Miscellaneous Press Reports
relating to the Tredegar Jewish Community, Wales
Compiled by
Harold Pollins
Jewish Chronicle,
3 January 1873 page 553
“The Jews of Tredegar in Monmouthshire, comprising about a dozen families, have
formed themselves into a congregation. Heretofore they attended places of
worship in neighbouring towns, though as these are at some distance from
Tredegar, the Tredegar Jews find it more convenient and suitable to have a place
of congregational meeting in their own town. The Rev. Mr. S. Shynman, formerly
minister of Merthyr Tydvil congregation, has been engaged (under the sanction of
the Chief Rabbi) to act as Shochet. He has also established a school which is,
we understand, attended by the children of the Tredegar congregation. Mr. Lewis
Lyons of this town has fitted up a portion of his house as a synagogue, with
accommodation for lady worshippers, and has presented the congregation with a
Scroll of the Law. Our informant speaks very gratefully of his efforts. We are
glad to learn that a brotherly feeling prevails in this little congregation. We
trust that feeling will be permanent,”
Jewish Chronicle, 18 August 1876, page 308
Letter from Marks J. S. Lyons contributing to correspondence about financial
problems of building synagogue at Tredegar.
Jewish Chronicle,
25 October 1878 page 7a
Services on High Festivals held at the Tredegar temporary synagogue
Three Jewish residents of Tredegar say they will provide a permanent place of
worship for the entire congregation, independent of extraneous aid.
Jewish Chronicle,
25 March 1884 page 9
On Tuesday next the Rev Dr H.
Adler, Delegate Chief Rabbi, will consecrate the new synagogue at Tredegar
Jewish Chronicle,
2 May 1884 page 7
‘Consecration of New Synagogue at Tredegar’.
Jewish Chronicle, 27 May 1887, page 12
Marks J. S. Lyons, Hon Sec of the Tredegar congregation, elected
member of the Ebbw Vale Local Government Board. Believed to be first
Jew in Wales to have attained such a position and is youngest member
of the Board.
Jewish Chronicle, 6 September 1889, page 13
There was considerable interest in Brynmawr in a Jewish wedding
there last week, between Isabella Harris and Michael Ash. Rev J.
Phillips and Rev M. Weinstock of Tredegar officiated.
[Isabella Harris lived in Tredegar in household headed by Herman
Chronicle, 13 September 1889, page 13
A Glamorganshire weekly paper, under the heading ‘A Jewish Wedding at Brynmawr’,
gives a verbatim account of the marriage address by Rev J. Phillips of Tredegar.
Jewish Chronicle, 2 January 1891, page 20
Society in aid of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum formed at
Tredegar as the West Monmouthshire and Breconshire Jews’ Orphan Aid
Society. Inaugural meeting on 21 December and Marks Lyons elected
Chronicle, 1 June 1894, page 5
Chief Rabbi's pastoral tour. 'He visited for first time the small communities
scattered in the townlets and villages perched on the bleak hills of South
Wales. The congregations of Aberdare, Tredegar, Brynmawr, Pontypridd, Penycraig,
and Tony Pandy [sic], consist almost exclusively of Russian immigrants...'
Jewish Chronicle,
25 January 1895 page 20
"Much regret is felt by the Jews in Tredegar at the death in Naples, of their
townsman, Mr. Edward William Waites. He was a man of great piety and
benevolence. For the last seventeen or eighteen years since he left the Church
(he was for a long time a Churchwarden) Mr. Waites devoted his attention to
Jewish charities, to many of which he contributed privately. It is to Mr. Waites
that the Tredegar congregation is indebted for their handsome synagogue. Mr.
Waites held the Chief Rabbi in the highest esteem."
Chronicle, 25 August 1911, page 8
Re the disturbances in Tredegar and elsewhere.
In Tredegar there are 150 Jews.
