially strange in their ways:
Yankl Grosfeld. An educated man, he was always in a good mood. He was very poor and no one knew what this vegetable lived on. Most hours of the day he would spend with Avrahamtsi Fisher (owner of a shoe store), both of them seated playing chess, competing with each other in telling jokes day in and day out.
Among the musicians, Elazar the Cripple (Leyzer der kalike) stood out, not for his musical talent he played the cymbals, but for his merriment and for the Yiddish songs he sang on various occasions especially on days before army conscription when potential conscripts (plogers) ['sufferers' ?] "tortured themselves" in order to be disqualified from service.
Ayzik Volf Yurman was a man of several crafts, but the saying many crafts but few blessings [Yiddish: a sakh melokhes un vintsik brokhes] did not apply to him. On the contrary, he was a wealthy homeowner. Throughout the year he worked with a carding machine, and at the end of summer he prepared shofars, He had two additional year-round occupations: during the day he traded in rags and junk, while during the night he was a wedding jester [Yiddish: batkhn]. At weddings he wore two guises: a serious man before the canopy, and one who would turn with his rhyming to the groom or bride, causing weeping and tears among the women (especially when one of the newlyweds was an orphan). But after the wedding meal, he would grow merry and comical and would call out the gifts from the guests on the bride's side and the groom's side respectively (droshe geshenk) ['wedding gifts']. At weddings of wealthy people he would receive extra pay for reciting in Hebrew and translating into Yiddish songs such as ish khasid haya [He Was a Hasid] and others.
Lastly, let us favorably remember the old vinegar-maker (esikmakher) who used to talk Hebrew to his mare on the Sabbath. He would lead her to the well to drink, urging her on with phrases like "holekh lamayim" ['going to the water']. Since many people were somewhat tipsy on the night of Purim and thus liable to forget to attend the evening prayer service [aravit], he would go through the streets on Purim night and call out: "Don't forget evening prayers!"
Once, before Passover, the management wanted to make new pairs of trousers for
the men in the old age home, for the holiday. They purchased some fabric and a
few tailors were asked to sew the trousers for free. There was one elderly man
in the home by the name of Sozie Alexander, a Hassid from Czortakow,
who was an expert on everything and was particularly talented
at sewing. They gave him the fabric and said: Reb Suzie, take this fabric
and sew yourself a pair of trousers. Reb Zuzie's reply was to ask:
And who will pay me for this?
Once a traveling salesman came to Buczacz, and stayed there for a while. When
he returned home, they asked him: what kind of a town is Buczacz? He replied:
[Yiddish] (Buczacz is a strange town; in the middle of the town, stands the
council house. Above the council house, stands the great synagogue. Above the
synagogue, stands the bathing house. Above the bathing house, is the hospital.
Above the hospital there is a church, and above it, seven mills spin round).
Baruch Luli once lay in a hospital in Vienna, and next to him lay a
local Jew. The latter wanted to make fun of the bearded Galician Jew, and
asked: [Yiddish] (How do you say louse in Yiddish?) Lice,
Baruch replied. Yes, that is in the plural, but how do you say it in the
singular? We don't have them in the singular Baruch
Lulu replied.
The town mayor, Barris Stern, liked to play cards, and Tzadok Avraham Yankels was his regular kibitzer. One Thursday, he was engrossed in a game, and only as evening fell did he remember that he had not left his wife any money to buy things for Shabbat. He turned to Tzadok and said:
Tzudik, take these 10 crowns and take them home to the wife, for the Shabbat groceries.
Tzudik took the ten crowns and took them home to his own wife. Later than night, B. Stern returned home and was warmly welcomed by his wife for not having left her the money for Shabbat.
The next day when he met Tzudik, the mayor asked: - why did you not give the money to my wife, like I asked you? But you told me to give the money to the wife, and so I gave it to my wife. If you had asked me to give the money to the lady, I would have given it to your wife. I have a wife, and you a lady.
The same Tzadok Avraham Yankels once said: when I lie on my deathbed and you see me moving my lips, you will know that I am insulting my lord.
