In May 2005, Beryl Baleson wrote ...
I visited both Pinelands No. 1 and No. 2 Cemeteries which are opposite each other on both sides of the road, on Sunday, 27th March, 2005.
The grounds of both the Cemeteries are in need of repair. However, there are now plans to improve the overall condition. Pinelands was until very recently the only Cemetery in South Africa whose maintenance was controlled by the Cape City Council.
A Maintenance Board consisting of voluntary members of the Cape Jewish Community has now been formed and the City Council has withdrawn its workers.
Unfortunately I couldn't spend too much time walking around the Cemeteries as the Security Guard was concerned when he noticed vagrants in the area and suggested
that I leave immediately since he intended to remove the vagrants.
For that reason I was unable to take many pictures.
At Pinelands No. 1 which is completely full, the Beth Tahara is locked up. Further up the pathway is a Memorial to those who perished in the Shoah, but all Ceremonies on Yom Hashoah – or Holocaust Memorial Day – are held at Pinelands No. 2.
Besides the above pictures I did manage to take a picture of one of the neater rows of
graves. These graves date back to the 1950's.
At Pinelands No. 2 the Security Guard allowed me to stand at the entrance where I took a picture of Beth Tahara. On the left-hand side is the Memorial to those who perished in the various Concentration Camps. It is at this site that the Annual Memorial Service for Yom Hashoah – Holocaust Memorial Day takes place.
I noticed, and photographed a sign at the gate of the Cemetery which says:
Visitors are advised not to visit Graves on their own.
Please report to the office at Pinelands No. 2 and ask to be accompanied.
Beryl Baleson.
 Beth Tahara, Pinelands No.1 Cemetery