Translation of
Kitever yisker-bukh
(Kitever Memorial Book)
Project Description
This project will translate into English the Kitever yisker-bukh (Kitever Memorial Book), edited by Eisig Husen, Kitever Sick and Benevolent Society in New York, New York, 1958.
The original book, in Yiddish and Hebrew, is available online at the New York Public Library:
Or at the Yiddish Book Center Site:
Key Audiences
The intended audience for the translated material will be English speaking descendants of members of the Kuty community who are looking to learn about and memorialize their ancestors. Additionally, another vital audience comprises researchers from around the globe who are interested in the history of Galician Jewish communities and wish to learn more about the history of Kuty specifically, both its vibrant past and the details of its destruction in the Shoah. Of further interest to some researchers in the field of Jewish history may be the town's connection to the Baal Shem Tov (Rabbi Israel Ben Eliezer). It has been reported that the Baal Shem Tov's brother-in-law resided in the village of Kuty.
Project Importance
This Yizkor Book holds the memories of those who lived a life no longer fully known to us. Within these pages is a first-hand account from those who are most likely all now deceased or extremely elderly. For researchers, genealogists, descendants, and future generations of the Jewish community, an English translation will widen knowledge and understanding of the lives of Galician Jews both long before and during World War II. Therefore, a book of collected interviews and memories with direct descendants of Kuty and survivors of the Holocaust is invaluable and should be available in multiple languages, particularly a language like English, which has arguably become a global form of communication. On another level, more and more people today deny the Holocaust's very existence, and it is the duty of those still here to expand and strengthen familiarity with the horrors that were committed and the enormity of what was lost.
Project Details
This project will produce an English-language translation of the Kuty Yizkor book (also referred to as the Kitever Memorial Book). The translation will be completed in accordance with the guidelines of the JewishGen Yizkor Book Project, though fundraising will be done through various means, separately from the organization itself. The Project Coordinator will work with the translator to ensure high quality work and completion of the project.
Estimated Cost
$6,000 7,000
The project will begin in earnest once approved by JewishGen. At that point, a translator will be hired and the translation will commence, with an estimated project length of one year.
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Updated 29 Oct 2021 by LA