Brest Lit(owsk) Volume:
The Encyclopaedia of the Jewish Diaspora


52°06' / 23°42'

Translation of Brisk de-Lita: Encycolpedia Shel Galuyot

Edited by: E. Steinman

Published in Jerusalem, 1954-55



Haim Sidor

Dedicated it to the PERNICK FAMILY, especially my great grandparents,
MARKEL and PESHA BAILA PERNICK, whose roots are in Brisk.

This is a translation from: Brisk de-Lita: Encycolpedia Shel Galuyot (Brest Lit(owsk) Volume):
The Encyclopedia of the Jewish Diaspora, Editors: E. Steinman, Jerusalem, 1954-55 (H,Y, pages)

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Page #   Author
21-38 History of the Jews of Brisk Litovsk A. Adelberg
39-40 Map of Council of 4 Lands 1667-1764  
41-58 Brisk Litovst in the Council of 4 Lands Ch. Berles
59-70 Jews of Brisk in the 16th and 17th Cenuries K. Lichtenstein
71-74 The Destroyed City A. L. Finestein
75-84 Jews of Brisk in the 19th Century M. Kaplan
85-96 Autonomous Rule and the "Kehilla" A. Lutzki
97-103 Quill and Melody: A: Hasidim & Mitnagdim M.S. Gershori
104-105 Hazanim (Cantors)  
106 R. Shlomo Weintraub 1781-1829/ Baruch Karliner  
107 R. Noach Zlodkovski / Avraham Barkin / David Gurvitz  
108 S. Chesnik / R. Kalman Hazan / HaHazan Naiman (Noiman)  
109 R. Yosef Tiktinski 1857-1934/ Menachem Zofovitz  
110 HaHazan Garbash/ "Baale Tefila"  
111-112 Folk Musicians  
113-122 The Great Fire of 1901 Nachum Sokolov
123-126 Days of Hardship Prof. N. Sloshitz
127-135 Brisk Litovsk in the News (Newspaper Clippings)  
135-136 The Last Rabbis of Brisk: Rabbi Yehoshua Leib Diskin M. Baraisha
137 Rabbanit of Brisk: Sarah Diskin  
138-144 R. Yosef Dov-Ber Soloveitchik  
145-151 R. Haim Soloveitchik  
152-155 List of Books written by "Gdolei Brisk"  
158-159 Poem: Brisk Menachem Baraisha
160-166 Sparks of Memory R. I.Y. Unterman
167-179 Chapters of the Past: House of My Fathers in Brisk Michael Pochtchevski
180-187 Brisk in those Days Dova Yafe
188-193 Marks and Impressions A. Tzemach
194-196 Visiting Brisk R. Z. Mesliansky
197-199 Blood Libel Ben-Zion Naimark
200-201 Meeting the City of my Birth Y. Finkelstein (New York)
202-204 Between Two World Wars Dr. S. Ohrhov
205-208 Characters & Personalities: from the people of Brisk M. Weisman
209 Two Characters Y. Govkin (New York)
210 Meir the Water Carrier  
211-212 Eliyahu Sinai & David Kopchik  
213 Images: The Shatz Family/ HaGaon R. Yaakov Zalman Libshitz M. Z. Ilan
214 R. Zvi Yafe/ R. Asher Chari/ R. Yaakov Rottenberg  
215 R. Shlomo Poliatzik/ R. Simcha Zelig & R. Moshe Sokolovski  
216 Days Past Dr. A. Eisen
217-218 My Teacher Batia Beder
219 Four Personalities:  
220 R. Haim Soloveitchik/ Dr. Sharshevski/ Noah Finkelstein  
221 Lawyer Grodzenski  
222-225 The Hasidim of Stolin-Karlin B. Kosterinski
226-227 Poem: Brisk My City Anna Margolin
228 The City and it's surrounding Towns Moshe Stav
229 Brisk in those Days  
230-231 The city of my birth: Antopol  
232-233 Kobrin: next to Brisk  
234-236 Brisk  
237-243 Brisk that was in Warsaw  
244-247 From the "Farber" Y. Hofftman
248-250 Three Things Menachem Begin
252 PEOPLE  
254 Writers and Scientists  
