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Bransk Relief Organizations (cont.)


In Eretz Yisroel

Association of former Branskers in Tel–Aviv

This is the name of the Bransker Society in Eretz Yisroel.

After all the horrific experiences of the remnants of refugees of European Jewry, they are interred in the DP camps of the various zones of the occupation forces in countries in which they hope to realize and begin a life as independent and useful people.

The refugees in the DP camps are up to now still recipients of charity from Jewish committees. No country has room for them. All doors are closed to them. They are extraneous creatures in the world.

Every country has millions to help itself during the period from war to freedom, but not for any Jews.

There are plans to help every country to become strong and back on its feet. Millions of American dollars are distributed to help the Germans who had shown themselves to be the worst criminals world history has ever produced.

Furthermore, American millions are sent to England to bring it out of bankruptcy, notwithstanding how the false English obtained military assistance to help the Arabs at the time of the war who directly helped the Nazis.

The world is deaf and dumb to the Jewish situation. The so–called civilized countries have remained deaf to the last dying screams of six million innocent souls who perished in the gas chambers and crematoria.

The civilized countries have become silent. No one wants to say or dares to say the word “enough.” Let there be an end to the terrible behavior on the part of the world towards the remnants of refuges which resulted in the greatest number of victims.

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Unwillingly the thought tears through that Hitler had won the war to eradicate the Jews. The fact alone that now when Hitler has been dead for three years, his plans vis–à–vis Jews are being carried out with devilish precision, no longer by his Nazis but now by all national civilized countries. At the top now is the country that was Hitler's biggest victim, the country that had paid the greatest price for its political help to Hitler. The country that has now become a second, or perhaps a third–class power has begun a frightening campaign against Jews, accepting the friendly support of Hitler's surviving coworker, the Mufti, and together they stand in battle against Israel's last hope of building a home for itself in Palestine.

When the United Nations made the decision to grant the Jews a part of Eretz Yisroel which, with their blood and sweat they turned a barren desert into a blooming land, England unabashedly stated that it would be pleased to help in every area that would be agreed upon and accepted by the Jews and Arabs, knowing full well that it has had the power of the mandate for the past 25 years, certainly the last of the poison to the Jewish pioneers who built the land and the possibilities for a friendly understanding that is not possible any longer between them, shameless.

England had hoped Israel would receive the death blow from the Arab armies it had trained and armed with its cannons, fed with its food, anointed with its English recognition and supported with the American dollars it has and will never repay.

The incapable foolish English swindler however, is visible to everyone. The Jews in Palestine saw the great wisdom of the British Foreign Office and prepared for the day when Bevin would be convinced that the Jews are in Eretz Yisroel to stay, and not as English or Arab underlings, but citizens of their own land, – Israel.

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And yet England's representatives pretend ignorance and continue the same Jew–bashing politic in the United Nations.

The world however, sees the other side of the coin, that England's goal in the Middle East could have been reached with a Jew–friendly politic better than through the pro–Arab agitation.

England can afford to spend millions of American dollars to help itself in this despicable undertaking, but the day of reckoning will come. The Jewish blood spilled in Israel will fall upon the heads of the guilty.

In the United States, the land of freedom, equality and fair–play, a law was finally passed to ease the immigration of refugees, victims of Hitlerism. This is a very fine thing, however the law project was worked out in such a way by the lawmakers of both houses, that the greatest victim of Hitlerism, Israel, will die first in the D.P. camps before he will be able to enter the United States. A new generation of desert wanderers was created by the Congressmen and Senators for 40 years.

This same was done by all the other countries that have thousand millions of empty land waiting, begging to be worked. For Jews, the doors are locked.

Is it then a wonder that the remnants of refugees, with Jewish stubbornness set before them a single goal, to reach the shores of Israel, knowing full well they will again need to enlist in the ranks of fighters for their old and never forgotten home?

Among the hundred thousand refugees who set for themselves the goal, there were also our Bransker landslayt. Little by little, after the greatest difficulties, they attain their goal and arrive in Israel where they enlist in the ranks of the brave Israel army that gave notice to the entire world that Jewish blood will no longer be worthless. No longer will Jews be led to the gas chambers like innocent little sheep. That the Jewish people will not be sacrificed on the altar of Arab oil. That England will

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pay the price for its zogenanter (stupid British Union policy) led by the widely known enemy, Bevin who walks in the footsteps of Chamberlain.


