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The Genealogical Research Division of

Translation of
“Memorial Book of Mizocz”

(Mizocz; sefer zikaron)


Project Leader:
JewishGen Liason/Advisor: Lance Ackerfeld

Project Synopsis

A digital copy of the Yizkor Book in Hebrew has been obtained courtesy the Yiddish Book Center. This material will be available to all visitors to the JewishGen website.

Key Audiences

Expected audience would include descendants of families from Mizoch as well as students, researchers and others seeking to learn about life in this shtetl in the interwar period and during the Shoah.

Project Importance

A broader international audience and interest will occur when these materials are published online in English. The Yizkor book preserves a portrait of a community that disappeared in the Shoah, reflecting the context of daily life in the interwar period, structure and activities within the Jewish community, as well as a narrative of the annihilation of the community. (Published materials presently available on Mizoch include some of the most iconic photographs that document human degradation and death during the “Holocaust by bullets” in Eastern Europe. Translation of this book makes available context and the human dimension to those horrific images.)

Project Description

This project will make the translation of the book available in the Yizkor book area on the JewishGen website.


There is no copyright notice in the Hebrew version of the Mizoch Yizkor Book, however contact will be made with the original publisher of the Hebrew language book to coordinate and obtain photographs, if the originals still exist.

Estimated Cost

Estimated cost of this project is $9,000. Leftover funds will be used to provide further access to materials on Mizoch that may come to light during the project, or for other JewishGen needs as may be determined at the conclusion of the project. The cost estimate based on input from JewishGen Yizkor book coordinator based on length of book and current translation rates. It is the intent of the project coordinator to seek volunteer resources to expand resources used for this project. If this is successful, excess funds can be applied as mentioned above.


Phase I - Completion of Index and Appendix updating and expanding previous attempt to translate this material. AUGUST 2020
Phase II - Publication of materials which may be provided by university or other volunteer resources. MARCH 2021.
Phase III - Completion of the project. DECEMBER 31, 2021.


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Last Update: 6 Mar 2020 LA
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