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JewishGen FactSheet — Just the Facts…

  1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
JewishGen Registered Users
Users - - - - - - - 106,526 149,903 197,222 241,328 286,901 326,007 367,929 409,617
JGFF — JewishGen Family Finder
Submitters 7,400 15,000 29,000 41,500 53,700 61,200 67,800 71,900 76,100 80,200 82,800 85,400 87,900 91,000 94,300
Entries 61,400 105,000 165,213 217,603 267,900 301,300 335,000 350,000 382,000 404,000 420,000 437,470 453,081 470,759 488,634
Searches 365,677 1,072,447 2,215,104 3,295,495 4,475,035 5,530,868 6,635,781 7,447,605 8,006,182 8,513,104 8,987,428 9,590,822 10,079,911 10,583,409 11,104,088
FTJP — Family Tree of the Jewish People
Submitters - 235 876 1,480 1,896 2,175 2,389 n/a n/a n/a n/a 3,708 3,918 4,274 4,652
Searches - - 184,245 374,298 585,997 786,577 981,070 1,256,491 1,551,757 1,819,438 2,067,746 2,365,815 2,612,876 2,892,255 3,189,700
Localities Online 68 184 198 211 228 238 264 268 282 320 342 376 412 424 469
Yizkor Book Project
Books Online 9 60 155 245 318 347 369 401 416 450 478 490 528 592 655
Translations 9 60 164 255 358 455 567 635 670 750 842 873 940 1,129 1,636
Online Classes
Number of Students 170 - - 240 - - - - - 37 235 276 321 274 240
Financial 735 845 1,396 2,107 2,110 2,975 1,779 1,988 2,579 3,076 2,913 2,880 4,284 5,740 7,749

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