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ViewMate Posting VM 108408

Submitted by Eliyahu Hershfeld

Information Picture Question
Category: Translation - Hungarian
Approval Date: 9/22/2024 2:24 PM
Family Surname: Abeles
Country: Hungary
Town: Dunajská Streda
Date of Image: 1884
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Here is the basic extracted information that I have. I would like to know if you can confirm this and extract any additional relevant information (including the birth town).

Given Name: Szara
Surname: Abelesz
Gender: female
Age: 90 years
Husband: Gabor Abeles
Death Date: 9 Apr 1884
Death Place: Dunajská Streda

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On  Response 
9/22/2024 10:12 PM Number 11. Apr. 9
Deceased: Szara Abelesz, female, married, age 90 years
Birthplace and residence: Dunaszerdahely
Parents: -
Spouse: Gabriel Abelesz
Place of death: Dszerdahely
Cause: old age
Burial: Sikabony.

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