Moidel goy (a Jew) went to Rabbi Yudlei Shapira before Passover and said to him: Reb Yudlei, please buy some potatoes for Passover from me. Reb Yudlei became angry and answered: Potatoes, potatoes even potatoes have their limit!
- My potatoes have a limit too, Moidel replied, believing that limit was something that potatoes must have in order to be kosher for Passover.
On the morning of Tisha Be'Av, Moidel Goy went to pray, carrying the tefilin bag. He came across Antashki Kastalawski (a Christian, who was knowledgeable in the customs of Judaism), who told him: Moidel, you goy don't you know that on the morning of Tisha Be'Av, you don't go to pray with the tefilin bag in your hand?
When they asked David Wolf Shapira why he does not lay tefilin, his answer was: I don't want to put my head into a dispute between Rashi and Rabeinu Tam
One morning, when Hersch Leibeleh Hassid stood in his home for the
shmoneh-esreh prayer, he noticed a dog that had come into the house. He could not banish the dog, and he did not want to stop his prayer to utter the profane. He called to
his wife and said to her in lashon hakodesh: My wife, my wife a
pas (dog) is in the house!
When Kappaleh thief came home from the army after the First World
War, he found a baby in his home. Having no choice, he took on the
responsibility. After a while, the baby became ill and died and Kappaleh sat
shiva. When his friends came to console him, he told them: Hear this, friends
I have sat many times in my life, but never yet have I sat when I
am so free of blame.
The tzadik Rabbi Avraham David Warman, of blessed memory, was born in Nadworna. One Friday, the tzadik passed through town and saw that someone was eating a late lunch. The tzadik said to him: Why are you eating now? You could have waited and eaten in the evening, with a full appetite, for Shabbat. The man replied: If I satisfy my hunger now, I will eat in the evening only to honor the Shabbat, but if I starve myself, I will eat on Shabbat only for the bodily pleasure, and not to honor the Shabbat. The tzadik admitted the truth of his argument.
A few months before the death of the tzadik, the leader of the town died. And a few weeks before the death of the tzadik, the leader came to him in his dream. The leader brought a fish in a bowl, but he took back the head of the fish with him. The tzadik told his dream to the members of his household next morning, and said that he was afraid this was a sign that the head would go to the leader. And this did occur. A short while later, the tzadik died.
It is said that on Shabbat, during the seudah shlishit, when the tzadik spoke from the Torah, some people fell asleep. Because they were not all worthy of hearing the secrets of the Torah.
It is told of Michal Preminger, the grandfather of Zvi Preminger, that when he
was 15 years old the tzadik chose him as his cantor, and he served in this position his whole life. And once he said to Michal that his grandchildren would be better than his
The builder of the Great Synagogue in Buczacz was a Christian engineer. After he finished the building, namely after he had positioned the final stone in the vaulted ceiling, he held this stone in both hands, and his legs dangled in the air. He wished to illustrate in this way, that the building was strong and complete.
It is said of Dr. Bloch, that in his youth he worked at a bakery, and then he rose to become a representative in the Austrian parliament and fought in the wars against the enemies of Israel. When he was elected for the second time, there was great joy in our town. The Jews wore their streimelach and acted as if it were Purim, with barrels of beer rolling down the streets. And the city of Buczacz was merry.
Dr. Bloch once came to a voters' gathering in winter and asked the voters what portion was being read this week. They told him: va'yeshav portion. And he told them that vayeshav [Hebrew characters: vav-yod-shin-vav] was an acronym: valt Josef Shmuel Bloch (vote for Yosef Shmuel Bloch)
During one meeting in the Fobiat house, to support products made in Israel, with the presence of Count Potozki, the mayor Barris Stern quoted a verse from the Tanach. When he finished his speech, Count Potozki went up to him and said: Excuse me, Sir, the verse which you quoted from the Tanach is in fact an explicit mishna, and does not originate in the Tanach. All the people present were amazed at this expertise.
