Journal Dedicated to the Inauguration
of the Three Monuments,
Erected in Memory of
the Jews of Belchatow,
Assassinated by the Nazis During the Years
of the Second World War

(Bełchatów, Poland)

51°22' / 19°23'

Translation of
Publicacion de la Sociedad de Residentes de Belchatow en la Argentina
Numero dedicado a la Inauguracion de los
tres Monumentos, erigidos en memoria de los
asesinados por los Nazis durante los anos de la
Segunda Guerra Mundial 1939-1945

Edited by: Y.M. Pukacz, H. Goldminc, Z. Przedborski

Published in Buenos Aires, Argentina, October 1994


Project Coordinator

Roni Seibel Liebowitz

Scanning and Technical Support

Jerry Liebowitz

This is a translation of: Belchatow: Publicacion de la Sociedad de Residentes de Belchatow en la Argentina,
Numero dedicado a la Inauguracion de los tres Monumentos, erigidos en memoria de los Judios de Belchatow,
asesinados por los Nazis durante los anos de laSegunda Guerra Mundial 1939-1945
(Belchatow: Publication of the Society of the Residents of Belchatow in Argentina,
Journal dedicated to the Inauguration of the three Monuments, erected in memory
of the Jews of Belchatow, assassinated by the Nazis during the years of the Second World War 1939-1945)
ed. Y.M Pukacz, H. Goldminc, Z. Przedborski, published in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in October 1994

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bel000.jpg Spanish front cover

Publication of the Society of Residents of Belchatow in Argentina

Journal Dedicated to the Inauguration of the
Three Monuments,
Erected in Memory of the
Assassinated by the Nazis During the Years of the
Second World War


October 1994 Number 7 Buenos Aires
MELINCUÉ 3172 – 5° piso – Dio. D – (1417) – Buenos Aires – ARGENTINA


Translated by Jerry Liebowitz

[Yiddish cover and title page]  
The 18th of July 1994 [Y.M. Pukacz] 1
Y.M. Pukacz – 60 Years of Creative Work [in Buenos Aires] 3
Mendel Kaufman – Memories of Belchatow 11
Yakov Tzingler [New York] – My Childhood 19
Avraham Raizen – This is Precious [a song] 23
Shmuel Flakovitzh [Israel] – Eve of Destruction [Erev Khurbn] 24
Letter from Moshe Levkovitzh – A Heartrending Document … 27
Dvorah Machabanski – My Last Day in Belchatow 31
A Poignant Document – A Testament of the Last Victims … 33
A. Gilbert [Australia] – First Encounters After the Holocaust [Khurbn] 35
Julian Tuvim – We, Polish Jews 37
Speech of Menachem Sharon – Given in Belchatow on September 17, 1989 38
H. [Heszke] Goldminc – Revived Memories and Bitter Reality 42
Yehoshe Piasek – Jews from Belchatow Visit Parental Graves … 48
Zainwel Przedborski, To His 85 Years 53
Heszke Goldminc, To His 85 Years 55
Leibl Hecht – A Greeting 57
Yankl-Meier [Pukacz] – Those Who Are Gone 58
Yakov Tzingler, o”h* 62
Hillel Belchatowski [New York] – Our Activities in North America 63
Yankl Stilman [New York] – Heartache -- 50 Years Later 65
Y.M. Pukacz [Buenos Aires] – Here is the Grave 67
Rachel Baumwol [Israel] – Song [Their Ashes] 70
Yankl Michulkis – An Ache That Has No Consolation! 71
Our Acts of Remembrance [Yizkor-Aktn] 77
Y.M. Pukacz – There Are No More Jews in Polish Villages [shtetlach] 80
Antoni Slonimski – The Elegy of the Polish-Jewish Villages [shtetlach] 83
Menachem Sharon relates … – The “Flight” [escape] from Poland 84
The Spanish Section (from back cover)
The Deniers of the Holocaust – S.S. Wilhelm 129
Do Not Forget – Marga Goldminc = Haar 127
The Legacies of the Past – Jorge Hait 124
History of the Jews of Belchatow – Prof. Félix Fridman 121
Taube – Gabriel Alejandro Rozenzon 117
Speech of M. Sharon in Belchatow 107
Memories – Rosa Goldminc Bensusan 104
Three Monuments in Poland – Jacobo Meier Pukacz 102
There Are No More Jews in the Polish Villages – I.M. Pukacz 100
Elegy of the Jewish Villages – Antoni Slonimski 98
Adhesiones [Advertisers and Supporters] 91-97

* o”h = olav hashalom (rest in peace)

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
Emerita Yizkor Book Project Manager, Joyce Field z”l
Contact person for this translation Roni Seibel Liebowitz
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Updated 18 Aug 2010 by LA