Destruction of Bilgoraj
(Biłgoraj, Poland)

50°33' / 22°42'

Translation of Khurban Bilgoraj

Edited by: A. Kronenberg

Published in Tel Aviv, 1956



Project Coordinator

Moses Milstein


Emerita Coordiantor: Rae Meltzer


This is a translation from:
Khurban Bilgoraj;
Destruction of Bilgoraj, ed. A. Kronenberg, Tel Aviv, 1956.

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TOC translated by Moe Milstein


Introduction I. D. Mittlepunkt III
Where There's a Will, There's a Way Abraham Kronenberg IV
Modest Words for Great Deeds Book Committee VI
My Shteteleh A. Kronenberg 1
A Monument to My Shtetele I. Ch. Kronenberg 3
Rabbis of Bilgoraj I. Ch. Kronenberg 5
HaRav HaGaon, R' Yakov Mordechai zt”l HaRav R' Yitzchak HaCohen Hoberman 8
The Last Bilgoraj Rabbi Shmuel Feller 9
Bilgoraj I. Ch. Kronenberg 12
The Synagogue Courtyard A. Kronenberg 18
Trade and Industry
The Lumber Business Sh. Y. Shper 29
The Netting Business M. Tayer 35
The Jewish Printing Shop A. Kronenberg 39
A Market Day A. Kronenberg 47
Artisans A. Karmi 56
Bilgoraj in World War I Y. Ch. Kronenberg 60
Institutions and Parties
The Kitchen and the Orphanage Shoshana Lerman 81
The Zionist Movement in Bilgoraj M. Oberhant, M. Groisman, A. Kronenberg 84
Agudat Israel in Bilgoraj Sh. Feller 97
The Workers Movement in Bilgoraj A. Greener, B. Eichenblat 101
Cooperative Banks in Bilgoraj Sh. Feller 105
Charitable Institutions in Bilgoraj Ch. Anger 108
Drama Clubs in Bilgoraj Sh. Atzmon (Wirtzer) 111
Religious Zionism and its activities in Bilgoraj Tuvia Korenvurcel 115
The Knocker Shloime Weinberg 120
The Horrible Murder in Bilgoraj Yehudeh Leifman 122
The Wedding in the Bilgoraj Cemetery A. Katari 125
Dream Shmuel Ben Artzi (Han) 127
At the Markets Rechl Kronenberg 128
A Visit to my Shtetl, Bilgoraj M. Rapaport (Australia) 130
Churban Bilgoraj I. D. Mittlepunkt 133
A Jewish Teacher in Bilgoraj (H) Y. Hodess 136
The Bilgoraj Feldsher A. Kronenberg (Katari) 139
If You Ever Want to Know (H) I. H. Kronenberg 142
The Passion for Eretz Israel I. Rapaport 143
I Loved You, Bilgoraj (H) I. H. Kronenberg 148
The Nest of Need Shmuel Baron 149
The First Days With the Germans David Brik 167
Melamdim and Cheders
Leibish Melamed A. Karmi 171
Yekl Melamed A. Kronenberg 173
Itseleh Melamed A. Karmi 174
Itzi-Mayer Melamed A. Katari 175
R' Todieh Melamed H. Wallach 177
R' Shmuel Eliyahu Shwerdsharf Shmuel Honigboim, Y. Ch. Kronenberg 181
Itzik R' Motl's Yakov Herman 183
R' Yakov Shleicher, zt”l HaRav R' Yitzchak HaCohen Hoberman 184
R' Shneur Zalman Goldberg HaRav R' Yitzchak HaCohen Hoberman 186
R' Mordechai Yosef Schatz HaRav R' Yitzchak HaCohen Hoberman 187
HaRav Pinchas Mendel Singer zt”l HaRav R' Yitzchak HaCohen Hoberman 188
Figures Itzchak Bashevis 190
Gnendele Perl Honigboim 196
Blimele Shoshana Lerman 198
Gitl Moishe-Itzi's Rivke Goldstein 199
Chinkele   201
The Man of Faith   202
Biłgoraj Community Activists
Reb Levi Stern, z”l, Reb Yisrael Moshe-Itzis, z”l, Reb Netanel Shier, z”l, Reb Avraham Harman, z”l, Reb Eliezer Buchbinder, called Reb Eliezer Mohel, z”l, Yona Akerman, Tebl Stempel, Yekutiel Fest, Moshe Model, Reb Eliezer Shochet, z”l, Reb Zev (Velvel) Shochet, z”l, Reb Yontshe Kantor, z”l Sh. P 205
Everything Vanished Like a Dream Simche Shatz 209
Chaim Bruder   211
Yechezkeleh   213
Godl H. Feigenboim 214
Shimon'le   215
Avremele   216
The Destruction
War Breaks out Shmuel Bron 219
The Fire Sh. Atzmon (Wirtzer) 228
Bilgoraj After the Fire A. Kronenberg 233
Survivors Testify
Bilgoraj Jews Under Occupation Israel Geist 248
If You Ever Want to Know I. H. Kronenberg 280
I Survived in Order to Take Revenge B. Wermuth 281
Shabbes in Bilgoraj Yoineh Chaim Kronenberg 289
Bilgoraj on the Eve of Destruction A. Yanower 292
My Surviving the War Sh. Sussman 302
I Hid in a Bunker B. Tz. Rosenboim 309
Exhumation Y. Sharf, B. Rosenboim, Y. Langburd, Ch. Stern 315
Necrology   319
List of the Dead   351
Bilgoraj Jews who Perished in Other cities   365
List of Martyrs extracted from the Necrology


Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
Emerita Yizkor Book Project Manager, Joyce Field z”l
Contact person for this translation Moses Milstein
This web page created by Carol Monosson Edan

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Updated 18 Feb 2021 by LA