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Translation of
Sefer zikaron le-kehilat Tuczin-Kripa

(Tuczin-Kripa, Wolyn; in Memory of the Jewish Community)


Project Leader: Anne E. Parsons
JewishGen Liason/Advisor: Lance Ackerfeld

Project Synopsis

This project is being initiated in order to fund the remainder of the translation of the Yizkor Book. Several sections of the Memorial Book have already been translated and are available on JewishGen, including the table of contents, sections from Chapter 2 (memories of former residence), sections from Chapter 5 (about the Holocaust) and the list of Shoah victims.

The goal is to provide an English translation for the most significant portions of the remaining pages, focusing on the history of the Jewish community, its major institutions and organizations, and personal testimonies and memorials. Approximately 129 pages need to be translated, 52 from Yiddish and 77 from Hebrew.* The translated text will be made available online on JewishGen.

Key Audiences

Descendants of the Jewish community of Tuchyn who are interested in learning about their ancestral community and lost relatives and want to contribute to the preservation of their heritage and making it accessible for future generations. Another key audience includes researchers around the world who are studying the history of Tuchyn and the uprising that took place there.

Project Importance

Yizkor books are unique sources of information on once vibrant towns, primarily in central and Eastern Europe, whose Jewish populations were destroyed in the Holocaust. Written after World War II by émigrés and Holocaust survivors.

Project Description

As funds become available, Yiddish and Hebrew sections will be translated into English according to importance, by a professional translator. The project coordinator will review the translation and work closely with the translators.

Estimated Cost

A full translation is currently estimated to cost $12,380. The cost for each section will be itemized on the Index page.

* The page numbers in the Table of Contents are for half pages. So, one page of the book will include pages 1-2, the second page of the book will include pages 3-4, and so on.


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