255-259 Dr. Yaakov Gromer Zalman Shazar
260-262 Talented Genius: Dr. Yaakov Gromer Dr. Y. Klatzkin
263-266 Prof. Y. N. HaLevi-Epstein Prof. Simcha Asaf
267 People I Remember Yitzhak Greenbaum
268-271 Noah Finkelstein  
272-274 Avraham Goldberg  
275-279 Michael & Nechama Pochtzevski Moshe Smilneski
280-281 Yitzhak (Zvi) Lipavski Asher Barish
282-284 My History R. Arie Leib Feinstein
285-286 Dr. Benyamin Sershevski  
287 Dr. Yaakov Greenberg  
288-290 Anna Margolin Itzik Mangar
291 Zvi Har-Zahav (Goldberg)  
292 Writers from Brisk: Dr. Avraham Eisen/ Arnold Erhlich  
293 Herman Gold/ Louis M. Ginsberg/ Meir Hirsh Druchleh  
294 Yitzhak Heilprin/ Gershon Shimon Hornfeld/ Zvi (Harry) Wolfson  
294 Paulina Vengrov/ Simion Vengrov/ Dora Teitelbaum  
295 Yisrael Isser Cohen/ Yehoshua Yosef Kolbo/ Yaakov Morgenstern  
296 Michael (Maikel) Mintz/ Moshe Yitzhak Mintz/ Benish Michalvitz  
296 Menachem Baraisha (Goldberg)/ Pesach Novik/ Bezalel Friedman  
297 William (Zev) Pozniak/ William Zukerman/ Yitzhak Perlow  
297 Avraham Koarnitsky/ Avraham Kaplan/ Zeev Wolf Rabinowitz  
298 Michael Rabinowitz/ Stefan Rodianski/ Avraham Reicher  
298 Benyamin Shlevin (Sheinman)/ Menachem Mendel Shapira  
299-301 Public Servants: Rav Haim Cohen Dr. M.A. Eizenstadt
302-303 R. Yisrael Asher Sharshevsky and Friends B. Koloditsky
304 Ben-Zion Naimark M. Lizarowitz
305 R. Mordecai Shainerman Dr. Shmaryahu Steinberg
306 R. Levi Yitzhak Vinikov  
307 Zarah Zaretzki  
308 Zev-Dov Begin  
309 Yaakov Feinstein  
310 R. Shmuel Pomerantz  
311 Moshe Lobotkin  
312 Moshe Eliezar Ben-Anat (Brainholder)  
313 Community Leaders: Michael Ohrhov/ Yehezkel Ohrhov  
313 Haim Leib Eizbitzer/ Shimon Eizbitzer/ R. Yehuda Leib Eizen  
314 Yaakov Ehrlich/ R. Shmuel Ashkenasi/ Asher Ashkenasi  
314 Dr. Arie Begun/ R. Baruch Zunenberg (the Shochet)  
315 Dr. Shneur Zalman Behovski/ R. Hirsh Haim Borstein  
315 Michael Brozovski/ Yosef Eliezar Berlin/ R. Yitzhak Berzal  
315 R. Moshe-Yosef Barles  
316 Zalman Barles/ Mordecai Barles/ Isser Gevirtzman  
316 R. Mendel Gevirtzman/ R. Zvi (Hershel) Gevirtzman  
316 R. Nachum Gevirinovsky (R. Nachum Slonimer)/ R. Moshe Gutman  
317 Nathan Goldring/ Eliezar Goldfarb/ Liza Golodetz  
317 R. Nachum Zev bar Avraham Shmuel Goldray/ Leon Horodishtz  
318 David Gitelman/ Dr. Yosef Geizler/ Yitzhak Gendler/ R. Alter Grosleit  
318 R. Shabtai (Shepsil) Hapt/ R. Benyamin Vigdorovitz  
319 Gershon Wein/ R. Yaakov Weinstok/ Dr. Bronislav Vilner  
319 R. Haim Zalman Velsky/ Aharon Vinikov/ Matityahu Zevlod  
320 R. Alia-Peretz Zilberstram/ R. Moshe Zisman/ Haim Hatz  
320 R. Shalom Chari/ Yehuda Chavoinovsky/ R. Gedalyahu Chazan  
320 Nachman Topol/ Yisrael Tanenbaum  
321 Zalman Tanenbaum/ R. Tsharni/ Dr. Yisrael Yaffe/ Yitzhak Yeruzlimski  
321 Kedish Lobleski/ Zvi Lomzevski/ Zalman (Zigmund) Lotbek  
322 Moshe Lezrovitz/ Yosef Lezrovitz/ Yisrael Litoinski  
322 R. Shlomo Lichtenstein/ R. Nachman Landau  
323 Yehiel (Hillary) Mastbaum/ Laizer Moler/ R. Aharon Metzki  
323 R. Shmuel Maes (Dzinzel)/ Bezalel (Zelka) Minbitzki/ Ziskind Naimark  