Y.Tz. Efraty
Secretary of Former Branskers


The Association of former Branskers in Tel Aviv works to give the Bransk Jewish refugees a friendly hand, helps them with everything possible to settle there.

At the head of The Association of former Branskers there are prominent Bransker landslayt who set forth for themselves the duty of helping these Branskers. Mr Yosef–Khaim Heftman (Emanuel), the well–known editor, is the President of the Society and Y.Tz. Efraty is the Secretary.

The duty of the Bransker landslayt in the entire world is now to strengthen the hands of The Association of former Branskers so they will have the full possibility of benefitting from true help to all Branskers who have arrived and will shortly arrive in Eretz Yisroel and to be able to assist them in beginning a new life in the Land of Israel that will certainly outlive all its enemies and will live and be a source of pride to the world long after the British Empire will only be a page of history, a forgotten story.

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Greetings friends of The Association of former Branskers in Tel–Aviv. Bransker landslayt throughout the world are one with you.

The address of The Association of former Branskers in Tel–Aviv is:

Y.Tz. Efraty, Rekhov Akhad Ha'am 98,
Tel Aviv, Israel


Bransker Fraternal Organizations

Bransker Young Men's Benevolent Association

This is the name of the most important Bransker Landsmanshaft society in New York. It was founded in 1904 in opposition to the older Bransker societies already then in existence over ten years. Two of its founders were Branskers and the rest were Vishankers.

The new Society endured some very difficult times in the first years of its existence. It was legally duty–bound to pay large benefits to sick and needy members. Yet, it carried out its obligations in an honorable manner. Thanks to the true dedication of some young landslayt who exhibited true devotion to the Society. With true loyalty the young men worked to create methods of raising funds to strengthen the Society and enhance its prestige.

Many of its members are no longer with us. Time has taken them from us, some of whom were young. It is worth mentioning these people. They were: Maishe Yantches, Fraynk Bass, Zelig Zaltzman, Aizik Chadwick from Sokole, Dzshaikov Magiz and Louis Fox. The Society will forever remember the dedicated work of these deceased members.

We must also mention those who are currently in the ranks of active members, and who occupy an honored place in the landslayt Charles Kessler, (Shaul'ke Kashtan from the old home), Henry Stein, this is Zushe Shnaider's son–in–law, Hayman Novak, Shloyme Hitsl's son–in–law. Many of the members who were active until recently are now for various reasons, not in any position to give

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the same amount of work they did when they were younger. They too, must be mentioned. They are such landslayt as Morris Zilbershteyn, Hyman Faks and Harris Greenberg.

All of them, during their time helped the Bransker Young Men's a great deal and now occupy a prominent place in the Landsmanshaft.

The Bransker Society was fortunate that in the 1920's new members joined who took over with truly heartfelt dedication to its activities that any other Society ever experienced. You understand of course these are the members who are now known to everyone as Sam Verp and Julius Cohen.

These two members brought in with them a new stream of young landslayt, newly arrived from Bransk after the First World War. The membership greatly increases through their influence on all those who come from Bransk.

They have of late become very prominent in raising financial means to strengthen and ensure the future of the Bransker Young Men's. They work together with the aforementioned persons and have become the leaders, the –word givers’ in the Society which is constantly becoming known in the Landsmanshaft.

During the past 30 years there has begun to be an influx of members who are, in the main the children of landslayt, American–born and English–speaking. A new and modern spirit has entered into the Society. The Yiddish language has now become a bit Anglicized.

The position of president in the Society is now filled by the new young member, Binyomin Spektor, the son–in–law of Zelig Zaltzman.

Yosef Yaverofsky, Yankev–Itskhak the Toker's grandchild, also served several terms as president.

Yosef Rozenblum the Portzelainik's grandchild has for several years served as vice president.

Mr Julius Cohen is the financial secretary of the Society

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since 1931 when he was drafted to serve the interests of the Bransker Young Men's. His impartial behavior and his intelligence help in uniting the young Americans and the older landslayt.


Important Members of the Bransk Young Men's
Bottom row from the right: Yosef Rosenbloom, Julius Cohen, Binyomin Spektor and Hayman Novak
Top row from the right: Sam Verp, William Cohen, and Charles Kessler


The membership now numbers 240, and with the families the total is approximately 1000, may it multiply.

