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Translated from the Yiddish by Odelia Alroy

Name Page(s)
A.K. 305
A.S. 412
Reb Avigdor the Chazan 505
Abi–Dor 57
Eben–Gabbai, Maier ben Yehezkel 291
Eben–Shushen, Abraham 548
Abners, Leib 61, 162, 371
Abrashka (Kalfon) 632
Reb Abraham (Driver) 766
Reb Abraham Itsher 653
Reb Abraham Ber (the cashier), Shchedrin 811, 818
Reb Abraham Ber the Shochet 819
Reb Abraham Dov (Abraham Ber Yermiyahus) 47, 146, 239, 517, 518, 628
Reb Abraham Dov Mavrutsh 271, 320
Abraham Yosef (the clerk) 818, 821
Abraham–Leib (the teacher) 645
Reb Avreml Slutzker 247
Abraham (teacher) 676
Avrahmka (foreman) 766
Abramovitz 411
Abramovitz (Abramovitch) 262
Abramsky, Yehezkel, The Rov 104, 211
Agul 459
Agursky, S. 92, 198, 391
Ogin, Shimon 618, 704, 730, 781, 833, 841, 842
Egmun (Bistritsky), Nossen 521
Eidelheim (neighbor) 650
Adler 262
Adler, Julius 83, 632
Adler, Sam 542, 632
Adler Bros. 650
Adler 337
Adam 489
Aaron (Aaron thief) 367
Aaron (Ara the tall one) 367, 714
Aaron (Ara the tailor) 367
Aaronowitz, Yosef 443
Aaron 405, 406
Reb Aaron (Hasidic rabbi from Chernobyl) 291
Reb Aaron (Hasidic rabbi from Koidanov) 47, 146
Aaron Mayer (Kiva Lazers) Shchedrin 816, 817
Aaronstein 514
Aubsabitz, David 470, 471
Augurski 593
Aulianov, Dr. 309
Olshansky, Avreml Levick 813
Olshansky, Yosef 805
Olshansky, L. (Shchedrin) 824
Umvald, David 248
Osubsky. 769
Ostrubsky 711
Osishkin, M. 320, 418
Offerman, Carl 23, 24, 25, 119, 121, 620
Okun (Osipovitz) 745
Okun, Bat Sheva 403
Okun, Israel 401, 403, 404
Okun, Phinia 795
Okun, Ruzhe 795
Okun, Shmuel Itche 795
Okun, Shimon 403
Or, Yakov 85, 190, 689, 690
Oritzky 741
Orlevska 591
Orlov 86, 683, 684, 686, 688
Orlubsky 656
Orlubskaya, Faigel 637, 651
Orlinub 650, 655
Orshinsky, Elihu 514
Ezra 543
Ehad Ha'am 45, 144, 320, 321, 414, 494, 756
Achimayer (Gasengubitz) Abba 40, 72, 77, 93, 138, 176, 832
Itinga, Eliezer 269
Itinga, Baruch Mordechai the Rabbi (ettinger) 32, 144
Ettinger, Abraham, the Rabbi 269
Ettinger Family (Bobruisk) 42, 318
Ettinger Family (Jerusalem) 831
Ettinger, Dov Ber (Bertshe) 32, 672
Ettinger, Rivke 840
Ettinger, Shmuel Prof 269
Atlas, Eliezer 489
Itkin Bros. 89, 194
Ignatev, Gabriel 24, 119, 120
Izikubitz, Zemmil 754, 759
Izkub 677
Itkin 89
Itkin 92, 198
Itkin, Yehoshua Folk, Felix 839
Itkin, Moshe 839
Itche (son of Reb Yashke) 366
“Itche the bath–house attendant” 765
Itche the Pale 810
Edelman, Aaron 745
Reb Eizel 275
Eizenstat 750
Eizenstat, B. 332
Eizenstat, I.L. 31, 32
Eizenstat, Yosef 223, 319
Eizenstat, M. 286
Eizenstat, Mottel 652


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