A wagon-owner from Buczacz conveyed goods to Lvov. One night, on the way, the goods were burned and there was a dispute between the owner and the wagon-driver, as to whether the latter was an unpaid keeper or a paid keeper, and who was to pay for the damages. They came to Lvov for a din torah before Rabbi Yosef Shaul Nathanson. And the rabbi justified the owner. But the wagon-driver contradicted the Rabbi and told him that he must look in a particular book and he would realize his mistake. Finally, the Rabbi admitted to the wagon-driver and kissed his forehead, saying that even a wagon-driver from Buczacz was an exemplary talmid chaham.
I also heard a story about the Gaon Bechohmat Yefet, who was esteemed and honored in Vienna, Professor Dr. Heinrich Miller, a native of Buczacz: in his youth he studied Torah with Avramtzi Ginsberg, the talmud Torah treasurer. Later, he had the legal right to travel at any time on a special train (saparat-tzug, in foreign language). And in the royal house, Archduke Rauner the uncle of Kaiser Franz Josef would boast about being a friend of Professor Miller.
It was said of one of the elderly people of the previous generation, Mordechai Spielberg, that he was the pride of the generation and a great scholar. He was the only one in town who spent his nights as he did his days, both during summer and during winter. In the middle of the night he would get up and leave his house to go to the old Midrash and study Torah until morning. He would always take with him a candle and matches from his home, to light up the Beit Midrash. Once he forgot to take matches, on a winter night. And when he took out the candle, he had nothing to light it with. He stood in the dark in the Beit Midrash, not knowing what to do. But suddenly the candle lit up on its own and he did not see or hear a soul in the Beit Midrash They honored him greatly when he died. Along all the streets where they carried his coffin, they closed down the stores, and on Shabbat evening he was buried, and was eulogized by Rabbi Meir Arek, of blessed memory.
Near Buczacz, a Jew would transport brandy from one town to the next, without
paying the excise tax on it. A goy policeman saw him and was going
to deliver him to the court. When the Jew saw
this, he took out some money and tried to bribe the policeman. But the
policeman gave him over to the court anyway. This happened on a Friday
afternoon. And when the day of the trial came, the judge was a Jew, a Torah
scholar, and before the trial started the judge said to the accused: Jew! Did
you not recite: If darkenss falls while you are travelling, you must give
your money to a Gentile? The Jew understood the hint, and then claimed
before the judge that he had not intended to bribe the policeman at all, but
since he was an observant man and it was dusk, he gave his money to the first
Gentile he met, because it was forbidden to carry money on Shabbat. Based on
this argument, the Jew was released.
My grandfather, Yosef Engelberg of blessed memory, was a great talmid chaham, and was also learned in external wisdoms, fluent in French and extremely modest and retiring. He died at a young age and was survived by a few daughters. My grandmother cried when he saw the patient's condition. Grandfather asked: why is she crying? And when they told him that she was crying because of the children, he told her not to cry, and comforted her by saying that if he left this world, the children would have a greater father then him, because hashem is the father of orphans and the judge of widows.
My brother-in-law Moshe had a son, also a Rabbi, whose name was Yehosha. He took the place of his father. And when he was given the office of Rabbi in place of his father, they wrote to him: before the sun of Moshe set, the sun of Yehosha rose.
My brother-in-law, the Rabbi mentioned previously, had a sister named Tova, and she had a son called Haim. When he was bar-mitzvahed, they wrote him a blessing, which was: since he is a Haim [life] of Tova [goodness], may he also be Haim [life] of blessing, a life of wealth and honor and also a God-fearing sin-fearing life.
Before the First World War, Rabbi Meir Arek, of blessed memory, from Yazlowitz, was accepted as a rabbi in Buczacz. A few years previously, he had visited Rabbi Matzortakow, because he was one of his followers. And he said to him: Greetings, Buczaczer Rabbi! For in previous years, the rabbis from Yazlowitz had been appointed Buczacz rabbis several times. And so the rabbi thought that this time it would happen too. When Rabbi Matzortakow's followers heard what their rabbi had said, they were concerned that the rabbi's promise should come true. And indeed, the Gaon Rabbi Meir was accepted as the Buczacz rabbi with great pomp and circumstance.