The every five–year celebrations the Society held were big holidays for the Landsmanshaft. We always had to look for larger venues that would hold the hundreds who attended these celebrations

One of the historic gatherings of the Society took place May 9th, 1943 in the ballroom of the Pennsylvania Hotel, where an honour roll of the names of more than 60 Bransk youths who served in the United States army was unfurled.

The speeches of the rabbi, Rabbi Avrum–Itskhak Edelman, Binyomin Spektor and Julius Cohen will forever remain in the memories of all the landslayt.

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In the Service of Their Country 1941

Herbert Cohen Sidney Kessler B.H.Rosenberg
Seymour Pollack David P. Greenberg Isadore Burak
Leonard Heckelman Robert A. Pollack Bernard Piels
Sam Appelbaum Henry Smith Paul Smith
Wilfred Singer Louis Novick Emanuel Novick
Max Silverstein A.B. Silverstein Leo Silverstein
Herman Rosenberg Bernard Wynshaw David Wynshaw
Saul H. Wynshaw Bernard Fein Norman Fein
Jacob Levine Harry J. Rosenberg Sidney Fox
Sol Pittel L.G. Diskin Philip H. Cole
Melvin Powell Irving Ross David Horowitz
Benjamin Horowitz J.M. Lubar Jack Silverstein
William Silverstein Abie Kantowitz Harry Burack
Isadore Narimofsky Sam Rockmaker Herman Cohen
Harold Webman Harold D, Webman Leon Myssiorek
Harry Gottlieb Harry Pollack Stanley M. Feinman
Bernard Berman Herman M. Kefkowitz Stanley Goldstein
Bernard Bryan Seymour S. Weinberg Louis Shuman
Milton Handel Harold Bryan Harry Wilkinds
Dr. Charles Saltzman Morris Schechter Jacob Brown

Honours list of the members that served in the American army

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Captain Philip H. Cole, son of Julius Cohen, together with Sergeant Horowitz, son of Louis Horowitz presented the honour roll to the President of the Society, Mr Binyomin Spektor. There was an outburst applause and good wishes.


Sergeant Horowitz
Captain Philip H. Cole


Everyone, thank God, returned from the war healthy and unscathed.

This celebration has remained in the annals of the Society to this day as one of the most important.

The address of the President is:

Benjamin Spector, 150 Nassau Street,
New York 7, N.Y.


Bransker Brothers Aid Association

This is the oldest Bransker Society, founded in 1894 by two well–known Bransker landslayt from two prominent Bransker families, Shimon Wilk, Yankev–Mordekhay the Khasid's brother and Avrum Brown, Yankl Sanke's.

The Society which then consisted of the oldest Bransker immigrants lived through a difficult existence because at that time a society had to fulfill many obligations.

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The newly–arrived immigrants felt strange in the large world city and needed someone to give them direction and to find work for them. The members of the Society fulfilled these obligations nicely. Other than the legal obligations that a society has, the functions of the Society were also carried out well.

In 1906 Mr Julius Cohen became the Recording Secretary of the Bransker Society and for about 35 years as Financial Secretary. At the beginning of 1948 Julius Cohen resigned his position. He wanted to free himself a bit from the heavy social obligations that lay upon him for more than 40 years. In addition, the Bransker Relief demands much of his time, and the membership freed him, but unanimously elected him as President.

During the 54 years of its existence, the Bransker Brothers experienced various crises and always remained a strong Society. Its leaders of various eras were familiar Bransker landslayt of the older generation who were now no longer with us. Its first founder, Shimon Wilk, died a relatively young man in 1916. The second founder, Avrume–Yenkl Sanke's died in 1941.

Several of the earlier members are still with us and regardless of their advanced age active in the Societies' activities. They are the two veterans, both not Branskers' Yisroel Sandler, Khaye–Esther's son–in–law, the second is Mr Hyman Greenspan from Orla. He worked in Bransk blouse garments in 1880.

One of the most important and recognized leaders of the Bransker Brothers is Louis Kosofsky, a Bialystoker, Maishe Khasid's son. Louis Kosofsky has been active in the Society for about 40 years and is one of the most important officials as Treasurer.

The number of members in the Bransker Brothers grows steadily smaller due to death. There are no younger members joining.

At this moment the children of the first founders, Shimon

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Wilk made the decision to take the place of their father in the society. In this way Jacob Wilk and Samuel Wilk, Shimon's two sons, continue the chain their father began in 1894. The Bransker Brothers Aid Association always responded warmly to all local and national Jewish needs. Even though it was a smaller organization its contributions to Jewish appeals were more meaningful than that of the larger Societies.


