the former

Andrade Synagogue

Islington, London N1




Press Reports on the Andrade Synagogue
and the Andrade Family
(commencing with the consecration of the synagogue in 1865)

Compiled by Harold Pollins

(* Denotes later additions.)

Jewish Chronicle, 22 September 1865, page 5

On Sunday last an interesting ceremony took place at Spencer House, Essex Road, Islington - namely, the consecration of a new Synagogue erected by S. H. Andrade, Esq, at his own expense. A numerous company assembled. The ceremony was performed by Mr. A. H. Nieto, assisted by a very efficient choir; among the company present were the Revs. D. Piza, De Sola, and Piperno, who by their valuable assistance materially contributed to the excellent arrangement. Young ladies strewed flowers while the Scrolls of the law were entering the synagogue. At the conclusion of the service, the company adjourned to a sumptuous repast, and, after spending a pleasant evening, separated at a late hour. The synagogue will be opened for public worship for the ensuing holidays.’


Jewish Chronicle, 6 January 1866, page 2

Two letters in response to one advocating a new synagogue in Islington.
1. From Levy Jacobs,  Canonbury.
‘Preferable that existing synagogues have greater attendance. ’The beautiful synagogue recently erected by Mr. Andrade in the Lower Road, and that held in Barnsbury Hall, are seldom half full.’
2. Anon.
‘Services are held in Mr Andrade’s synagogue on Friday evenings and Saturdays. Mr Andrade would welcome a fuller attendance.’


Jewish Chronicle, 2 February 1866, page 1

‘Death on 30th ult, Solomon Hyam Andrade, at his residence, Essex Road, Islington, in his 64th year.’


England & Wales National Probate Calendar 1861-1941

Will of Solomon Haim Andrade formerly of 63 Leadenhall Street in the City of London, Ostrich Feather Manufacturer, late of Spencer House, Essex Road, Islington, Gentleman, who died 30 January 1866 at Spencer House. Will proved by Esther Andrade of Spencer House, widow, the relict, one of the executors. Effects under £5,000.


Jewish Chronicle, 9 October 1868, page 4

[Re Holy Day services.]
‘MR. ANDRADE’S SYNAGOGUE, ISLINGTON. The Services in this little place of worship were conducted with great solemnity and gave full satisfaction to the congregation. The inhabitants ought to be grateful to Mr. Andrade for the opportunity which he has kindly afforded them of attending worship in their immediate neighbourhood.’


Jewish Chronicle, 10 September 1869, page 8

‘ANDRADE SYNAGOGUE. This neat little place of worship, situated in Essex-road, Islington, was created by the late Mr. Andrade and is maintained at the expense of his family. It was well filled with a devout congregation of ladies and gentlemen. The services, which are held according to the Portuguese Minhag, were exceedingly well conducted by the minister, Mr. J. H. Valentine (formerly of Jews’ College).’


Jewish Chronicle, 4 February 1870, page 2

‘Mr John Hart, a resident of Highbury, has presented the Andrade Synagogue with a very handsome crimson velvet Sepher cover, beautifully embroidered with the inscription
Aylay moaday adonai [in Hebrew. The last word being a hay followed by an inverted comma]
A son of Mr Moses Da Costa Andrade, and a grandson of the founder of the synagogue, was bar mitzvah [in Hebrew] last Sabbath and Rev Haham Dr Artom paid a special visit and addressed the youth ‘in pathetic(sic) and impressive terms.’


Jewish Chronicle, 30 September 1870, page 8

‘Attendance at the Andrade Synagogue in the High Festivals was unusually large. Services were conducted by Mr J. H. Valentine and Mr B. Cohen.’


Jewish Chronicle, 14 June 1872, page 155

‘Mr J. P. Capua has presented a handsome Sepher Torah [in Hebrew] with the usual appurtenances to the Andrade Synagogue. The Sepher was written in Jerusalem.  ‘The silver bells are of great beauty and clever workmanship.’
[Note by HP: firm of Ostrich feather merchants named Andrade and Capua.


Jewish Chronicle, 7 September 1877, page 12

‘ANDRADE SYNAGOGUE. - On Sunday last, Mr. Salomon Pool, in the name of the subscribers, presented to Mrs. Andrade, relict of the late Solomon Andrade, a Sepher Torah, with bells and mantle, as a testimonial, in recognition of her kindness in permitting the continued use of her synagogue, in Spencer House, Essex Road, Islington. Mrs. Andrade, and her son, Mr. Samuel Andrade, suitably returned thanks for the present. The usual mincha service was read by the chazan, Mr. Chumaceiro. The Scrolls of the Law were then taken out of the Ark, and the bearers walked in procession to the door of the synagogue to meet the new Scroll, which was brought in by Mr. Salomon Pool, and met by the congregation chanting Baruch Habah [in Hebrew]. One circuit of the synagogue of the Scrolls was made, and Prayers for the Royal Family, for the Congregation, the donors of the Scroll, and for the Andrade family were recited. Mizmar Ladow [sic, in Hebrew - 2nd word lamed daled vav.] was then sung and all the scrolls having been deposited in the Ark, the service was brought to a conclusion, with the singing of Adon Olam [in Hebrew]. The congregation then repaired to the house of Mrs. Andrade, where refreshments were served, and thanks were suitably returned to Mr. Salomon Pool, as Chairman of the Fund, and Mr. Harris, promoter of the testimonial, the sub-committee for their services, and to the Andrade family for the use of their synagogue. Mention was made by Mr. S. E. Moss of the late Mr. Andrade who had erected the synagogue, and taken such an interest in it. Prayers are said at this synagogue every Friday evening, Saturday morning and afternoon, also on the holydays. The minhag followed is the Portuguese, the same as at the parent synagogue in Bevis Marks. A large proportion of those who attend the synagogue are Ashkenazim.’