Chronicle, 14 November 1919, page 32
Conference of Brynmawr, Tredegar, Ebbw Vale, and Newbridge and District
Congregations was held at the Synagogue Schoolrooms, Ebbw Vale in connection
with the new Burial Ground of the Brynmawr Congregation. Decided on the
proposition of A. I [sic] Roskin seconded by H. Broder (Tredegar) and supported
by G. Abrahams (Ebbw Vale) and J. Morris and I. Brest (Brynmawr) to form a Joint
Burial Board Committee and a Building Committee of the above congregations to
formulate rules and plans for the cemetery. Thanks to Mr Abel Myers of
Abersychan for his gift of the plot, valued at £250.
Jewish Chronicle, 3 March 1922, page 35
Rev Mr Ticktin, late of Port Talbot, elected Minister and Shochet to Tredegar.
Jewish Chronicle, 19 August 1927, page 8
Obituary of A.D. Roskin aged 76. 'He founded the Brynmawr, Tredegar and Ebbw
Vale Synagogues and established the co-ordination of Jewish activities in the
Western Valleys'. Related to Mendele Mocher Sepharim.
Chronicle, 28 July 1933, page 32
At Tredegar Messrs H. Broder and J. Cohen appointed at Treasurers to the
Brynmawr and District Jewish Burial Board and G. Rosenbaum, J. Cohen, and A.
Baddiel were elected to serve on the Committee.
Chronicle, 25 July 1941, page 21
Obituary of Rev Getzel Bloch
Great loss to Orthodoxy. Came to UK almost half a century ago. Served as Chazan
and Shochet of Ebbw Vale and Brynmawr and later served as a senior official of
the London Board of Shechita. His great contribution was as a teacher and he
taught several generations of young men who became officials and responsible
laymen in the community. A member of a well-known Anglo-Jewish ministerial
family including: late Rabbi S, Bloch (Birmingham, Sunderland, London); late
Revs S. Bloch (Glasgow) and G. G. Bloch (Ilford); Rev M. Bloch (Portsmouth and
The Borough); Rev C.M. Bloch (Portsmouth); and Rabbi Dr E. Kirzner.
Chronicle, 24 May 1946, page 13
Meeting of Brynmawr and Tredegar Congregation. The Sec A. Brest reported that
Rabbi Schwartz would shortly be leaving for the USA. Dr Cecil Sandler of
Hounslow elected representative at Board of Deputies.
Jewish Chronicle,
20 November 1953 page 19
‘Synagogue to be sold. No minyan at Tredegar’.
The Montefiore Centenary Synagogue, Morgan Street, which was built in 1891[sic]
is to be sold. Since 1944 no minyan and no services and the synagogue has been
almost permanently closed.
There was a temporary synagogue at 18 Queen Street.
Chronicle, 25 February 1955, page 19
Letter correcting article 'Some Notable Tredegarites' in issue of 4 February.
The Article did not mention Capt H. H. Roskin or his father A. D. Roskin, and
other matters.
Note to the letter from the Cardiff Correspondent of the JC: He interviewed Capt
Roskin who said he was born in Tredgar and his father, the late Aaron David
Roskin, built the synagogue there about 1884 and was chazan-shochet for a few
months before going into business in Tredegar, Beaufort, and Ebbw Vale until he
retired to Cardiff. The last time H.H. Roskin saw the Tredegar synagogue was in
1953 when it was in process of being demolished.
Chronicle, 25 March 1960, page 34
Death of Capt H. Roskin in his 78th year. Born Tredegar. Went to Cardiff
University BSc, then Oxford MA. Founded Cardiff AJEX 1933. Called to bar 1922.
In WWI served in Yorkshire Regiment on NW Frontier. Lived in Cardiff.
Chronicle, 10 July 1981, page 17
Obituary of Rev Chaim Goldman, Born Bialystock 1895, came to London in 1904. To
South Wales 1925, minister and shochet to Tredegar and surrounding communities
including Ebbw Vale and Brynmawr. In 1931 to Liverpool.
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Page most recently amended: 25 January 2025
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