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Translation of
“Memorial Book of Dubienka, Skryhiczyn and Dorohusk”

(Sefer Zikaron li-kehilot Dubyankah, Skaritsin, Dorohusk)


Project Leader: Susan and Shawn Dilles
JewishGen Liason/Advisor: Lance Ackerfeld

Project Synopsis

Translate entire contents of “Sefer Zikaron li-kehilot Dubyankah, Skaritsin, Dorohusk” to English, and post online with images (photos, maps etc) as permissions allow. This material will be available to all visitors to the JewishGen website. Once completely translated, the book will also be made available in a print on demand edition from JewishGen.

Key Audiences

The many descendants or residents from this town and nearby areas in Poland that now reside in English speaking countries, and others who may not have access to the original work.

Project Importance

About 2,160 Jews lived in the Dubienka area in 1939, and by 1945 the community was completely destroyed. Former residents that survived, and their relatives that immigrated to Palestine, America, and elsewhere produced this book documenting Jewish communal life in the town and also the destruction of their community. This is a valuable link in the chain of history and tradition for descendants, and will serve as primary source material for historians to document the Shoah. Translation of this book follows the translation of the Memorial Books of Krasnystaw and Hrubieszow to the southwest, and Horodlo and Ustulug to the south of Horodlo. The Dubienka translation will supplement those earlier translations and help paint a more complete picture of life in this part of Poland.

Project Description

A '.pdf' version of Sefer Zikaron li-kehilot Dubyankah, Skaritsin, Dorohusk scanned from an original at the U.S. National Holocaust Museum will be used as the source for translations, and for any images depending on permissions required. Translations of text and captions will be conducted by translators working under 'work for hire' agreements. All translations will be reviewed by the Project Coordinator and sent to JewishGen for posting online. Once the entire book has been translated and reviewed, it will be used by JewishGen Press to prepare a Print on Demand book.


Permissions are being investigated and will be determined before any original material is posted online or published.

Estimated Cost



Translation Begins approximately 1 March 2025 and will continue as funds become available.


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