Jewish Chronicle, 17 September 1880, page 6

Hatan Torah Mr Edgar R. Lindo
Hatan Bereshit Mr P. de J. Moryoseph


Jewish Chronicle, 7 October 1881, page 12

Hatan Torah Isaac Hazan
Hatan Bereshit Gardai(?) Toben


Jewish Chronicle, 21 March 1884, page 13

‘Meeting of Yehidim of the Spanish and Portuguese Congregation.
Letter from Mr. Salomon Pool pointing to the necessity of erecting a branch synagogue in North London to accommodate the large number of Sephardim. It was pointed out that although there was a private synagogue attached to the residence of Mrs. Andrade in Essex Road, accommodation was strictly limited. There was room for only 22 ladies and none for children. There were in the district 110 adults, 16 boys above 13, and 71 children.’


Jewish Chronicle, 18 April 1884, page 5

‘It was announced on Thursday that the Andrade Synagogue will cease to be opened for divine worship after the Feast of Pentecost. The public motive for the present decision is the hope that by this means the scheme for a proposed branch synagogue of the Spanish and Portuguese congregation will receive a powerful stimulus. ‘The unstinted thanks of the community are due to the Andrade family for having, at great expense, so long supplied a very pressing need.’


Jewish Chronicle, 1 October 1886, page 7

‘For several years Spanish and Portuguese Jews residing in the North London District, east of Highbury, had the advantage of attending services at the pretty private synagogue situated in the grounds of Spencer House, Essex Road, and built by the late Mr. Andrade. This synagogue has been closed for upwards of eighteen months, and since then services were held on the festivals in another private house.’


Register of Death

Death of Mrs Esther Da Costa Andrade. March quarter 1899. Aged 94. Islington 1b 280.


Jewish Chronicle, 26 May 1899, page 25

‘Prior to the business for which the meeting had been convened, Mr. E. S. Pool moved, and Mr. J. M. Chumaceiro seconded, that a vote of condolence be passed to Mr. Da Costa Andrade and family upon the demise of Mrs. Andrade. Mr. Pool stated that the deceased lady had provided synagogue accommodation for the Sephardim in the district for over twenty years, and that the expenses had been borne by the Andrade family. The vote was passed unanimously.’


Jewish Chronicle, 3 January 1913, page 20

‘Obituary of Jacob Mendes Chumaceiro, ‘a most faithful Chazan’. Between the closing of the Andrade Synagogue and the opening of the Mildmay Park Synagogue, the services were carried on for some considerable time at the house of the late Mr. Cazès, where Mr. Chumaceiro officiated gratuitously.’
[Note by HP: This may have been Isaac Cazès, who at the 1881 Census lived at 5 The Quadrant, Canonbury.]


Jewish Chronicle, 3 January 1913*

The death of Mr. Jacob Mendes Chumaceiro removes a member of a class which has by now almost disappeared in Anglo-Jewry, that of the Minister who combines a secular calling with his sacred vocation. Mr. Chumaceiro came from a Dutch Jewish family which has given several sons to the Jewish Ministry. A namesake of his, who died In 1900, was dayan, and for a time [poling?] Haham in Holland. The father of this Jacob Mendes Chumaceiro, who was also a Rabbi, was one of the foremost pulpit orators in Holland. In 1855, after he had been for some years Preacher and Av Bet Din at Amsterdam, he was made by the King Haham of the Dutch colony of Curacao. His second son, Abraham, was a barrister and man of letters in Curacao. The third son, Joseph Hyam, has been a Rabbi in the same colony and also in the United States. The youngest, Benjamin, was at first assistant Hasan at the Hague and afterwards Hasan at Hamburg.


Jewish Chronicle, 3 January 1913*

As a member of the Mildmay Park Synagogue from its establishment, and previously an attendant at the former Andrade Private Synagogue in the Essex Road for a number years, I would like to say a few words concerning our late Chazan, whose death we now all deplore. I knew Mr. Chumaceiro for about forty years. He was a most faithful Chazan. He read the prayers with emphasis and impressively, thereby making the congregants feel that they were praying; He had a sweet and pleasant voice. He never spared himself, for he took a deep interest in the affairs of the synagogue. During the interval between the closing of the Andrade Synagogue and the opening of Mildmay Park Synagogue, the service was carried on for some considerable time at the house of the late Mr. Cazes, where Mr. Chumaceiro officiated gratuitously....We can confidently say that as long as the Mildmay Park Synagogue is in existence, the memory of Jacob Mendes Chumaoeiro will always live. M. A.


Jewish Chronicle, 10 May 1918*

CHUMACEIRO. On Saturday the 4th of May, Henrietta Chumaceiro, widow of the late J. M. Chumaceiro, died at 42, Ray Park-avenue, Maidenhead.


Jewish Chronicle, 5 August 1955, page 19

A. B. Levy, ‘In Old Canonbury’.
‘The Sefardi congregation gave permission in 1865 for Solomon Andrade to open a synagogue in an Islington garden, ‘an important concession, for the most rigid rule at Bevis Marks for 200 years had been Ascama No. 1., forbidding the setting up of minyan in the London area.’


Jewish Chronicle, 3 June 1994, page 21

Letter from Edgar Samuel, Curator, Jewish Museum.
‘In 18th century the Chazan at the Spanish and Portuguese synagogue wore a tree-corned hat. In 1863 the contract of a new Chazan stated that he was to wear a clerical hat. This was resented  by some including Mr da Costa Andrade in whose synagogue was ’a chazan in a tricorn.’

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