Rabbi Gedalia Margaliyot from Saraki gave his two horses which were the finest in all the district, and had carried princes several times to the carriage which was going to Buczacz. And Rabbi Yisraeli Stein, the son-in-law of Mordechai Lieb Bergman from Potok, one of the wealthiest men in all the district, was the wagon-driver himself, to transport the honorable rabbi to Buczacz. And that was on a Thursday, in winter, and the town of Buczacz was merry. That Shabbat, there were many guests in Buczacz, including the students of the Rabbi, who were rabbis themselves. Among them was Rabbi Meir Shapira, of blessed memory, the founder of the Chahmei Lublin Yeshiva and founder of the daf yomi. Another student rabbi was unable to attend, and he sent a telegram saying: Rejoice and sing, Buczacz, for in your midst sits the greatest of Israel.
I recall that on that Shabbat night, I was with Rabbi Meir Shapira, of blessed memory, and he told a joke. Once on Shabbat morning a Hassid was leaving the mikveh and he met three Ashkenazim who had finished their prayers. And since the Hassidic circles do not deal with the Tanach much, they decided to test him. They asked the young man: What is the difference between diadem, crown and wreath. The young man understood that they were trying to trick him, he held up his hand and pointed at each one of them, saying: You tell me the difference between this is my exchange, this is my substitution, and this is my sacrifice, and he left them.
It is said of Fischel Aberdam, the father of Zvi Aberdam, that when he was once in Karlsbad, a nobleman lost a large sum of money and Fischel Aberdam found the treasure and did not return it. He was suspected, and they searched him and found the treasure, but he claimed that all the money was his and that he was rich. He told the searchers: ask in the town I come from, and you will hear. The police asked in the town where he had come from. The townspeople thought they were talking about a healing fee which everyone who came to the bathing town paid, and because he had enemies in the town who wanted to get their revenge on him, they told the bathing town that Fischel Aberdam was truly a rich man. And so they left him alone in the bathing town and all the treasure remained with him. When the real reason for the questioning was discovered later in the town, they were angry at them, because they had thought badly of him and it had turned out good.
His son Zvi Aberdam was a learned man in chohmat shem ve-yefet and was very handsome. He had a noble appearance, he was wealthy and respected and famous. Once, someone came to his house and he was not at home. Zvi Aberdam's wife said to the guest, walk through the town and when you meet the most handsome Jew in all of town, you will know that it is my husband Zvi Aberdam. (This was no exaggeration.)
Our teacher, Rabbi Zvi Meir Arek, of blessed memory, had a brother called
Fischel, who had a son called Zecharia. On his mother's side, Zecharia Arek was
a grandson of Mordechai Lieb Bergman, owner of the Potok estate, which was
previously the estate of the eminent Rabbi Yisrael from Rozin. The same
Zecharia was married to the house of an important family from Krakow. The young
and wealthy woman was learned and educated, as most Jewish girls were in
Krakow. But her devout husband was not to her liking, and she rebelled against
him, left him and went to Vienna to study secular studies. No amount of
requests and imploring could bring her back to her husband. And finally she
even refused to separate from her husband by means of a get. Time
went by and she did not change her mind. She mocked him and the Jewish
custom of the get. In such a case, there was only one solution. With the
heiter of one hundred rabbis, the husband could marry another woman. And thus he did.
Zecharia came to the Rabbi from Rodi, Rabbi Mendel Steinberg, of blessed
memory, and he also gave him a heiter, one out of a hundred, and
invited Zecharia to later take his daughter as a wife. And thus it happened.
For after he had obtained a heiter from one hundred rabbis, Zecharia
married the daughter of Rabbi Steinberg, of blessed memory. And I recall that
after a son was born to him (this was before shavuot), the Rabbi, of
blessed memory, came to Buczacz to celebrate Shavuot and the briss.
The Rabbi's coming to town made a great impression and I had the honor of hearing
the address he gave to the public. And the Hassidic circle was very joyful.
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