324 R. Zarah Nissenbaum (Der Feldsher)/ Shimon Sevshitzky/ Yosef Satir  
324 Yitzhak Sirota/ Shlomo Sirota/ R. Haim Meir Spector  
325 Itka Serlin (of the Shiland Family)/ Dr. D. Serenker/ Mordecai Pedova  
325 Yehoshua Porer/ R. Yaakov Porer/ Meir Feirstein  
326 Noah Pochchinski/ Aharon Pochtzeveski/ Bezalel Feigen  
326 Hannah Finkel/ Bobel Feingold/ Yosef Pelman/ Yisrael Pernick  
326 Reuven Pregel/ Yosef Zukerman/ R. Avraham David Zemach  
327 R. Baruch Keviatkovski/ Kalman Kavberg/ Dr. Yitzhak Kagan (Cohen)  
327 Haim Baruch Kovertovski/ R. Beinush Koloditzki/ David Kopchik  
327 Gila (Genia) Konopiati-Bishkovtz/ Hanoch Kosovski/ Eliyahu Sinai  
328 Yehiel Kopper/ Yisrael Kibelitzki/ Yosef Kippel/ Shlomo Kemnitzki  
328 Berel Kendelsbrot (der Feldsher)/ Yisrael Kaplinski/R. Mordecai Krup  
329 Yehoshua Rama/ R. Zev (Velvel) Rabinowitz/ R. Yitzhak Radbeski  
329 Shimon Radbeski/ R. Hanech Rozenbaum/ R. Michael Rozenberg  
329 Zvi Hirsh Rozenberg/ Zecharia Rozental/ R. Leib Rotenberg  
330 Zvi Rivetzki/ Izik Shustkovski/ Helena Steinberg/ David Schneider  
330 David Zvi Shapira/ Yeruchem Shatz/ Dr Yehuda Leib Shershevski  
330 Dr. Yosef Shershevski  
331 Dayanim and Torah Scholars  
332 R. Shalom Menasha S. Pitlik
333-334 R. Itzli Dayan Z. Grinberg
335-336 R. Elikom Getzel Z. Ginat
337 R. Zvi Hirsh Barles  
338 R. Benyamin Korman Leah Degnit
339-340 R. Simcha Zelig "HaDayan" Dr. M.A. Rigger
341 R. Avraham-Yitzhak HaLevi Bleiweiss  
342 R. Eliezar-Lipa Kapfish  
343 Lists of Names: Boards of Directors/ City Council/ Main Synagogue  
343 "Chevra Kadisha"/ Jewish Hospital  
344 M.A.Z. (Joint)/ Old Age Home/ Aid to Riot Victims 1937/ Doctors  
349-352 Institutions: Hebrew Education Z. Har-Zahav
353 Culture Center A. (Tur-Shalom) Tash
354-355 Galilee Culture Committee  
356 Hebrew Peoples School/ Hebrew Culture Gymnasia  
357-358 Professional Internet  
359-361 Education and Cultural Institutions Nachum Chinitz
362-364 Hebrew Culture Gymnasia M. Arzi
365-366 # 12 Topolov Street T. Govkin (Argentina)
367-368 Jewish Sport S. Rubin
369-376 Jewish Newspapers M. Ginzberg (Canada)
377-384 Movements: Zionist Union B. Kest
385-386 Zionist Underground L. Horodishtz
387-388 Mizrachi N. Rabinowitz
389-390 Young Mizrachi & Mizrachi Pioneers S. Shemer (Petrushka)
391-398 Young Zion A. Lutzki
399-402 Poale Zion - The Left M. Menchovski
403-404 Young Guard Briskai
405-408 Revisionist Zionists D. Meiri
409-412 Bund Berel Kotelinski (New York)
413-414 The Underground Lazar Kling (New York)
415-424 Pioneers Group D. Ofir
425-432 General Organizations  
433-440 Factory Owners Association A. Chani (Australia)
441-444 Vocational Training A. Strickman
445-448 Banks and Industry  
453-454 Poem: Arise, Ruins Dora Teitelbaum
455-516 Memories of one of the Remains L. Glozman
517 Poem: To My Father Zev Kahal
518 The Partisan Hannah Ginzberg  
519-520 Partisan Operations in and Around Brisk  
521-526 In the Days of Destruction S. Vinograd
527-528 The Entrance of the German Army into Brisk De Lita  
529 END  
  List of pictures  

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