Louis Kosofsky
current treasurer
Shimon Wilk
first founder


Only now, when the membership is much smaller, the Society has been forced to cut the general budget and perforce, also the budget for all other Jewish organizations and institutions. The support to the United Jewish Appeal however, has been doubled.

The Bransker Brother Aid Association is today considered in New York to be among the old Jewish Landsmanshaft societies of the first period of Jewish immigrant activity on behalf of independence through fraternal means.

The address of the President is:

Julius Cohen,
2060 Ocean Ave., Brooklyn 30, N.Y.

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Bransker Rodeph Shalom

This is the name of the first Bransker fraternal organization, founded as a lodge of the old Jewish order Brith Avrum in 1888, when the order was gradually diminishing because it did not recognize the importance to include the modern scientific systems of payments according to the age of the members.


Yoshe Hersh Bransky, the oldest Bransker landsman


The Rodeph Sholem Lodge tore itself away in 1917 and became independent, calling itself Congregation Rodeph Sholem.

The oldest Society that was founded by Avrum Zilbershteyn and Yoshe Hersh Bransky of the oldest Bransker immigrants but did not attract the large number of arriving landslayt, remaining a small unimportant Society. Its membership now is negligible, and yet it exists. With great difficulties it maintains a small synagogue for Shabbos and holidays on the East Side of New York thanks to the tireless work of the oldest Bransker landsman in America, Rabbi Yoshe Hersh Bransky.

The secretary of the Society is Joseph Watnick, Maishe Aron the hat maker's grandchild. His address is:

Joe Watnick,
1970 East 18th Street, Brooklyn, N.Y.

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Bransker Ladies' Auxiliary

This is the name of the Bransker Ladies' Organization in New York, which was founded in 1937 through the initiative of the Bransker Young Men's Benevolent Association.

During the 11 years of its existence, the Bransker Ladies' Auxiliary became an important women's organization. It devotes itself most especially to raising money to support local charity organizations. The Auxiliary also supports the United Jewish Appeal, Histadruth, and all other important Jewish institutions.

The Ladies' Auxiliary contributed much to making the members of the Bransker Young Men's become more interested in their meetings.

Through the help of Sister Fanny Cohen the Auxiliary became interested in helping Bransker refugees in various D.P. Camps with food packages. Fanny Cohen, had experienced the First World–War in Bransk even though she was born in New York, became interested in the Bransker Relief work when she came to the first immigrants as an American citizen. She continues her interest until the present.

Through her help she has influenced Nathan Steinberg in sending the first transport of food to Bialystok to the Bransker who were there in 1946. For this we must thank Nathan Steinberg and Fanny Cohen.

The Auxiliary responded warmly in contributing to the fund to help realize the publication of this Bransk book.

The most important members in the Auxiliary are Sister Lena Stoller, the founder, now President, a very intelligent woman.

Laye Pollack, the wife of landsman Julius Pollack, together with her daughter, Ida Zelman and Sore–Leybe Kaplan, Bishke Shnaider's grandchild and her daughter–in–law Gertrude Orlinsky, who do their work with dedication.

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The Werp sisters–in–law, Khane and Bessie, and Bessie Cohen the wife of William Cohen, the Vice Presidents Khama Novak, Shloyme–Hitzl the Khasid's daughter, and the former President Mrs Goldsteyn, the wife of landsman Hyman Goldsteyn, the Sjhpakyer (?)MGC binoculars (?) are also important co–workers for the Ladies' Auxiliary.


The Officials Of The Bransker Ladies' Auxiliary
Sitting from the right: Leye Pollack, Lena Stoller, Khama Novak
Standing from the right: Mrs Zaleski, Ida Zelman, Hanna Greenberg, Mrs Pitel


The secretary, for all 11 years is the well–known Mrs Anna Greenberg, the daughter–in–law t of the founder of the Bransker Young Men's, Harris Greenberg who had large accomplishments in helping in the communication of all the members of the Auxiliary.

The Bransker Ladies' Auxiliary is one of the most important women's organizations in New York in the field of support for all city charity institutions.

The Bransker Ladies' Auxiliary, just like the Bransker Relief Committee, are under the aegis of the Bransker Young Men's Benevolent Association.

The address of the Secretary is:

Mrs. Hanna Greenberg
201 Linden Boulevard, Brooklyn, N. Y.


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