Our Town Memorial Book

(Byaroza, Belarus)

52°32' / 24°59'


Translation of
Kartuz-Berezah; sefer zikaron ve-edut le-kehilah she-hushmedah

Coordinating editor: Chaim Ben Israel, Organization of survivors of Kartuz-Breze

Published in Tel Aviv, 1993


Project Coordinator

Stephen Morse

Our sincere appreciation to Sarit Tinari, for permission to put
this material on the JewishGen web site.

This is a translation from: Kartuz-Berezah; sefer zikaron ve-edut le-kehilah she-hushmedah;
Kartuz-Bereza, Our Town Memorial Book, Coordinating editor, Chaim Ben Israel, Tel Aviv, 1993, Organization of survivors of Kartuz-Breze.

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Kartuz-Bereza, Our Town Memorial Book Front Cover  
Holy Community Kartuz-Bereza Back Cover  
Table of Contents   3
Introduction   7
Chapter 1 – Kartuz Bereza, the Town and it's History
Map of the area   10
Bereza, Kartuz Bereza, Bereza Kartuzka and Berioza   11
Chapters of history and memories Yaakov Gorali 15
Polish concentration camp in K. Bereza Elyahu Mote Bukshtein 23
1. In my poor house (poem in Yiddish) Moshe Bernshtein 25
2. In my poor house (poem in Hebrew) Moshe Bernshtein 26
1. The cry of memorial stones (poem) Noach Peniel 28
2. When I remember you (poem) Noach Peniel  29
Chapter 2 – Community Life
Memories of K. Bereza that no longer exist Nechemia Shtuker 31
Social events in K. Bereza Nathan Shapira 43
Peretz Markish in K. Bereza Y. Rottenberg 45
Firemen from K. Kereza Elyau Mote Bukshtein 50
Education in K. Bereza Elyau Mote Bukshtein 54
Sanction to the Yiddish school in K. Bereza Chatke Graievsky-Kaval 58
And those I will remember Moshe Bernshtein 61
My little Village Tzipora Brener 62
My Village Pnina Rab (Goldberg) 67
Folklore from K. Bereza   69
Chapter 3 – Zionist Activity
Development of Zionism in the village   73
K. Bereza for the construction of Eretz Israel in 1911   75
A call to Jewish population in K. Bereza before community elections of July 1928   78
Zionist activity in the town Eliezer Egozy (Niselboim) 79
Hebrew School "Yavne" in K. Bereza Pnina Rab (Goldberg) 81
The "Betar" National Zionist Movement Shmuel Tinary (Tibulitsky) 87
"He'Chalutz Ha'Tzair" Chava Shmulovksy (Epshtein) 91
Memories of "Ha'shomer Ha'tzair" Eliezer Egozy (Niselboim) 96
More about "Ha'shomer Ha'tzair" in K . Bereza Baruch Fisher 100
List of "olim" (immigrants) to Eretz Israel   101
Chapter 4 – Personal Memories
Our house Tzipora Brener 107
Memories of the town in which I never was Sara Gachelet 110
Travel to unknown (poem) Amir Graff 113
Travel to my grandparents house Yael Chizkiyahu (Heler) 114
Memories of my paternal home Shmuel Tinari (Tabulitzky) 117
Our emigration to Eretz Israel Ytzchak Sapir 124
Manie Serlin and Ytzchak Slutzky: Zionism without quotation marks Chaim Solan (Slutzky) (Dr.) 125
Kartuz Bereza: my native city Noach Peniel (Falantovsky) 130
Memories of K. Bereza Chaia Shmerlovsky (Epshtein) 132
K. Bereza of my ancestors Avram Shatz 134
My town K. Bereza: childhood memories Chaim Ben Israel (Goldberg) 136
Chapter 5 – Personalities and Images
Rabbis from Kartuz Bereza
     1. Rabbi Ytzhak Elchanan Spector
     2. Klatzkin family - Rav Eliohu Ben Naftali- Hertz Klatzkin
     3. Rav Shloime Fainsilber
     4. Rav Yakov Moishe Asherevitz
K. Bereza 147
Aharon David Egoz Translator of "Duties of Soul" to Yiddish. 153
Tzadok Son Of Reb Itshe Yakov Goraly 154
Kadia Molodovsky: writer and poet   158
Dov Chomsky: writer and poet   159
1. To Mom (poem) Dov Chomsky 159
2. Friends (poem)   162
Avram Minkovitz, professor   164
Noach Peniel, educator and poet   165
Farewell Tears (poem) Noach Peniel 167
Moshe Bernshtein, Painter   173
Bereza Nostalgias (poem in Yiddish) Moishe Bernshtein 176
Chapter 6 – Destruction of the Village
Annihilation in July and October 1942 according to "Atlas of Shoa" Martin Gilbert 179
Murder of Jews in Brona Gura according to Vasily Grosman & Illia Arenburg, (Soviet Union)  181
I survived Masha Elishiv (Shtuker) 185
The loss of our dear parents, sisters and brothers Yehuda Vilechik 187
On the Jews of Selcz, K. Bereze and their sad end David Bekler 190
1. By the Common Grave (poem, Yiddish) Elizabeta Zilbershtein (Lea Berkovitz) 192
2. By the Common Grave (poem) (trans. by Noach Peniel) 194
Destruction of K. Bereze Moishe Tuchman 197
Destruction of K. Bereze, further details Elyau Mote Bukshtein 201
Brana-Gorie (poem, Yiddish) Reizel Navi (Tuchman) 202
Brona Gura (poem) Noach Peniel 204
My home no longer exists (poem, Yiddish) Masha Shtuker-Paiuk 206
Yizkor (Memorial)   212
Deceased in K. Bereza Ghetto; list of names   213
Chapter 7 – Fallen in War against Nazis
Name list of those from K. Bereza (killed in action)   237
Chapter 8 – Survivors
List of survivors   239
Kartuz Bereza 1939 - 1941 Elie Mote Bockshtein 242
After liberation Tzipora Brener (Bukshtein) 247
Survival Moishe Bernshtein 249
About my family, Kartuz Bereza and its Jews, and my sufferings during Second World War Shlomo Helman 251
Jews from Kartuz Bereza that I Found Over There Elizabeta Zilbershtein (Lea Berkovitz) 257
Memories of K. Bereza and my suffering in Second World War Moishe Tuchman 258
In my village K. Bereza 50 years later Yitzchak Subinsky 267
Escaping from the Ghetto Zeev Soronovsky 272
How I survived Noach Peniel 276
I lived and survived Hitler Yosef Frydman 277
I survived to continue the chain Kalman Karbachik 278
Name Index   281
About the Book   291
Section Labels and Street Names for Map    
Foldout Map
    Alphabetized List of Names appearing on the Bereza Map
    List of Names by Block Label
    Memorial Plaques
Index of Partisans listed in Bereza Yizkor book    

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Contact person for this translation Stephen Morse
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