Southern Africa Jewish Genealogy SA-SIG
photographs which do not have a place elsewhere on this web-site
Editor: Dr Saul Issroff
Copyright © 2003-2014 Saul Issroff, Mike Getz, SAfrica SIG and Jewishgen Inc.
Updated: 8 June 2014
- Berea Street Shul
- Bnoth Zion Children's Mannequin Parade, (Cape Town, Vredehoek Branch), 1948
- Chaim Weizman's visit to South Africa, 1932
- Jewish Rhodesia Reserve Volunteers, 1916
- Members of the Abelsky and Gordon families, Cape Town 1902
- The Pretoria IUA campaign committee, 1969
- Pretoria photograph
- Pretoria Zionist Council Executive, 1950
- State of Israel flag, 1949
Berea Street Shul
Opening of the Hebrew School of the Berea Hebrew Congregation in Johannesburg, 8 October 1933.
 click on the image for a larger version |
Photograph taken in Pretoria, circa 1905
Photograph kindly provided by
Vanessa Jaffe []
 click on the image for a larger version and list of names |
Jewish Rhodesia Reserve Volunteers
Winners of Capt. P.B.S. Wrey's Inter Section Competition
May, 1916
 click on the image for a larger version |
Members of the Abelsky and Gordon families, Cape Town 1902
In September 2003, Jacqueline Waldstein Schwab wrote: I've identified Abelsky relatives from Kamajai and Gordon family members from Rokiskis, Lithuania. Both families left to settle in Worcester, Massachussetts, U.S.A., within a few years. Maybe someone can identify their own family members in this photograph.
The Pretoria Israel United Appeal Emergency Solidarity Campaign committee 1969 |
 click on the image for a larger version |
Pretoria Zionist Council Executive With His Excellency The Israeli Foreign Minister and Mrs. Sharett Visit to Pretoria, May 1950 |
 click on the image for a larger version |
Flag from the first anniversary of the State of Israel celebration in Pretoria, 1949
 Click on the image to display a much larger version with readable signatures. (size=410 KBytes; download time exceeds 1 minute at 54 Kbits/sec)
On 12 February 2002, Roy Ogus wrote:
The image shown, right, is a scan of a signed Israeli flag that I found among the possessions of my late father, Solomon Ogus. It appears to have been signed by a group of people on the date 5 Iyar 5709 (1949), which is the first anniversary of the independence of the State of Israel.
My father was intensely involved in Jewish Community activities in Pretoria and Johannesburg at the time, and therefore, I would guess that this flag was probably signed at one of the Jewish Conventions that he was attending at the time. Alternatively, it may have been signed at a first anniversary celebration of the State of Israel.
Most of the names on the flag are quite legible, and many appear to be members of the Pretoria Jewish community at the time. It therefore appears that the flag-signing took place at an event in Pretoria.
I have managed to identify the following names on the flag, shown in alphabetical order:
Julius Block, Mona Brener, C(ecil) Cooper (a son of Arie Cooper), S. Epstein, Berel Factor, R. Hellman, Thelma Jaffe, Marion Klein, Bella Levitt, Annie Levi, Mollie Lewkowski(?), Blumie Matthews, E. R. Mirvis, E. Neufeld, A. Nowosenetz, Solly (Solomon) Ogus, Lea Rodkin, Minnie Sack, Ray Sapirstein, H(arry) R. Schewitz, R. Schewitz, H. J. Schwartz, S. Schwartz, Ettie Shear, E. Shmuelson, or Shmuelow.
There are three names I cannot identify. If you can identify these last three names, or can provide any more information about this flag, then please e-mail Roy Ogus, at
| Click on the image for a larger version size=651 KBytes
Bnoth Zion Children's Mannequin Parade, (Vredehoek Branch, Cape Town), 1948
Chaim Weizman's visit to South Africa in 1932
Centre, seated: Chaim Weizman |
1 - Samuel (Mulle) Missulawin |
6 - ? |
11 - ? |
16 - ? |
2 - Arieh Tager . (b 1900 - d 1967) Served as mayor of Ashkelon, Israel, from 1956 to 1967. May also have been known as Leo Tager (Hebrew 'Arieh' אריה = lion). |
7 - Oscar Getz |
12 - ? |
17 - possibly Miss F. Sack |
3 - Arthur Lourie a South African and Weizman's Private Secretary. He was the first Israeli Ambassador to the Court of St. James. He died in Israel in 1978. |
8 - Yankel Fine |
13 - ? |
18 - ? |
4 - ? |
9 - David Dainar [Dainow?] (Editor of Zionist Record) |
14 - ? |
19 - ? |
5 - possibly D. Ordman |
10 - Sam Bloch |
15 - ? |
20 - ? |
One of the group may be Rabbi Moses Cyrus Weiler.
If you can identify anyone in the photograph then please e-mail
Dr Saul Issroff or