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Administrative and Technical Personnel From right to left: Alberto Lowy, Chaim Beckerman, Zanwel Przedborski, Chasa Kamineski, Leibl Hecht, and Emilio Zopolanski |
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The Mural Looking from left to right: 1) Jewish life in the traditional form; 2) work, struggle, and self-education; 3) destruction and struggle for life; 4) emigration; 5) new conditions in the new home; 6) vision of tomorrow and hope for better times |
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The Presidium From right to left: seated – Y.M. Pukacz, Leibl Hecht; standing – Yecheskel Wilhelm, Hishke Goldminc, Benjamin Zolty, Emilio Zapolanski, Szlama Naparstek, Yankl Yosef Zylberszac, and Zainwel Przedborski |
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[Artist's rendition for memorial plaque] |
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Zalman Pudlowski |
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The cemetery, in the midst of which lie violated and broken tombstones. |
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Dr. Ignacio Zapolanski (rest in peace) |
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The Belchatowski Family Seated (from right to left): My youngest sister Fraydel, my father (with the yellow patch), my mother [and Alta Nacha's sons, my nephews]; Standing: my sister Alta and her husband Zalman Mendel, my in-law Shmuel Zelik Kolton, and my sister Rivka Perel. |
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Officers of the Cooperative “Superacion” From right to left, sitting: Isaac Machabanski, Hishke Goldminc, Y.M. Pukacz, Leibl Hecht. Standing: Melech Zilbersztajn, Santiago Lowy, Motek Winter, Yecheskel Wilhelm, Zainwel Przedborski, Benjamin Zolty, Szlama Naparstek, Emilio Zapolanski, Y.Y. Zylberszac. Missing: Abraham Laib, Shimon Pukacz, Jose Lowy, A. Zwierzynski, Berel Tenenbaum. |
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Officers of the Women's Committee From right to left: Pessia Sheinkop, Fayga Machabanski, Breindel Goldmintz, Esther Tenenbaum, Chanala Przedborski, Hindel Glicksman, Esther Wilhelm, Sortche Wilhelm, Brucha Freiman, Kreindel Pukacz, Sura I. Jacobowitz, and Sara Huberman. |
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Laibl Pudlowski |
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The former Shul and Talmud Torah after the war |
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The tombstone of our hometown Belchatow in the Holon Cemetery [Israel] |
![The tombstone of our hometown Belchatow in the Holon Cemetery [Israel]](images/bel2_057s.jpg) |
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A gathering of Belchatowers: Abraham Laib is speaking |
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By the Warsaw Ghetto Monument. Among these, the Secretary of the Belchatower Society in Israel, Menachem Sharon and wife (on his left). |
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In the old market before the war |
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Yudel Plawner, Breindel Goldmintz, and Morris Freitag |
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Zainwel Przedborski and Leibl Hecht at a Yom Ha'Atzmaut celebration in Israel |
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The artist Jacob Bram |
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Wooden Sculpture, with a wonderful dynamic artistic portrayal of a mother and a child |
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The building of the former Talmud Torah that the Germans turned into a horse stable. |
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Chaim Feivel Naparstek and his wife |
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On this picture you find the leadership of “Superacion” with the artist Gedalyah Tenenbaum (second from the left) at the unveiling of the painting of Yoel Peretz in memory of Naftali Huberman. |
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Yudel Plawner (rest-in-peace) |